
36 Reviews
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More than the marketing
5 May 2024
I gave this movie a 10 because it deserves more than 6.6 and I wanted to balance things out. Both Anne and Nicholas are excellent. Their chemistry is believable. You know the plot, but it is more nuanced than a typical romcom. I think this movie will speak to anyone who has experienced a love that does not fit the "usual" expectations of society. The joy, the awakening of something dormant or lost, the passion -- it's all there. That feeling of being seen. The perilous decision to trust another person with your whole self. These are universal dilemmas. The script feels emotionally honest. Which is why I think this movie will surprise the viewer.
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A much-needed closer look at Muybridge
13 June 2023
A comprehensive documentary of the rise and fall of a complicated man. We know him for the horse photos, but this film details his landscape photo work, his stereoscopic images, his "scientific" sequence photos that seemed to begin harmlessly enough but gradually became more and more voyeuristic and questionable. A man who lived through a time of profound mechanical change; a man constantly putting himself at risk for the sake of an image; a man of extreme temper... He may be the father of the moving image, but, surprisingly, his images also attest to him being an early proponent of photoshop! Gary Oldman adds some needed flavor and drama to the commentary, but all of the experts are interesting. I highly recommend!
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The Point Men (2023)
I only got halfway through...
21 April 2023
...before giving up. I'm a big fan of Hyun Bin, but this script was tedious. And who were the idiot missionaries who thought it was a good idea to go into Afghanistan? I mean seriously. I get that the movie is based on a real-life incident, but all that effort to rescue people who should have known better. This is what I call a man movie. There are no female leads. It's men talking and fighting. If you are a man, you might like it. If you are a woman, maybe not.

Um, since when is there a word minimum for reviews? I'm just going to type here until I fill up the required characters. Almost done. Whew.
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Madame (I) (2017)
Give it a chance
31 January 2022
I feel compelled to write a review since I see so many people rated it so low. Madame is a portrait of two people mainly -- the madame of the house, played by Toni Colette, and the maid, played by Rossi de Palma. Ultimately the film offers a scathing rebuke of the class structure and the blinkered focus of the wealthy. De Palma is compelling as always -- unusual, sexy, and adds so much nuance to her character. Colette's character is complex -- beautiful, insecure, aging, hyper alert, and, ultimately, jealous of someone else's happiness. Her cruelty is shocking, and I think this is why people have trouble with the ending. Perhaps they did not hear the last words of the man working on his novel. They explain everything.
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Hang in there for the ending
26 August 2021
I came to this drama post CLOY, in search of more Hyun Bin. Well, nothing beats CLOY, of course, but I thought the storyline here was a fascinating premise, and HB did a great job with his two selves, especially towards the end. Episode 19 is a heartbreaker. Unlike other reviewers, I did not feel the story was out of balance or that one character was more likeable than the other. They were two parts of one man. And when those parts begin to merge, we witness the pain and surprise for each character.

The FL here is wise about the heart, memory and human behavior. I appreciated the fact that she is often the emotionally smartest one in the room and is given the most perceptive lines. Of course it would have been nice if she had a life that was depicted outside of these two men. Unfortunately, her main job is to be the foil.

The two things that made this hard to watch are the two villains. Both are so over the top. I really wish the writer and director had taken it down a notch or two with these guys. Evil capital E is exhausting. I hated when they were on screen (and sometimes skipped through those parts). Too much of their storylines is unbelievable. The scenes with the hypnotist-therapist were especially a slog.

As a total experience, this drama is dragged down by the two villains and the slow pacing of the middle episodes, which all undermine the curious intelligence of the premise. HB is best towards the end, when his acting is more nuanced.
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1 June 2021
I couldn't help but think of the movie The Wife as I watched this film. I think I preferred the scenario of that one over this, in terms of the wife's "rescuing" of her husband's career. It just pains me to see a woman satisfied with the lack of recognition. I think I've had my fill of egocentric "brilliant" artists who suck all the air out of the room. I'd like to see this story line fade into the past.
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Bittersweet impossible love
12 May 2021
If you need a good cry, if you've lost someone you love, if you've loved an impossible love, this movie will hit the aching spot. The story reveals itself slowly, the acting is wonderful. Two souls meeting for some precious moments.
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Memories of the Alhambra (2018–2019)
Disappointed CLOY Fan
1 May 2021
I watched Memories of Alhambra because I am a Hyun Bin fan by way of Crash Landing On You. I am not a gamer. So this review is for anyone like me who wanted to see Hyun Bin in something else available on Netflix.

I'd say the beginning is fascinating because of the premise and special effects. Those are well done. And it's nice to see Hyun Bin's cheekbones again. BUT... the writing in this show is nowhere near the caliber of CLOY. About halfway through, the plot falls apart, and my impression is the writers just started throwing stuff out there like spaghetti on the wall to see what would stick. The logic completely breaks down, there's lots of shooting and killing, and Hyun Bin's character is a bit of an ass.

The female lead loses her personality quickly, and becomes a mere function instead of a character. The chemistry between her and Hyun Bin is very meh, no sparks as there are in CLOY. (He has more chemistry with her kid sister, and she's a tween!) It's all very beige. No heat. Just rain and lightning flashes and the tune Memories of Alhambra playing over and over again. At this point (I'm at Episode 14), I am sooooo sick of the song. Nothing like the poignant song placement in CLOY. No clever intertwined plot like CLOY. No fun side characters like CLOY. The women are all especially disappointing. By episode 10 is when the plot fizzles out and it just feels like random fights, blood and guitar.

So if you are curious, I'd say watch up to Episode 10 and call it a day. I'm really glad Hyun Bin found a meatier project with CLOY, where he can play a more complex character. Memories of Alhambra is a waste of his talent.

Ps - If you decide to slog through the second half, I wanted to add an extra note regarding the last two episodes. I don't know what people are going on about, because there is definitely closure to the story. All characters (except Marco?) have a resolution. It's very clear what the author has decided to do with the main character. Not sure why people are mystified by this.

But honestly, I think you can spend better time doing something else.
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Hyun Bin Most Compelling Actor I have discovered in 2021
3 April 2021
I am here for Hyun Bin. I never watch action movies. They are not my thing. I don't like to watch violence. What I appreciate in S. Korean movies is the "violence" is often incredibly choreographed. Whatever martial arts these guys do, they are good at it. Hyun Bin as an action hero is sleek, pained and damn good at his job. That may be all you need to know.
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Wonderstruck (2017)
10 STARS!!
8 March 2021
This is another big thumbs-up review to counteract the negatives. I am a fan of Todd Haynes and didn't even know this movie had happened, it was so far off my radar. Thank you NY Times for recommending it. In response to the negative reviews, I will say straight away that this is not an action movie. It is a movie about sound and silence, about lost parents, about the magic of movies and museums, about coincidence and the attractive quality of storytelling/fiction to give shape to the threads that make a family. It also is a very fun evocation of NYC in two different eras. I personally loved seeing the NYC of the '70s as that was my first experience of it as well. I say take a couple of deep breaths, slow your roll, trust the process, and allow for this movie to unspool before your eyes.
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Juanita (I) (2019)
Juanita is a gem!
17 February 2021
I am absolutely baffled by the poor reviews of this movie, complaining about the editing, wondering what happens next. Not every movie is tied up in a neat bow. Sometimes it's good to leave the audience in a state of wonder. Wondering what happens next. That's what life is. And this movie is a slice of life, with characters that don't often inhabit a film.

The black people are real, not stereotypes. The Native Americans are real, not stereotypes. There's a deep sense of authenticity in all the main characters. A city woman finds her way to Montana and stumbles into a community that accepts her and helps her thrive. Alfre Woodard is wonderful. How refreshing to see a film about mature people with pasts that often haunt them.

Breaking the third wall did not bother me. It was necessary at a point where Juanita has no one to talk to but the inside of her head. Someone I read here complained that this particular story device disappeared. It disappeared because she was fully engaged in her present. She didn't need her Blair Underwood fantasy. And by the way, he had so much fun with that role. It must have been hilarious for him to play it.

I highly recommend this film!!
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14 December 2020
I really wanted to like this film but the acting by the adult characters is generally awful. Sam of the title, who plays the father in the movie, is fairly good. And the kids are ok. But other than that it was a bit painful to watch. I ended up jumping forward through the second half of the movie, only stopping at parts that looked interesting.

Curiously, the film is billed as the story of a boy with autism, yet he seemed a minor character to me. Although we hear his interior thought at times in the beginning of the movie, the overall narrative of the film was a jumble. It mostly was about the abuse and bullying the kids received by other "regular" kids in school, and the parents bristling against the rules of a particularly strict Amish sect.

I was hoping to see the autistic boy saved by a the child psychiatrist or even some sense of completion to young Sam's story arc. Maybe I missed it in my jumping forward, but I think that plot line was left hanging.
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One Mississippi (2015–2017)
8 December 2020
This is a brilliant TV show. I wish there were more seasons. Tig Notaro is fearless. It's a whole different world (for me at least), these people who are making impactful creative work from difficult life experiences. I feel inspired and that there might be hope for me still.

Tig's dry delivery of truth is what we all need. The character of Kate lights up the screen. The chemistry between them is beautiful. The other characters are seemingly less dimensional at first but over the course of two seasons, everyone is nuanced. The stories and sub-stories woven throughout never stop being compelling.

I suppose this was marketed as a comedy, and there are funny moments, but it's way more complicated at that. I think we need a new category for those shows that straddle the comedy/drama divide. I know there is "dramedy," but that seems reductive. The wry, insightful intelligence of this show doesn't fit into the existing classification system.

Wouldn't it be amazing if shows like this were regular fare on network TV? It shouldn't be hard to find them. I watched this because of the documentary about Tig, which blew me away. (I think you can still see it streaming on that other popular streaming service.)

Anyway, I am a bit speechless. I highly recommend this show.
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10 October 2020
Dang, Radha Blank slays in this movie about a black woman playwright trying to keep her voice and be a success. It made me think about so many of my friends in decades past -- talented black women playwrights, directors and actors who made brilliant work but weren't heard or known on a large scale. This movie speaks for all of them. It speaks to me, as an aging creative person. Watch it for the sharp dialogue, compelling characters and joy of seeing a talented black woman saying her truth.
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The Assistant (III) (2019)
If you've been there, you will get it
2 August 2020
I am compelled to write a review after seeing all the dismissals of this film. For me it was heartwrenching, watching a young woman with hopes of being a film producer as she comes to terms with the misogyny inherent in her business. Her coveted job is mundane and demeaning, her boss is abusive and her office mates get her attention by throwing wads of paper at her, not even able to say her name.

Yet there is an arc to the minimalist plot. She sees more than one woman escorted in to her boss's office followed by muffled laughter and what we can imagine. When one particularly young woman becomes part of the pack, the assistant is moved to act, going to HR, for what is probably a familiar conversation for many women.

The dialogue is minimal, the office is bleak, and Julia Garner carries this film brilliantly, with all emotions flitting across her face.

If you are someone who prefers action movies and superheroes, this is not a movie for you. If you are a woman who has had an entry level job in any male-dominated business in NYC, this movie will speak volumes to you. (The detail of the paper getting stuck in the copier brought back memories of standing endlessly at those cursed machines.) I got a kick out of knowing exactly where the exterior of the office building was shot, and had much compassion for the main character, living "the dream," making it in NYC. It's not a pretty picture, but I was thrilled to see a woman's story told so fully and with wisdom.
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Love on the Spectrum (2019–2021)
A Great Bingewatch
29 July 2020
The thing that struck me most about this show is that dating on the spectrum is not so different from regular dating. We all want to connect with someone, love someone, build a life with someone. And some of us have a harder time than others in making that happen.

I haven't been diagnosed as on the spectrum but I certainly share some of the characteristics of the people featured -- I don't like loud noise, I have trouble with big crowds nearby messing with my concentration, my senses are heightened, I have trouble reading cues from men.

So I was really rooting for everyone. Some of the men featured in this show are the loveliest people, really extraordinary in their kindness. And many of the women are funny and smart. I applaud their willingness to get out there in the dating world.
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That Summer (2017)
For Grey Garden movie lovers
4 July 2020
Least interesting: Peter Beard, his collages, photographs, house and the quick footage in the beginning of his celebrity pals.

Most interesting: Big and Little Edie in all their time-capsule glory, and Lee Bouvier Radziwell's visits with them at Grey Gardens.

That Summer is comprised of mostly archival footage, interspersed with Beard's reminiscences and images. The loose premise of the early footage was to capture something of the old Hamptons, before it was saturated with the super wealthy. Lee, Beard and the Maysles fall into the wormhole of the Beales's lives, and the women's eccentricities end up being more fascinating than anything else.

If you are curious about what inspired the Maysles to make their film, this is definitely worth watching. Lee is a lovely presence who is kind to and appreciative of her relatives.
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Far From the Tree (V) (2017)
Excellent documentary
3 July 2020
Excellent movie exploring families with a child who is "different" in some way. Profoundly moving and complicated, even uplifting. Makes me want to read Solomon's book.
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Sweet Magnolias (2020– )
Oh Lord, Deliver Me From This Horrible Show
1 June 2020
This is the worst kind of saccharine, poorly written, horribly over-acted pabulum. Don't waste your time.

For those saying it reminds them of the Gilmore Girls, it is not half as clever, but the set is the same Gilmore set, so maybe you're just bedazzled by the familiar town square and house.
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Excellent movie!
25 May 2020
I have not seen the Italian version, but this French version is excellent! The film is centered around a dinner party. It is not a comedy. I have no idea who would classify it as such. It's an intense, intelligent look into the puzzle of relationships. The fantastic, smart script is like a Russian doll -- a story within a story within a story. Secrets are revealed, with unexpected twists. The end makes you think about all that we hide from each other. I was totally surprised by it and am still processing as I write this.
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18 Presents (2020)
Magical realism
23 May 2020
I loved the writing and story of this movie. Things begin one way but take an unexpected turn. Time twists. Wounds heal. Recommend highly.
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Unorthodox (2020)
Brilliant -- A Must See
20 April 2020
A realistic window into the cloistered world, rites and behavior of Hasidic Judaism in Williamsburg, NY, and a young woman who doesn't quite fit there. Excellent acting, writing, editing, directing. Shira Haas, the lead, is phenomenal. The dramatic tension is intense as the story unfolds in both a present time and flashbacks. I highly recommend. Two thumbs up. 10 stars. If you like a nuanced, vulnerable, compassionate story, I hope you will watch.
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Unorthodox: Part 4 (2020)
Season 1, Episode 4
Brilliant - Must See
20 April 2020
A realistic window into the cloistered world, rites and behavior of Hasidic Judaism in Williamsburg, NY, and a woman who doesn't quite fit. Excellent acting, writing, editing, directing. Shira Haas, the lead, is phenomenal. The dramatic tension is intense as the story unfolds in both a present time and flashbacks. I highly recommend. Two thumbs up. 10 stars. If you like a nuanced, vulnerable, compassionate story, I hope you will watch.
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Next in Fashion (2020–2023)
Great show with a great ending!!
8 February 2020
I binge-watched this entire season in ONE DAY. I thought Alexa and Tan had fantastic chemistry and were great hosts. I did wonder why some people got to work with long-time friends/proteges/colleagues where others were matched with strangers with an entirely different aesthetic. That didn't seem right.

However, I loved the clothes! I felt the final 2 definitely deserved to be there. And I completely agreed with who won -- I cried at the end, was so happy for the winner. I'm surprised by the criticism by some of these reviews that there was bias or the "wrong" teams/designers were sent home. I actually thought the judging was quite astute.

And I loved the comradery between all the designers. These were nice, talented people from all over the world. That was cool to see.

Binge this one, it's so much fun! Highly recommend.
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A fantastic movie about a talented, complicated woman
9 January 2020
I had no idea what this movie was about and had not heard of the book. That said, I loved the movie, loved Cate Blanchett as Bernadette and thought all the supporting actors were great.

If you are a creative person who feels you have fallen off your intended path, if you are struggling with feeling isolated and unproductive, I strongly recommend this movie. I love that it has as its main character a complicated, talented woman. It is so rare to see on screen and makes this movie vitally important. (More representation for interesting women!)

If history has shown us anything, it is how often talented women artists get tossed into asylums for not fitting in with the societal "norm." At last here is a movie that changes that narrative.
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