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I had hopes...
5 December 2023
I'm a lover of the original movie; it's a classic! I was excited to know they were starting a reboot trilogy and had high hopes. I honestly don't hate this movie, just wish it gave more nods to the original. The overall story was great and child actors were wonderful. I enjoyed the opening and general flow of the movie.

I wish the overall ambience was creepier. It literally had the same lighting and editing as so many current horror movies in the same genre. I wish that they would have carried over similar lighting, editing and camera work as the original. I think that would have upped the creep factor.

I also think if they upped the practical effects it would have been a game changer! Some of special effects were giving Disney Haunted Mansion Vibes from the early 2000's... nothing scary about an obvious computer generated anything.

When the continuation of the trilogy comes out- I will see them for sure. Just no rushing to any theater. Hopefully they scan and listen reviews to make tweaks to the next installment.
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Fall (I) (2022)
This had my heart racing...
30 March 2023
Here is a spoiler free insight into the movie "Fall." The base of this movie has our two main characters, who are adrenaline junkies, climb the apparatus seen on the cover/advertisements. The scripting allows you not to only get to know the main characters, but has them likable and relatable.

The shock value in the movie comes from fear of heights... like you didn't know that already. Well, as someone with that the fear of heights in open spaces this movie had me at the edge of my seat and deep breathing. There are some definite twists in this movies plot, and has you rooting all the way through.

Honestly, for the length of the movie they keep you vested through out. My least favorite parts was some bad CGI. I'd suggest giving this movie a go, but not a must see. Good thing I don't like climbing things....
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Sick (2022)
It's fine.
19 February 2023
I'm really intrigued by other reviews and praise this movie is receiving. From 1-10 I def think it's fall somewhere into the middle, and is chiche besides the 1 twist in the plot. This movie was a fun watch, also can be great background noise. #personalopinion

Something I think was missing in this movie was that they didn't have enough character building. I think that would have greatly changed the energy between characters and our relatability to them.

I lover the twists at the end, and motivator for the killer. Didn't see that coming. I think that was the best part of the movie, but again they don't go into depth enough. Did they rush scripting? No rewrites? I'd love to see a remake of this, and have more character building.
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M3GAN (2022)
Great Entry Level Horror
19 February 2023
Prior to watching this movie, I did watch several YouTube reviews. The movie is somewhat cliche, but the story was fun. I found it very entertaining and was pulled in quickly. The characters are relatable and acting was great by lead young actor. Thumbs up on casting for sure.

It's not a action packed film by any means. I will say the movie has a slow build with most of the excitement at the end. I personally enjoyed the story telling, and wasn't bored during the "downtime"... especially for the length of the movie.

The one thing I wish they did different was show so much if the excitement in the trailers. I feel that took away from any actual adrenaline rushes or scares in the film. Personally I do wish there was a little more thriller, kills, action once things did get started. You don't necessarily need to increase body count, but more shock value would have been fun for the audience. I would suggest giving it a watch, but maybe wait for it to come out on a streaming service you already pay for.
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The Birds (1963)
Good Story Line
16 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Finally had a chance to watch this classic and I genuinely enjoyed the movie overall. What I think is comical is the mothers reactions after the lead is attacked. 5 minutes ago you were a hot mess, and now that someone was attacked your chill?! Also, you think you can finish the bandages. Idk... to me this was a flaw of the director.

Overall enjoyable movie minus the mother at the end. I also wish the movie gave more closure. Give it a go... it's a classic.
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I Care a Lot (2020)
Kept me entertained the WHOLE time!
18 May 2021
I rarely say this about movies, especially since I'm a horror lover, but the opening of the movie really turned my stomach. I think this movie's concept is excellent because it's so strongly based in reality. The topic of choice could easily happen... and unfortunately, probably does.

I'm a person who easily can start and stop watching a movie because I loose interest. I loved all of the twists that kept me involved through out. I'm so happy I found this gem on Netflix and would highly suggest watching it.
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Selling Sunset (2019– )
A look into "California Livin!"
17 May 2021
I love watching shows that are California based and show what the other side lives like. Think Keeping up with the Kardashians and Girls Next Door meet real estate. It's fun and entertaining. If you like drama then you'll eat up the cat fights in this show. I think it's fun to see the insides of $10,000,000 homes and how they sell them.

I see so many horrible reviews on the show... if your saying it's scripted then they can't really be that bad?!? If they are true to themselves... we all know these people to various degrees. I binged all 3 seasons while sick in a day. Give it a go and form your opinion on it!
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Dirty Teacher (2013 TV Movie)
The PG-13 Teacher
21 February 2021
Honestly I enjoy these type of "thriller" movies. Most of them tend to be super cliché, and I want to give this one a try. Overall I enjoyed the storyline, however I feel like they could've spice things up even more than they did. Several of the scenarios that occur in the movie are highly unlikely to happen that way in real life. Also the way the movie progressed itself was pretty predictable.

I think the casting was good, but possibly with some script adjustments and a higher budget this might be getting more than a four or five star review. With a title like Dirty Teacher you would expect a lot more shock value out if the movie. Give it a go and see what you think.
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Escape Room (I) (2019)
The less gory version of Saw.
3 July 2019
I really enjoyed the base of this movie, however as my title suggests this movie reminds me of the Saw series. There were clues that connected the characters to the game they were playing.

I would suggest this movie for age pre-teen through adult, and anyone who enjoys a fun thriller. This movie has no scares, and low shock value. They do a decent job of making the characters likeable. Give the movie a chance, and I'm sure you'll be entertained.
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Terrifier (2016)
Uniquely Twisted
2 July 2019
A friend said they watched this movie alone, and it freaked them out... so of course I had to give it a go. I'm rating this movie 7 out of 10. Honestly, the acting was decent; the kills were awesome; and the level of creepy was on point. This movie featured some of the best kills I've seen in a long while in film, and I give them kudos for being inventive.

The reason I personally am not scoring the movie higher is based on a few things that were flawed. I felt that sometimes the body props that were used during scenes were not proportionate, taking away from the realism. I also think they could have had the people who were the prey be smarter, making the chase more unique. It was a bit cliche in that sense.

Overall I would actually suggest this movie to any horror fan; especially if you enjoy gore. It felt like a blend of the movies Wizard if Gore, IT and the Saw series combined. Give it a watch.

**If your a horror person you probably won't jump at all. Just watch in enjoyment. Teens might actually get scared...
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Greta (2018)
Decent, but underwhelming
30 June 2019
I had seen the previews for this a while ago, and really wanted to watch it. I'm always toughly intrigued when the villainous character is a woman. I decided to finally rent it via amazon prime, and here are my thoughts...

The basis of this movie is very realistic. I love movies that are based in reality when it's a thriller or horror movie. Its being placed in a big city, and the main "evil" character is seemingly innocent; just as the previews suggest. Sincerely, the the previews gives you a huge chunk of the movie in 90 seconds. Pros of the movie is that the speed or build of the movie is different than most... you start getting into the intriguing stuff by about 20 minutes into the film, and then it continues to build. Acting was great, and a few of the plot twists were intriguing.

However, as I watch the entire movie I had no feelings for about 98% of it. To me a good thriller takes you on a roller coaster ride of emotion, and I felt with this movie I kept wanting more. There was only a handful of original concepts in this movie, and a successful thriller either completely conforms to successful thriller equation... Or you need to fully step out of the box. My opinion.

I know I'm rating this movie only four stars, and that is specifically because it really did nothing for me. I think it's a great movie for pre-teens, teenagers in high school student, or younger thriller fans. If your bored and want a movie to play in the back ground it might be a good choice also.

If you give it a chance; enjoy the film! I look forward to seeing what others thought about it.
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Time Waister
16 June 2019
I love horror movies, and have been trying to start watching movies that aren't super main stream. I figured streaming services suggested it to me, so let me give it a go. The video quality and camera work isn't bad at all. I actually give that two thumbs up. However, every single character in this movie overacts almost everything. They made all the characters way larger than life, which instantly takes away from the possibility of it being real. I also feel the staging of this movie is very "just out of directors school."

I actually think with a different cast and director this movie could have been decent. I mean... it's just a bad horror movie. If you like those; give it a go!
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Halloween (I) (2018)
Highly Suggested!
19 October 2018
I'm someone who loves the horror genre and specifically slasher films. These films are the ones that can still get me to jump or double check to make sure my doors are locked prior to going to bed as an adult. The Halloween series has always been one that held a special place in my heart, and this addition is NOT a let down. Now onto my why...

1) If you have minimally seen the very first Halloween you will appreciate how they stylistically started the film. I personally thought it was a great way to pull the audience in, and get us to feel the way we did when we were younger watching Halloween for the first time.

2) Unlike past Halloween movies or traditional slasher films there is a good balance in between running from Michael and prepairing for his capture. I personally think the feel is more psych thriller with a horror vibe.

3) I loved that the varied scares/jumps planned out even had adult men jumping out of their seats in the theater. I just smiled.

4) I felt unlike other Halloween movies there they slowly add details to draw you in; this movie pulled you in from the beginning.

5) I don't know many horror movies that have plot twists, and I thought the ones this movie had were good.

6) They incorporated some comedic relief which actually made you LOL.

The only things I might change...

1) The movie is suppose to follow the first Halloween... however Halloween 2 is the continuation of that night. I feel like they should have honored that when creating this movie.

2) I wish some of the guys hair cuts were different. They actually bothered me... maybe they are trendy and I just don't know it?

Overall I think it's a great movie that will suck you in and have you entertained through out. I can't wait to see it again!
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The Darkness (I) (2016)
Good Story, but Cliché
14 May 2016
Hey Everyone,

If you are a horror movie fan like myself, you can probably pass on seeing this one. You knew when there would be a "scare" and the ending was pretty cliché. I do feel that the character development in this movie was wonderful! They actually allowed you to get to know the characters as the story unraveled. However, none of those family dynamics really played into the scares. In my eyes if you are giving me background on a character, or getting to know the characters weaknesses, they should somehow effect the overall story line.

I'm giving this movie a 4 out of 10 because the movie did keep me intrigued through out, and definitely more of a pre-teen horror movie. I wish the writers or director would have put in more scares and jumps. I would consider this more of a thriller than an actual horror movie. I'm interested in reading what other horror seekers feel about this one!
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