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Stealth (2005)
Don't Watch This Film
12 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
When I started watching this drivel the theme song from Team America: World Police spontaneously started playing in my mind. It didn't go away until I left the cinema, a sad and wiser man (although, fortunately, not poorer, as someone else paid for me to see it).

I say sad, although I did laugh on numerous occasions. This was not the laughter of joy; it was a kind of questioning "How did they get away with this?" kind of laughter at the sheer randomness of the universe in allowing this film to be made at all. From the clichéd white man/white woman/black man team, to the cringe-worthy scenes of recreation. From the amount of times the "superplanes" get damaged by debris from other aircraft to the woman who manages to shoot several of her pursuers with a random burst from her gun and force them to stop chasing her, despite her injuries, exhaustion, their superior numbers, dogs, blah, blah, blah - oh hold on, this is Team America Live Action. Now it makes sense!

I'm not sure what the worst aspect of this film was. Was it the story? The "hero" disobeys orders (leading to the AI plane disobeying orders and unleashing a radioactive cloud over thousands of innocents) orders his wingman to destroy the plane (leading to said wingman's death) steals the plane after he makes up with it, and attacks the North Korean border (as you might imagine, this potential start of an international conflict isn't exactly resolved at the end of the film) and _still_ gets the girl, and not a court-martial? Or is it the atrocious dialogue, the acting (another area in which this film is on a par with Team America)and the constant and pathetic use of clichés all the way through?

I wish I could say that I was pleased that the expected ending (hero shoots down the rogue plane and saves the day) didn't occur. But no! They somehow managed to find a worse resolution! In a sense, this is therefore a very special film, one so lacking in positives that it is a lesson to all potential film-makers as to how not to create a cinema experience. Unfortunately, there are likely to be a number of people for whom the explosions are enough to sell it. Sadly, I cannot rate this film as badly as I would like - the sight of the woman in a bikini is probably the only good thing about it, but she isn't that good-looking, it doesn't last long enough, and it very much does not make up for the rest of it. Worse than either Sahara or National Treasure (and that's saying something). This film was bad enough for me to register on this site purely so I could advise people not to watch it.

Don't watch it!
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