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Watch at your own risk of boredom
27 June 2021
I understand they probably had a low budget, I know they probably have a deep respect and love for the genre, but my gosh man I couldn't even get through the first 40 minutes.

The effects are terrible, and i wouldnt mind that as much if the acting or story was good but sadly they are not.

The story is bizarre and the monsters are uninteresting, the monster action is the biggest disappointment, I was really looking forward to good monster suit action, but after seeing them I knew that wasn't gonna happen. I bought this at walmart for 10 bucks and it isn't even worth that, I dont know if I would have paid 5 knowing what is it now.
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The Phantom (1996)
Pure fun, underrated
27 June 2021
Thia movie is awsome, I'm not to familiar with the phantom character, I've only seen the first 2 episodes of the serial but based on that small knowledge I feel this movie is very faithful to the character. Its VERY campy and I LOVE that, I grew up with the 60s batman and this feels like a more modern that. The phantom is lovable and charming and everything you want a hero to be, and the villain is corny and great!

Not your typical superhero movie but let's be honest, those are getting old fast, this was a great change of pace.

This movie is totally worth watching.
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Don't Look Up (1996)
Great beginning and middle, rough end
27 June 2021
I really enjoyed this movie, the atmosphere is so this with anticipation for the next scare. This movie truly did scare me and put me on edge.

It's a ghost movie with your classic Japanese type ghost, I wish it had gone into the ghosts backstory a little like the ring but that's just a small gripe with the film. The soundtrack is great and kicks in just when it needs to.

My biggest problem is the end, I feel like it was just way to mutch, less is more and the rest of the film is paced wonderfully and we see just enough of the ghost but the end she's front and center and I could have done with a little more subtle of an ending.
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Mousehunt (1997)
A great tribute to slapstick comedy
12 January 2021
This film was one of my favorite comedys as a child, I would watch the VHS over and over and i never got sick of it. This movie is surprisingly dark and the slapstick in this movie is excellent, it is absolutely hilarious whenever the 2 main characters are accidentally hitting each other.

The mouse is a great character of it's own, I dont k ow why it's so smart but I dont need to know, that's not the point of the movie, it makes me laugh and that's all I care about. Overall the story in this is extremely simple, the 2 brothers inherite a house from there dewd father and they want to sell it because supposedly it was made buy some kind of architect savant, but there is a mouse causing problems so they hunt the mouse. That's basically it and the simplicity of the story makes a lot of room for great gags and moments between the 2 brothers.

Overall if you haven't seen this you should it's funny, endearing, and over all a good time all around. The score in this film is also excellent.

I'd recommend to anyone
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Pinocchio (2019)
Strange strange strange
31 December 2020
Very strange! And I love it, not a perfect movie but so bizarre it makes up for its fault I feel.

This really reminded me of Jim Henson's the story teller, like some kind of sick fairy tale of see on there that would give me nightmares as a kid, my favorite characters are probably the fox and the cat, they cracked me up. It's a little long but if you're a fan of slightly darker fairy tale tellings you should give this a try
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To strange not to see
31 December 2020
I dont know who thought this was a good idea but I'm glad they did. Honestly this is one of the strangest things I've seen, believe me it's not good at all, but please watch it, you need to see it.

There are so many strange things in this, chewbaccas family scare me, and they put lyrics to the cantina band music. The only decent thing about this is the cartoon bits, watch the rest of it just for curiosity.

You haven't lived until you have seen this
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Surprised I just found this
31 December 2020
As a kid I saw a couple episodes of the cartoon, but never knew there was a live action version, when I found that out I watched it on YouTube where you can find all the episodes.

The comedy in this is very strange, they do this one file cabinet gag like every other episode, and I dont think it always works but for what doesn't work there are 5 things that do, this show is ridiculous, why does the gorilla have a bottomless bag? I dont know, why do the ghost busters get there missions from a secret guy with self destructive tapes? I dont know, but that's the part of the show I like, it's so crazy you are bound to laugh at something.

The best part is when spencer and the gorilla interact with one another, it's fun to laugh at how stupid the Spencer character is.

Overall if you like comedy from this time period, and a supernatural setting, or if you just like goofy gorillas, give this a shot.
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My 2nd favorite star trek movie
31 December 2020
This movie is a far superior improvement to the original movie, this film is a sequel to the original star trek episode space seed, so if you haven't seen that I'd recommend it before watching this.

This is probably the most talked about star trek movie and for good reason, it's very well made and has a great memorable villain. I saw the theatrical version and not the directors cut but I heard the directors cut is better so I'll probably watch that soon and I recommend that be the one you watch.

Lots of good character moments in this, the friendship between the cast is very prevalent, that's what I love about star trek is the character interactions and there is plenty to love here
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Not the worst, worth a watch
31 December 2020
Definitely not the worst star trek film, but far from the best. It doesn't really seem like they knew how to handle a star trek movie while making this and it feels somewhat to serious at times, and the scenes where they show off the ships, especially the alien ship go on WAY to long, I get what they were doing just be prepared for that.

The cast is dubbed whenever they are on the bridge and it is mostly unnoticeable except when spock talks, which is a shame, he sounds just strange when he is on the bridge.

Overall I love the story and the character moments with the original cast while the new cast is take ot or leave it, I could have done without them.

If you're going thru original star trek series dont skip this one.
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Star Trek (1966–1969)
One of the best
31 December 2020
My second favorite show next to the twilight zone, some of the best science fiction stories I've ever seen on television but the real reason you should watch this is for the characters, all of them are spectacular and you will grow to love them all unlike the future iterations of star trek where some of the characters are hit or miss.

My favorite episode is probably the last episode of season 1, or maybe the one where they go to a planet run by 1930s gangsters. There is something in this for everyone and even when the show gets super campy it's great. 🖖
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Mulan (2020)
No honor
31 December 2020
Loses allot of what makes the original good in my opinion, example, in the be a man sequence in the original she overcomes the tasks through her determination and smart thinking, and in this its just because she has more "chi" than everyone else and she is special for no particular reason.

I also feel the action scenes in the film make to many cuts, I wish it was just one continuous shot on the action so I can tell what all is going on.

One character that bothered me whenever he popped up was the emperor, the man has no emotion and I cant tell if they meant for him to come off that way but it really annoyed me, I also think he is dubbed and that is not his actual voice because the voice doesn't match the dudes look and he shows no emotion when he talks.

This movie is meh, if I had never seen it I wouldnt care nor would I have missed out on anything.
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Alien Worlds (2020)
4 December 2020
This documentary tricks you by making you think you'll be watching a show about possible alien life, when in reality you're watching a show about lame stuff on earth you probably already know about.

This show is only interesting because of the alien stuff but it stays on earth most of the time because it keeps comparing the aliens to earth things. Why do aliens on alien planets have to be like earth animals anyway? Why can't it be something interesting I've never seen? I found myself getting bored often and I dont feel we should limit alien life by just making stranger looking earth creatures.

There are better versions of this show so I would skip this if I were you
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Short strange movie
13 November 2020
This movie is very strange and definitely not for everyone. At only 50 minutes long it's very short, but it uses it's time wisely and the film doesn't drag in any places. The ultraman character in this film is a germaphobe and hates dirt, that's definitely the strangest part of the film, he has to overcome is fear of dirt to save the day.

This film is very comedic, it may as well be a straight up comedy, it pokes fun at some of the goofier sides of ultraman and it is not meant to be taken seriously, it is also for kids so keep that in mind when you watch it. The original ultraman cast makes cameos in this and I loved it, Ide is my favorite character from the series and I loved seeing him again, all of the cameos were very funny and I found them adorable, you can tell everyone is having a good time.

Overall I would say if you're an ultraman fan you may as well watch it, it's short and on YouTube, and even if you're not you can still get laughs out of this and the final fight is actually really entertaining.
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For kids, but not bad
10 November 2020
This movie is obviously for younger children, but that doesn't mean there is nothing to enjoy here. The fight scenes between ultraman and the baltan are awsome and this film deserves a watch just for that. Some of the CGI isn't very good, that my main complaint, but is was 2001 so that's really just a nitpick. There are some really goofy scenes like this part where all the people start singing to the baltan, witch I thought was hilarious. I started watching the ultraman cosmos show before I saw this, I didnt even know this existed, I dont think u have to watch this to watch the show but I would recommend it.

The characters and acting aren't bad and the plot is serviceable for a movie aimed at kids, not for everyone I'm sure but I really enjoyed it. The music at the end is a jam.
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Not a hunt for bigfoot
7 November 2020
This film is more like the story of the history of bigfoot and the earliest encounters with him and not really trying to prove his existence or catch him, which is a breath of fresh air. I hate it when I watch a documentary about looking for sasquatch, and after an hour and 30 minutes I get nothing, they never find anything, maybe some noises but that's it. This is much more informative and is a real interesting watch for anyone interested in the topic.
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Hell Fest (2018)
An intense film with bland characters
1 November 2020
The main problem I have with this movie is I know nothing about the antagonist, of course the easy explanation for his actions is he's insane, but even in Halloween it explains Michael's whole backstory at the beginning of the film, you know everything you need to know about him at the start, and I feel like the guy in hell fest is kinda lazily done. Not saying there is nothing to enjoy here, there is lots of gore and intense scenes to enjoy, and the acting is surprisingly competent, I just wish they were more fleshed out.

If you watch this dont expect anything special
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Motel Hell (1980)
Bizarre movie
1 November 2020
This is one of the strangest films I've seen, and I feel like it made it a little hard to get into. Dark comedy's are great, I love films like scream or Texas chainsaw massacre 2, but I feel like it works better there because the comedy is believable, and the story is more grounded, maybe more so with scream then tcsm2. This film is so off the wall, none of the characters are likable, and that made it really hard for me to care about anybody, and the main 2 characters that run the motel, I feel like there motivations could have been fleshed out a little more. I question the decisions of everyone in this.

This film may not be for me but that doesn't mean it's not for everyone, I'm sure people could enjoy the goofy dark humor, and the gore and disturbing cannibalism, but for me I just felt like the first to texas chainsaw movies were better versions of this.
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Psycho II (1983)
A surprisingly good sequel
1 November 2020
This film takes place 20 some years after the first psycho, and the things this film does whith that is great. Norman Bates is released because he is no longer insane, but there are some people who dont think he should have been released. All of the actors are great, especially Anthony Perkins, he is as good in this as the original. This film is intense and I was on the edge of my seat wondering what was gonna happen next, I love the original psycho, and was pleasantly surprised with this film.
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A great sequel
28 October 2020
This movie is even better than the last one. Mothra makes this movie and adds another monster to root for, and this film also is kind of a sequel not only to godzilla against mechagodzilla, but also the original mothra film with returning cast and plot points. The action is awsome and of course is why you watch a film like this, to see the monsters fight, but on a second viewing I was surprised how good the human characters were, I liked them a lot.

This is a great end to the millennium mechagodzilla duelogy and a must watch for kaiju fans.
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Poltergeist (1982)
Haunted house movie on steroids
28 October 2020
I just watched this movie and it was not at all what I was expecting, I was expecting a subtle creepy ghost movie and instead I got explosions, giant monsters, and ghost goo and I love it. The characters in this in my opinion are the best part, they are so likable and real, and I really felt for the mother who just lost her child, and the bond the mother and paranormal investigator woman make is very heart warming.

Great effects, genuinely creepy moments at times, but this movie isn't afraid to go off the walls. It gets more interesting and mind blowing the longer you watch it, and if you haven't seen it it's on Netflix right now so you totally should
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27 October 2020
Vincent Price kills it in this, the film is very atmospheric and creepy, I actually jumped a couple of times which surprised me for a film from the 60s. The last 3rd of this movie is the best, my favorite scene is this crazy dream sequence, it came out of nowhere and the usher family all look so terrifying.

All of the actors are good and Vincent Price of course outdid them all, if you're in the mood for a slow atmospheric suspenseful horror film, I'd recommend this, especially at night with the lights out.
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Gorgo (1961)
Great blend of King Kong and Godzilla
27 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This movie deserves a higher score than a 5, it's great. The first half is more like king kong where they capture the monster and take it to London to make profit, and the second half is Godzilla where the mother comes to destroy the city and take back her baby. The atmosphere in this is great, I love all the fog, and when the monster is destroying the city the scy is blood red and it looks really cool. The destruction is the best part and this movie gets really dark, people are committing suicide to get away from Gorgo, Gorgo is crushing people with debrie, and people are trampling each other trying to get away.

This movie makes you feel really bad for the baby Gorgo but this is one of the few monster movie that has a happy ending for the monsters at the end and a bad one for the human and I love it, definitely worth a watch.
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Great Godzilla Fun
24 October 2020
This movie has a lot of cool ideas, like using the original Godzilla's bones to make mechagodzilla, which really gives character to this mechagodzilla that we didnt get in the previous one. The human characters are really good for a godzilla film, the main female character has to prove herself after getting some of her team members killed in a battle with Godzilla and it really makes you feel for her and want her to succeed.

This movie has great action and effects, even though some of the CGI is a little dated. There is a lot of fun to be had here and I recommend it.
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Great movie, but not as good as the first one
23 October 2020
This film is great, especially is you're a giant monster lover. There doesn't seem to be as much monster action in this than in guardian of the universe, but when the monsters fight it's really cool, especially the last battle, even if it takes a while to get there. This film has a few semi horror scenes that I wasn't expecting, and it's great, the villain in this, Legion, is really cool and there are a lot of tiny Legion for the humans to deal with while Gamera takes care of the big one. The human characters in this aren't the best but they aren't bad or anything. The suitmation and effects are top tier and rival the best godzilla movies.

Overall I would recommend this to giant monster movie lovers only, especially if you've seen guardian of the universe already.
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A mediocre plot with a laughable hero
22 October 2020
This film is not very good, but that's not to say it's not enjoyable. This has got to be one of the lamest superheroes I've ever seen, none of his plans work and he has psychic powers but almost never uses them. His super powers include psychic power that he rarely utilizes, super strength? I cant tell if he has super strength or if he is just a stronger than average man but I think we are meant to believe he has super strength, and he can jump really high for some reason. He has this car which I actually thought was pretty neat, it's got these blades that come out of it. The villain and plot definitely dont do this movie any favors, the faceless giants definitely have faces and the villain is just some guy with glasses, not very memorable.

It's fun to make fun of the main protagonist and his sidekick friend, they both look and act ridiculous, the only way I would recommend this is with Rifftrax, they make it watchable. Without them it's still a movie I could have sat through but they definitely made is easier.
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