
20 Reviews
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The Revenant (I) (2015)
The passion of the leo
27 September 2018
Visually stunning, the acting, is superb, the acting would have needed strength and stamina, DiCaprio has a body of work for his age, he really is in a class of his own, I enjoyed the revenant a heap, its a fantastic addition to the western genre. 10 out of 10
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Straw Dogs (1971)
Straw dogs misunderstood masterpiece
27 September 2018
Alternative cinema ultra violent uncompromising 1971 A unique study on violence, my favourite Peckinpah film, and Dustin Hoffman was on fire, great actor, great director, artistic control, cinema rules
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Big River Man (2009)
Best documentary ever
27 September 2018
Big river man, a truly great movie, about a truly great man. Superman exists, and this movie proves it, its funny its sad, and a film that truly moved me. BRM is also a very spiritual film, truth is far stranger then fiction, old and young will love this triumph of a film. Flawless
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Pulp fiction is 21 years old. Me thinks roger wrote that script by himself
27 September 2018
Kill bill is boring, in 1997 when pulp fiction came out, it changed cinema. And rightly won best original screenplay at the Oscar's. What people forget, is a dude called roger wrote it with him, and he won an Oscar as well. Tarantino has never bettered pulp fiction, and never will, his films will always have Weinstein attached to them. Making violent films is your thing, oliver stone turned natural born killers into a masterpiece, and the late tony Scott made true romance a cult classic, make something special tarantino, as your filmography ain't that great
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Mother! (2017)
Aronofsky smacks us in the face, goodboy
27 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
If you are not a fan of aronofsky, or have not seen his films, do not start with mother. I have been waiting a decade, for him to make a film, that would rival requiem, and mother is the film he had to make. And the film Jennifer Lawrence's agents wished she did not make. Aronofsky uses his influences, but never steals. Mother puts aronofsky in a rare position. Making art within the studio system, and never compromised. The mainstream will never be OK with people eating a baby. Thank you for an excellent film, and introducing Hubert Selby Jr to me. Subversive cinema hits every note, Lawrence won't make such a dangerous film again in her career. And you won't see a baby getting eaten at Hoyt's cinema ever again. Mother reminds me, film is awesome, and aronofsky is one of the great american filmmakers in the industry. My one dream is aronofsky makes another Selby film. The only director who could successfully make last exit to Brooklyn, does anybody know who owns the rights to Selby's the demon, it would make an awesome stand alone sequel to requiem for a dream. Mother rules ok
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He Never Died (2015)
Complete surprise, funny and original
3 February 2018
He never died, was a fun interesting horror film, henry Rollins acting is excellent, and I haven't had as much fun in a film for a long time, I did not want it to end. Don't be fooled into thinking it is a B grade movie. Henry carries this movie with ease. Only flaw is the DVD cover is misleading. Enjoyable film
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The Gift (VI) (2015)
joel edgerton directs mini-masterpiece, jason bateman awesome
14 June 2017
i watched this film the other night, not expecting much, boy was i wrong... i have not seen a revenge film as good and as balanced as the master Peckinpah. the fact edgerton acts and directs this film makes him an absolute true talent. it has hints of hubert selby jr, it has you right from the start. jason bateman's acting is superb. he nails this DRAMATIC role, i would easily say this is his best acting role ever caught on film, if edgerton continues to make films like this, he could become a legend, i can't fault the film. i think we have found a new great director. go joel
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great movie.. Jodie foster rules 1976
6 May 2017
fantastic film, what a great child young actress she was... martin sheen is a full on scary dude in this. i was really not expecting it to be such a great film, some may argue, but foster's performance in this movie rivals taxi driver. and martin sheen should have made heaps of films as a bad guy, because he is excellent, and brings the horror in a plain creepy way, but never over the top. this is a top film for film lovers of thrillers & horror done in a subtle way.this is a must see
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Trash Humpers (2009)
this film is excellent - but it shouldn't be
22 January 2017
i love trash humpers, its an ugly and beautiful movie, i am a korine fan. but for me, this is his best movie since his debut gummo. there is something genuinely creepy in trash humpers, it has horror elements, but not the ones you expect. the film has an otherworldly feel, lots of people will say i can make a film like trash, its a load of crap that could be made by a 5 year old. the truth is, you cant make trash humpers unless your talented and can make film. the movie finds away to make the mundane freaky and does not compromise on the rights and wrongs of filmaking. again i love trash humpers and the more movies made with the rule book chucked out. bring it on. exciting cinema
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A great movie, that took me by surprise
22 January 2017
natural selection - my friend picked this film to watch, and it looked like a slapstick comedy, luckily for me it wasn't. i was not familiar with the actors, but thought all the performances were excellent. this film has a lot of heart, its quirky, but not in a pretentious way. an excellent movie about love and relationships. i found the movie touching sad funny and never knew how the film would end, right up until the credits started to roll. i recommend this movie to just about everyone. if you track it down, grab it you maybe as surprised as i was. fantastic drama comedy, that is as good as any movie with the big budget and big stars.
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Groupie (2010)
enjoyable b grade movie
22 January 2017
Eric roberts, taryn manning, murder rock n roll sex, what could go wrong? nothing really, except the movie is hilariously bad, if your looking for a bit of a laugh, it hits the right notes, i swear eric roberts has pink eye for the first half, and ask's to be killed, and if he wants to keep acting, he must stay off the weed, the band were crappy, and to be honest, no one would put a curse on them. they are already cursed with there terrible songs.... and guys please leave pyrotechnics to KISS...+ i did not see David Copperfields name in the credits, yet somehow a guitar just explodes and disappears, then magically reappears. taryn taryn taryn. please make more movies like this as it stirs emotions in me that i just cant explain. watch
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one for the fans
22 January 2017
if you are a fan of sonic youth or nirvana this movie is for you, you have to be a fan to get into this one, lots of live tracks, behind the scenes footage, but not really a coherent or has much of a narrative, i think there is a DVD copy available now, not sure if there is an Australian region 4 version. but it is available as a region 1. looking back on this movie, it could have been a true classic as some of the live footage is spectacular and the cast are truly interesting and inspiring characters, but that side of the film is cold, and keeps the audience at a distance. as a time capsule it keeps the myth of grunge and nirvana fully intact. watch it with a fan
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Irreversible (2002)
found hard to watch - but also rewarding
2 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
the start of this movie hits hard and its ugly, if i had of walked away or turned off, i would have missed out, i must admit the length of rape scene is extremely hard to sit through. but the most amazing thing in the film, is that we as the viewer know what is going to happen, and have to make the decision if we are going to go to the rape, and i found that was done brilliant... before the rape scene even happens..... i was watching just going no no no, don't go down there. maybe because it was subtitled i thought the language that was used in the scene so disturbing(to be honest i might have made a cup of tea about 3 mins in)the scene is unrelenting and goes for an eternity....but for me the second half is what makes irreversible a winner. it is really beautiful, some people mention clockwork orange, but to me it is almost a love letter to 2001 a space odyssey. i don't like graphic violent films...but this film, it has context and works... I've heard cassell & bellucci say this film will be talked about in film schools for years to come. i agree. its also one of those frustrating films in that i would hate for it to be put with exploitation & genre films because of the first half. i will leave my review at that, i'm waiting for gasper noe to make another great film..... as ENTER THE VOID.....was a movie i had been hanging out to see. and i rate it a of the most boring movies i have ever seen.
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19 May 2016
im Australian, and this is the best Aussie movie ever made, i love it, its so unsettling, i cant believe it was made in 1971, as it has not aged one bit, i have read that the candian director ted kotcheff has said it is his best film. he directs this movie in a way, that shows Australia in a light that is not seen very often, i don't think a lot of people in the Australian film industry liked this movie when it came out, the movie has been very hard to get, until the last 10 years, it is now considered a cult classic. im 36 and can remember chasing this movie down when i was in my early 20's, i couldn't stand the rambo movies, but was told that first blood was different, and it sure was, i was really impressed, and could not believe how such a great movie could spawn such crap. so i looked up the director and thats how i found wake in all made sense then. kotcheff uses Australia as another medium for horror, great film making. it would be great too see some more Aussie films like this one. please no more WOLF CREEK........
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Nil by Mouth (1997)
brilliant - acting superb - heartbreaking
19 February 2016
this is one angry movie, that never lets up, gary oldman has only directed the one film, and its a beauty, the script is one of the nastiest bits of writing, its just unrelenting, the acting is so realistic, extremely depressing but would have be in the top ten films of the 90's. it is heavy going, but like a car crash you cant keep your eyes off it..... kathy burke is sensational, boy she can act, she can do comedy, but the drama she does in this, is so deep and in character. if this is the only film oldman makes, he has made a minor classic 10/10 punk rock cinema, ray winstone is as ugly as it gets, one of his best acting roles ever...this movie seems to get overlooked. great cinema
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what a horrible movie - why?
19 February 2016
this movie is the worst, i'm astounded by the positive reviews, it is just sick for no other reason. time has not diminished how disgusting the film is. why? what does anyone gain from watching this stuff.....this film used to be banned in Australia, and i generally don't think anything should be censored, but the idea of people sitting down and enjoying this movie makes me feel sick - people keep bringing up the exploitation genre as some kind of reason the movie is OK to watch. people that know that genre, and I'm not talking about the Ilsa sequels. this one is pathetic in every way. i hate this movie, and please people avoid it like the plague. and if you gained pleasure from watching this film, please get help!!!!
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Crazy Love (1987)
lucky to see this one on TV - i loved it
19 February 2016
crazy love, i saw this movie In my teens and it really affected me emotionally, it is a sad movie acted well, and I'm a huge bukowski fan, this movie often gets looked over, i think in tone it is actually one of the best adaptations of any of his work, especially the third act. (love is a dog from hell) the original title. deals with the material spot on. i have told a lot of my friends about it,but it seems very hard to find, if your a charles bukowski fan, i think this film is a must see. be warned though this movie is for adults only, as the material is pretty extreme. beautiful, ugly, satisfying movie. if you cant find a DVD copy, check your TV guides in Australia as you maybe lucky like me and see it on sbs TV
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i was depressed for weeks - this movie is epic
19 February 2016
i watched the theatrical version with both movies together, i am a huge lars von trier fan, have seen antichrist and his other harder films, i have read that this is the last film in his depression trilogy which is antichrist melancholia nyphomaniac. this film was so powerful, i found the experience menacing. the meanings i have got from the films is that we are all inherently evil. but in these films (it really is women are all inherently evil). nyphomaniac is so massive in scope it blows the other films away. the film is repellent. but still a genuine work of art. i hated it and loved it at the same time. for a man to make a film about female sexuality is a bold thing to do, lars nearly always has the lead as a female, but with this subject matter the man has got guts that's for sure, i saw the film with a female friend, she had a similar experience to me. i have not said this about any other film, and i loved antichrist, this film was hurting me, yet i could not stop watching. anyone who says its a black comedy or has comedic elements don't listen, this is his most serious film to date, unlike antichrist where the evil is quite obvious, in this movie the evil is insidious, it creeps around and gets right under your skin. i feel he has triumphed in his trilogy, and has committed a very dark entity to celluloid. not for the faint hearted. and please do not watch this movie, before you have seen some of his other work. as you need to build up to this one. (lars you are my favorite catholic, but you scare me)

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Over the Edge (1979)
cool movie!!!!
19 February 2016
i love this film, my childhood was exactly the same, this movie should be talked about more and seen, its the best high school teen movie ever made. big influence on the larry clark films, the smells like teen spirit film clip, over the edge was the inspiration. think fast times at ridge high, but serious. movies like KIDS, BULLY, were inspired by this film. for 1979 it was way ahead of its time, the high school movies made now are a joke, schools should use this film, its perfect, not one ounce of sentimentality if i was a 16-17 year old i would love this film. sad thing is the film has become just a footnote, rather than a genre definer, if you kids think breakfast club is cool, once you have watched this you will change your mind
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was depressed for weeks after - this movie is epic
19 February 2016
i watched the theatrical version with both movies together, i am a huge lars von trier fan, have seen antichrist and his other harder films, i have read that this is the last film in his depression trilogy which is antichrist melancholia nyphomaniac. this film was so powerful, i found the experience menacing. the meanings i have got from the films is that we are all inherently evil. but in these films (it really is women are all inherently evil). nyphomaniac is so massive in scope it blows the other films away. the film is repellent. but still a genuine work of art. i hated it and loved it at the same time. for a man to make a film about female sexuality is a bold thing to do, lars nearly always has the lead as a female, but with this subject matter the man has got guts that's for sure, i saw the film with a female friend, she had a similar experience to me. i have not said this about any other film, and i loved antichrist, this film was hurting me, yet i could not stop watching. anyone who says its a black comedy or has comedic elements don't listen, this is his most serious film to date, unlike antichrist where the evil is quite obvious, in this movie the evil is insidious, it creeps around and gets right under your skin. i feel he has triumphed in his trilogy, and has committed a very dark entity to celluloid. not for the faint hearted. and please do not watch this movie, before you have seen some of his other work. as you need to build up to this one. (lars you are my favorite catholic, but you scare me)
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