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Dune (2021)
Epic, Ethereal, Enthralling and a Movie of Biblical Proportions
26 October 2021
This is the highest quality of monumental film-making. Immense, immersive world-building comes first, big action spectacle ignited the screen later but Denis Villeneuve never forget to masterfully bring forth intimate character moments. But hey, no disrespect to Villeneuve who directed this with impeccable skill sets, for me Rebecca Ferguson and Hans Zimmer are the real heart and soul of Dune. Ferguson performance not only breathed a whole lot of depth into Lady Jessica herself, she also serves as a medium and allows you to understand Paul. Zimmer on the other hand composed a youthful cosmic music that is constantly telling a story of it's own. The entire experience was enthralling to say the least. The only downside of this is that we will have to wait at least 2 years to get a sequel.
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CODA (2021)
Small movie but Big with details and feels.
14 August 2021
Let me just start by saying that Apple did dirty to this movie by simply burying it without giving even minimal promotion or marketing because CODA is amazing. Easily one of this year best and deserved to be seen by more people. The story of CODA is simple yet it is rich in emotions, it will tug at your heartstrings and stir up your feelings. It gives much needed representation to under-represented deaf community/families and shines light on and gives us view into some of their problems we will never know about like being alienated from the outside world. This in other hand could fall into the victim of being overly-sentimental and unnecessarily dramatic but Sian Heder carefully directed this movie and it shows. Every moment of the movie is simply magical, heart-warming and furthermore, the performances from the whole cast is deeply moving (particular from the father. The scene where he tried to feel his daughter sings got me in tears) and only adds authenticity into the air. Not to mention it's beautiful photography too. The way it captures seaside town and people is stunning to look at. I left this movie feeling cozy and with a big smile on my face. And this is the kind of film people need to see in these difficult time.
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Will there ever be a time when the sins of father don't fall to their sons for redemption?
27 July 2021
Stunning. Simply stunning adaptation of one of the best and also very first comic book I've ever read. The best from DC animation since TDKR Part 2, and overall, one of the top tier offsprings this franchise ever produced. Part 1 is great but it is this Part 2 that takes the cake with more grittier actions, more on the edge mystery and more intimate character moments. The script made some changes from the graphic novel (but don't worry, it keeps all the important elements intact) and even tho I kind of hate that this film resolves the ambiguity that makes everyone still talk about the graphic novel untill now, none of the changes are by no mean bad and makes sense for this version. The animation may seems cheap but this kind of Archer style with dark lines around the edges perfectly captures the film-noir like mood about this classic Batman detective story. And also don't forget about the End Creditttt! After the mixed reaction to The New 52 it seems like DCAU is trying to rebuild everything. Good to see that.
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Pig (I) (2021)
Mandy, Color out of Space, and now this I am loving Nicolas Cage Renaissance
18 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
John Wick but what if he is a chef? Pig (2021) gives an answer to that and at the same time defies all the expectations at every turn that it felt both weird and un-weird. It is rather an anti-revenge movie, a tender, meditative tale of coping with loss and emotionally affecting ever lasting feeling of grief. While the first time writer/ director Michael Sarnoski polished and nailed pretty much all the aspects (the way occasional outbursts of humor are handled is particularly excellent), the star of the movie unsuprising is Nicolas Cage who underneath long beard and swollen face shows the vulnerable and melancholy side of his that we have never seen before. He is undoubtedly at his best in years with understated, quiet, almost monk like performance. In his brief re-entering into a society Cage's character Rob took a swipe at the superficiality of modern restaurant-culture, faced with the past and gave love to those who needed, but the real potency lies in the way he delivers the most difficult task of forgiving when asked.
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This criminally overlooked Power Rangers series deserve much more love
7 January 2021
Even tho I didn't watch some of them until the end (Samurai, Megaforce and Mysticforce), I had seen pretty much all the Power Ranger Series before. But strangely enough, I never saw and didn't know anything about RPM up until last month. I did PR marathon 4 years ago and somehow, I skipped this series. But after tied-in with Beast Morphers Season 2, I knew that I have to go back and watch it, and today I finished this, and hot damn, RPM is god-tier, easily my top 5 series of the franchise. It is more matured, darker and serious take on Power Rangers series. Terminators and Mad Max: Road Warrior inspired apocalyptic world and occasionally popped up meta jokes that make fun of the franchise itself alone make RPM quite standout from the crowd. Not to mention it's heavily plot-driven, absorbing central story. I liked that even in filler episodes there is something always happening to push the story forward, and characters are well rounded too. Even tho the main focus is on Dillon/Black Ranger other characterz don't get neglected too. They all go through personal growth during the series and the cast is so great and instead of feeling like watching something, it's more like hanging out with them. Ziggy is on up there with Sky from S.P.D as the most funniest green ranger ever. Serious tho this one is incredible and can't undertsand why it is so overlooked by the fandom. Deserved much more love.
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First Cow (2019)
First Cow is one more proof that Kelly Reichardt is one of the best American filmmaker working today.
11 July 2020
First Cow is my most anticipated movie of the year and when this was finally released today I was happy as it actually met with my expection and wasn't disappointed by the hype and this movie is one more proof that Kelly Reichardt is one of the best American filmmaker working today. She returns to the meditative style of her earlier works which has been absent in the last two movies and the result is astonishing, on up there with some of her finest works.

Setting in 19th Century Oregon Territory the story follows two men: a skilled cook and Chinese immigrant businessman who formed unlikely friendship and decided to start a pastry business by stealing milk from the cow of the powerful landowner.

While it is the longest film set to date for Reichardt, this might be the easiest film to digest. Reichardt movies are always about time & place/ nature and it's habitats, and here she reconstructs ancient Oregon Territory with meticulous care and vividly portrayed the lives of Oregon's First People and gives a glimpse into an earliest form of capitalism taking place in a wild frontier while covering the growing friendship of two men which got interrupted when they saw an opportunity (Cow) and starting to chase the never fulfilling american dream. As always cinematography is mesmerising and peacefully capturing all powerful natural landscapes (forest, riverbank) and most of the moments of the movie without moving an inch. Direction from Reichardt is immersive and quietly unfold the drama, and as much as I saw it coming the ending still hard hitting and connecting to the opening it is contemplative. Two lead performances are terrifc, I especially enjoyed that from John Magaro and Orion Lee is a delight. Conversations and interactions between the two are very natural and added so much to the movie. There are also a lot of excellent actors in this too (Toby Jones being the biggest) including Lily Gladstone of Reichardt's own Certain Women.
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Funny, Scary and Creative Zombie Horror Flick
10 October 2019
I am pretty sure this won't hold up well on multiple revisits but right now I just had a blast watching this. The less you know about the movie it would be better for your experience but be prepared yourself for nearly 40 minutes long bad crazy opening that is shot in one unbroken take. The rest will have you rolling with it physical gags and humors. Given the fact that this was made with very few budget and unknown cast, this is very impressive, and it is a fresh and unique take on the genre.
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Tombstone did it better but John Ford is a master
9 September 2019
I went into this movie blind and it suprised me when I found out My Darling Clementine is about the famous The O.K. Corral Gunfight. I don't know how many times the two collaborated together but this is the second film I have seen directed by John Ford and starred Henry Fonda and I think this was a decent effort from two.

Maybe if I haven't seen Tombstone(1993), which covers the same subject, I think I will like this more. Because while I got to know some of the things about Wyatt Earp, this movie doesn't give much space for other Earp brothers and prominent figures of the gunfight. Also, I don't like it's focus on a love triangle between Doc Holiday, his ex-love interest Clementine Carter and his current lover Chihuahua for most of the time.

But it is always a pleasure to watch the work from a man who knows what he was doing and it ccouldn't go wrong with John Ford when it comes to Western and his direction here is solid. The cast leads by Fonda is pretty good, I was impressed by performance from the man who play Doc Holiday. This has a lot of beautiful big vast images and also loves the use of shadow and darkness in some scenes.
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The Killer (1989)
John Woo's fantastic gun opera
9 September 2019
I completely forgot how badass and entertaining these Hong Kong Action movies were. During my childhood years I used to watch a lot of them on Star Chinese Channel but as I grew up I lost touch with them and I really can't recall the last time I watched one of these movies.

John Woo's The Killer is really awesome, it is gold standard action flick and with Woo behind the camera, this is packed with his signature stylish killer actions (The last shootout in church is satisfying af). The story which started as a cat and mouse thriller is turned into buddy movie in third act and it is full with thrills and my eyes were glued to the TV screen throughout the entire runtime. The dynamic between Chow Yun-fat and Danny Lee alone is very entertaining. Romance sub plot is pivotal to the story and while it is done very well I have to admit that I don't buy very much into it. The rest is just perfection for me.
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Piercing (2018)
Absurd ending but the rest is pretty good
30 June 2019
I happened to read an interview with Nicolas Pesce about this movie a while back. He said the ideas of making this movie came to him after reading original novel by Ryu Murakami while he was on the set of his first movie: The Eyes of My Mother and he made this movie when he was under the influence of Italian giallo horror movies.

The plot of Piercing is simple, it is about a business man Reed who suddenly got the urge to kill a prostitute, so he called an escort service and hired one. But when the prostitution (Mia Wasikowska) arrived at the hotel room, everything didn't go according to his plan and became twisted.

I enjoyed the first 50 minutes very hughly, I don't have problem with predictability of the third act but the remaining 25 minute is so boring and make it seems like 2 hours movie. Some of the elements here are really gross and weird, I guess if I knew about those classic giallo movies I would enjoy them more. But I still appreciated the effort from Pesce, the film is very stylishly made and fun to watch for most parts, the music, setting and performances are really good and strong. Mia Wasikowska is doing her usual strange, weird persona and what can I say? I enjoyed watching her, as always.
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Manhunter (1986)
Two people on the different sides of the same coin!
28 June 2019
The Visual!!! It is too powerful in Manhunter, my first encounter with acclaimed director Michael Mann. Colors, film-noir aesthetic, shot compositions and camera movements, they all are not only stunning to look at but also creat such a staggering mood and moved me beyond any word can describe. My tension, excitement were at their highest the whole time beacuse of how great the storytelling was and I haven't felt like that in a while with movies

I don't think I can continue this review without mentioning it's predecessor The Silence of the Lambs because I kept comparing Brian Cox's Lecktor to Anthony Hopkins's Lecter, William Petersen's Will Graham to Jodie Foster's Clarice Starling, Tom Noonan's Francis Dollarhyde to Buffalo Bill throughout the movie. They are really different from one another, it just that the whole plot structure and characters between the two are kind of similar that I can't help but do it. All the performances here are really fantastic with Noonan in the seat of antagonist standout.

While not unsettling as TSL, Manhunter is a great crime thriller movie and a unique film in it's own ways. The two are on a par with one another.
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Long live the King!
31 May 2019
I vaguely remembered what the first Godzilla (2014) movie was about but I can recall that I enjoyed it pretty much. I think it is a grounded movie. So after 5 years, this comes out and it does what most sequels do, which means it does everything more: more actions, more screentime for Godzilla and more drama

Godzilla: King of the Monsters is a mess but a beautiful mess. Messy part of this movie is human drama and characters. Central family drama is very poorly written. Vera Farmiga and Millie Bobby Brown are the least convincing mother and daughter in all of the movies I watched recently and also performances from both actresses are below average. The motivation of Vera Farmiga character is very much like Thanos in infinity War but only not interesting. The story is crowded with a bunch of stereotype characters but at least colorful cast added layers and depth to them and made a bit more enjoyable. Kyle Chandler, Thomas Middleditch and goddess Sally Hawkins are really good

Beautiful, lively part of this movie is gigantic and satisfying monster fights, for entertainment value those are really good. Also, orchestral music composed for this movie feel so divine, it is Oscar worthy standard
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Departures (2008)
Beautiful and Poignant Movie about Life and Death
20 April 2019
In some ways, Departures reminded me of Alan Ball's Six Feet Under (2001 - 2005) Motivations between their two protagonists may differ but both share story of a man who went back to his hometown and found himself working at a job related with deaths that he though he is never gonna do in his life (Funeral Director/ Encoffinment) and both film and series are extremely good and rich with thematic elements in their own ways

Departures is simply a story about life that happens to exist between birth and death, it is about all the twists and turns in our lives, it is about all the opportunities we miss and we take. It is about how unavoidable death is and how it leaves feeling over a family, it is about all the lives we touch while we are alive. Most importantly it is about the role DEATH plays in Japanese culture

Every aspect of this film is nearly flawless. I can't find any big or hugh mistakes rather than being predictable and oversentimental like most of modern day Asian movies but still from start to finish is absolute beauty and full with lives. In our country we also have same sort of ceremony for the dead and I can tell you that the rituals performed in the film are carved with attention to details

Performances from everyone is top-notch, I had to say I am moved by performances of supporting characters rather than protagonist. Script, music and directing everything is superb. Overall, Departures is deeply emotional and humane movie about life and death with gorgeous execution
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Shazam! (2019)
Capital S to the H to the A to the Z to the A to the M!
5 April 2019
I don't find anything that makes me burst out laughing in SHAZAM! but it is hughly entertaining and a feel good movie. How superhero movie like this able to keep the balance between it's comical tone and center drama story is astonishing

Other than another caped crusader movie, Shazam is a story about two people shaped by their families. Both Dr. Sivana and Billy grew up without getting love and affection from their parents to become selfish person of their own. (the choice of Billy as Shazam is a bit questionable here) The only different is, Billy with the help of Shazam is able to find what is meant to be a part of family and learn about sharing and caring for one another, meanwhile Dr. Sivana doesn't (being set the film in Christmas time evokes the viewers sort of warm family film feeling)

The casting of Zachary Levi is perfect. Kid actors are good too, especially I love Freddy. Visual effect are not in the same league as the it predecessor The Aquaman, but since this movie don't rely on them too much, it is ok

If I had to give some criticism, Dr. Sivana makes a interesting and convincing villian. Unlike any other antagonists in DCEU, he is not "I'm gonna wipe all the people of planet earth" type, this man is power-hungry animal, he only wants to feel perfect. But as good as the character is, Mark Strong performances is not. Final fight is a bit dragged, could have shortened. The role of Seven Deadly Sins as individual feels a bit downplayed than they originally are

Being set in Philadelphia, the film gives a lot of references to Rocky and also to other DCEU characters, there is a suprise guest at the end. Shazam, a story of a boy who turned into god like superhero when he said the six little words "S-H-A-Z-A-M" gives reference to other iconic movie about a boy who went from 12 to 30 years old. Sounds familiar? yeah, this gives a direct homage to Tom Hank's Big in one of it's fight scene and that is the most satisfying thing I got from movies this year so far
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Green Book (2018)
Sure thing that I still won't pick this as Oscar Best Picture but it is a good movie and real crowd-pleaser
25 February 2019
Set in 1962, when an racist Italian nightclub bouncer Tony Lip (Viggo Mortensen), who is searching for a new job because the place he worked is shut down a while for preservation. When he got into a bit of a financial problem he had to take a job as the position of chauffeur for black musician Don Shirley (Mahershala Ali), who is gonna do a tour through deep south. While on the road the two developed unlikely friendship and all these barrier between them came down

It said it is inspired by the true story but just watching at the story alone, you could tell that it is dramatized a lot. Central piece of Green Book is Racism and it also talked about difference between race, class and about unlikely friendship but I don't feel the later part was truly evolved in the film. Also one my biggest problem is Tony character development, he went from the man who dumped the glass used by two colored people to having a family dinner together with black man but it is not convincing and felt handled a bit rough. But script address all the other things really well. This got a lot of comedic moments and I loved them but when it tried to be serious, it is does turned into it and really engaging. I am aware of stereotyping problems here but I would say my certain enjoyment feeling took over all these things but it certainly got a problem

Talking about two leads, both Viggo and Mahershala Ali did fantastic job, they got their respective nomination deservingly. Viggo played quite the same role we seen him in his previous film like Eastern Promises and A History of Violence, a family man and a tough guy but this one got more humorous characteristic and hugh load of appetite for food. Mahershala Ali got more dramatic moments to show his talent and his shone in all those moments. As performance wise Ali is more outstanding than Viggo here

For everyone who is a sucker for sentimental movies, Green Book will surely work even if it not it will still entertain you. Not even in a single tiny bit two are related but final part of the film reminded me of John Hughes Planes, Trains and Automobiles that kind of heartfel feeling is not something you can easily find in movies these days
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Warm, charming and emotional stellar cast dysfunction family dramedy
21 February 2019
Even though I have only seen his later 4 movies (including this) I adored Noah Baumbach, this man touch is real genuine when it come to the story, characters and dialogues

The Meyerowitz Stories (New and Selected) is another great film coming from him. The film is so warm, hilarious and at the same time it is managed to be emotional showing the strength of Bacumbach's script

Adam Sandler, Ben Stiller, Dustin Hoffman, Elizabeth Marvel, Emma Thompson everyone in this ensemble pack is amazing. I don't think any performances as standout but I love every bits of their on-screen present (wish there was more screen time for Elizabeth Marvel tho)
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Already cult classic but with some mistakes
16 February 2019
The biggest let-down from this Robert Rodriguez/ James Cameron latest film is set-up for sequel because it wasn't done right and by the end I don't feel satisfied. The film is full with some cliché and typical block-buster stereotype moments, dialogue deliver from some characters made them sound a bit cheesy (notable from Hugo, Alita love-interest) Plot is a bit convoluted for me, after the film I had to look up to Wikipedia to fully under the whole thing but all these negative things can't bother me enough to not enjoy the film

CGI effect are stunning and worthy of it's nearly 200 millions budget, along side with Star Wars Episode 9 and Avenger: Endgame this is high contender for next year Virtual Effect Oscar. Initially I am uncomfortable with Alita eyes in trailer but it turned out to be pretty fine. Fight scenes and battle sequences are awesome enough but imo it can still be more entertaining than this

The cast is pretty solid, Rosa Salazar as Alita is definitely standout. She got fueled by star supporting performers like Christoph Waltz, Jennifer Connelly (can't believe this woman is nearly 50, she is so hot!), Mahershala Ali (if they are gonna do Black Panther 2 should have casted this man) but both Connelly and Ali characters felt too wasted in the story and Edward Norton appeared for like 4 or 5 seconds, it is good to see that he is back in business

It's a thing with cyberpunk movies I supposed, got mixed reaction from critics, bombed at box-office and become a cult film then Alita is definitely one of them and once again we gotta respected Rodriguez/ Cameron for their heart and passion behind this project
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It's a mad mad mad mad comedy film
31 December 2018
I am mad mad mad mad enough to watch this 3 hours long (197 minutes version) epic and all over the top ensemble cast comedy film lead by Spencer Tracy and the result for me is pretty rewarding

This film is Director Stanley Kramer ( Judgment at Nuremberg ) first attempt at comedy and it is classic. Before watching this, I am so skeptic about film 3 hours length but actually it didn't feeling bothering beacuse of consistent pacing and great actions from all the cast memebers.

From opening song and credit animation, all the things in films are mostly crazy and chaotic but in a good way. (I always had hugh love and affection for comedy film with big insanity and craziness) It is in 60s and all these plane and car stunts presented in film are really impressive. I can't imagine how they accomplished to pull such a great job with stunts.

On the negative side - Some jokes and humor didn't land on me and most of them seems rather silly but compared to what a thrill and entertainment I got from this, it is forgivable.

The story is about group of men chasing for 350,000 $ buried in Santa Rosita State Park, after overhearing the last words of a dying ex-convict man on highway. And along the way police force become involved in the search too.

Suddenly the plot reminded me of Rat Race but it is stated that those kind of a comedic search for money featuring an ensemble cast were directly influenced by this.

My favorite part would be the whole ending, fire ladder scene seems so cartoonish but it turned out to be pure comedic gold. Ending at hospital with everyone laughing feels so satisfying and heartfel but feels a little bit sad for Spencer Tracy tho. I am also very glad Mrs. Marcus got what she deserved in the end.
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Roma (2018)
Love Letter to own childhood
31 December 2018
Cinematic equivalent of Woody Allen's Manhattan , Roma is Alfonso Cuarón's love letter to his homeland, 1970s Mexico and childhood.

Black and white cinematography is the most standout thing for me. Every frames of this is just a remainder of how passionate Cuarón is about the film. It is so stunning and provok the feeling about past. Even the shots of dog poop looks so gorgeous. Lol

Overally love this. Story may feel simple but it is so captivating, script and performances really fuels it. Not my personal pick for the year but deserved the praises it's getting. Really good.
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