
37 Reviews
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Worst soundtrack ever
17 July 2022
The movie itself is ok for being low budget. Not great, but not the worst ive ever seen However, the soundtrack is probably the worst I've ever heard on a movie. I get it. Most new music is embarrassing garbage, but these were some of the worst songs I've ever heard. It almost made the movie completely unwatchable and ruined several scenes. Whoever was in charge of the music shouldnt be allowed near film making ever again, and seriously needs to reevaluate their taste in music.
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Mall (2014)
5 July 2021
I made it exactly to the 44:41 mark before I couldn't take anymore. The "special effects" in this film are completely out of place and give the movie a D- feel. Special effects are meant to enhance scenes. They aren't meant to be randomly strung about. The endless and extended monologues at the beginning sound like your typical 22 year old that gets high and feels so "enlightened and smart" that they need to give everyone a big speech. This film is beyond pretentious and it shows. They tried to thrown in known actors, but even they can't save this mess.
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Josie & Jack (2019)
Something Different
4 July 2021
Others have said that this film is an incest drama. No, it really isn't. There aren't any family sex scenes. There is one comment in the dialogue about someone suspecting they are sexual, but this is neither confirmed nor denied. Although it isn't an "incest drama," the film is focused on the unique relationship the brother and sister have. It's an interesting film and worth the watch, but note it is more of a slow burner. If you are looking for something action packed then this isn't the film for you.
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2012: Ice Age (2011 Video)
It's great if you are looking for this type of film
11 April 2020
The first thing to know is this film is has an insanely low budget. If you are watching it for the Hollywood style special effects you will be sadly disappointed because the effects are.. Let's just say laughable. They are so bad that leaving them out completely would have been a better option.

The acting from the main central characters isn't so great. I never saw the main guy in the series Jag so I cannot compare, by judging by this he isn't Oscar quality.

That said this film feels more like a disaster parody. I honestly wasn't expecting to laugh so hard, but I did. It honestly came off as a feel good family comedy and I'm ok with that. Just know this is nothing like the other films people are comparing to. They shouldn't be compared because this is a completely different film all together.
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Pari (I) (2018)
Worst Thing I've Seen In A While
31 March 2020
This movie drags and after two hours barely even gets to a point. It's not even really a horror. It's more of an overly dramatic drama with horrendous acting and effect. That's all I can really say without spoiling it. I should have listened to my gut and avoided this one. Especially after seeing all the fake reviews posted at the same time. That's two hours of my life I can't get back. Just awful
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A.M.I. (2019)
Major Casting Fail
7 October 2019
It's not uncommon for actors in their 20s to play teens, but these actors are at least in their early 30s. If the story was about college aged kids they might have had a better time passing them off, but it isn't working as teens. If you can get past that major distraction, then the story is worth the watch. It's not an Oscar winner just a quality lower budget horror. Do understand that it is a horror and not so much a sci do.
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7:19 (2016)
Horribly Done
12 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I normally like low budget movies, where only one room is the location, if it is a quality story with engaging dialogue. This unfortunately isn't one of those. It doesn't even really bother to show an earthquake even though that's what the plot is centered around. No one searching for food or trying to escape, just people sitting around trapped talking about a flash light, batteries, and what they were doing when the building fell.

The director managing to drag those 3 things into dialogue for 1.5 hours. This could have been so much better, but couldn't have failed worse. 7:15 is a fail. I know sometimes people will give a high rating based solely on subject matter ignoring how bad it is, but believe me when I say it's bad. It almost borders pointless considering how poor the dialogue is. When a film that's 1.5 hours has only a 30 second event, the dialogue is the most important part of the story.
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Home Town (2016– )
Anyone can be on HGTV now
19 March 2019
This is one of the poorest shows I've ever seen on HGTV. They seem nice enough and all on camera, but they have zero wow factor designs. It's usually just a decent kitchen and a very plain rest of the house. Some of the colors she selects is also quite cringe worthy. Maybe it's a budget issue??

This is a rip off of Chip and Jo Ann and fails miserably. Jo Ann has actual above average designs. I know this sounds mean, but the designer on this show can't even dress herself appropriately and looks like she just rolled out of bed. If she can't even handle putting together a basic matching and presentable outfit, how would you trust her to select appropriate designs and color schemes for anything else? She clearly doesn't have a good eye when it comes to any type of designs whatsoever.

Whatever the excuse is, it is certainly not something I would expect to watch on HGTV. I'm not sure why average and below designs are being show cased here.
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A dull mess
7 February 2019
Like the other people who aren't simply giving it high ratings because of the big name actors have said, this movie is a total mess. It tried to be horror, drama, and thriller yet failed at all three. On paper it sounds like a very entertaining and unique idea. Unfortunately, it fails miserably.

The first major problem is that it is extremely draggy and boring. I had a lot of trouble making it through. This movie is more of a drama and far from horror and thriller. Because of how the film is put together, the very few horror scenes it has just feel very random and pointless. As for the "thrills" it was so boring and hard to finish that it didn't even begin to keep me on the edge of my seat.

It does succeed more in being a drama, but it is a slow paced boring drama with barely any point. It's basically a story about people in the art profession who are vindictive to get ahead with a few random scenes about a weird painting. Very disappointing
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Tau (2018)
Eh ok I guess
15 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Film started off strong, but quickly dwindled into a boring story. While some of the cinematography towards the end of the movie is very nice, the annoying and endless shots, with non stop flashing lights in the first three quarters, was an extreme annoyance. It really gave the scenes a cheap feel like nightclub/rave equipment gone wrong.

There are parts where nothing much happens. Even with the tiniest of budgets, the writers could have written some better dialogue or threw in more events here and there. And the villain giving information as to how she can release herself? Or an explosion with a gas line not effecting the rest of the house? Give me a break. Throwing in a more known actor or actress won't cover up a poorly written script.
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Orange Is the New Black (2013–2019)
Give it a chance
12 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The first couple of episodes I kind of rolled my eyes thinking, "ok it's just another one of those HBO type shows that uses unnecessary sex and nudity to try and compensate for poor story." But it is far from it. As each episode passes you will feel more deeply invested into each character like you never thought possible.

There are several characters to the show and they all play important roles coming together as an entire prison population. Some people were complaining about having so many characters, but I honestly like that better. The main character of seasons 1 and 2, Piper, is honestly the most annoying and my least favorite.

For the most part the show is great. I didn't like that the entire season 5 with 13 episodes was supposed be simply a four day riot. I feel like it was intentionally drug out and could have easily been shortened some. Especially since those were everyone's last moments in minimum.

Season 6 begins immediately after the riot where they are they shipped off to maximum security. We have yet to see what the original prison is like now and we are missing quite a few characters from season 6. It is presumed they went to other prisons, but we would still like to see how they are doing. It would have also been nice to see Ouija slapped in the her face at least once to get what she deserves.

At maximum security we meet some new faces. They go to max to be punished more, but the problem is it is almost too real. They are confined most of the day and not allowed to do much. They then have to deal with some horrible guards and inmates and you really feel for them. You can feel their boredom and pain. This has made season 6 a little annoying and not as fun to watch.

I'm hoping they pull it back together in season 7. Usually big changes like the ones presented in season 6 kill shows and I hope that isn't the case here
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The Dinner (I) (2017)
Watch them all
1 January 2019
I have watched both the Dutch (original adaptation) and American versions. (I know there is an Italian version also that was second, but I havent seen it.) Normally I prefer the original, but I have to say this version was much better and in my opinion more disturbing and true to the story.

This is a powerful story that makes you think what if it were my child? I think that is the entire point and why the ending to both is abrupt with how they are. The point of the film is not what happens to the children, but instead it is about the terrifying reality of being a parent in such a situation and morality.

The Gettysburg scene someone else was saying was pointless was did have a point. We were being taken into his mind where he has episodes of being out of reality. This is a good watch if you really like to think about what you are viewing. If you are more into mindless entertainment or predictable over used stories then you should pass this one up
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The Dinner (2013)
American version is better
1 January 2019
Normally I usually prefer the original adaption over another. This one unfortunately fell below my expectations because they omitted major keys points to the story which made it a bit boring to me. If you are unaware of the original book then this might easily be overlooked. I have to say that the American version of this is somewhat better because they included key information to the story that no one could possibly figure out without having read the book.
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Chung Cu Ma (2014)
Worth a watch
1 January 2019
I typically don't like my horror mixed with my comedy, but decided to give this one a chance. First bit I almost turned it off, but glad I didn't. It clearly doesn't have a Hollywood high budget so I went into it expecting that when taking into account the special effects. The leads do an amazing job and the entire story and ending completely make up for lack of wicked cool special effects. If you have the time it's worth a watch if you appreciate lower budget and foreign films that make it up for it with a good story. I wouldn't call it your typical conjuring type film exactly.
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Black Mirror (2011– )
Ouch it's a horrible star trek rip off
30 December 2018
I somehow managed to make it about 30 minutes into the first episode, but I have to turn it off because I can't take anymore. It's extremely sad that our society is giving crap like this such high ratings. It almost resembles a Star Trek parody outfits and all. I am not a Star Trek fan at all, but it is 1000 times better than this. All of the positive reviews must be for a different show because this one is nothing like people are claiming. I'm at a loss for words how bad this actually is.
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Cam (2018)
Film was very clear with an explanation that was clearly explained
30 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I haven't seen another film with this exact story line so I always give credit for that. It certainly kept me entertained the whole time. Some seem to be confused about the story and ending.

To sum it up, Lola was beginning to do well in her profession racking in a lot of money for the site. The company has software that saves the shows and when someone is doing well they create a virtual version of the cam girl. They then delete the real girl's account and are then able to advantage of 100% of the girls revenue. (This is more or less explained in Tinkers hotel room. It is very clear.)

At the end, she decides to change her appearance and create a new account with a fake ID on an effort to outsmart the company. That particular part would be unrealistic if in the US and real life because the girls on actual cam sites are required to also give tax and bank account information for payment.
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Romina (2018)
What were they thinking??
29 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This film is awful. While watching it begins to come off as more of a revenge plot for rape, "I spit on your grave" type deal. This cancels that out when you notice that she is purposefully trying to get the boy to follow her. The end shows another boy in the group who supposedly was helping her the entire time which completely cancels out the only plot with even a shred of sense. This movie literally has no point whatsoever. You are just left with confusion and wondering what you just watched. If it were supposed to be just for slasher or violent kicks don't expect that either because most of the violence is off screen. Maybe they were trying to use off screen violence to still show it can be scary like in "Funny Games," but this movie fails on every level. I rarely rate this low, but the other reviewers aren't playing when they say it is this bad.
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Worth The Watch
29 December 2018
What really gripped me here is that this movie was based on real men who spent twelve long years in solitary confinement. The first thing to know is that this is a drama so don't expect tons of action and war like a lot of military films.

This film depicts these three men and their suffering while desperately trying to cling onto hope. Not everyone talks about it, but this is a sad reality for a lot of political prisoners or hostages. The film does well capturing the pain and torment these men endured at the hands of their captures.

I do however feel like we could have received more detailed background on their detainment as those scenes were sometimes unclear. Considering how long the film is, they could have easily cut some of the repetition towards the second half and focused more on that. Other than being called communists, it's a little unclear of the actual events that led them to be locked up in the first place.
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Wouldn't Recommend
29 December 2018
It isn't the worst thing I've ever seen, but the characters are written to have the most annoying traits and dialouge imaginable. The girl is so annoying and belligerent that you just wish for him to kill her so she shuts up. I'll give credit for the idea not being repeatedly overdone (In this exact scenario anyway), but I seriously couldn't wait for it to end because of how annoying the characters were. I never expect Netflix originals to be amazing, but this movie was very frustrating to watch. I felt annoyed the entire time. If you do not speak Spanish it is best to watch it with subtitles instead of being dubbed to English. That might have made the characters sound a lot more believable as the dubbing job was very poor.
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I've Seen Sci Fi's that were more believable than this
28 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I don't even know where to begin with this monstrosity. The script and plots are written and thrown together in such a way that it seems like someone read the book and tried to write down some of those events for the script. Then they expected that you must have also read the book also so it will make sense to you. Newsflash. This movie is so poorly written and thrown together you won't have the first clue.

The events are so far fetched when they a thrown in there that you can't being to take them seriously. Let's start with Christian Grey himself. He's supposedly around 21 and a billionaire. Even without talking, he doesn't even begin to be oozing power or importance when he walks into a room. And 21? I don't think so.

Then we have Anastasia who is very unattractive and plain. Yet her boss corners her because he is just wanting to have sex with her "so bad." If that wasn't enough they have the boss saying very cringy comments like, "I can make you *** better than your bf can." LOL It was like something from a bad porn. Then she goes home and Christian has him fired. That's the end of it. All within a span of a minute. No build up to the event and not acknowledgement when a solution was found. Very insignificant presentation. If the writers didn't care that much about the event why should we?

Then this weird chic breaks into her apartment who is Christian's ex. Again this scene only lasts a minute. No importance no real point other than it's just another event thrown in to take up some time. This events supposedly take place same day. lol Not buying it.

Then Christian's helicopter goes down. Suddenly they are at his apartment worried and it's already on the news. After 30 seconds they announce he has been found and he walks into the door. Again this entire scene of events is a minute or two a most.

In between all this you have some cringy sex scenes and some of the worst acting I've ever seen. Please at least make sure the actors have chemistry before putting them to bed together. It's awful. And yes I've seen tons of B movies. Was the director even there during filming? Even Kim Basinger's acting was horrendous like they did it all in one quick take without knowing the lines beforehand.

It's just a bunch of B- acting, no chemistry characters, and random, unbelievable, and pointless events thrown together. I guess the real point is supposed to be their awkward relationship, but there is no dialogue really to support that only some bad sex scenes.

The last movie started with him claiming he didn't want a relationship and then suddenly in this one he's changed his mind overnight with no hints, no warning, no dialogue? I've just never in all of my life seen something so random and cringy
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Urge (2016)
Cool Idea
28 November 2017
The first 45 minutes are so it's pretty boring, but it does get somewhat better. The ending sucks, but I think the movie does an overall good job of what's trying to accomplish. Even though the characters didn't have too much depth I still think the makers made their point about drug use and loss of inhibition. I just wish the party scenes had been a more detailed so that we can see exactly what all the drug was supposed to have done.
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Priceless (II) (2016)
Beware This Isn't A Powerful Film on Sex Traffic But A Push For Religion
28 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I'm sorry, but if you are going to do a film on sex trafficking in an attempt to shed light on this horrible reality then you better do just that. This movie basically shows kidnapping. It doesn't even begin to come close to show the harsh painful reality of sex trafficking unlike movies, "The Chosen Ones," or "Lilya 4 Ever." Then to add insult to injury it starts becoming clear that the real message in the movie is not giving a voice to these victims, but it is a push for Christianity. I watched this on Epix so had I been warned I probably wouldn't have wasted my time.
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Runaway Jury (2003)
Two Thumbs Down
22 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I think Dustin Hoffman is an amazingly gifted actor which is why I decided to watch this movie. You can imagine my disappointment when he barely had an screen time. This has got to be one of the most poorly written movies I have ever seen. At the beginning the main character is summoned to jury duty and supposedly doesn't want to go and keeps trying to get kicked off. Then suddenly, he's trying to stay on the jury to sway their decision.

How stupid is that? Either you really don't want to be on the jury or you do want to be there. It can't be both for any real person, but apparently whoever wrote this script thinks that it makes perfect sense. The entire story is so unbelievable that you can't help, but to roll your eyes when watching it. I can only assume that the people who loved this must have also read the book and was able to look past these errors. It's also one of those has to have a character explain the entire plot at the end because they know without that you would never have figured out why anyone did anything.
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Satanic (2016)
Wouldn't Want To See It Again
22 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This isn't the worst I've seen because I had low expectations since it was a movie targeted to teens, but it was still bad. The biggest problem is the characters are extremely unlikable. So much in fact that you wish the shop owner would smack them in their smart mouths. I thought the story itself was OK except that you don't really see much and it finally ends when it looks like something is happening. I don't usually rate movies this low, but I wouldn't ever want to see this one again. It's not really worth the watch. If you can't find anything else go for it, but I wouldn't watch if there is another choice
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Rupture (I) (2016)
Original Idea
22 November 2017
I'm glad I ignored the other reviews and gave this one a try. I'm not usually into alien movies of any kind because I usually find them silly and unbelievable, but I can say I was sucked into this one. The idea was very original and there are no "unanswered questions." If you watch the entire thing and pay attention everything will be explained to you. If you enjoy sci fi and originality you will enjoy this
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