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Big Game (2014)
Good Finnish action film
2 June 2024
Oskari is just a normal boy and for the right of passage into adult hood he is forced to go alone into the forrest and is not aloud to return until he has killed something. Its pretty gastly that something like this is aloud to take place but ultimatly it is a godsend. While all this happening we have the b plot of the film. President samual l jackson is flying in air force one to a summit while plot c follows the main bad guys who want to mount the president on their wall. Theres also sabotage and soon it will be up to oskari to save president jacksons life. All the plot points work out well and its acted well overall a pretty good finnish action film.
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good for what it is sequal
1 June 2024
Despite it ultimatly not being as great as the first, I thought grave encounters 2 still had a lot to offer. Ten years have now gone by since the crew that originally went to the building dissapered without a trace. People on line have been talking about it as the show was released as a film by a youtuber that somehow got the footage of it. Alex has a feeling though that what everyone watched is in fact real and after failing to find the guy he instead finds their producer jerry to get them the location of the building. Alex gets film students trevor, tessa, jared and jennfer to go with him and just like the first the group explore the building with very horrifying consequences. Again the acting felt realistic and despite some problems I enjoyed it all the same.
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A great reality found footage horror
1 June 2024
Grave encounters takes place within a fake reality tv show called the same and in the same vein of shows like most haunted and others. I enjoyed this film a lot more than I thought I would if im honest and it was acted pretty well for what it was. Jerry plays a character called preston and is the host. He also brings along his paranormal crew of lance, sasha, tc matt and morgan as they go into an abandoned asylum. Unaware that what they are about to witness will be one of the worst things of their lives for this reality show is about to be very much real with what stalks the halls and rooms of the building. The build up was good and although nothing much happed at the start it helped to add momentum. Overall grave encounters is another great example from the found footage genre and a really well made one.
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well done polish crime mystety
31 May 2024
All in all this was a pretty good film, certainly one of netflixs better ones recently. We meet monika who is walking through a bar like shes been there many times before and flirts with the barman, they end up sleeping together but bam her body is found washed up on a beach the next day. Her mum helena starts her own invesitatgation while cheating on her husband , who himself is also cheating. Its a pretty intresting mystery and the run time is filled with enough of the inviestigation to not make it boring. The cast are good and the characters do actually have some body to them overall a pretty good movie.
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Elemental (2023)
a good story and great animation
30 May 2024
Elemental is the latest in pixars roster and once more they have pulled it off. This movie is set in a world were fire, water earth and wind elements live together. But the first elements are seperate from the rest because of something from the past and so they are stuck with a big lot of water on the other side. Ember is once such fire element and she works at her familys store but has anger issues. Dont we all sweetheart. Anyway one day she almost floods the shop and meets inspecter wade and the two try and get the ticket destoryed before the shop is closed down but along the way they will find understand of each others lives and the world and try to break her fathers values. The voice cast that lend themselves are all well done. I enjoyed all of them and the animation was superb as always. Overall elemental is yet again another great addition to the pixar family.
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a good but not ultimatly great conclusion
29 May 2024
The indiana jones series was an epic trilogy, then kingdom skull was made and it was surprisingly great and now we flash forword almost a decade and we have another one because money. We get introduced to our fadora loving hero quickly into the film. Its ww2 again and a very young long harrison ford is working with toby jones to steal a knife from a nazi train but as dr mads says its not the real treasure. Its always impressive when they do the de aging thing and it worked well here.then we get to some years later jones is still a professor and for some reason this is supposed to be set after skull but it feels like theres some plot holes here. But ill stay with it the whole film is about jones and his friends daughter helena trying to get the other piece of this dial back. The worst part for me though is the fact there is actually time travel in this movie and i really just dont buy into that part of it. Overall this film has a decent enough cast and ford is good as ever but destiny is a film that didnt need to be made and was a let down despite being enjoyable still.
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Her Affair to Die For (2023 TV Movie)
another predicatble crime film
27 May 2024
Noah and Christina are living a somewhat happy life. Though the two seem seperated but noah wants to get back together to have a jogging buddy. Their daughter christina is supposed to be sixteen I believe or atleast she was ten years ago and for some reason she decides to interview for a roomate.cue roomate alyssa who also looks a lot olde than the character she is playing. She instantly has the hots for noah and goes out of her way to get herself in his calvins. All the while christina has no idea of the past this woman leads and who she really is. Theres minimal action here and overall her affair to die for is a predictable hot mess with subpar acting but the actors still did their best with the characters they have been given.
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Atlas (2024)
decent enough scify
26 May 2024
There is sadly nothing spectaculaly great with atlast and I would also say the cgi is not the greatest it could be either. It does seem out of place in some scenes and its evident how much of this film alies on it. Jennifer lopez is back to the acting game again and id say I rather enjoy it. I think her acting is actually pretty good and here she plays atlas, our title character and someone that takes over from her mother running the new technology of her world. But when her ex escapes from jail she must venture to a planet with Ai assistant smith in order to stop him. Theres a few slow scenes but the action is there and overall atlast is a decent netflix scify fair.
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Parallel (II) (2018)
good original scyfy film
25 May 2024
This was an impressivly entertaining movie. An interesting premise that was actually done very well. The movie does not rely on cheap looking cgi and mostly everything in the film is practicle. A group of friends. Devin, josh, leena and noel are messing around in the basement of the house they share when leena discovers a hole and a fake wall. It leads to a loft where they find a mirror. Not just any mirror though its one that allows them to go to a parallel universe. Josh and noel use it to create their app in time but after the rest of the friends start using it for their own intent and its not long before things start to go off track. I thought this was acted well and the main cast did very well. And overall its just a pretty great movie.
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ice age in space
24 May 2024
Ice age collision course is now the fifth and will always be the last in the franchise. It also breakes a record as it is the only computer generated film to have a five movie franchise and what a fun time its been.this movie came unexpectedly and although in ways not needed it was a fun watch. Peaches has wedding feaver much to mannys dimay as he hates the cutesy lovey stuff. Even sid and diago both have partners. Buck makes an apperence again and im happy he does his humor is something always needed and after spending too long with the dinosaures he might have lost it a bit. There is no real villian to this movie just an adventure to save their lives, which is caused by scrat breaking an astroid in half with his acorn, and flying a ufo for some reason. Its all good fun and with the great voice talents back once more collision course is a good end to the franchise that has been one of the best.
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an ok scify plane film
23 May 2024
So somehow these citizens jake and kate have to land a passenger plane. I think the science is very iffy here but we are not watching it for that really are we. The acting is not great as can be expected. This solar flare comes out of no where and hits a plane which techniqually should fry the autopiolet aswell. The captain dies and his assistant is knocked unconcious.so jake and kate a woman who wrote a book somehow have to take charge. A womans dog is missing in the cargo hold and a racist fella called bill is throwing acusations. The characters are actually alright and I didnt mind them. Overall its an alright film for what it is.
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City of Lies (2018)
intriguing biographical film
22 May 2024
City of lies tells the story of two cops. Played by johnny depp and forrest whittaker, and is based on the evets surrounding the murder of the notrious big and also tupak at the same time. It was instriguing to see the things that went on behind the press and how the case consumed the cop that had been trying to solve the murder for nrarly twenty years. It was never solved but I thought this film was well made and an interesting watch. The cast chosen was good and its nice seeing depp in films again, whittaker did equally as well. City of lies is a good film overall and one of a few films based on real events that actually has some truth behind it.
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The Invitation (II) (2022)
A drab vampire film
21 May 2024
I usally like vampire movies, but this is something that didnt fit the norm with them types of films and if anything i found myself dozing off trying to watch the first half hour. Its a slow starter though somehow fast at the same time. Evie gets an invitation to attend a wedding in england for family that she knew nothing about. A lot of scenes are hard to see and not lit well but its clear that something in this big mansion is off, from the fact the maids have numbers and the fact a lot of the main story happens at night. I thought the cast were fine and did their jobs well but for the actually plot it was lacking and did become boring more as i watched it.
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why do you think
20 May 2024
The strangers prey at night hits you from the get go. We see an older couple. A knock but no one is there and then dollface is in the corner and she askes why are you here like she knew her. We then go to a somewhat happy looking familyCindy and husband mike are going on a vaction to see their uncle taking son luke and daughter kinsey before she goes to bordering school but its not long that theri happyness is shortlived and they find themselves fighting for their lives against the strangers this sequal was well cast and it was nice seeing characters have a bit of survival instinct in them . Overall a pretty enjoyable sequal.
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The Strangers (2008)
sometimes subtlety is best
19 May 2024
The strangers is a film that dosnt need to rely on totle bloodshed and full on horror to be effect as the build up to the events that take place is what really does it. Its inspired by true events. Two boys find a grizzly scene and we start the film. James and kristen have just come back from a wedding and they don't seem to be on best terms after a half baked engement. A mysterious blonde woman appears at the door and seems to be lost but oh no she really is not and knows what shes doing. What follows for the remainder of the run time are this group of three strangers that stalk james and kristen and make their night a living nightmare as they inflict psycological and pyscial damage upon them. Scott speedman and liv tyler were great choices and fit the role of the couple well they are not to full on hollywoody and it makes their performance seem normal. The three strangers also did well and its a very effective film overall with what it intended to do.
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Breakwater (2023)
A decent crime film
18 May 2024
This was a pretty decent crime film. Breakwater ad that kind of name that makes you think of a small town with secrets, this is not that but still an interesting crime film Dovey is in prison and meets ray, played by dermet mulhoney. Dovey is getting out in a while and so inbetween the laughs and time spent with other prisoners he asks him to do one thing for him, look for his daughter. So he sets out, unaware that ray finds his own way out to try and get some treasure from a suken ship and what it culminates in is a fight that not everyone might get out of. Ovrall a decent film. It had good acting and a good approch to the plot to.
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good animated sequal
17 May 2024
Its been a while coming but the sequal to the origins of our favourite yellow fellas has brought the origin story of someone else. Minions the rise of gru shifts the focus now to young gru, who wants to be the greatest villian the world had ever known. The six are good villians each animated well and bring good secondary characters to the plot. This film probably could have been called despicable me rise of gru but never the less its a fun animated sequal whos main side plot is about an amulet that will give the six big power if used at the right time, overall minions the rise of gru is a good film and a good sequal.
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Night Swim (2024)
don't go into the pool at night
16 May 2024
Night swim is the new effort from the great mind of jason blum. Its not full on horror but it has all the right componants and they are made well. It starts with a young girl in the ninties. She sees a toy boat in the pool outside. She cant wake her brother and sneaks past her mother to see it. Something happens and then title card. Retired baseball player ray moves into this house with his family but little do they know what lurks. They all clean the pool and it looks pretty good. The visial effects are done well from the thing that lives in it and the the eerie pool light going on and off. The horror dosnt only happen at night though and its strong enough to make the day scenes work well to. Night swim has a great cast and their characters are well and overall its a decent horror film.
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Baghead (2023)
talk to me did it better
15 May 2024
Baghead is a film that sounded better on paper, as opposed to the final outcome. A young girl called iris gets her belongs from her apartment she gets checked out of with her friends. She then learns her father had died and left the pub she knew nothing about to her, the cgi for the fathers death was not really the best. Freya allens acting was the strongest in the film and she did her best with what she was given to work with. Baghead was an interesting character who was made well but she didnt get used to their full portential. The film was interesting though and still a good watch it just needed a little more umph.
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Cabin Fever (2002)
Eli comes crashing through
14 May 2024
This original version is one of the best flesh eating virus movies iv'e ever seen and I think it might be one of the only as Eli has done something special here and redeyfiny horror without the need of an actual villian. In the same vain as the final destination series the perpertrator of the crime is something not living as the audiance themselves don't know what started it but once a group of college kids on summer vakay come to the cabin and one of them gets sick from a dead dude in the water paranoia almost becomes the real killer. This film had good suspense. I found myself actually feel for the characters and the cast did well, even Eli himsef having a role overall cabin fever is a great example of early two thousands horror at its finest.
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You Can't Escape Me (2023 TV Movie)
better acting atleast from the lead
13 May 2024
This films best point is the acting and no I don't mean the rest of the cast, especially the friend she stays with when she moves as shes over the top. I mean erin herself gina vitori. Iv'e seen her in a movie called saurranded and seeing her here she was actually pretty decent/ her husband jared is a colossal dauche.hes abusive so she has to leave her good friend and mother behind and movie but of course its never going to be plain sailing. Erin also does really well at training in the gym. Theres nothing much else to say about this film. Erin was good and fun to watch its plot was decent and overall an ok film.
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The Venice Murders (2023 TV Movie)
bit far fetched
12 May 2024
Sophie hopkins plays celia a budding art student that wants to go to art school venice. We start the film with a young woman getting kidnapped there but nothing else is really known about her. She has an aunt the mother never got along with, which is why she lives there but once she is there her new romate evie goes missing not long after. A guy at the docks meets her and he gives off bad vibes. Acting is sub par though I think the main actress did alright actually. She must team up with the aunt to find her and she seems to just go along with it.overall good to watch but the venice murders is a bit of a far fetched film.
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I want to go to honal loop loop aswell
11 May 2024
This was a refrushingly fun movie. Its humor was almost deadpan and the delivery of it by both charles and brian brought a good buddy dynamic. David earl plays Brian, an inventor of all different types of things and his happy enough to let a camera crew around his farm so he can show them everything he had made. After being a bit lonely and finding a disguarded manaquin head he decides to build a robot, which unfortunatly dosn't work. After a storm however he suddenly does and brian finds his now alive companion eating cabbage in the yard. Charles is played by chris haywood who should be congratulated for wearing the costume and being able to walk around in it to. Both great characters and I loved the jokes and fun bits throughtout. I thought overall brian and charles is one of those rear gems but I really liked it overall and it was pretty well made.
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The Babadook (2014)
Pretty good Australian horror
10 May 2024
Amelia is living with her young son samuel. She lost her husband in a car crash an undisclosed amount of time ago and shes finding it hard. Samuel wants his memory kept alive and finds himself in the basement amoungst his things. Playing magician and trying to use a homemade crossbow. One night trying to get him to sleep she reads a bedtime story of the babadook, a stange book that seems to just appear on the shelf but both of them accept it. Its very haunting and off putting about a man in a hat, very reminiscent of the cabinet of dr caligare. Amelie has a funny turn and strange things surround the house leaving poor samuel to fight for his life. Its pretty eerie. The main leads are both great and overall a pretty creepy and good horror.
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Sins in the Family (2023 TV Movie)
ok but nothing great
9 May 2024
Sins in the family was alright, it did what it had to do in terms of this kind of film. The actress playing rose is the furthest you can get from a highschool student and whilst on this subject the acting seemed very forced especially for the female cast and the long awkward silences between two characters didnt help either. So rose is living a quiet life with her parents that is until school conceller zara shows up and as the two get close she says something that makes her world crumble and thrusts her into uncovering the truther behind everything its overall one of those standered films for its genre but alright still.
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