
16 Reviews
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Dog Pound (2010)
Ending ruins it
28 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
A gritty movie showing that prison is a place where you can ahead by doing what got you there in the first place.

I think the ending was bad, I dont understand why the one guy got killed.

I dont understand why the protagonist ended up getting brutalized by the cops in the end.

I would much rather have seen the movie pursue what happened to the officer who killed one of the kids.

I kinda wish I had not seen it because the ending just ruins it, its not a matter of a happy ending, its just so weird and nonsensical. A lot of loose ends, like did butch get out or did the ending screw him over? Not a bad movie though just TERRIBLE ending.
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I liked it
11 January 2024
Im not a huge comic buff so I dont know all the characters, according to other reviewers it seems they they did the good all gender swap which just isnt cool, but not any of the major ones.

I dont get the criticism of the animation I think it looks just fine. Voice acting is also great, if you look at the cast almost all of them are very well known actors.

The story is a little weird, like the start doesnt really link up with the ending if you ask me.

The only thing is sincerely disliked about this movie was the character "hoshi". She is this super genius who is acting all brash with a big mouth and is overall just annoying. You know her.. the classic modern strong female who needs no man.. She just felt like a token self insert of whoever made this movie.

But hey.. maybe she is just a dick in the comics and I just dont know it. Either way I really disliked the sections with her in them..
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Creed III (2023)
9 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Didnt go into this movie expecting a lot. I was excited to see Jonathan Majors after seeing him in the movie "Devotion".

Watched it with my brother, we are both huge rocky fans and the verdict was clear. The movie was disappointing, predictable, superficial and lacks the heart of the rocky movies.

The movie pretty much just uses a mix of rocky 3 and 4 which makes it extremely predictable. The characters are boring and not engaging at all. They are simply too superficial, Adonis apparently deals with childhood trauma but is a fully functional adult who didnt really have problems until his old pal shows up. They never really clarify why Dame went away for so long, they dont clarify why his mother didnt forward the letters to adonis and why she kept them. His wife is losing her hearing but somehow continues to produce succesful music and seems completely unaffected by her condition. She is just talented and the voice of reason.

The daugther for some reason gets violent, but they dont establish WHY she would be violent or establish why she would be a fan of boxing other than her father being Adonis.

I dont think the movie gives a proper motivation for Drago to suddenly show up and train Adonis, I quite frankly would have enjoyed them switching the script and have adonis train Drago for the final fight.

Another thing that I found ridiculous is the the ending Adonis and Dame supposedly beat the cr*p out of eachother for 12 rounds and yet, their faces are barely bruised and Adonis just casually walks around and shadow boxes with his daugther right after the fight as if he doesnt have bruises all over his body.

And yeah Dame is a asshole, but if he so good why does he have to fight dirty, Why couldnt he just be a powerhouse with a big mouth like Mr. T? Or maybe it could have been a legacy fight with another creed son or maybe a illegitimate son of rocky. Giving us the dilemma from a movie like "Warrior" where you dont really know who you want to win in the end.

And quite frankly. Stallone IS the rocky/creed franchise. It is just wrong not to have him involved.

The movie is just so bland. What I enjoy about sports movies is how they captivate me and I can feel my blood pressure rise, when I get engaged in the action. It just does not happen here.

Very disappoiting movie.
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Alpha Males (2022– )
15 January 2023
Being a single male just turned 30 I found the premise of men finding their way in the modern world interesting, I hoped it might even enlighten me on stuff.

But what I found was the classic "modern audiences" vibe where all the men are morons and even though the women have some quirks, competent.

I found it frustrating that these men dont push back on anything. Am I sexist the father asks, the daughter says "yes" and he just accepts it just like that.

The actors are really good and I did see 5 episodes to pass some time, but now I am just disappointed. This show is practically just a group of men getting their asses handed to them without fighting back. What a disappointment. Not all aspects of "modern society" are a positive thing and you are not neccessarily stuck in traditional and outdated views on gender roles, just because you dont like this show, like another reviewer so kindly put it...
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Jersey (2022)
Terrible movie
26 November 2022
Disappointing to say the least. I love sportsmovies and while I am from europe and mostly see the ones from the US I have enjoyed a couple of indian gems with great acting and music.

This is just terrible, weird dialogue emotionless acting and it seems like the voices are dubbed in postproduction making the visuals and sound seem completely off.

I though the plot looked interesting and I actually still really want to see the story, but this movie is just that bad. I cant get past the plethora of negatives.

I dont know if all the positive reviews are from indians being super supportive or whats going on, because this is not a good movie..
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Ocassional glimps of what could have been
11 September 2022
Thor: Love and thunder is a ok movie, mostly because the cinematography is beautiful and the actors are good. The movie itself feels like a a room of writers just brainstormed whatever they found funny and mashed all of it into the movie. The movie is very juvenile and lame most of the time. Sometimes I saw a scene that would have worked beautifully as a unexpected break/joke in a more serious movie, but due to the overload of lame jokes they fell flat on their face in this one.

The movie will do as entertainment if you have nothing else to watch, but it really isnt very good. Gave it a fair shot and was disappointed. Will not recommend this movie to my friends.
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Dont think just act
23 August 2022
Go watch this movie. Just as awesome as the first one if not better.

I always have this feeling at some movie that they could have done it better but not this time. This movie nails it.

Might just have to watch it another time with a buddy who hasnt seen it just to experience it through their eyes!
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Rise (II) (2022)
A bit early?
26 June 2022
Might just be me who is weird. Giannis has not turned 30 yet and we are making a movie celebrating him and his family? I get that the story is inspirational, but at least wait until they retire?

I love sportsmovies but this more of a immigration drama with a spice of basket. So if you came for a proper sportsmovie this isnt it.
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Uncharted (2022)
Nathan Fillion where are you?
4 May 2022
I like Tom Holland and Mark Wahlberg. And this is a ok action flick.

I was very skeptical of the casting but thought Tom might be some kind of "young" Drake.

This doesnt seem to be the case and now im just wondering why they didnt pick Nathan Fillion? He is basically the live version of Drake.
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Vikings: Valhalla (2022– )
Respect history
4 March 2022
Diversity has a time and place. Considering Scandinavia is one of whitest places on earth, having black and asian vikings is just ridiculous. Please just respect history.
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23 November 2021
Im a sucker for sportsmovies. I was very interested in this movie since I did rowing when I was younger. But the movie just falls flat.

The dynamic between Alex and his father is interesting and the classic story of a team with potential but teamwork issues, works, but the romance seems to be a irrelevant parallel story with no purpose. The end makes absolutely no sense both in terms of character building and realism.

Really wanted to like this movie, but it fails to deliver.
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Ramy Youssef: Feelings (2019 TV Special)
Ramy "I researched it" Youssuf
4 August 2019
If you go into this show with a open mind and some patience you will find a lot of good jokes and funny twists. Comics spin everything, so perhaps take his segment about islam with a grain of salt. I personally didnt like the parts where he said he kept saying he researched it, which he clearly had not. More like a quick google search, which was unfortunate.
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28 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I am by no means married to the old MiB even though i loved the old cast, new actors could bring new spark. These didnt. Two things annoyed me the entire movire. 1. The movie insisting that "Men in black" is somehow wrong now, because politics. . 2. The rookie is apparantly smarter, more trust worthy, very skilled in fighting and unfazed by all the dangerous fighting and aliens and always ahead of the seasoned senior agent (Hemsworth). He appears to be a total dimwit and I have no idea how he ever could have entered the agents in the first place. His promotion in the end makes no sense based on his achievements throughout the movie..

Movie was not terrible, but it certainly did not add anything good to the series..
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Better than 2.1
4 October 2017
This is the worst ever rated movie I ever took to the time to watch and i'm glad I did.

This movie is not bad and it has the classic story line of the hero going on a journey to discover his true worth.

It does not deserve the 2.1 rating. The animation is great and all in all it is a well produced movie. This movie brings nothing new to the table, but if you are looking for a movie to watch with the kids on a Saturday night, this is gonna be just fine.

The poor rating is simply people getting too personally invested in the idea of using emojis as a universe...
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Why even connect this film to the old tale..
26 June 2017
A mate of mine told me this movie was great, I was skeptical but gave the movie a fair chance.

Even though the movie has tons of action and CGI and a cool villain I found the movie boring.

The only things in this movie that relates to the old tale is the Arthur, the sword, the lady in the lake and the round table. None of which really matters, they could just have made a movie about a lost chosen prince and a legendary sword.

I really didn't like the Arthur character either, seems like they tried to make him sorta antihero but he just comes off as a dick to me...
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Woodlawn (2015)
If you wanted a sports movie this isn't it
7 January 2016
I love historical sports dramas, especially the ones related to racial problems. I must admit I'm a sucker for motivational speeches and overcoming hardship or doing what others thought of as impossible. But this movie no matter if this really is how it went down is way too religious and uses way to much time on the religious aspect to my taste.

I read the reviews on this page and was aware that it might have a little religious aspect. I thought that it was not a problem because most American sports movies have it and they are great anyway! So I was quite disappointed when I found myself halfway through the movie annoyed by this and I ended up skipping parts of the movie just so I get some the sports drama I initially wanted.

Guess what I'm trying to say is... If you are not religious and not a great fan of spending two hours hearing about how great faith is and the wonders it can do. You should not watch this movie
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