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Chasing Shadows (I) (2014)
Eccentric brilliant detective
20 January 2024
Sean, the lead character, lacks charisma or ability to read people but is a brilliant solver of puzzling crimes. He does eventually show that he has feelings for others when his housekeeper/carer goes missing. He was also aware of her daughter and chose to entertain her. It adds comedy the way he takes off completely oblivious of those around him. His sidekick provides the warmth he lacks and fills in the niceties. It takes a while for others to warm to him out of respect for his brilliance at solving crimes.

Still hopeful they'll continue this series now the covid years are sort of behind us. Too many good scores and reviews for the powers that be to not take advantage of a series that actually is good and well received.
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Faraway Downs (2023)
'Australia' revisited
27 November 2023
Cinematography is brilliant and would be amazing on the big screen. Star actors couldn't be bigger names and all bring a compelling presence to the screen. Are there any big surprises or twists to engage the audience? Maybe not, but it's an enjoyable series.

We're pretty spoilt these days which makes us very critical. Let's just look for the positives. It's so good to see so many great Aussie actors on the screen, none bigger than Hugh Jackman, a favourite especially for the ladies. Nicole Kidman still looks beautiful on screen. It's good to see Bryan Brown as well as others. The villain isn't hard to hate so his acting must be spot on. Overall, the acting is good and I especially liked the little boy, Nullah.

The visual aspect alone is a great advertisement for Australia and should bring a big increase in tourism.

I don't know the ending yet as only seen four episodes but I hear it differs from 'Australia' which also faced criticism.

I stand by rating of 8 despite no surprises because visually it is spectacular.
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Citadel (2023– )
Sequencing sucks!
19 May 2023
The story is all over the place. Audience cannot follow so many time switches. In one episode alone we are subjected to repeated back and forwards in the timeline. It's too distracting!

Maybe cover the back story in one episode and then get on with the tale. The acting is fine but is seriously let down with the writing.

All of a sudden we find out key information out of the blue which is again down to the writing. It didn't belong at that particular point.

It could have been good with attention to how the script was written. This needed to happen at the writing stage. More consultation and scrutiny of the script before any production began should have occurred.

All the money in the world can't repair a badly written script that ignores any form of sequencing.
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The White Lotus (2021–2025)
Entitled and oblivious
25 October 2022
Status is everything to some people. A bunch of spoilt characters holiday at a five star resort and still gripe about minor, unimportant stuff. They have no idea of the feelings of the people who serve them or care to enquire. I imagine this is for real in many resorts in poor countries and I've actually heard it is so. The workers smile sweetly whilst they are trampled on by many guests. The beautiful nature of the lady in the spa shop exemplifies the hurt that happens to them by the wealthy, entitled guests. Is there one decent, noble patron amongst them? Probably the best of them is the 16 year old boy who sees the beauty and the freedom in the world they visited in the people and the nature. It is thought provoking and hopefully it encourages people to be more sensitive when they flaunt their wealth when visiting different places and peoples.
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Garage Sale Mysteries (2013–2020)
Light murder mysteries
24 August 2022
When you don't want the gore or negative relationships but just light mysteries and you like Hallmark but with a plot and occasional twist, you will probably like these movie length mysteries. The stories and acting are decent enough. Judge it on the lighter genre it is rather than something with more depth and complexity. The family members actually like each other and treat each other with love and affection. Characters are well rounded and it's actually good for a lighter murder mystery series.
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The Gray Man (2022)
Action packed fast moving
24 July 2022
It moves along fast with very few pauses keeping you on the edge of your seat for the two hours. Ryan Gosling is great in the lead and. Billy Bob Thornton is his usual brilliant self. All the actors were good and convincing in their roles. The story supports an action movie where the emphasis is on action. An array of characters and the inclusion of a child to show the softness of otherwise hardened people gives the characters some depth. The movie is filled with exciting scenes involving all kinds of large equipment and fight scenes and near death scenarios. Visually very exciting and no time to get bored. We watched it at home on Netflix and really enjoyed it.
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The Hardy Boys (2020–2023)
Casting mismatch
25 June 2022
Joe is okay in his role but not his brother. He looks too old. There are plenty of younger boys who could have played the older Hardy boy. It really does spoil it. As the main characters the two boys needed to be convincing.

Only on the first season so far but enjoying it but would much preferred the casting was right.

The rest of the cast is fine though. Story is good although not always riveting.

The writing is okay maybe not great but passable.

Acting is good mostly.

I think 7 is about right and if you're not too picky it is enjoyable.
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The Lincoln Lawyer (2022– )
Loved, loved, loved it!
2 June 2022
It is superb. I looked forward to seeing the next episode so much. I gave the score before I saw the low scores and poor reviews from other people. I loved the lead actor, handsome and quietly incisive. The writing was excellent which is to be expected given the material of the author. Casting was great and spot on. Enough was left for the viewer to use some brain cells. Atmosphere was created by the acting and character development. The scenes were eye appealing to create a setting in a place that has featured in many productions. It is similar to the books I read so my genre of choice.

As for the poor scores they are senseless as no points were awarded for anything. If I watch something that is not to my taste I look to give some points. Scores of 1, 2, or 3 should not be allowed where it is obvious that there is a story with actors and a picture and scenes, etc.

David Kelly excelled as usual. Looking forward to series two.
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1883 (2021–2022)
It could have been a 10
3 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It was great right up to the last episode. The cinematography was outstanding. Acting was convincing and very good. The storyline was let down in the last episode. Audiences don't need to feel overwhelmed with sadness because the writers decided that they must be ruthless just at the end of the limited season. The ending made it limited. I never write a review with spoilers but this one was needed. There was another way and the audience could have been allowed to feel upbeat instead of miserable. None of us saw it coming and it was too much for some of us. It was unnecessary and could have ended with at least the main characters being happy and successful in their long journey.
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A Discovery of Witches (2018–2022)
Not my cup of tea
26 February 2022
I am watching because my daughter and my husband like it. My daughter gives it 8, my husband gives it 7 and I give it 3 so hence the 6. We have to be fair. Acting seems fine. Storyline is okay. What is my issue with it? It needs more shades of light and dark and some humour would not go astray. It seems too dark for me. Action is missing as well. Seems to be too much talking! I'm not enjoying it but two here are. Writing could be the problem for me. The writers seem bogged down in dialogue with little action and zero humour. To those who enjoy it fine and to people like me who are barely tolerating it. This too will pass lol.
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Brazen (2022)
TV movie with reasonable story and good acting
13 January 2022
I watched it, was fairly entertained by it. I hadn't looked at the two reviews before I watched it. If it had been only one or two stars I would not have lasted long. There weren't any great surprises or edge of the seat stuff but it was okay. Maybe people wanted the usual chases or big laughs. Acting was fine. I recognised the female lead and noted she has not changed much over the years. I liked her in the sitcom when she was a child. It wasn't 007 or any big bucks movie so it can't be graded as though it was. I didn't need to be shocked or want a fast paced movie suitable for the big screen. It is a TV movie. Maybe the script could have been better so it was different from many other movies of this genre. Being based on a book they may have followed that story line. Did I want to keep watching? Yes I did. Don't have high expectations and you should enjoy it. I think we have become very spoilt with the big screen, modern technology, etc. It satisfied me for a late night movie, not too heavy with no depressing ending.
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Annika (2021– )
Tales explain crimes
23 October 2021
Brilliant and clever! The stories Annika tells are echoed in the script for example bridges means the architecture that is seen and the connections that are made. I love it when everything is not spelled out for me but allows me to interpret and construct from the material which gives depth to the drama unfolding. The humour used by Annika is also enjoyable and different. The themes are explained in the stories and echoed when the crime is solved. I think many have not understood what is being used like analogies and figures of speech. The other detectives are portrayed well by the actors and provide a mix of characters to help solve each of the crimes. The setting is a bonus with great scenery. It is worth at least an eight because compared to other police procedurals it has depth and layers of meaning.
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Taken as a whole, it is more than a reasonable production.
15 April 2021
Not even my preferred genre but in all fairness it is does not deserve the low scores given to it by many people. The series is more than the music or any other one aspect on which some reviewers have based their scores. Not even finishing the first episode then awarding it an abysmal score is not logical. Taken as a whole it is more than reasonable and is actually entertaining and the intended audience would not be so critical. Older people have also enjoyed the series. The acting is more than satisfactory. The setting is interesting and authentic. You can become absorbed in the story and characters even if, like me, it is not your preferred genre. Mystery and suspense set in a darker and unfortunate time period for the poorer classes with sci fi added into the mix sink down into your chairs and feel the atmosphere.
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The Undoing (2020)
Solid acting and script
22 February 2021
The three adult actor leads did the expected job of their roles but not much mention has been made of the child actors. The boy who plays Nicole Kidman's son had an excellent presence and I found him especially compelling. Noah Jupe was believable in his role and his presence added to the success of the series. Kelly provided a good script for the actors to get their teeth into. It was a bingeable series which is another good test of a successful production. Kidman is gorgeous and can easily play a younger woman than her actual age. Having a history with the actors helps to ensure your enjoyment as you relax knowing they are competent to carry the role successfully. The knockers of this series seem overly picky with their vacuous criticisms. I have not inflated the score awarded by me to this series just kept it reasonable.
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The Irish in me loved this movie
4 February 2021
Beautiful scenery and music! It is very Irish with the humour as well. Maybe if you have no Irish in you it may not touch your heart or funny bone. It is a romance Irish style and the singing is just wonderful. Acting is solid and I can find no fault overall. It is what it means to be not what some think it should be. Loved it!
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Warm, gentle storytelling...
4 October 2020
Yes it is dated but it is a lovely movie. It is scenic with a nice story and acting is good especially Weaver. A family can watch this maybe would not entertain young children because much depends on the story and the visual aspects. It hit the spot with me as I did not feel like a heavy, violent one today. Family Is always a good topic and love is powerful especially when there are lessons to learn. There is more to everyone than meets the eye. People are complex. Sometimes we need a happy ending too especially at this time with the corona virus ravaging countries and families. Watch knowing it is not a fast paced movie with technological tricks and modern 2020 cinema and have a tissue ready for parts of it especially towards the end.
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Enola Holmes (2020)
Great acting and story
24 September 2020
Oh my goodness some reviews decided what the movie should be and then rated it because it was not. Have they ever written a story or made a movie? Did this movie say it would be historically accurate or be anything but a piece of fiction. The main character is superb with brilliant acting and lovely to look at. For her tender age she is especially amazing! I really enjoyed the movie and was surprised at the low score. Maybe as more people of intelligence watch it the score will rise. Every age has people before their time inhabit it. How asinine to think that girls are only capable of sewing and breeding. There would have been many who knew they were more and fought for that. The budding romance is sweet as well. It is a family movie which is another bonus. Leading actors filled the roles so nothing shabby about that either. It is smooth and funny and thought provoking and an all round good film for the entire family or to watch by yourself. Others with me loved it as well.
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Trauma Center (2019)
Poor acting from Bruce Willis
12 September 2020
Bruce Willis had little facial or voice expression in this low budget movie made for tv. Where were his signature looks and sounds. It is watchable but better acting would have been helpful towards earning a higher score. I expected to see the usual performance from BW but sadly it was a shadow of his previous acting roles. The other cops also failed to deliver convincing performances. The two girls were better in their roles but at the start their voices sounded off too. Was it something to do with the sound? It could have been much better if more time was taken to polish the characters' voices and expressions. It was fairly predictable but that could have been forgiven with better performances. Where were you Bruce?
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Perry Mason (2020–2023)
Only one episode so far yet the verdict is in?
22 June 2020
Why are people criticising this because it is not what they want to see, a stereotypical Perry Mason. How dare there be any poetic licence or creativity or change. All we have seen so far is a depressed man who has been through a war, lost his family and down on his luck. Will the real Perry Mason please stand up? I have yet to decide. The first episode is merely the backdrop and the curtain will rise soon. By the end of the episode we see a shadow of the man he will become. The puzzle is displayed and he emerges with a plan and a direction. Give the show a chance for goodness sake. I will revisit this down the track after watching the series. Many questions to be answered and the start is promising. Acting is what you would expect from this guy having watched every episode of The Americans. I am looking forward and not judging this early so I shall return later. Later....Only a few episodes left and we now see the real Perry Mason emerging, well worth the wait and the build up!
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The Great (2020– )
Vulgar, strong language and cruelty
16 June 2020
It is not a 10 nor is it a 1. The acting is fine and Catherine the Great and Emperor Peter do a great job. The supporting cast is also all very good. The language is disappointingly excessive in its vulgarity and eventually had no shock value as it was ever present. The sex scenes were in your face and painted the characters as debauched and were never subtle or refined. The costumes were excellent and the palace was adorned and splendid so it was visually appealing. The storyline was also good and does not have to follow history but rather draws from it and uses poetic licence to depict the time and characters. However, it numbs the senses with so much bad language and shock scenes which is probably not a good thing in my opinion and takes away from the overall production. The cruelty becomes acceptable and one becomes numb to the offensive language and lack or morals. I try to be fair in my evaluation and award points where earned and deserved. The emperor appears to become less obnoxious as the series progresses. The empress, however, grows in intellect and ambition.
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After Life (2019–2022)
Such a good show
8 June 2020
At first you think this is a bit lame then as it proceeds you realise it is very clever. Emotionally powerful and it touches you and you want to cry but laugh at the same time. It allows you to express your own sadness and helps you to feel it in a therapeutic way. The characters are wonderful and so real not stereotypical and mundane. They show us that ordinary people with all their weirdness are actually worthy individuals. The language is inappropriate and comes from the most surprising people which both shocks and makes you laugh. The articles in the paper are about nothing but show that people want to be included and noticed and appreciated and even understood. The people in your life like your spouse and your parent are precious and could be gone in a flash so love and value them. It does not preach yet it does. Characters develop especially the main protagonist and learn to take each day as it comes, even days that are ground hog days. Grief takes a long journey and we see that sometimes it progresses and other times it goes backwards and one has to start over to learn to live and value life. The dog is wonderful too.
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Snowpiercer (2020–2024)
Great title
7 June 2020
Snowpiercer is a great title that can be both literal in meaning and not literal. The train pushes through white snow on a line that travels around the world. Time extends from days to weeks to months to years. Some passengers are innocent and oblivious to what is actually going on. Do they really know who is in charge? There is a crime or many crimes happening and a detective needs to solve them and he is breaking down barriers including class ones. I believe it is good so far after three episodes. Three of us here are intrigued and looking for the next episode. I have no issues with the acting or story line. If you can unpack the title then you are able to enjoy this series in my opinion. Let's see if they can maintain the quality through to the end. I shall revisit this if I need to adjust the stars. There are questions which is good because it keeps you wanting more. Good start Snowpiercer!
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Uncut Gems (2019)
What a downer!
4 June 2020
This was a very depressing movie. If you are feeling fragile give it a miss. I have never liked Adam Sandler and did not believe he could pull off a straight character without all his usual bluster in a comedy. But he did! He was not the problem. It was messy, noisy and, most of all, made me feel miserable. His portrayal of a self destructive guy was credible. All the acting was good. I did not like the script. For those who did, fine! It was just not my cup of tea. A husband and daughter with me did not enjoy it either. What kind of mood you would need to be in to find it enjoyable I am not sure but with all that is going on at the moment in the world a depressing film like this did not hit the spot for many of us.
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Maybe reviewers should make their own movies and series
2 June 2020
As only one episode has been aired I wonder at the low scores. I may revisit this but at the moment my opinion is that it is good. The complaints are about the fact that they did not get what they expected or decided it would be ahead of watching it. The acting is fine and the mystery is intriguing and I am curious about where it is heading. It shocked and surprised me and kept me interested. The desert is an unforgiving landscape unless you are Aboriginal and understand it. I am happy with what I have seen so far and look forward to episode two.
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The Good Fight (2017–2022)
Weird season three
29 May 2020
I agree that season three is weird. Who is writing this stuff? Such a shame that a good series has decided to take a weird route. Season one was good. Season two was a tad political although Trump provides a mine of gems to be used by writers. The lead is missing. Diane has gone quite strange. Normal is hard to find in the writing and like most people sorry that it has changed so much from series one. Luca is still good thankfully. The acting is fine but the storylines have taken a detour into crazy!
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