2 Reviews
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Turistas (2006)
A big waste of time and money...
8 December 2006
This may well be the worst movie I've seen this year. The first hour is excruciatingly boring. There is one cool scene where they used some great visual effects, but that's about it. I found it very hard to follow the plot. It seemed for a long time like nothing at all was going to happen. I was so desperate for action, that I started making it up in my imagination. When they finally do touch on the plot for 15 minutes, it's so watered down that you can't even enjoy what little action is there. The last half hour is nearly unwatchable. It reminded me of Hostel is some ways. But at least Hostel managed to be somewhat entertaining by the end. In short, don't waste your money...unless you're a fan of really boring, terrible movies.
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after watching this film I wanted to commit suicide as well...
8 January 2006
at first, the cinematography looks good, so at least it has that...but this movie slowly descends into the depths of Hollywood hell. it twists so many times you completely get lost, and by the end of the movie, you have no idea what just happened! i suppose if i subjected myself to watching it again, maybe i would pick up something i missed before. but to be perfectly honest, it was so bad, i don't think i CAN watch it again. this movie makes no sense to me. what's so bad is that i truly believe that i actually DO understand everything about it. its just so bad that i'm having trouble really BELIEVING that i'm really understanding. i just keep thinking "there has to be something more..." if there IS indeed something more to this film, its completely and hopelessly buried under the layers of crap that make this movie what it is. don't waste your time on this piece of crap. if you want to watch something that will twist and turn and challenge your brain...watch a David lynch film.
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