
52 Reviews
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Scoop (2024)
5 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Did this really need to be made ? The actual interview is still relevant and widely available to view so what is the point of this somewhat silly dramatisation. It sheds no light on matters. If anything at the outset Andrew whilst addressing a gathering actually came across as quite amusing. Having viewed the original we know what type of man he really is. Was the intention of this drama to soften our view of Andrew ? His mild rebuke of a maid for failing to organise his Teddy bears correctly doesn't sound like the real man. It's well documented that he throws vile tantrums when any staff member fails to meet his " exacting" standards. So aside from the curiosity value of seeing if the actors look like the people they are portraying viewing Scoop is a pretty worthless exercise.
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Phoebe Waller Bridge Kills A Franchise
1 February 2024
The opening sequence of the movie was excellent. Just what you expect, a relentless chase then a rooftop fight on a speeding train. The CGI deaging is remarkable. So far so good.

Then she appears. Phoebe Waller Bridge, possibly the worst bit of casting in movie history. It takes a monumental effort to derail what should have been a fond farewell to one of movies favourite heroes. Phoebe manages it though. She crowds Harrison Ford out of just about every scene. Berates our hero at every opportunity. How this charmless non actress was allowed to run riot and pretty much wreck an entire movie beggars belief.
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The Lost City (2022)
Watch Romancing The Stone
30 January 2024
The creativity cupboard in Hollywood must be completely bare. Aside from a very brief Brad Pitt cameo this is just a joyless turgid experience. I've no idea who thought Channing Tatum was leading man material. He isn't. He's absolutely devoid of any charm and has zero comedic skills.

It's incredulous that anyone working on this film was doing good work. As for Sandra Bullock she appears to have been making pretty much the same film her entire career. Without being disrespectful she's getting a bit long in the tooth for these roles. I really hope she gave the soft focus lense guy a healthy tip for his work on this fiasco. Finally little Daniel Radcliffe still struggling to convince us all that there's more to him than the Harry Potter films. Sadly there isn't. Not that he needs it but fair play to him for still being able to pick up pay cheques by turning up in films.
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Mugging Masterclass
23 January 2024
The Cast Pierce Brosnan. Perhaps the very worst James Bond, Mr B always reminded more of a male model than an MI6 agent. I genuinely can't recall a solitary film other than his non speaking role in the Long Good Friday that he was any good in.

Emma Thompson is exactly the same in everything she's in. An ordinary woman with a supposed zany side. Excruciating attempts on her part over the years to be funny always fail spectacularly. Needless to say she plays her usual self here.

Timothy Spall having seen a documentary he made where he sailed with his wife around the British Isles. Throughout the documentary he barked at his poor put upon partner and was generally sour throughout. So to watch him ham it up as a quirky old geezer with a mysterious past in this tosh was too much to take for me.

Celia Imrie is an excellent television actress and is way better than what's on offer here. I say that as unlike the other three offenders I mean cast members she is actually funny.

As for the film. The quartet ham it up horribly in some generic plot about recovering money from some corporate raider whose stripped Brosnans company of its assets. The first Brosnan hears about this is seeing a sign on his office door saying closed. Yeah that's how business works. It's just an example of this lazily written absurdity of a film. I watched straight faced as our protagonists lurched from one predictable unfunny set piece to the next. I would have given this film a 1 score but I usually reserve them for the next 70 year old Liam Neeson action movie or for the works of Sir Jason Statham. Watch anything but this unless you're really easily pleased.
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The Traitors UK (2022– )
Strictly Come Murdering It Takes Two
14 January 2024
The BTBC that's the Box Ticking Broadcasting Corporation àre at it again. A truly eclectic mix of reality television fodder compete for money. Diversity driven rip off of every lame reality show ever conceived, wrapped in a pile of garbage with a hint of melodramatic production values. Topped of with a failed model the very vapid Claudia Winkleman. The contestants/ wannabees conduct various nonsensical and palpably simple tasks to win money. So far so unoriginal. Then the twists the wannabees are bumped of one at a time. Thanks Cluedo. But some of the wannabees are really traitors . They use their cunning and gamesmanship to manipulate the herd. Not exactly difficult in a room full of loud and largely inept " big personalities " .. A goat could outwit most of them. All of whom having been hand picked by the producers for their wacky behavior.

The many plaudits this show has garnered baffles me. Aside from some nice exterior shots of a lovely Scottish Castle there's really not much going on just a bunch of narcissists fighting each other for air time. On the nastier sides the show embraces marginalisation and manipulation. Two of the lesser aspects of human nature. What will the BBC have us watch next ? Tess Daly presenting a show called Bully The Fat Kid ?.. I can just imagine the type of viewer this show will attract. Meek put upon people who dream of reeking havoc on their perceived tormentors. Do yourself a favour and read a book.
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Frasier (2023– )
Reboot the laughter track in the bin.
4 November 2023
When the original season of Frasier first started I remember eliciting a groan. " Oh no a Cheers spin off".. Yet it went on to become one of the best loved and most lauded sitcoms on TV history. It's crisp sharp and occasionally cruel style set it apart from all else. The characters were so relatable and well written. So to recapture that magic without Martin, Daphne, Niles and Lilith seems a nigh on impossible task. In its favour Kelsey Grammar is an excellent actor. Nicholas Lyndhurst not so much. Revisiting the new Frasier I think if we all somehow lower our expectations to a more realistic level then it may well reduce our disappointment. It may improve nothings etched in stone. Perhaps some of the old faces might reappear. Personally I've too much fondness for this show to hate on it. Most TV writers are quite sharp cookies. Hopefully they'll see what's not working and fix it. Hope springs eternal.
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Utter Bilge
25 October 2023
This has to be without exception the worst film I've ever tried to watch. Who greenlit something as lame and utterly unpleasant as this. This is yet another example that Hollywood have stopped making actual films for thinking adults. This rubbish is just a product .

I wouldn't flatter any of the people in it by calling them characters as there aren't any. All involved in this fiasco can only be in it for the cash.

No doubt this nonsense cost a lot of money to make. This makes me so sad. Lavishing resources on this trash when the money could and should have been spent on far more worthwhile endeavours. Sort of sums up today's Hollywood.
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Lansky (2021)
Grim clichéd and on a very very low budget
15 August 2023
Saw this on Netflix where its called Lansky. I've always had issues when filmmakers hero worship criminals. This is a really badly told tale clearly shot on a very low budget. Harvey Keitel does his best to come over as the all knowing grandiose old mob boss. He fails miserably in a performance that's so flat it fails on every count.

The recreations of Lanskys youth are so lame and badly staged. None of the younger protagonists look like who they are supposed to be portraying or are particularly talented performers. I never made it to the end of this dogs dinner of a film. I've endured this tosh so you don't have to. Avoid, avoid.....
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Queen of Oz (2023)
18 June 2023
Clearly coasting on past successes. This Catherine Tate venture is so lazily written whilst labouring under the illusion that crass physical comedy is still funny. Episode one was like a very weak episode of something Ben Elton might have thrown together back in the eighties.

This show looked cheap and nasty with no likeable characters. It didn't even look like it was filmed in Australia. My indifference was such that I didn't even bother to check.

It must surely be the case that if Tate rocked up to the BBC with a phone directory then the corporation would likely commission it. So to recap avoid this bilge like the plague. There's a wealth of content all over the place these days, so there's no real need to waste your time on this.
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The Gold (2023–2024)
15 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Poor Hugh Bonneville must be at the Samuel L Jackson I never turn down a script stage of his career.

Made by Under A Tenner Productions The Gold is a travesty of a production. Very low budget. Awful production values. An asthmatic script. Predominantly dreadful performances. Some of the bad wigs and palpably fake moustaches add to the comic element of this pyramid of piffle.

It's almost impossible to empathise or understand any of the very poorly drawn characters. It was most likely written by a faltering phone app.

From the hasty opening to the turgid finale we are bombarded with dozens of clandestine conversations. A couple of low speed car pursuits . There are also numerous characters who bring nothing to the narrative and at the who got what when it all went to court they omit completely one of the main characters. An utter mess of a show.
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Denial (II) (2016)
Barry from Auf Wiedersehen Pet evolves in to a reasonable actor.
28 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The emotive contentious Subject matter aside. Viewing Denial as an experience makes for grim viewing.

Our heroine Rachel Weisz delivering possibly the worst performance of her career grated on me every second she was on screen. From her dreadful American accent to her childish arguements with her legal team she was awful. Timothy Spall as the antagonist was actually pretty good in what was essentially a thankless role. Nobody is ever going to enjoy watching a mad old racist holocaust denier. The protagonist was never in any jeopardy or peril. She's surrounded by a team of high priced legal experts. Even if she were to lose it was mentioned that others were picking up the tab. And that the whole action was costing her nothing. What an utterly ridiculous premise.

I really wanted to like this film as both Tom Wilkinson and Andrew Scott are fine actors. This film was however devoid of any drama or sense of peril. There wasn't even a footnote advising the audience what the cost of the action did to Irvine and how it exposed him globally as a racist holocaust denier, banned from entering many countries. Rightly so. It would have tidied up this messy little film slightly.
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The Kitchen (2019)
No Star Nonsense Fest
25 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
So hard to know where to start with a dreadful film like this. The film starts of with the wives dimwit husbands pulling an ill conceived armed robbery of the most rundown store I've seen in my life. They are apprehended by FBI officers staking out the store and the local police. But not before one of the gang seriously beats up one of the FBI officers. Now given these three clowns will no doubt have previous they are sentenced to three years. For armed robbery and almost killing an FBI agent. Utterly ridiculous. An offence like that would carry a much weightier sentence. Melissa Mcarthy should be renamed the plumber as most of her movies go down the toilet. The ease with which these three initially downtrodden wives morph in to street savvy gangsters is simply preposterous. Do yourself a favour and dodge this bilge its terrible.
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Inheritance (I) (2020)
I Wish They Had Buried The Script
23 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
So much wrong with Inheritance. The lead looking like a school child and yet she's a high powered District Attorney. " Yeah Right" There's a bit near the beginning where the patriarch is about to pop his clogs. In the next scene we have his son saying " I can't believe he's gone. He was in better shape than me." . This is utter nonsense as the afore mentioned patriarch was a trifle chubby looking. Finally we have Simon Pegg in an awful wig trying to pull of some sort of Hannibal Lector sort of role. The denouement in the cellar is both laughable and insulting. Other reviewers have implied that Pegg is too good an actor for this role ? He isn't. In my humble opinion rubbish like this fits him like a glove. I've endured this film so you don't have to.
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Late Night (2019)
Have an early night.
7 September 2022
Everyone will have seen this type of film a million times over. There's absolutely nothing original clever or funny here. The wit and charm of Emma Thompson has always escaped me. From her early days on British television where she was touted by the BBC as a comic genius to where we are now. She delivers the same one note performance in this as she does in everything else. This is The Devil Wears Prada without the warmth and the laughs. Emma Thompson is no Meryl Streep. Her shrill annoying co star only serves to make me dislike this film even more. Be wary of the good reviews for this. It must come from people that can tell good comedy from something you can make unstuck from your shoe.
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Welcome Back Mike Myers
3 September 2022
I've missed Mike Myers and his unique take on things. Sadly with no more Austin Powers films. The first two being excellent the third not so much.

Here we have The Pentaverate as previously mentioned by his bizarre Scottish father from So I Married An Axe Murderer. Given that Myers plays just about every main character in The Pentaverate each episode must take ages to make. I wonder how this will resonate with today's crowd . Everyone seems so particular on matters these days. Is there still place for old school toilet humour ? I do hope so as.there are many laughs and much to enjoy with The Pentaverate.
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This made me smile.
10 August 2022
I suffer from chronic depression. This film appeared on my Netflix today. It cheered me up a bit.

No CGI no super heroes. Just a nice Capra esque film with genuinely nice characters to root for. I see some people sniping at this movie for being too nice. There was a time that was a major selling point. Sadly not the case these days.
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The Holiday (2021)
The Holiday
24 July 2022
I would rather be at work than endure this particular holiday. I urge you to trust the reviews save yourself the pain. Channel 5 should stop making these horrible dramas.
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Big Timber (2020– )
Horrible Show Horribly Made
16 July 2022
Netflix clearly don't give a jott about any environmental issues. Commissioning this garbage about a bunch of rednecks destroying the remaining forestation on Vancouver Island. Hideous concept. Perhaps Netflix will commission a show about the difficulties of getting started in the heroin business.
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Hope Street (2020– )
Hopeless Street
25 May 2022
Absolutely dire. In episode three there is quite possibly the worst acting performance I've ever seen on television. I won't name the actor as its unfair. He's easily spotted. The storylines are beyond limp. This entire fiasco is underpinned by the BBC's right on woke box ticking agenda.
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Gold Digger (2019)
Binge watched
22 May 2022
Having movement issues courtesy of a sore back and a far away remote control. Firstly does anyone work in this show. Huge houses. Range Rovers Aston Martins and a mentioned but never seen villa abroad.

Stretching the bounds of credibility. I really couldn't take this seriously. Gets progressively sillier as it goes.
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A Few Irritating Men
20 May 2022
Jack Nicolson. Delivering his dialogue like he was still playing the Joker. He just sounds like a showey old actor chewing his lines.

Tom Cruise. A grinning idiot who looks like he's just taken of his Hawian shirt from Cocktail. Grinning and glib making fun of his superiors. The Navy would surely fire a clown like this.

Kevin Pollack. I kept expecting him to start impersonating William Shatner.

Demi Moore & J T Walsh the only two characters

who behaved like naval officers. The rest of this nonsense is a credibility free tosh fest.
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That's My Boy (2012)
Absolutely Outstanding
10 May 2022
Yet another utterly marvellous character driven comedy from the iconoclastic talent that is Adam Sandler. In That's My Boy Sandler gives a wonderfully nuanced performance. His writing is up to his usual standard. Whilst this is essentially an art house movie it's still capable of making most people laugh at it's wonderfully drawn characters. Adam Sandler really is the gold standard of comedy .
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Piranha 3D (2010)
A True Cinema Classic
1 May 2022
One of the best films ever made. Utterly believable characters and a solid narrative drive this ecological thriller forward at break neck speed. Unlike many grotty teen filled sexploitation flicsThis tribute to restraint and sensitivity was sadlyy overlooked at Oscar time. Up there with the very best.
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Taylor Tomlinson: Look at You (2022 TV Special)
Not for me.
28 April 2022
This kind of came across like a spoilt affluent young woman, whose dad bullied Netflix into giving her a special . Her material and premises were all pretty stale and hackneyed. I found her act and her delivery pretty grating. No doubt she'll appeal to some.
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This Is Just A Product
28 April 2022
All of my younger work colleagues raved about this nonsense. I managed fifteen minutes before switching off. When I think back to thrillers like Bullet or Dirty Harry. Even some of those lame 70's Burt Reynolds movies were better than bilge like this. I can only assume its written if it was written, for the teen market. So if you are a teen with a thirst for action. Go borrow some of your dad's dvds.
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