
7 Reviews
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The Krays (1990)
I'm not sure how this gets rated
12 January 2020
I remember watching this on VHS a long time ago, and it has not aged well at all. The fight scenes are sub 60s Batman and the acting is pretty terrible even for the 90s.

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I loved it, probably for the reasons you hate it
8 September 2019
This was everything I was hoping it would be. Deadpan and darkly funny, a slow builder, great zombies (with a slight twist on the generic), enough zombie slaying action, in jokes and pops at the genre and a great brooding atmosphere throughout. Not to mention the terrific cast list. I can see why people are confused at this, but that's the intention. It's not a standard straightforward zombie flick, or is it a laugh out loud action zom com (although I genuinely did laugh out loud at points).

I love that the reviews at the moment are sitting around 5 stars. That means noone quite knows what to make of it, which is terrific. Scratch below the surface a little and you'll see that it is exactly what it was intended to be, and it's upset the applecart as much as I'm sure was intended. It delivered on all counts for me, one of the best zombie films I've seen in recent years.
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Formulaic but falls short of its predecessors
26 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I've determined there appears to be two formulas to the Ju-On films. This sequel opts for the long drawn out build up psychological horror, utilising repeating themes such as Toshio's singing, and the circular drawn pattern to create suspense. These themes do create a new layer to the movies, which I believe is a modern addition to the films. The other formula is the no nonsense horror approach with graphic scenes and lots of jump scares.

While there are several good scares, Kayako in her human form drawing circles and the 'jaw rip' scene, I think this film focuses more on Toshio's ghost as a fear factor, and suffers from a lack of Kayako's (who in my opinion is the scariest part of the series, that said there's only so many times the producers can use the same thing to good effect, so with each new sequel comes a new challenge to remain fresh)

The film does attempt to go into a little more back story from Kayako in the form of a book with her writings in, giving insight into her mental state prior to her murder, which is a nice touch. There is also some more Toshio back story, so these are necessary additions I feel.

Overall some nice dispatch scenes, but for me ultimately could have used more scary Kayako scenes to be a true contender.
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Not quite the same chills as White Ghost
26 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
At this point the Ju On films seem to be alternating one good to one bad. So where White Ghost was quite intensely scary throughout, I found Black Ghost to lack much in the way of frights. The ghost pregnancy theme was reused from previous films and didn't deliver (geddit).

In all, it had potential but it couldn't really follow White Ghost in terms of horror, and opted for a more dramatic thriller type movie.

Also Toshio (or a boy resembling him as closely as possible without being him) had a very brief cameo. Why did he show up in a film that wasn't related to The Curse or Grudge films? Another quite nonsensical mystery that Ju-On films seem to be good at slotting in. Maybe there is an explanation that I missed for this appearance, or maybe it was just an opportune moment.

Perhaps I'll never know.
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Better than The Grudge 2
25 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Well, I have found this to be a much more frightening film than its predecessor. The scary scenes are straight to the point, the protagonist ghost is a scary lady indeed which makes for some genuinely chilling sequences, and it doesn't ever seem to drag or become dull.

The film doesn't suffer from being a relatively modern reboot like so many others, and in the Ju-On tradition it has its portion of cute characters being bumped off in various horrific manners, it certainly doesn't dissapoint in that respect. An enjoyable sequel.

I look forward to seeing the next chapter in the Black Ghost.
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Not a scarefest like its prequels
25 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I find that this movie is trying to add more of a build up to the scares than its predecessors, but in doing so it lacks some of the raw horror that the prequels had. Try Ju On The Curse 1 and 2 and Ju On the Grudge for more scares. Somehow seeing Kayako crawl down stairs and make that awful gutteral noise doesn't get old.

Storyline wise really I don't think any of the films have much of one to follow, but that's not the point of them. Scary ghost mother and son kill everyone who enters their house in more and more horrific circumstances. And that's fine with me.

I am yet to see any of the sequels to this, as I'm working through them in order, but I am enjoying the series thus far.
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As close to perfect as it gets
20 December 2018
Every sketch is a hit. The only criticism I have is there wasn't another season.
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