
19 Reviews
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Run the Tide (2016)
A Good Watch.
3 December 2016
A story of two brothers whose mother is about to get out of prison after serving time for what seems to be a history of drug abuse, but the story never tells you what she really did time for. Long story short, the older son finding out his mother is about to be let out of prison, and not wanting to have anything to do with her and wanting to spare his younger brother from all the pain he suffered by his mother, decides to pack and leave right before she gets out. From there the journey unfolds of the past hurts, resentment and struggle the divided family has to deal with. I like movies like this because I too am a thirty year recovered substance abuser and now truly the know detriment it does to a family, especially when it comes to regaining trust. Anyone who has struggled with drug addiction and has been rehabilitated, will definitely enjoy and appreciate this film. Taylor Lautner and the rest of the cast gave wonderful heart felt performances. A good watch and highly recommended to mature audiences.
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Don't Breathe (2016)
Reviewers Are Being Paid To Lie About Bad Films, To Say They Are Good
14 October 2016
Reviewers are being paid to lie about bad films, to say they are good. I'm really tired of the coming on, and reading reviews that say terrible movies are good. For instance, I read the praised reviews on Lights Out, thinking that,that movie was really gonna be good, only to watch a horrible film and waste time in doing so. Again, this was because the reviews on that film were blown up by people who are being paid to write lies about about films to get you to theater. Once again I was deceived by these lying treacherous parasites saying how good, Don't Breathe was, only to be duped out of time by wasting it, watching an even more horrible film. I'm not even going to comment on this film other than to tell you that it was just awful, awful and more awful. The story, plot, cast all stupid and nowhere believable. But my real grievance is with IMDb reviewers who are purposely lying about these films, saying the are good knowing full well this film sucked major ass. I will never trust another review on IMDb.
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Lights Out (II) (2016)
Dumb As Hell!....Dumb As Hell!
5 October 2016
This movie was DUMB AS HELL! All the reviewers praising this crap were either apart of the production of the film, or people who are simply to inept to know good horror films and good movie making. I mean WTF was that? I went with my expectation levels at a minimum thinking that the trailer was the best thing of the film (boy was I right), and then came on here reading the reviews and reading quotes on how great this movie is, this is how horror movies should be and all that other bull...t I read, having me believe this movie was all that and a bag chips. Well well well, Let me just sum this up real quick. The real horror was the HORROR...ble script , HORROR...ble acting, and HORROR...ble movie. DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT waste your time or money on this garbage. This movie was DUMB AS HELL! And to all you liars who wrote reviews praising this crap, shame on you. Films should be about art and the craft of acting, not driving ticket sales....SMH
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Don't Believe Any Of The Negative Reviews. This Is GOOD Movie!
23 September 2016
Don't believe any of The negative reviews. This Is a GOOD Movie! I was amazed to see so many negative reviews about a really good movie. My comment is about not believing comments on IMDb. There has been times when I've read positive reviews about a movie, and the move sucked major ass. Now I read negative reviews about a movie that was really good from beginning to end, and it simply amazes me. That's why I've decided to pay no attention to reviews too much and just watch the film and make my own decision on whether its good or not. There are just too many critics and you just can't rely on what you read. Don't get me wrong, some of the reviews are spot on and I find myself in total agreement with some reviews, but this movie was really awesome. I like when a movie keeps my interest the way Alice through the looking glass did. So for anyone looking for a nice escape from reality, don't go by the negative reviews, give this one look. I promise you will not be disappointed.
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The Pack (2015)
Another Aussie Movie That I Was Disappointed After Watching.
25 June 2016
Just another Aussie movie that I was disappointed after watching. I've been going by what the previous reviews say about Aussie films and as a American film goer, I gotta say, their films kinda suck a...s. They start off pretty decent like this one did, but twenty minutes in, you start seeing some real stupid scenes, that makes you question what were the script writers thinking, when they wrote that part in the scene. The movie is a about a pack of wild ferocious wolves who now set their fury on a family of four, who's home is about to be put into foreclosure. Not giving any spoilers, but this story is tired and old and done so many times before, you would think they would've gotten basic formula right. But my issue with Aussie films are they always have certain scenes that make absolutely no sense, when it comes to survival. Anyway that's my spiel on it. Not really worth the watch unless you have nothing else to do, but time to waste.
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Wicked People, Do Wicked Things.
30 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not a film critic to say the least, but I do enjoy a good story and decent plot with hint of twist. For me this film had a little of all it. From the cast performances, to the plot and story, this one kept me interested from beginning to the end. Two couples expecting a child, living in a two family home. One couple lives upstairs and the other couple are The Ones Below, lose their expecting child, and from there, the story unfolds. Good afternoon, film especially when you have a day off, just to relax and kick your feet up on the couch. I will say that for me, I wished the characters had just a little more depth especially for the build up towards the end. I was disappointed in what happened to the mother who did give birth. Truly a diabolical look into how wicked people do wicked things. Overall good watch, and worth a buying a ticket if it was still in theaters. Recommended watch.
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The Invitation (I) (2015)
This one blew me away!
9 April 2016
So I watched this movie, already kinda knowing the feel of the story but wasn't too sure of the premise. But as time progressed, it became crystal clear where this movie was going. This is the kinda of movie that really have you think that people are people, are not people, but live very dark lives, and that, nothing is as it seems. This one blew me away. Even after realizing what this film was about, I was still taken aback of how the story unfolded. This movie is definitely not for the faint of heart. For mature audiences only. Overall I love it, story, characters, even the ending took me by surprise. This is a conversation movie, you know, the kind you talk about after leaving the theater. I'll watch again, this time with friends.
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Marlon, call your Brother Keeenan. You need help...badly!
8 April 2016
I downloaded this movie, played it for ten minutes, stopped it, and quickly deleted it from my computer. I really don't know what the hell Marlon is thinking lately, but someone needs to enlighten him on the fact he writes nothing like his brother Keenan. And what I mean is that his stuff is no where as funny, and clever and overall clean. After Scary Movie 1, and maybe White Chicks, Marlon seems like he's on a mission to sabotage his career, with these back to back disasters films that he's writing and starring in. Enough already with the satire, dude you need to tone it down and do some real acting, and for God sake, write a story that is actually funny without all the buffoonery. If I had brought a ticket for this crap, I would've got up after a few minutes and asked for my money back. This was just plain stupid. Marlon I've seen you in a Requiem For A Dream, you got skills, but its time for you to put on your thinking cap, and do some real funny stuff. If you need help call your brother Keenan. I'm so glad I didn't have to a buy a ticket for this crap.
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Alienated (II) (2015)
For Married Couples ....especially
3 April 2016
I gotta say I wasn't to sure about this one, but as a married man, this one evoke emotions I sometimes feel. A very good story, great dialogue, and good performances by three actors, two I watched for the first time deliver great roles in this movie that really goes into the heart of any and every true marriage. I say to young couples starting out, give this one a whirl, You'll probably see yourself in it. I really like movies that appeal to may intellect and not just my emotional side. Not much more to say other than, this is definitely worth the watch. I enjoyed it very much. Gonna recommend to some friends. Hopefully, they'll enjoy it just as much as I have.
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The 5th Wave (2016)
I'm so glad I didn't have to buy a ticket for this one.
19 March 2016
Let me start off by saying that in no way shape or form am I a movie critic. I respect the big screen and my hat is off to those who are perfecting their craft as artists on the silver screen. Having said that, I have watch a host of various genre films, and the ones that I truly love and deem classic, are downloaded and kept in my movie library for entertainment purposes when needed. Bringing me to my point and review of this film. Th 5th wave has been done before thru so many other films, that I'm was so glad that I didn't buy a ticket for this one. I mean seriously enough is enough already. Covergence, Divergent, the Host, Hunger Games, these end of day movies with surviving at all cost, embracing humanity is just over done and I'm done with them. This was just another teen survival flick with no purpose other than to give Chloe Moretz (whom I love) a lead role. She was great and did a good job in this told for the hundredth time story role. Honestly, this could've been a good sci-fi channel movie, without the cost of a movie ticket. I didn't enjoy it at all. Liev Schreiber, looked like he was just out it in this movie, probably thinking, (what the hell was I thinking signing on to this). Anyway there's my take on it. This was just awful.
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Road Games (2015)
21st Century Hitchcock?.......Not Even Close!
5 March 2016
Before watching this film, I came on here and read the two reviews about how good this movie was, one user even comparing it to the style of Hitchcock. So giving them the benefit of the doubt, I downloaded it, and after we came in from church, me and my wife thought we were gonna watch a really good Friday night suspense thriller, based off what I read from the other two user's comments, and were very disappointed. First off, there is no subtitle to understand the french parts of the film, so a lot of the dialogue is already lost in translation, which most the plot is spoken in. Second the story was just mediocre. Not providing any spoilers because, I just wanna make the point that, this movie is no where near the style or story of Hitchcock. As a matter of fact, after watching this 21st century silly teen like flick, I downloaded and watched Dial M For Murder, a true Hitchcock, classic, to make up to my wife, and enjoy our movie time together. Is this film watchable? I guess, for someone who likes this kinda immaturity. But comparing it to Hitchcock.....this one is not even close.
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Standoff (I) (2016)
Fishburne And Jane, should be ashamed of themselves.
23 February 2016
I read some of the other reviews and I can safely say that this movie was not "excellent" as someone else wrote. Nor was it was a "great" western as someone put it, nor was it "enjoyable", that is a total farce. And having two great actors in my opinion, in a film that I thought started off OK, you would've thought you were in for a thrill ride for a little over an hr of your time. But I saw the same film these people gave raved reviews over and now I'm wondering did they watch a director's cut of the same film, or did I watch another film. Because what I watched sucked major ass, and I was thoroughly disgusted and disappointed of the time I invested making a nice hoagie, and sitting down with a cold one, and being tortured by this god awful film. What a waste of my time. Fishburnne and Jane should be ashamed of themselves making this garbage. By all means avoid this one at all cost. The story was just awful. Even my wife who loves Thomas Jane, got up left me in the living room by myself, after she got fed up with the film. Trust me this one.....sucked.
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Forsaken (I) (2015)
Confession is good for the soul.
22 February 2016
Although this movie was done before by different actors, the whole drifter son who returns back in town, where ornery blokes are driving the town people out by using unsavory tactic to take possession of their property and land. Keifer returns to his father's home Donald, filled with a guilt of his past, only to realize that there are those who sometimes will not allow to forget it. I gotta say, the Sutherlands did a decent job on screen as a father and son duo, in which neither out stood the other in neither script or performance. Cox, WIncott and Moore, were also great co stars. In this film again, that has been done before. What moved me was the scene in the church were Keifer breakdowns and confesses his guilt to his father, who walks in on him talking to God, in whom Keifer never really believed in. That part had me little teary eyed. And of course end the retribution is handed down to those who have terrorized the towns people, and we all fill good at the end of the film. Cliché? yes. But a good cliché none the less, that stands the test of time and to see a father son duo do it so well, then I say we need more cliché films to enjoy.
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Estranged (I) (2015)
The Ending is the best part.
22 February 2016
If art imitates life, then there are some really sick people in the world. This film was about a young woman who suffers a accident, winds up back at her childhood home where some real dark colorful characters pretending to be her family all reside. Although the story unravels from inside the home, at no time did I feel like you needed more locations to make the story work. In fact, the happenings unfolding to this young woman couldn't happen anywhere else, because of the graphic nature in which things are done to her. Overall, I've seen this story before in other films that deal with family issues. I think on a whole, all families have dark secrets And if ever found out, lives would be completely destroyed, and the jails would full of family members. A lot this film was cliché and predictable. I endured it to the end, and for me, the ending was the best part. It just took a little to long to get to it.
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Home Invasion (2016 Video)
Simply Awful!
1 February 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Wow! What a pure waste of time watching this film. I mean from start to finish this was by far one of the worst movies I have ever seen, and I've seen a lot. So the movies is about these people who Natasha Henstridge's husband have stolen from, and they arrive at her home to exact what is in a safe behind a wall in the house. The story never tells you anything of the who what when where or how or even the contents of the safe. Its just a home invasion of very upscale home in which they now terrorize a mother and her son. The mother calls their home security service and from there the movies just goes completely down hill. Personally I think this was a major slap in the face to 911 emergency and law enforcement, and nothing but a marketing strategy to get more middle to upper class homeowners to invest in security systems. But after watching this simply awful movie, all I wanna do is go out and get a 9mm and two Doberman. If wanna watch good home invasion movie, which most of you have probably already watched, nothing will beat Panic Room.
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The Sin Seer (2015)
A really good film!
30 January 2016
First off, let me say to the person who posted the comments about afro Americans and the Oscars,IMDb is about reviewing movies,not about slandering, black actors and ranting. Your post has nothing to do with this film which is really a good movie.The story is concise the flow is steady and the acting is up to par.The whole cast did a splendid job in their roles and Isaiah Washington was spot on. Tell me, what did Cuba Gooding Jr. And Wesley Snipes have to do with this film? Absolutely nothing. What did the Oscars have to with film? Absolutely nothing. I thinks its in really poor taste to slander people who professions are to entertain, so that we can review them about their work, nothing more. Anyway to those that wanna read a review about the movie, I loved this movie, it was very intriguing. Anyone who knows the Lord, will truly appreciate this film.
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Keep the Kleenex close
23 September 2015
There were only two other films that brought tears to my eyes, and those were Titanic and Captain Philips. This film definitely moved me, and had me keep the Kleenex close because my eyes were filled. Me Earl and the dying girl, takes you on a journey of friendship, in all of its raw genuine elements, making your realize how valuable life really is. The story is about a girl who is terminally ill, and new relationships develop in the process. This is what story telling is all about. Kudos to Molly Shannon, for her role as the mother, I was pleasantly surprised to see her playing a character like this. Hats off to Thomas and RJ, for top notch performances that made film vibrant and uplifting. This film was extremely mature to be centered around high school students, and very well executed by young actors. I'm definitely keeping this one in my movie library.
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Amnesiac (2014)
One of the worst movies ever!
22 September 2015
Someone tell what the hell was Kate Bosworth thinking when she took such a role. First let me just say that, the movie was just awful. Kate and Wes are not great actors and to put them together was only a recipe for disaster. The story could have been told a whole lot better if number one, it had a better story premise of kidnapping and two, if the characters were more believable. Bosworth did her best in trying to convince the audience of being some detached and cruel woman who's bitterness and hate was kept behind a phony smile and loving way to Wes who was her husband. But in the end neither character brought enough convincing to their roles leaving me very upset that I burnt more than an hour of my life, watching one of the worst movies ever. Do yourself a favor watch the trailer, and then go watch something else, because this was just awful.
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Pay the Ghost (2015)
Pay The Ghost.....Attention!
20 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Pay the Ghost was for my money, a very decent not trying to be a horror but more suspenseful drama unfolding. Nicholas Cage who son is abducted by three century vengeful ghost who takes little children on Halloween. The flow of the story was very smooth with not a lot empty clues to leave you wondering what would happen next. I'm not Cage fan, but I do like a good Sunday afternoon film that keeps your attention span for more than an hour, and this road to recovery for his career film did just that. There were even a few parts that took me by surprise (in a good scary way) and kept me wanting to know how this story would end. That's how you know got my attention. Overall it was good to see Cage is something that just made sense. The last film I saw him in was Left Behind, and that title is exactly where he should've left that script. If you just like a decent story with a few good jumps, give this one a watch, You can pay the ghost attention.
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