
4 Reviews
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29 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I never, ever expected to give this film 3 out of 10, i'm a fan of the series and thought FD3 was pretty damn awesome - by far the best of the trilogy. So when i saw this movie was "THE" final destination (a pretty cocky title, but hey it may have lived up to it) and it was gonna be in 3D i had pretty high expectations.

My expectations were wrong. This movie SUCKED. If it wasn't part of the franchise it would have been a straight-to-DVD suckfest. Seriously i was WAITING for it to end. The accident at the car racing ring was just so - blah. I mean i know the whole series is far fetched and you have to have an imagination to believe it but this one was just so uninvolved. I mean getting on a plane, getting in a car and getting on a roller-coaster are things where you are putting your life at risk without thinking. Sitting in an audience? I mean come on, what's next "Final Destination 5 - i walked down a street and a building fell on me". By making the accident so un-scary what ensued just didn't really leave you involved. Nothing scared me here, i wasn't unnerved like i was with 1 through 3. Every time i get on a roller-coaster i get FD3 flashback, the only thing that will flashback to me from "THE" final destination will be the HORENDOUS performances.

Ah the performances. FD1 had Seann William Scott & Kerr Smith, FD2 has Ali Later & FD3 had the immensely talented Mary Elizabeth Winstead. This film had 1 guy who could act trying to carry the whole sorry mess and a whole lot of bitches who need to be slapped for even thinking they should move to Hollywood. I know it's a lot to compete with but rather than just ignoring this you'd think the producers / casting directors would really try and pull something out of the bag here. Apparently not. To give him his due Bobby Campo was charismatic and tried his best with the shoddy dialogue he had. If the rest of the cast had been as good as him then we would have no problems. Nick Zano was OK as the cocky guy but there are people who could have done that way, way better. The real problem? The support actresses here were AWFUL. I just wanted to scream THIS IS NOT A COLD READING. I'm pretty sure that there were a friggin ton of young talents who auditioned for this piece and THIS is what they cast? Even the "MILF" (yes, she was actually credited as that) sucked. How hard is it to be a MILF?. Shantel Von-whatever her name is (AKA, A poor mans Ashlee Simpson) and Haley Webb (god i wanna slap her SO hard) apparently call themselves actresses. Before they continue to do this may i suggest something to them, ACTING LESSONS. GET THEM. YOU SUCK! For the love of god EMOTE. They sounded like they were reading straight from the script and looked blank in every scene. Awful.

The deaths in FD4 were just too unrealistic. The special effects sucked - not even 3D could begin to save them. They looked like somebody got a little too excited with a computer and didn't really put any thought into making it look real. Making it look just a little bit real will scare people, making it look FUNNY is gonna annoy people.

This film was just so, disappointing. Unrealistic, uninvolving, uninspired JUNK.

The only thing i wanna say is, if there is gonna be an FD5, and i really hope there is considering 3/4 were awesome - then please, for the love of god bring back Glen Morgan & James Wong. Those guys know how to really scare people and the whole feel of the 1st & 3rd films is just so much better.

Oh, and find people who have mastered the art of acting. Its pretty vital.
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Don't believe the (negative) hype
1 January 2008
SHOCK! HORROR! A barrage of hostile comments bashing Simpson & making Papa Joe out to be the Saddam Hussein of the movie world! WOW! WHAT A SHOCK! (Yes that is HEAVY sarcasm). And how many of these morons will have bothered to watch the movie before posting those comments? I'm guessing none but they see "Jessica Simpson" and they can't resist. It's quite pathetic really.

So onto a review of the actual film from somebody who HAS bothered to watch it then? It's pretty much what you go in looking for - a cute, fluffy & fun movie which showcases Jessica Simpson as a lovable goof ball and breaks no new ground but happens to have just enough funny moments & cute performances to save its self. It's the sort of movie to rent on a Friday night in, the sort of thing that you don't have to think too hard about but don't find yourself falling asleep during & will leave you with a little smirk thanks to it's star and it's sappy ending.

This movie is and always has been a Jessica Simpson vehicle which is made pretty damn clear from the outset. From it's title to it's setting to it's cameos from her dog, her father & her hairstylist to it's unoffensive and quirky heroine. Her first movie role takes her public persona and throws in just enough acting material for her to practise with until she gets cast as lead in a big movie, it's the people who haven't figured that out that are having the problem here. Given that she's the lead makes it obvious to everyone that she's gonna have to showcase a little more than in her prior roles. Does she have the acting talent that she's constantly belittled for? Well yes. If you actually watch the movie you'll see that Simpson does have the making of a comedic actress - which is handy because she doesn't seem to be trying anything else. She has the right amount of on screen charm & charisma to draw you in and enough quirks to keep you giggling up until the ending (which you WILL see coming - but why is that always a bad thing?). Her deliverance is just fine and she brings the character to life - anybody who has a hard time believing her here i can't quite understand as she doesn't do anything wrong. Quite the opposite - it's her quirky little faces, the winks, the smiles & the giggles that make Katie Gregorstich a person - and which Amy Renfo in EOTM lacked.

As for her co-stars - Luke Wilson, Rachael Leigh Cook, Drew Fuller, Penelope Ann Miller, Andy Dick, Larry Miller & Willy Nelson are there for Jessica's character to bounce off of and they're charming and funny but to be fair to them, aren't really given much to play with as it's made clear from the outset that they are all just supporting character. Penelope Miller is the most impressive of the costars as she shapes & molds the hapless & unwitting Katie, Drew Fuller is all too convincingly shallow & Luke Wilson does well as the love interest with a secret.

The script is a little weak and it's not exactly ground breaking but it's actors keep it alive and it offers enough material to keep them happy. The direction is fine - not great but good enough to keep you interested.

The movie does have a sort of cheap feel to it but i imagine the salary bill took up over half of the budget & it only really shows in the taxi scene & the horrid shots of Katie on the street in New York which are badly lit, badly wigged & totally unnecessary.

So to sum up, what is this movie? Plainly put it's a Jessica Simpson comedy veichle. That said - Is it groundbreakingly, earth shatteringly, hart wrenchingly amazing? No, is it cute, funny & good enough to rent? Definitely. Should i believe all the a-holes who are on one constant bash? No. Should i watch it? YES!!
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Bottoms Up (2006 Video)
Not bad - if a little underdeveloped
5 September 2006
I have just finished watching this movie and thought i'd share my views with IMDb.

First of all, it's not an amazing movie. I can see why it went direct to DVD but it's not all that bad.

So what do you all want to know? Hilton of course! She's not that bad. She's one of the better actors in the piece in actual fact. She plays her part the way it should be played (Although considering she plays a millionaire heiress dating the hottest teen heart throb in Hollywood - she couldn't mess up too badly). I have no doubt that most of the reviews will just bash Paris & her performance (because even if she put in something Oscar worthy - people would hate it because they have an infatuation hating her no matter what she does).

The story revolves around a young guy from a Mid-Western town going to Hollywood to win a bar competition in order to collect the $10,000 prize money to save his fathers steak house. The real problem in this film is Mewes. If Mewes' acting was described as wooden then Nicole Richie would be described as a skinny. He is TERRIBLE! The amount of times he looks into the camera is ridiculous and most of the time he seems a little stoned.

David Keith is brilliant as Gay Uncle Earl - offering hilarity and nailing his part to perfection, Jon Abrahams character is extremely under developed but you still get the gist of what an ass he is, Brian Hallisay's turn as the heart throb isn't half bad but again his character seems under developed.

One thing about the movie that does grate on you is the foul language. For the first 15 minutes it's OK and quite funny but after that the "fuck" and "cock" into every sentence is annoying! Overall - Not bad, if a little underdeveloped with good turns from Keith & Hilton and bad turns from Mewes.

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I Loved It!
28 August 2005
OK i know a lot of people hate this film! But why?

OK, from a teenage boys perspective (and i went to see it with 3 other teenage boys!) it was great! I've never seen the TV show, and i never want to to be quite honest - because it looks boring! This however was great!

I love Jessica Simpson, i'm the only one of my friends who does, they spend their time constantly having a go at her! But even they came out of the cinema and said it was Brilliant!

It had cool car stunts, a hot woman & humour!

I mean Jessica Simpson was AMAZING in this film! She looked hot throughout it all and she can act! Plus i don't think i've read any magazine or even heard anyone (50 and under that is) except on IMDb say that she isn't as hot as the original Daisy! Because everyone i've spoken to agrees with me Jessica is much hotter!

This isn't an Oscar nominated film or anything of the sort! But my advice is - Go see it! or rent it or buy it whichever!

Cos it's fun, funny, hot & something that will make you smile!
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