
2 Reviews
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The Cabin Fever series are in order from best to worse.
31 March 2016
I watched this gore-fest with little expectations after the second Cabin Fever. Even with low expectations, I was disappointed.

The plot is thin, the pace is slow, the horror is limited, the characters are not interesting and most of what happens makes little to no sense once you have accepted that the disease is real. The virus reacts so differently from a person to another that it's just ridiculous how one victim gets Deadly sick within a few minutes while others take hours before having serious symptoms. The security issues around a facility of that nature are laughable at best and the people working there seem to be hired on a good-looks basis only.

Sean Astin is good, but his part is small and his lines are cliché.

I also had an issue with the most gruesome action scenes where I had a hard time understanding what was happening. As it's often the case in many movies, the quick cut from an angle to another to prevent us from noticing how low budget some FX are makes it difficult to comprehend what they are really doing. Lighting in some scenes is horrible too.

It's still enjoyable for some horrific scenes, but overall, this is not a good movie.

Cabin fever 2 was equally bad. Cabin Fever (the original movie) was campy and kind of good, even though it was by no standards great.
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Tusk (I) (2014)
Immature, even for Kevin Smith.
26 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Entering this movie with little expectation other than to see someone being forcefully turned into a walrus, I was surprised I could still be disappointed. Don't get me wrong, the movie delivered on its premise, but it also shocked me in the wrong way. I rarely get offended by a movie, but this one did manage to make me want to stop watching as soon as the character Guy Lapointe appeared at about 2/3 of the movie.

Tu put it simply, this movie is simply bad. It's neither fun nor funny, scary, horrifying or sad. In fact, the only emotion one gets after watching this is the feeling of loss; time you've wasted and can never gain back.

Kevin Smith takes a few jabs at Québec and Manitoba, mostly at the french-speaking province, but the Johnny Depp impersonation of a Quebecker is so far from the real thing that it's like watching a dog with a foam shark-fin attached on his back and calling it a great white shark.

The scenario is bad enough, but the acting is simply horrible. Long should probably keep doing comedies or at least try. Osmont is as bad as ever since he's grown up and the main character, Howard Howe, is bland and unimaginative. This villain is nothing new in the "let's try to be weird" realm. Déjà-vu.

The ending is ridiculous, the costume makes no sense and it would have been used as evidence in an investigation rather than being left for (at least) a year on Wallace after he decided (we assume) to remain a walrus. No psychiatric evaluation? I didn't give it a 1/10 simply because the credits didn't have any major spelling errors.
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