
12 Reviews
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The Nothing (II) (2018)
True to name: "Nothing" even slightly entertaining here
29 February 2020
This is actually reminiscent of "The Blair witch project" IF...You'd slashed the lousy budget of that flick in half, AND you cut out anything slightly scary or entertaining.

I lasted (read: wasted) 45 minutes before pulling the plug and that was 35 minutes to long.

If i had to justify the score of 1, it would be because the guys girlfriend was quite ok.

Simply terrible!
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Bad Santa 2 (2016)
Bad Santa...yes..really BAD!!
13 September 2019
After this I had to question if maybe i was carrying some false (happy) memories of the original. I remember it being hillarious and looked forward to the 2nd, but boy was i in for a let down!! This was just SOoooo BAD!

The script was horrible. There was NO laughs whatsoever, just a lot of cussing and deviate sexual stuff that seemed to only aim for shock value. Whatever they were aiming for, it definately was NOT laughs. Id be suprised if even a 16 year old found anything even slightly amusing in this.

The swearing did nothing and was just really OTT for no reason. Even the acting performaces came over as "clunky" in execution. Indeed, it seemed like (and quite rightly) the actors just wanted to get off their horrible lines, wrap the whole mess up, and get the hell out of there as quickly as possible.

I cant believe Thornton read the script and actually went through with this. I'd certainly never bother with anything he does in future again, after having this monstrosity burnt into my movie memory.

I always scorned reviewers who give one star to movies, as it would mean a film is void of even a single redeeming factor. But yeah, im giving this 2, only because i dont wanna be that guy..

Still scratching my head to think of any redeeming factors though... just plain terrible!!
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A "light-beer" thriller..without the thrills.
10 September 2019
I dont see the point in this at all. Its not a slash up, not particulary 'black', and its definately no comedy (how anyone could think that is bizzare) Its just a "light-beer" version of a psycological thriller.

Its actually a cringefest from the start, since you pretty much know whats gonna happen.

I dont believe the main issue brought up is any HUGE threat to society either. Still, promoting 'crazed stalkers' using social media isnt really going to do anyone any favours.

If there is an issue to be addressed, its "bullying" and things like "body-shaming" that kids are doing online. Thats a completely different issue and more serious IMO, as it has lead to suicides.
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Good Sam (I) (2019)
Some wham and a little bam
5 September 2019
You could be forgiven for thinking there are mainly only 2 camps of reviewers for "Good Sam"..... That is, the haters giving it 1 star, and the others who loved it, giving it 10.

Ok, it was predictable. It wasnt hard to pick who the two main (supposedly mystery) characters were as soon as they appeared.

Yes, the story is typical American style contrivement, but at least it has a positive vibe.

True, the sorts of events depicted here are never likely to transpire in the real world, so im guessing therein lies the main beef of the haters who judge this as "fairy-land" stuff. They have a point.

All those things aside, it was a long film, which at no stage was I tempted to bail out in.

For me, cannot hate on a film that (sort of) promotes human kindness, even if it is wild fiction.

We can live in hope that these Good Sams may exist in some alternate reality.

So yes, you can always find something positive to say about a flick like this.

Being a hater 100% probably shows more what kind of person you really are.
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We Go On (2016)
I wont go on about it..but...
5 September 2019
Having always been sceptical of this genre, I was quite suprised with this.

The decent pacing of the story is probably what stops it from getting to predictable. I felt there were a few stages where the story could have branched in various directions, but it does a decent job of feeding you with just enough to keep you guessing until the end. Which is sonething i do find rare in todays films.

I am loathe to mention the "X-files", but to me, this reminiscent of that type of story. Although i would prefer this over the X-files any day, since this one actually has a satisfying conclusion.
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Only in America and Only Jack Black.
2 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This must be the ultimate proof that Jack Black (as a performer) can pull almost anything off. A 45 year old immigrant polka singer in the 90's becoming a celebrity and ponzi scheme scammer???

IMO, the fact that its a true story is just about the only thing that saves the film.

The character of Jan Lewan was certainly charismatic to say the least, and no doubt that was part of what attracted Black to the story in the first place.

Black himself probably thinks it was hillarious that people would actually fall for such a scam. This is evident from the multiple scenes where the mother in law questions where the money was coming from, and then when she calls out the old couple (who invested) for being naive and greedy.

Probably says more about America at that time, rather than the antics of Jan Lewan. Its a worthwhile watch, if only a curious, half-funny history lesson.
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worth a look, but NOT for Snowflakes or miserable people
28 August 2019
I dont understand the bad wrap this is getting by some reviewers. More so, i cant fathom what kind of person you would have to be to project hate and speak so badly of this film. It is what it is, and deals with the serious issues that effect a "forgotten" minority of society.

Its a tough gig in itself, so any film-maker that takes on a project like this deserves creds IMO.

Of course, you will always offend snowflakes. There are a few laughs but i dont think the film ever claimed, or tried to be 100% comedy.

Its a good mix. The actors jelled well together and you cant help but feel for the characters on both sides.

All considered, i would describe that as a "meaningfull" film. And there's not many around like that these days.

Wahlberg has made some duds in his time but his maturity is showing in the roles he selects and the stories he tells. This one as package is worth a look, unless your a snowflake.
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Spectacular girly eye candy, very forgettable men.
12 August 2019
There are actually a few things to like about this film.

Theoretically, there is no reason the average Joe on the street should (or could) relate to the lives of these characters. Movie stars, glamourous looking chicks, awkward movie directors, the moviestar boyfriend who looks like Johnny Depp...

I do find it interesting that certain aspects of the film would have raised eyebrows in previous eras, yet it would have to be considered quite tame by todays standards.

Izzy herself and her "year of male smorgasbording" might even have have been given some pretty unflattering labels, IF this were a different era!!

But she is gorgeous, and even if the characters dont really represent "everyday" people, the dramas they have are still relevant to the reality of life today.

So in that regard, the three female leads manage to pull it off, for me anyway.

They deliver likeable characters that somehow manage to inject a certain form of reality that makes you feel for them and their dramas.

Not every film has to have endless plots and deliver earthshattering realisations. I was a bit dubious after the first 20 minutes, but i am glad i kept watching. There was enough to keep me interested till the end, but maybe some of that is due to being a sucker for gorgeous blondes.

Not exceedingly great, but (all in all) a passable package as far as rom-coms go.
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The Do-Over (2016)
The Do-over.. is the make-over Sandler needs.
6 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
After being bitterly dissapointed with Sandlers "Week of..." I decided to go back and give this one a go, since i have been avoiding his past few years efforts. I also assumed his teaming with David Spade would produce better results, and i wasnt dissapointed on that note. The casting of both characters really work together perfectly for their styles, and allowed both of them to do what they do best..

which means going back to the original blue-print of Sandler style entertainment..

All the stuff that true Sandler fans never get tired of!
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The Week Of (2018)
Sandler has taken a few years..OFF!
6 August 2019
I must say, i really struggled with watching this one to the painful end. Theres just so many cringeworthy moments, its hard to know where to start. For some unknown reason, the parts i assume were meant to be funny, actually made me embarrassed for the guy, considering how funny his best work was.

And someone really needs to tell him to retire those Waterboy and Little Nicky facial expressions. Its just to worn nowadays, and certainly doesnt fit the roles he is choosing as an actor of his age.

So after all the recent flops, I was nearly ready to commit him to the "has been" bin, when i discovered his 2016 effort "Do- over" which was actually quite good.

Hopefully he has just had a few years off, and will get back his mojo and start selecting roles that better suit his style. It seems Drama and playing good family guys just aint his cup of tea.

My suggestion is pass this one up and watch "Do-over" instead.
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Leave No Trace..OF REALITY!!!
18 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I have no trouble "suspending the boundaries of belief" when it comes to the movies. Sometimes its a must, but at some point you have to draw the line when the whole concept presented becomes completely nonsensical and ridiculous.

There are so many "head shaking" moments in this one, that it actually does become funny at some stages.

And to think some people are giving this ratings of 9-10. what??!!

Well, if you think what the 2 in this story actually DO-ABLE, then really you could be a danger to yourself and others!

And it is bordering on irresponsible to spin a tale like this and dress it up as being remotely possible..god help the kids or future all i can say!

------- SPOILERS-------

There are quite a few but these are the most glaringly obvious:

1. Collecting water from a tarp on a tree.. really? Enough for 2 people to bath with daily? And ok to drink? did you see any large vessle collecting it? lol

2. The temps are cold enough to nearly have frostbite on your hands but your gonna bathe in the icy water and remain healthy? lol

3. Sleeping in this forest mustnt have any dangerous spiders, snakes, insects, animals?

4. Folks are GIVEN Ok accomodation, work, food and a chance to get back into the community.. but no, you rather take your teenager daughter back out into the forest..and she agrees and goes with you!.

Ok sit through it if extemely bored and watching it for free but PLEASE!!... dont legitimise this mess by giving it these scores of 8-10 !!!
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Brad's Status (2017)
Stiller seems to be at a Standstill
14 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Normally a fan of Stiller, but "Brads status" fell way short for me. At times there are glimpses of what could have been classic Stiller, but the teetering between self pity and self obsession displayed on this one is neither funny or even particulary thought provoking.

I get that its not meant to be a comedy, and the obvious lesson here is that one doesnt need to be rich and successful to be content and happy in life, BUT does it really work when elite hollywood actors try to convey that message to us? For me, its a BIG... NO!

On the whole, the acting and performances are not to bad, but whats missing is the absence of anything dramatic happening towards the end, where something meaningful could have made the whole thing worthwhile.

As it was, i would of even been satisfied with some form of happy ending, or at least some follow-up about the future fate of the life of Brad, but it all just ends rather abruptly and unsatisfying.
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