
205 Reviews
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NCIS: Sydney (2023– )
Truly Dreadful
16 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The lead NCIS agent, played by Olivia Swann is ridiculous. She has no personality, no panache and is essentially despicable from the very beginning. I'm sorry I wasted time on this. The premise of protesting a nuclear submarine in Sydney is ridiculous. The rest of the cast is nothing but a bunch of 30 somethings trying to be funny and not succeeding. Jethro would be throwing conniption fits if he was there. The writing is juvenile to go along with the cast. Absolutely no need to give it a second look. The pathologist was the best part and NCIS treated him with no respect. Borderline insulting in fact. But again it was impossible to get over how awful the lead actress was and move on. I thought NCIS: Hawaii was a step down. This is falling off a cliff.
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NCIS: Sydney: Gone Fission (2023)
Season 1, Episode 1
16 November 2023
The lead NCIS agent, played by Olivia Swann is ridiculous. She has no personality, no panache and is essentially despicable from the very beginning. I'm sorry I wasted time on this. The premise of a protesting a nuclear submarine in Sydney is ridiculous. The rest of the cast is nothing but a bunch of 30 somethings trying to be funny and not succeeding. Jethro would be throwing conniption fits if he was there. The writing is juvenile to go along with the cast. Absolutely no need to give it a second look. The pathologist was the best part and NCIS treated him with no respect. Borderline insulting in fact. But again it was impossible to get over how awful the lead actress is and move past it.
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The Blacklist: Dr. Michael Abani (No. 198) (2023)
Season 10, Episode 12
Who Care'd
16 May 2023
If there was ever an episode of a tv show where you really couldn't care less about the plot, the players, etc it is this one. Rebels, doctors, medicine, old wife's and girlfriends that don't matter. Red eating ice cream, paying off African war lords and everyone else. There was no investigating going on throughout the whole show.. begins with a threatening congressman reading financials and you never hear another word. Minimal cast like they've run out of money to make the show. The previous episode was a real uptick in investigating and activity and fun while this is a tiresome failure on all fronts.
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Midsomer Murders: Dressed to Kill (2023)
Season 23, Episode 4
Ghastly Episode - Lacks Appeal on All Fronts
6 January 2023
This episode is truly ghastly. The script is awful. The characters are c players at best. They're flat, unattractive, dull, with not an ounce of any feeling. The only high point is the Doctor. She provides her usual wit and humor which really is the only redeeming part of this episode. And one couldn't help notice the lack of traditional Midsomer type characters. A trend this year for sure. It seems they're trying to win some diversity award. I use to blame the stodgyness of the last couple years on Covid protocol. But that's long gone. Now it's just lack of effort. Going back to watch seasons 1-16.
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Dora the Explorer Meets Cruella De Vil
18 December 2022
Dora the Explorer Meets Cruella De Vil Hard to find anything good about this series. Another Disney "tick the box" effort. It's no wonder the Disney board brought back Michael Eisner last month. Confusing plot, kids riding razor scooters and buses to get around town. They're target audience must be kids 13-17. There is no sense of intrigue. It's a slow paced, slog, made even even worse by the characters. I don't think there's a single likeable character in the entire show. The dialogue had to be written to get on your every last nerve, which certainly isn't helped by the bland and not very good actors spouting it. And of course you have Disney ruining it by having each actor's dialogue include their respective social injustice cause. One has to feel sorry for Catherine Zeta-Jones. Although I fear she received a pile of money. They've done a huge disservice to the National Treasure franchise, which is a shame.
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NCIS: Turkey Trot (2022)
Season 20, Episode 8
How Awful
23 November 2022
Really. How awful can one episode be. Especially a holiday episode. This was same mess as all their team member gets held captive episodes. The girls spend the whole show yelling at each other. The detective and tech work was almost non existent. Its like they took an old script and just changed the names. There were so few actors, other than park picnic, it looks like it was shot during the height of Covid. Truly in the bottom three of all 455 episodes. Some weeks are getting hard to watch. Did someone cut the budget to twenty five percent of old shows. Incredible that the actors are putting up with such dribble.
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The Royal Nanny (2022 TV Movie)
Fun Pleasant Evening
14 November 2022
We enjoyed the characters and the actors and actresses very much. The story, although a little off, followed along naturally in a typical pleasant Hallmark fashion. It was a cozy evening, easy to watch movie. The children actors were not obnoxious and actually knew their lines. The Royal movies often go astray with an abundance of awful uniforms, mean old fathers or grandmothers, protocol, and newspaper headline catastrophes. We were glad the bypassed the, oh you screwed up - breakup routine in favor of an actual story. We'd like to see more stories without the misconstruance by one or both primary actors.
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Ghosts: Jay's Friends (2022)
Season 2, Episode 3
Idiotic Episode - Can't Spoil this Mess of an Episode
14 October 2022
Idiotic Episode. A cult moving in. Stupid premise and absolutely no comedy in the entire 20 minutes. Jay not recognizing the intent of these zombies rolling in to town, increasing their numbers that show up, signing a contract without a lawyer reading it. This was easily the worst episode to date. The writers must have been using "the patch". It was so predictable with ghosts coming up with an almost solution. This is an episode no one will want to watch twice. Filling in some back story for Flower and end action with Samantha was the only highlight. I hope the rest of the season learns from this debacle.
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Boring, Dull, Confusing
15 September 2022
The are so many storylines you can't even fathom where they might be going. The dialogue is atrocious. Conversations are stretched to the point of dragging out to fill time. Three episodes and absolutely nothing has been accomplished by any character. Each episode adds more storylines and maps and symbols. Is there a map for viewers to have some idea of The Who what and why? Going to have to let this awful cgi die. The are so many storylines you can't even fathom where they might be going. The dialogue is atrocious. Conversations are stretched to the point of dragging out to fill time. Three episodes and absolutely nothing has been accomplished by any character. Each episode adds more storylines and maps and symbols. Is there a map for viewers to have some idea of The Who what and why? Going to have to let this awful cgi die.
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13 September 2022
Even for 1965 B movie science fiction this is weak. Go to space, sort of crash land on a planet, fight alien, leave. The male crew all looked like senior citizens, while cozying up to 30 year female scientist. But it's easy to sit through if you're tired and if it's on a no commercials channel. Even for 1965 B movie science fiction this is weak. Go to space, sort of crash land on a planet, fight alien, leave. The male crew all looked like senior citizens, while cozying up to 30 year female scientist. But it's easy to sit through if you're tired and if it's on a no commercials channel. Even for 1965 B movie science fiction this is weak. Go to space, sort of crash land on a planet, fight alien, leave. The male crew all looked like senior citizens, while cozying up to 30 year female scientist. But it's easy to sit through if you're tired and if it's on a no commercials channel. How do you get 600 words in a review for a movie that probably had dialogue of less.
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Recipes for Love and Murder: Bereft Woman (2022)
Season 1, Episode 1
Not Cute
12 September 2022
Not a fun story. Having a cozy Murder mystery kick-off with a major theme of spousal abuse is not fun viewing. We're done after one episode. The whole thing seems a little to rural. Like only 100 people live in town. Plus, it appears the entire law enforcement team are the three stooges. Chickens on the food counter, yikes. There was way too much food preparation in the mix. Maybe they should put a Q-code on the screen so we could look up the recipes. Not a fun story. Having a cozy Murder mystery kick-off with a major theme of spousal abuse is not fun viewing. We're done after one episode. The whole thing seems a little to rural. Like only 100 people live in town. Plus, it appears the entire law enforcement team are the three stooges. Chickens on the food counter, yikes. There was way too much food preparation in the mix. Maybe they should put a Q-code on the screen so we could look up the recipes.
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Really Worth Missing
29 August 2022
Should call it the long long long backstory of how he became a Lone Ranger. He doesn't show up until well into the 2nd half of the movie, Lead actor is a total unknown forever. Only good portion was the last 15 minutes where everything gets blown up and firefight ensues. The ballad song sung by a Glen Campbell wanna be was hideous. You can skip this if you want stories of the Lone Ranger escapades. They're not in this movie. At least they played The William Tell Overture a couple times.. Good grief. This movie doesn't warrant that many. I don't thing the dialogue had 600 words. When did reviews here require 600 letters. When did reviews here require 600 letters? When did reviews here require 600 letters? When did reviews here require 600 letters?

When did reviews here require 600 letters When did reviews here require 600 letters?
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Hated it
5 August 2022
I really hated this episode where they allow a psycho philosophy professor to play with a 12 year olds mind. She wasn't teaching, but manipulating. Happens a little too often these days.
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Abbott Elementary (2021– )
2 August 2022
It's just absolutely sad that this represents the Philadephia School system. There's blatant disregard for the teachers by the Principal and management. It all may be true. But if it is, how can it be funny?
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Ten Percent (2022)
24 July 2022
It's kind of addictive but so frustrating as no one seems to have their head on straight. Lots of bumbling and mumbling by most players. Everyone seems extremely unhappy creating a rather depressing tone throughout. But somehow you keep watching hoping beyond hope two players honestly connect. It just never happens. If not for the familiarity of the players and the super star guests we probably would have given up.
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Worst All Year
20 May 2022
Every aspect of this episode was a disaster. It's suppose to be a comedy. Puss, pimples, job losses, arrests. Focus should be on Sheldon and College friends and professors with minor aspects on members idiocy.
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Kate & Koji: Lockdown Legends (2022)
Season 2, Episode 1
Fun Start
11 May 2022
A nice start to series 2. All the characters from Mika. Kate a little less abrasive. Thought the Koji ending was a bad choice for the storylines. Worth the time.
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Bob Hearts Abishola: Who Raised You (2022)
Season 3, Episode 19
Main Cast Yeah
4 May 2022
The show has come back around now that they've returned to the main, original, cast members. The last few episodes are actually funny and entertaining. Like Douglas's new girlfriend. And the hospital banter was back.
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Signora Volpe: An Anxious Aunt (2022)
Season 1, Episode 1
Entertaining From Beginning to End
3 May 2022
We watched all the way through in one sitting. Very unusual these days. It was very a entertaining first episode. Emilia Fox was great as usual. The scenery of Umbria adds a terrific backdrop for everything. A good selection of English and Italian players. Almost all familiar. This is a first rate production.
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Signora Volpe (2022– )
Very Nice and Pleasant
3 May 2022
This was very a entertaining first episode. Emilia Fox was great as usual. The scenery of Umbria adds a terrific backdrop for everything. A good selection of English and Italian players. Almost all familiar. This is a first rate production.
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Death in Paradise: A Double Bogey (2022)
Season 11, Episode 2
Tamzin Best
30 April 2022
Pleasant enough. But, This episode was all over the map. The one bright spot was seeing Tamzin Outhwaite. DI Neville is vanilla as ever. He brings no dynamic to this series. There's no pizzazz in any of the regular characters. Saw Officer Dwayne (Danny John-Jules) in the latest Shakespeare and Hathaway episode. Miss his emotion on this series.
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Ghosts: Attic Girl (2022)
Season 1, Episode 17
Hit and Misses
15 April 2022
There are some very funny moments in this episode if you can look past the 80s teen actress herself. She's Almost as I bad as the Cholera Lady from the basement. Hetty's reaction to the U2 Group at the end is too funny. Nice to see Sam dressed up, Alexa aspect with Berta brings a nice twist.
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W1A (2014–2024)
8 April 2022
Nothing but idiotic conversations with no depth or real content and very repetitive. Also, it's done with hand held single camera which constantly jumps around and most times it's jittery. Obviously the cameraman didn't have the strength to carry it. I think they tried to emulate a documentary approach and it's awful.
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Fun till Last 35 Minutes
3 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This was genuinely a fun movie to watch right up to the last 35 minutes where their efforts from JFK airport and all over Manhattan were a total cock up. From not locking down the airport before the planes land to not stopping all elevators in the hotel, to chasing him over 10 - 20 city blocks, with oops, no one seeing him. Then lastly she defuses it, and cries.
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The Bay: Episode #3.2 (2022)
Season 3, Episode 2
Too Bloody Slow
3 April 2022
This season is incredibly slow. Way to many conversations that just go on and on; and same conversations they had earlier. Developments is getting witnesses and evidence is a crime unto itself. Lastly, it's hard to tell the characters from one another. The whole family of characters are a miserable lot.
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