
20 Reviews
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Chicken Parmesan!
12 January 2024
This was definitely a strange documentary, but it was interesting, often funny (unintentionally), and even sad at times. But when a wasted Mother God asked for Chicken Parmesan and was given meatballs, one of the funniest things I've ever seen in a documentary happened. I can't really repeat it because of all the cussing, but her delivery of "Chicken Paremsan! I love meatballs.... but that's not what I wanted! CHICKEN PARMESAN!.... and then something along the lines of "I get dumber every moment I'm around you stupid people" with much more cussing and swearing.... I mean, seriously? If this was real, who would actually think this was a God-like figure who just drank all day long and swore all the time??? If you like bizarre, this one is for you.
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Milli Vanilli (2023)
Excellent Documentary
25 October 2023
This was a great documentary. First and foremost, it brought back some fun memories of the music (even if they didn't sing it). More than anything, though, it humanized them in a way I had never thought about. I always remembered feeling angry that these two had tried to pull a scam on everyone, when in reality it was dozens, if not hundreds of people all keeping quiet because of the millions the album was making. By the end, I felt sadness for them instead of anger. There have been some great music docs lately... WHAM, and now this. And girl you know it's true that I ordered the CD after watching. Go ahead and judge all ya want.
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McMillions (2020)
Highly Entertaining and Funny
21 July 2023
Doug Mathews deserves his own tv show. Honestly, his interviews were hilarious.

The story can sometimes become a little confusing (with a few too many Jerry's involved), but the tone is what makes this doc different and deserving of a watch. I've been watching a lot of documentaries lately that are very disturbing and upsetting, so this was a breath of fresh air.

If the story doesn't interest you, then please just watch episode one so you can watch Doug Mathews and then see if you are interested in watching the rest. I didn't quite feel like it needed to be six episodes long, but I just kept looking forward to the moment that this man came back on the screen. How is he an FBI agent and not a star of his own show?
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Spoiler Alert (II) (2022)
Get the Tissues Ready
8 February 2023
First of all, anybody that rated this movie less than a 5 either dislikes gay people or has no heart whatsoever. Now on to the review:

I knew (due to the title of the memoir this is based on) that Kit was going to get a terminal illness and die in this movie. What I didn't know was how devastatingly beautiful the rest of the movie was going to be. I fell in love with the two leads and with Kit's parents. I felt the pain in that doctor's office. I think I started crying one hour in and didn't stop until well after the movie was finished. (Make sure you watch through the credits because you see the real Kit blowing bubbles just like he does in the movie).

The movie is also not entirely about the illness. It's about love, regardless of who it is that you love. This couple goes through ups and downs as much as any other couple, but by the end it shows what makes the greatest couples actually work. The dedication, love, patience, and acceptance it takes to really make a relationship work.

If you are looking to be moved and have a good cry, this is definitely for you!
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Lies Upon Lies from a Narcissist
2 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I cannot believe this woman. Everything she says is a lie. Even when she is talking about why she lies.(For example, she lied to police about working at Universal Studios because she was used to living a lie to hide the fact she was once sexually abused by her father. Wait.... what?)

Everything is about how awful this was for her. I watched one episode, and when she finally (FINALLY) starting to talk about her daughter instead of herself, she said that Caylee was the result of a rape and that she was so glad she decided to keep her baby because she never wanted her daughter to feel unwanted. The fact that she is using something as awful as rape to try and get sympathy shows the level of delusion going on here. I don't buy it for a minute, and I feel bad for Caylee's real father (who Casey says she lied to because she didn't want him to know, and she was used to lying anyway because she had been molested so much). WTF!?!?!

I'm glad they actually showed jurors hearing some of this and feeling disgusted with themselves. I can't even watch the rest, not even out of curiosity. This is just awful.
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Should Have Gone All The Way
26 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
While some people are saying this is too disturbing to watch, this series actually tames down the actual abduction and abuse. In the documentary, we learn that the parents allowed him to sleep in her bed unsupervised for MONTHS as part of his "therapy" after admitting he liked young girls. Seriously? You are aware that this man has unnatural desires and you allow him to sleep next to your daughter? He also listened to tapes while lying next to her that envisioned her as some magical wife in his life. They also admit in the documentary that they had sex several times during that time. So while this series is almost unbelievable, if you want to see how TRULY disturbing it was and how UNBELIEVABLY naive the parents were, watch "Abducted in Plain Sight" instead.
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Nope (2022)
The Title Says it All
5 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This movie, to be brief, just stunk. It was very slow, and there were multiple side characters and plots that just didn't really connect. While I can see how Peele was trying to make a statement about wanting our 5 seconds of fame in this world of video and youtube, it didn't quite land for me. Nothing really happened for the first hour, and then when the spaceship (or whatever it was) finally showed up, it just looked like a killer donut. Nope.
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Episode 6 Blew Me Away
1 August 2022
There are some reviews on here complaining about the length of this series, and that it could have been shorter. Stick with it until the end, because it all comes together in an explosive and emotional finale. Watching the family of Helen Wilson finally realize that the story they have been told was in fact wrong was just heart wrenching. The families of the victim and the families of the people falsely incarcerated for the crime come together by the end, and you can finally see generations of affected family members reach some sort of peace and closure. As a huge true crime fan, this one really hit the mark.
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The Gray Man (2022)
Ridiculous but Entertaining
26 July 2022
The Good: Highly entertaining and action-packed sequences. Great story and acting. Watching Chris Evans chew up the screen and have a blast playing a sociopath. And lots of great scenery and locations.

The Bad: You really have to suspend your disbelief on this one. CIA agents that are supposed the be "ghosts" wearing bright and colorful outfits, blowing up cities and buildings, and somehow able to avoid rapid gunfire while three different units are all wiped out? Chris Evans even makes a joke about it at one point saying "How hard is it to shoot one man?"

All in all a good show, but you have to know going in that you are going to have to just go with it and enjoy the silliness.
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Not as Bad as These Reviews...
23 July 2022
I read all of the horrible reviews on here and decided to avoid this show at all costs.

Then today I found myself looking for something new and figured I'd give it a try. The first two episodes, which take place in the Murder House from Season 1 of American Horror Story, were dull and hard to watch. But I stuck with the show.

I'm glad I did. The show continued to get better with each episode and with each new story. The Drive In episode was a good story, the "Bro House" episode was actually funny and somewhat scary, and the Ba'al episode managed to scare me more then a few horror movies have lately. The best episode was "Feral," and I would recommend stopping after that one (the last one returns to the Murder House, and they would be wise to just let that place go at this point).

Yes, the acting in a few of the episodes is stiff and somewhat forced. And yes, the first few episodes seem like a mix of Supernatural and Riverdale. But as the stories (and cast) mature, the show becomes highly enjoyable. The beauty of this type of show is you can skip episodes. So I would watch 3-6 but skip the rest. I found it to be fun, even with its flaws.
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Amazing Performances and Message
20 June 2022
What a wonderful film-- but it's definitely for a certain audience (thus why I took one star away).

This movie is for anybody who is starting to feel older. We all age, and our bodies change and our hair gets grey. However, this movie is all about embracing those changes and accepting them. It is sex positive and body-image positive.

Hats off to Emma Thomspson who gives the performance of her career. At the beginning, she plays a woman who has never had an orgasm. Sex for her was a routine she did with her husband, but it gave her no pleasure. When she first meets Leo, she is exhaustingly nervous. She fidgets, says all the wrong things, and just can't get comfortable. As she continues to meet with Leo, she begins to rediscover love-- not for another, but for her herself. At the end when she stands alone, looking at her naked body in the mirror, she doesn't seem nervous or sad anymore. She touches her belly and radiantly smiles at her reflection. It is an amazing moment for anybody who has started to see the affects of aging on the body. If we could all have a wonderful moment of self-acceptance and love it would be a better world.

This is not a love story between two people. It's a love story about loving your body, your desires, and yourself.
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The Staircase (2022)
If You've Seen the Netflix Doc... Definitely Watch This!
5 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I was a huge fan of the Netflix documentary, although I felt it was slightly biased toward Michael Peterson. There were too many details that were conveniently left out. I am two episodes into this show so far, and it does some things that are fascinating. Here is a breakdown of some of the additions-- most of good but a couple that are questionable so far:

1) They include scenes with Michael Peterson's new girlfriend, one of the producers of the documentary. This was conveniently left out of the documentary.

2) They include an actual reenactment of what it could have looked like had Kathleen actually fallen twice in the stairwell. It is very graphic, but it actually looked like it could possibly have happened that way.

3) They are already hinting at the possible "owl theory" that was left out of the doc -- Kathleen keeps hearing strange noises above their house or in the attic.

4) They actually reference the fact that one of his sons had legal trouble, although they only refer to it as what happened on "spring break."

5) The movie already seems to be implying that we will never truly know what happened, and that the whole documentary and true crime fascination could merely just lead to frustration and more questions.

6) They include scenes of Michael seeking out male attention either through the phone or the gym.

7) It goes into more detail about why Kathleen's daughter changed her mind about Michael's guilt.

The ONLY thing that I'm somewhat questioning so far is that we have seen scenes that happened in the documentary (such as the lawyer putting on a recording of someone yelling HELP and then going to the pool to discover that you can't hear anything), but the documentary filmmakers haven't appeared in person yet in this movie. They have contacted the legal team with interest, but nothing is being filmed yet. So I'm wondering why they didn't have them there filming already if we are watching things that we saw in the doc.

All in all, though, it's very well done so far. As a huge fan of the doc, this is only making the whole thing more intriguing and frustrating, which might be the whole intent. There is one person who knows what happened, and she will never be able to let us know.
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Superb Acting and Tone
30 April 2022
If you are a fan of shows like Dateline or any true-crime documentaries, then don't listen to the negative reviews. To make the review quick, here are the 5 reasons why any true-crime fan will love this show:

1) The whole "Dateline" narration: Keith Morrison from Dateline narrates each episode. The sarcasm in his voice matches some of the more humorous tones to this show.

2) The episodes fly by. This doesn't drag out into 10 episodes. It moves quick.

3) The twists and turns keep coming. Don't read about this crime (or these crimes) before watching. It's unbelievable.

4) It shows some flaws in the legal system and how trials can be swayed in certain directions by keeping documents out or not letting a jury hear certain information.

5) The acting-- I normally don't enjoy Renee, but I found her performance to be stunning. Josh Duhamel was excellent as well.

If you like true crime, you'll enjoy this one a lot!
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Most Emotionally Devastating Documentary I've Ever Seen
18 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The premise of this documentary is well known-- a man named Andrew is murdered by his girlfriend who then discovers that she is pregnant. A childhood friend begins to travel across the country and into Canada as well in order to film his father's friends giving testimony about him so that Zachary (the child) will know what an extraordinary man his father was.

This premise alone, however, does NOT do the movie justice. The twists and turns that happen while he is filming are unbelievable. The movie becomes more about a legal system that failed Andrew's parents, their attempts to get custody of Zachary, and the overwhelming events that they go through in this process. In between wonderful footage of Andrew himself, the testimonies of his friends, and the unbelievable events that unfold in the last act, I found myself in tears and even angry.

This movie will stick with me for a while. I feel like I know Andrew, his friends, and his unbelievably brave parents.

There really are monsters and angels in this world, and this documentary proves that both exist. Highly recommended, but bring the tissues!
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It's a Sin (2021)
Most emotional and honest show in years.
31 January 2022
I had never heard of this show until a friend recommended it to me and I binged it all in one day. What a rollercoaster of emotions. From happiness to joy, to sadness and despair, from fear and loneliness, to devastation and loss. This show covers all of them, and all in five episodes.

We start with the joy and happiness, as five young people move to London and decide to live in a flat together. They all begin talking about their futures and what they want to become. And then one of them sees an article about a mysterious illness. Much like with COVID, there is much confusion and misinformation that leads even some of the main characters to believe it's just a hoax. But then.... some of them begin to get sick.

I have not been able to stop thinking about this powerful show, and I think I'm going to have to re-watch the whole thing. Only this time, I'll make sure to go buy extra boxes of tissues.
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Hacks (2021– )
Amazing at Both Comedy, Drama, and Honesty
10 January 2022
I resisted watching this show because I just don't enjoy stand-up comedy. I thought that it would be a bunch of skits and bad jokes. I was sadly mistaken. This show has something that has been missing from many programs lately-- the ability to actually make me laugh out loud several times in an episode, and then feel deeply for the characters within the same 30 minutes. I've always been a fan of Jean Smart, but she has never been better. If you are looking for a show that will make you laugh, occasionally cry, but in general be overwhelmingly entertained, then this is the show for you.
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3rd Episode Puts is Back on Track
16 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
For everybody that was upset about Big's death and how sad the first two episodes were, the third one puts everything in perspective. It was definitely Sex and the City again. I feel that by killing Big they have let the series explore things that they couldn't have if he were alive. Did we really want to see BIg and Carrie have MORE problems? Carrie running around worried about Natasha again was great, and her interaction with her at the coffee shop was the best and most real this series has seemed so far. I'm back as a fan and I can't wait to see more.
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Great fun!
14 December 2021
You don't have to be a fan of the Housewives shows to enjoy this movie, (although if you are there are some fun little cameos scattered throughout). This is just an enjoyable Christmas movie that doesn't necessarily follow the whole "Hallmark" cliches. Two best friends basically begin to fight and compete with each other over who's house will win the town decorations contest. Meanwhile their children (who are now young adults) begin to fall in love. And a newspaper reporter begins to follow the women and report on their drama. That's about it. But Kyle Richards was really funny playing the town drama queen. And if you DO follow the Housewives, you'll recognize a few of them playing the townspeople spreading gossip about the ladies. Don't think too hard on this one. Sit back with a glass of rose and enjoy!
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Old (2021)
Interesting premise, poorly executed.
25 July 2021
This movie will definitely be polarizing. I find myself on the "meh" side of this movie. It was interesting and somewhat original, but as it progressed I found myself giggling and sometimes donwright laughing instead of feeling scared or intrigued in any way. I'm not sure if he intended this movie to be funny, but some of it was just silly. Some of the acting was pretty bad and over the top, and the ending was a huge letdown. It was not horrible, but I wouldn't watch it again. I mean, I've even rewathed The Village and Signs, and lots of people hated those. This one is definitely a one and done.
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Different Doesn't Equal Bad
7 June 2021
Yes, this is different from the first two movies. Did you really want a rehash of the same haunted house movie? I read some reviews that said there were no scares. That's just not true. The first thirty minutes had plenty of good scares, and not just jump scares but creepy scares. It does slow down and become more dramatic as it goes on, but it still works. If you liked The Exorcism of Emily Rose, this works on the same levels as that one. I would recommend it, but only if you are willing to let go of the fact that it's different from the other two movies!
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