
13 Reviews
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Pretty Smart (2021)
Better then Expected
4 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This is defiantly a show I had low expectations with. However, once I got watching and got past the first 1-2 episodes it was so good. Honestly for this show the drama is where it is at. That is what kept me interested there are some good comedic takes but overall I was staying to see the dram unfold. If you're looking for a sit down comedy with some attractive actors and dram this would be a good show to watch. Its also a good show for when you want the tv on but need to do other things well "watching" I'm saying this as in its an easy to follow show so if you miss a few seconds you can quickly catch up.
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Life Unexpected (2010–2011)
This Show was Unexpected
4 June 2022
Honestly I didn't have high hopes or expectations for this show. I thought it would be some generic family sit down tv show. Boy was i wrong. It had so many good storylines to follow not just the main plot it had good side stories and felt like they did a halfway decent job following through with them. I find a lot of shows let us down with side plots and in turn let the characters with the stories down too but over all we got to see most of the side plots play out along with the main. The characters were good the drama I was eating up every last bit and there was some good important storylines made in this show as well. If your looking for a good sit down and even funny show this is a great choice.
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The Secret Circle (2011–2012)
4 June 2022
This show was amazing the plot and storylines kept you wrapped up in them always wanting to know what happened next. It had me hooked the whole time! There was plot twist I did not see coming and the actors did so well in this film. Maybe one or two sub par actors but the rest clearly made up for it! If you like supernatural stuff, witches, magic, and drama. This show is 100% for you. The worst part is a show that had so much potential and chance of being a hit never got past its first season which is just cruel. I'm not one for remakes but they need to look into doing something with this show because it was so so so good.
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Chalet Girl (2011)
Feel good Movie
4 June 2022
If you are looking for a feel good movie that you can lay back and relax well watching this it. Its a cute romantic story with your "tomboy" clumsy girl and a rich posh guy. Its predictable but a good movie its a go to for me when I just want to watch a funny good movie.
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Taking 5 (2007)
Thought it was Cute
4 June 2022
I went into this expecting a preteen cute film and that's exactly what I got. Its about two best friends that are "in love" with a band and some chaos ensues for them to meet/get them to play for them. I think the actors did great and thought it was a very cute funny Film. Also if anyone that was a fan of One Direction wants to watch this please do it was like every One Direction fans story on Wattpad. I will also say people rating this low seem to be expecting this high quality deep meaning film and its legit about two besties fangirling over there favorite band its not gonna be the most amazing film to date.

Key things - Cute, Funny, relatable in a sense, overall just good.
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Tidelands (2018)
I genuinely enjoyed
4 June 2022
I know some say this show was boring but honestly if you like the idea of "mermaids" or "sirens" along with some mystery and romance. You will like this show. I loved the mystery in this show and the side stories and the questions you get as you watch and how the answer them later on. Its a slow build at points but overall I recommend it. Another show that Netflix could have used to save its decreasing number of unsubscribes.
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The Society (2019)
So worth the wait and watch
4 June 2022
Yes, it starts off a little slow but trust me when I say the show gets so good! I thought I was going to lose interest in this show fast and I didn't. It had just enough to keep me till the good scenes really started coming. Then I was hooked! Yes, you get some drama but the main plot and story lines are so different then the average teen shows that it kept me hooked wondering how they were going to deal. This show is a must watch!
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Delirium (2014 TV Movie)
Wanted the rest!
4 June 2022
First thing first if you have read the books you will be disappointed in the changes made. However, if able to over look that and look at this as a stand alone project from the novels its actually very good! I loved the novels but this pilot was really good I found Emma did a great job and so did rest of the cast. The plot was so good and I was itching for more when it ended. I wish they would have released the whole thing not just one episode.
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The Thinning (2016)
Good Movie
4 June 2022
People need to stop bashing this film all because Logan is in it! If you enjoy dystopian movies there is a good chance you will enjoy this! It has a great plot and I found Payton List did a great job in this film. For what is probably low budget film I thought it was good and kept my attention the whole time. Please don't dismiss this film just because someone you dislike or don't support is in it because overall this movie was great. I was anxiously awaiting the sequel.
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Not as bad as people make it seem
4 June 2022
I will say I rated this high because I'm a sucker for dystopian movies and novels. However this movie is definitely not a 1/10 it had some parts that were sub par but overall I like the plot and thought it was able to keep my attention well. I feel people are rating this low due to Logan Paul being in it but I thought this movie was good considering it was probably relatively low budget. It has your sometime over used but fan favorite love triangle, good plot, and some good action scenes. My last comment about this movie is that its was aimed for viewers between 13-17 years old not adults so all these adults saying bad because logan is bad influence can snap back to realty and realize that just because he's in the film will not make younger teens want to follow in Logans personal foot steps they are watching Blake a Character not Logan in one of is YouTube videos.

Sorry for any spelling or grammatical errors.
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Roswell, New Mexico (2019–2022)
I didn't like it but you might..
29 June 2019
If you are looking at this show as a way to fill the hole that is the original Roswell or even something the same but more modernized unfortunately this is not it. This show has changed key things not just from the original but from the books. I find the Chemistry is only there with very few characters(max and liz almost 0), the funny spunky Maria not really there, geeky dorky Alex is no more, quite brooding Max gone, and Isobel is just not Isobel. Instead of marketing this show as a reboot of the original Roswell they should have changed ALL character names and renamed the show to something completely different, also note they story line is very different from the original again i think they should have said this show was more inspired by the original Roswell but made it, its own. I also think that they show would do 20x better if they had marketed that way because then you wouldn't have so many disappointed fans from the original. Also something i would like to add is Isobel in the original wasn't your stereo typical skinny blonde girl she was blonde but had curves and was more body positive this new one is exactly what media wants girls to look like tall skinny as hell and of course blonde and that greatly disappoints me!

I did try not to compare and see where it went but sadly the first episode was hard to get through and then there are really only 3-4 really good interesting ones the rest are boring and more fillers in my opinion. I feel maybe if you go into this with open mind not comparing it to the original what so ever you may enjoy it more then I did.

P.S. Sorry for any spelling mistakes or grammatical errors.
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Legacies (2018–2022)
Not bad
15 February 2019
I'm enjoying this show so far I find the characters fit well and the story line is good for the most part. My only complaint is the "monsters" look a little fake, but it's easy to over look. If you can get past that I highly recommend this show. Can't wait to see where they take this show.
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Charmed (2018–2022)
15 February 2019
Gonna make this short and sweet. If you seen the original don't watch this as it will ruin it for you and this show is just all-around bad show. Acting is stale and storyline is well just plain bad. This and a few other reboots have all been completely awful in my opinion and the CW needs to make new shows not recycle perfectly good (should not be remade) old shows.
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