
24 Reviews
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Modern Family (2009–2020)
11 August 2023
As a guy who happens to be gay, the stereotypical effeminate, non-threatening, apologetic, drama-obsessed, superficial gay man is not just overused, it seems to be their only formula assigned to EVERY gay character in this series. It doesn't help that the gay couple tries desperately to be seen as a flouncy straight couple. The best part of being a gay couple is that you're not a straight couple. The always-needy "Cam" character was especially offensive (a word I hate) since it was played by a hetero who obviously subscribes to a small, stereotypical group of gay guys who fit said stereotype and advised him to play the character this way. In fact it's the gay couple who doesn't grow emotionally over the shows arduous run. It's no secret that this ridiculous characterization is the only way to attract the swaths of ignorant, straight, unenlightened breeders thar will watch a prime time show with LGBT characters and not throw a tantrum at the very first lisp...and don't forget to add children to that plot line so that all the precious American "mommies" and "daddies" can relate. News flash: all of your unchecked breeding habits are killing this planet...not just that you're adding more humans to an Earth that is overpopulated just so you can use your parental status to demand attention and special treatment from those who aren't as selfish, but also things such as attention-seeking gender reveal parties designed for attention-needy, thirst trap parents that go wrong and burn down homes and destroy thousands of acres of forest. I guess for It's time (2010's into 2020...ya know..modern era) this show might be ground breaking (for the average American), but the formula is not. The comedy is clever, but the model is redundant and tiresome.
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Somewhere between the novel and the film...
2 October 2022
...lies Interview with the Vampire AMC series. Admittedly, I love most things vampire, but typically do not care for the "beautiful vampire"...the exception being Anne Rice. The novel is eloquent and contains various elements of mystique. The film did a good job of capturing elements of the novel and left a lot to the imagination. The AMC series (based on the first 2 episodes) is visually stunning and so far, doesn't skimp on character development or backstory. I would recommend that you watch all of the creative elements that went into this production before you rate it yourself. As of the second episode, I rate it 8 out of 10.
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Mediocre and wasted opportunity
15 June 2022
The idea is not new (Kevin Probably Saves the World), but the potential of this series is somewhat wasted. I like the cast, the soft comedy, and the soundtrack, but the continuity is choppy. I recommend watching the first few episodes and if you don't care for it, you won't enjoy the rest.
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Nancy Grace (2005–2016)
Hick Bait
5 June 2022
This ignorant hillbilly puts absolutely no research into her opinion. It's always sensationalized garbage that typically demonizes left-leaning sensibilities. She spews regurgitated Fox "News" venom exponentially. Yet another reason against inbreeding.
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Fanning Screeches for 90 minutes
18 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I actually liked this film on a whole, but the one thing I cannot stand is the non-stop, high-pitched screeching by Dakota Fanning. I know she's just following Spielberg's directions so it isn't her fault. Tim Robbins character was killed off because Cruise's character thought the amount of noise he was making would attract attention from the aliens, but the "precious" little girl can screech throughout the entire film and Cruise says nothing to her? It's not a bad watch if your ears can take it.
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The Wall (2016– )
Sappy crappy
21 November 2021
With the amount of hyper-produced schmaltz that spews out of the mouths of these contestants, this show would be more at home on Bravo. Life is tough for everyone. If I thought I deserved to be on a game show everytime things get rough, I'd be a millionaire. Your parental status and breeding "skills" do not make anyone more interesting and/or more deserving.
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Based on the first two episodes
15 July 2021
So far, this new series seems to lack the spark of the original series. Besides the more seasoned actors, the other acting seems robotic. It's as though I'm having a dream about American Horror Story; some of the people and scenery are familiar, but there's something off. This may be appealing to those CW fans who value style over substance, but for me I need more than just pretty people who kill. However, I want to be fair so I'll keep watching to see where this goes.
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Daily Mail TV (2017– )
Trash for trash
16 June 2021
From the human garbage who brought you Fox "News"; just more right-wing propaganda and misinformation wrapped in a filthy tabloid package for the simple minded. And really...having that chicken-fried, inbred huckster Nancy Grace as a legal analyst who is no more qualified than a Kardashian is about being talented.
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Tell Me a Story (2018–2020)
Wow! Shiny!
20 March 2021
I should've known anything remotely connected to the CW would have nothing but pretty people to distract from the lack of creative writing and in this case, maddening "writing". The only connection this series has with Little Red Riding Hood is that references are made a few times and is very typical of the plethora of crime dramas CBS and CW vomit out on an hourly basis. Their typical model is simple: lots of pretty people who live to show skin + violence not vital to the plot = their weak idea of a hit series. This show is not really a's another crime drama. I made it through season one, but won't bother with season two.
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Monsterland (2020)
Disappointing Horror
4 October 2020
Horror is like pizza...even when it's bad, it's still pretty good. This is bad pizza. Gone are the days of meaningful writing in the horror genre and are replaced with empty fodder peppered with jump-scares and half-decent costumes. I don't know if it's a result of writers catering to dumber audiences or just lazy and uninspired writing, but this fits either. This anthology had 8 chances for various writers to showcase their writing talents and while there were a few intriguing storylines, they all fell flat with what seemed like a feaux creative way for the writers to allow the audience to draw their own conclusions; aka: writers couldn't come up with a way to end the story and places the blame on the viewer. My guess is Hulu pays their writers in free Hulu subscriptions.
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Away (2020)
Undeterred by the negative reviews...
5 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
...I went in with an open mind. If I am to summarize; this is a drama with minor sci-fi elements only because half of it takes place in a spaceship en route to Mars, but the story has very little to do with the journey itself. I like the cast and the acting is good, but the script is lackluster. If you're watching because you enjoy sci-fi, you may be disappointed. If you're watching for drama and very, very light comedy, you won't be disappointed.
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Evil (2019–2024)
Updated from an original negative review
26 July 2020
I'll just say it: I don't like CBS programming. It's redundant, unoriginal and poorly written...until I came across this gem. Originally, I dismissed it as yet another one of 30 different crime dramas on CBS, but after the second episode, I was begrudgingly mistaken. Apart from the screeching and annoying cluster-blather of her little girls (poor and insulting directorial choices) this brings new unique qualities to the horror genre. I would give it a shot.
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Windy City Rehab (2019– )
13 June 2020
Enough with the white entitled gentrification of Chicago's great neighborhoods by this vapid Trixie from hell.
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The Conners (2018–2025)
I really wanted to love this...
29 April 2020
...but it's just lost its "joie" without Roseanne (politics aside). I tried to separate the two versions and rate it on its own merit, but it falls flat. I love the cast and appreciate their talent, but it doesn't work.
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A Classical Masterpiece of Horror
26 April 2020
In my youth, this film lived up to the genre. As an adult, I still pee a little just hearing the title mentioned...or I'm just really old. You couldn't ask for a more talented cast: Carol Kaine, Charles Durning, and Colleen Dewhurst make this all the more thrilling to watch. If you're a horror nerd such as myself, please add this to your collection.
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Reign (2013–2017)
Dear United States: JUST STOP
18 April 2020
As an embarrassed American who studied European History; STOP poisoning history with your melodrama and historical inaccuracies hoping that the ubiquity of pretty faces will distract from accuracy. Another brick in the dumbing-down-of-America wall. Kardashi-trash in supposed period costumes. Americans will never understand the esoteric nuances that made European history so rich. Please, just stop trying...ESPECIALLY CW!!
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Enough Sensationalism
7 April 2020
The director used cheap, dramatic questions to provoke sensationalistic answers from victims and witnesses. There's always someone who will exploit tragedy for personal gain. The film does offer interesting perspectives from witnesses, but the directors sensationalistic tactics are deplorable and desperate.
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Not Believable As Human Beings
3 April 2020
I like a great horror story, a good horror story, and even a mediocre horror story as ling as it's consistent and well acted. My eyes were open the entire time while watching this film and I still felt like I blacked out because of an overly abbreviated and uneven storyline. These are good actors with either poor direction or a badly written script. The characters seemed forced and either undefined or too defined and never strayed anywhere in between. There are more watchable movies during a pandemic...even when there is nothing to do.
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Winchester (2018)
Jump-Scares are Cheap Horror
30 March 2020
Apparently the writers didn't get the message from "the beyond", that jump-scares are filler and fodder replacers for creative writing. What a waste of a promising and interesting subject matter. Unfortunately, the only horror here is the typical American lack of creativity.
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The Walking Dead (2010–2022)
Not a review of the show itself
24 March 2020
Filmed in the backwards state of georgia with all of it's anti-everyone laws except for juh-eeezus and fetuses. Find a new location.
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The Two Popes (2019)
An Atheists review of an allegorical, inspirational film BASED on actual events
2 February 2020
First, I'd like to acknowledge the reviewers who claim this is nothing more than liberal propaganda; if kindness, forgiveness, acceptance, social awareness and a realistic world outlook are liberal propaganda, what does that say about conservative beliefs? You know those conservatives who are "good Christians" who can't even recognize that while this movie may be mostly speculative and conjecture, the message is directly in line with Christ's message. Leave it to those who weaponize their faith to only look for the negative in everything. Maybe you should just stick to Fox "News" and reruns of All In the Family and you'll never have to try to fish for liberal propaganda films again.

I really enjoyed this film. The choice of music was not only comical but was integral to the storyline...the old and new being intertwined. I'm no thespian, but I love Pryce and Hopkins. Kudos to the CGI and set departments for their recreations.
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Sophomoric and Cartoonish Buffy Rip off
26 January 2020
I am a horror geek and sometimes have questionable standards when it comes to the genre...but my standards are higher than this. Let's face it, horror is like pizza; even when it's bad, it's pretty good. First, J.C. Mackenzie's acting is unorganic, robotic, annoying, and lackluster. I tend not to critique actors as I'm no thespian and one never knows if it's the direction, editing, or acting, so let's just say it's poor casting. When he drops the F-bomb it's like hearing your librarian grandfather say it. The CPU voice command makes Star Trek's seem believable. The storyline is unoriginal and banal. I watched all the episodes in an attempt to be fair and it has a few redeeming qualities, but I have no interest in watching another season.
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The Children (2008)
Another reason not to reproduce
15 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
If I didn't dislike kids and their attention-fishing parents before, this film sealed the deal. It begins with the typical "aren't we all adorable families with our precious miracle children?", until the ugly little mouth-breathing, unnecessary carbon footprints start screaming and wasting their parents. That's it...nothing more. If you feel the need to watch it, wear earplugs or mute it and watch the captions or the ridiculous non-stop screaming will no doubt result in hearing loss.
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The Magicians (2015–2020)
It's like watching a dog...
27 January 2019
...move through a beautiful labyrinth only to realize it's been chasing its tail, over and over again. I've watched 3 seasons and while it's very well acted (I really like all the characters) and the script is polished and detailed to a fault, there is absolutely no resolution to any conflict...and if there is, it is short-lived, and the conflicts are continuous. It becomes quite maddening after a while. I recommend you watch it and decide for yourself. It's an entertaining ride, but the pay-off is insignificant. It may be better if watched in small blocks and not binge watched.
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