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Clarkson's Farm: Porking (2024)
Season 3, Episode 2
Pork & Biscuits
13 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Really enjoyed this episode, had a bit of everything. The construction of the pig enclosure and Kalebs subsequent inspection was great. The sequence of trying to move the pigs only to have one escape into the sex enclosure had me howling with laughter. The unabashed attempts to reassure the broody sow with ginger nut biscuits and pressure on her back was excellent. Improv at its finest! Then Kalebs discussion with half of groove armada suddenly had more pull than that of a heavyweight title fight. Both men forthright and comfortable in the knowledge that they knew their stuff, ready to spar it out if needed. I hope everything is ok with Gerald.
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One Day: Episode #1.12 (2024)
Season 1, Episode 12
7 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Seeing Dexter in the throes of a divorce and his accompanying speech in the diner about his daughter was heartbreaking. A wonderfully delivered performance from Leo Woodall. Full of the maturity we haven't seen in Dexter till this episode (in my own opinion)

Poor Jean Pierre must've known he's out on his ear after Emma suddenly developed a throaty ache when her best male mate was in town.

The series is excellent, it's exceeded my expectations. This episode really brings you back to Dexter & Emma's own relationship, making it the true core of the story again. In doing so setting the scene for the remaining episodes.
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The Bear: The Bear (2023)
Season 2, Episode 10
Loved the whole show till final 8 mins of this episode
6 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I know my score will be unpopular. The show has been brilliant.

I used to work at a game developer where a story editor gave a brown bag lunch on characters & story development. She said that great stories change the characters as you go through. It resonated at the time & still holds true to many shows I like watching.

Virtually every other main character in The Bear has seen an element of personal growth. Ritchie in particular going from train wreck to calm(er!) & helpful has been very satisfying. Also the way that all the team pulled together to sort the restaurant getting open: confronting a combination of their inadequacies & challenging themselves to be better. Even though these people aren't real I was pulling so hard for them to do it!

At the start of season 1 Carm was by far the most complex & interesting character. Fast forward to the end of the fridge scene & Claire's departure, I realised Carm is now the shows most 1 dimensional character. It isn't fun or interesting to follow him at this point. He was so so much more interesting when Claire was inducing lots of introspection on Carm's fears & ambitions. Carm's personal growth was giving space for other people's professional growth. More responsibility for the wider team of The Bear.

I felt like the fridge sequence rowed back on all the investment in Carm. And for that reason I didn't enjoy it.

I went from thinking the show is 10/10 tremendous to thinking - oh man if there's a season 3 is it really worth the investment. Not sure.
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Quarterback (2023– )
Great show
12 July 2023
Yes it's July and I'm football starved but that doesn't matter because this is a great show. A rare insight into the games most important position & personalities that don't often get proper behind the scenes coverage.

I enjoy hard knocks but you know what you're getting: football is back & here's some roster bubble players we want you to root for.

With Quarterback the toned & focus shifts. Personally I enjoyed being able to see what Mahomes was really like away from the field. It's football rather than fame which drives him, and given all the previous press coverage about his wife and brother it's nice to see more rounded view of his life.

If you love football you'll love this show.
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The secret sauce is missing
15 April 2023
I'm a big fan of the tv show & faithfully watched over many years. Great thing about the TV series was a combination of many things including:

1. The build up to big events, showing you who is on who's side as well as what is at stake

2. The battle scenes themselves, grimy gritty occasions where hours of story telling tension gets released

3. Then letting it all breathe, letting characters reflect on what's next. Resetting the table for the drama.

The film needed a prologue very badly. Even if you're well versed in who's who there are some new actors in existing roles from the TV show.

The pace of the film is relentlessly & outrageously fast. We've all done it where you fall asleep in a film, you wake up & you think - what is happening?! In this film it's easy to get that feeling despite wholly paying attention. Instead of breadcrumbing the story you're expected to eat the entire loaf of bread freaking immediately and repeatedly.

The formula/secret sauce from the tv show is missing in the film.

Then there's seeing Uhtred again. Watching the end of the tv show & how well it wrapped up his story, I felt trepidation tbh. And on the whole it felt a bit clumsy.

Alexander Dreymon was a spectacular choice to play Uhtred. More accolades should've gone his way over the years.

It's not a bad movie. But it isn't a great one either. It should have been a series.
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Endeavour: Uniform (2023)
Season 9, Episode 2
Great drama but very annoying Joan storyline
5 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Endeavour has been an excellent show for many years. Complex plots, winding stories & characters you really care about.

This episode did brilliantly at the Blenheim Vale story. Uncovering it again, Bright & Thursday in their twilight career wise & refusing to take a backward step. Determined to uncover the deep dark truth. The episode had a high body count. The danger is increasing.

Why then the 7/10 score. The Morse/Joan story at this point is old ground. I'd mentally put to rest any romance there. To dredge it up with another sliding doors moment at the pub felt like such lazy writing. Stop freaking teasing it. It's seriously annoying. Either make it happen or leave alone. It's detracting from the main police drama.

I predict Joan is killed in next week's episode.
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The Father (I) (2020)
A Hopkins Masterclass
5 February 2023
A film where you never really feel settled, but that's the point of you're going to be transported into the perspective of a dementia patient. Dementia is a cruel illness and the film deals well with the issues many families face whilst trying to support loved ones. The director does an excellent job balancing the perspectives

The wider cast are very good but the performance they take the lead from is Anthony Hopkins. I've enjoyed Hopkins career, he's an actor capable of so much depth & subtlety. In this role every ounce of Hopkins talent fills the screen. It's such a powerful performance it stands out as one his finest. There's a scene early in the film where Hopkins character meets a prospective carer, I was nailed to the edge of my seat. It's a heavy film but a must watch.
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Happy Valley: Episode #3.3 (2023)
Season 3, Episode 3
Tremendous, but Clare needs a proper chat with Ryan
15 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I need to say first up that Happy Valley is a tremendous show. A masterclass in how to write, direct and act a drama. Its brilliant.

Clare is seriously overdue a proper, plain and honest chat with Ryan about Tommy. Stringing this element out has become immensely tiresome.

Here you go: Ryan, the reason I don't like Tommy is that 1. Your mum said he raped her, Tommy of course may say differently but that's what she told me. She was in such a low place she hung herself 2. He kidnapped and raped your aunt 3. He murdered a colleague of mine repeatedly running her over 4. He threatened to kill you by setting you on fire 5. He nearly killed me whilst I was saving your now aunt 6. He's murdered at least 2 other people.

I didn't tell you till now because these are very heavy subjects. I hope that once you've processed all this you can understand why I'm not ok with you seeing him. He isn't a good role model. He's damaged many people who love you.

Now if Ryan still sees his dad despite all that then blimey!
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The Smeds and the Smoos (2022 TV Movie)
25 December 2022
Better than last years showing of Superworm by quite a distance.

It's nice that the creators this time weren't totally beholden to only using the text from the book. It made the cartoon story flow well. Some additions in there such as the rocket bursting out the slime was good fun.

Sally Hawkins is a great actor. The narration on Donaldsons books in this format has though become all too serious. The style is a breathless high diction whisper. It's ok for the narration to reflect that it's a kids book and not an ultra serious oscar winning documentary. They're Smeds and Smoos!

Overall enjoyed it, my kids did too. So I'm sure I'll be watching it again 😃
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The English: The Wounded Wolf (2022)
Season 1, Episode 4
A dreadful knock off Alfie Solomon wannabe impersonation
3 December 2022
I'm hugely enjoying the series. Some great characters & settings.

Rafe Spall is a very good actor, versatile and fun to watch

This performance though is a career low point. He's mimicked a very idiosyncratic Tom Hardy performance from Peaky Blinders. He's cheapened the entire show as a result. Someone should have had a word with him, to rein it in a bit. I know many will disagree with my point of view, but honestly I found Spall's performance an embarrassing watch. What was I'm sure supposed to be menacing, gritty and evil came across as just odd. It distracted from the drama.

At least we now know how the story pieces together. Spencer and Blunt truly have been excellent.
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The Great: A Simple Jape (2021)
Season 2, Episode 6
5 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I've hugely enjoyed the show so far but this episode has elevated it further.

The death of Shakey was genuinely surprising and showed that this is a programme willing to take risks.

It showed that whilst at its heart the show is a comedy, Catherine's actions are not in a vacuum, they have consequences.

Peter showing more depth to his character in the state room with Catherine also indicates the writers truly get you need to switch up the tone occasionally - showing characters grow & change.

The actress who plays Aunt Elizabeth, Belinda Bromilow, is doing a superb job this season. The perfect balance of comedic oddities plus advice to Catherine that's sound & caring.

Great episode.
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This Is Us: Katoby (2022)
Season 6, Episode 12
Free Toby
17 August 2022
Kate is freaking awful. Cannot stand her. She tried to squeeze all the pride and good humour out of Toby. But Toby is a real top lad, stayed strong. Thank goodness he's now free of her succubus talons and can live happily.

The Pearson 3 have GOAT level talent at polluting important relationships through cheap point scoring.

Phillip, a fellow Brit, is taking one for the team big time. Thank you mate. She's your problem now.

Score reflects a 5 for Toby & Zero for Kate.
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A smell of fake danger
2 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I'm a big fan of the show & overall really enjoyed season 4. The reveal of Vecna in chapter 7 & the ties into Els backstory - fantastic TV.

Final episode of season 4 was great viewing bar these issues

1. Are our set of hero characters ever really in danger? It doesn't feel like it. Bringing back Max from the dead feels like an odd writing choice. It means El can do this for nearly any character right? It lessens the tension from threatening situations. Game of Thrones truly put main characters in harms way and killed more than a few off. It made for some incredible moments. Stranger Things is an epic show, but it also is moving towards fake danger. It should be bolder and have killed off at least Max.

2. It felt like every character had to have their "moment". Eddies drawn out battle and death scene felt superfluous. Max's memory section where El was walking through them could've been sped up. Cutting between so many "moments" made the pace drag at points.
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Wow. Really bad
4 May 2022
Ridiculous story. Strong acting yes but a story so pony and over long there's no point wasting your time with it. No one with a shred of backbone would act this way in real life. So if the tone you're going for is supposed to be uber authentic then you've already lost me. Oh man I hated it.
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My Brilliant Friend: Terrore (2022)
Season 3, Episode 5
I can't hold it in any longer
21 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I've watched the entire show till now on the whole enjoying it. But my goodness this episode pushed me over the edge

I no longer understand Lenu's motivations. The people you let into your house - why on earth would you not tell them to do one because they are so unbelievably rude. Lila treats you like a mug but you still go back. The scene where Gennarino has coaxed your daughter over to a quiet spot to show her his knob - send him packing immediately!!!!

Lenu no longer acts like a real person. It's becoming incredibly hard to cheer her on. I am starting to freakin hate this show.
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Like sex without a climax
13 March 2022
This movie is all slow tension. Good performances yes, but ultimately underwhelming.

Like watching a good fight without a knockout blow - this film is unfulfilled promise and overall a bit disappointing.
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Superworm (2021 TV Movie)
Not suited to the 25min format
29 December 2021
The immense strength of Donaldson's books, aside from the illustrations, are the rythmic rhyming and alliterations

Stringing the dialogue out over 25 mins asks too much of the story. You end up with 14 of the mins being huffing, grunting, groans & laughs. You also get wordless additions to story that's weren't in the book, which in my opinion diminishes it overall

I know this prob sounds like over analysis of what is a kids show - BUT!! - my kids love rewatching things & I always appreciate shows that stand up to repeat viewings - with a great story and animation.

Superworm for me was poor. Also an anti ASMR horror show. Seems that it's become a style to narrate it with an audio enhanced high diction breathless whisper. I also don't need the sound of a bird struggling on toffee for a couple mins as filler till the next line of Donaldson's story

I urge you - go watch Robin Robin on Netflix. It blows superworm out the water and is of the highest quality.
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Don't Look Up (2021)
Funny & also a bit depressing!
24 December 2021
Definitely a movie of the moment with lots of commentary on our group behaviours!

Di Caprio is fantastic. He and Jennifer Lawrence were excellent. The cast and its collective talent is outrageously good

For me the movie was slightly too long. Other than that I laughed and enjoyed it. I didn't take its message or it's jokes too seriously.
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Very Boring
6 November 2021
The first 8 minutes are excellent. After that it's a slow plodding winding dry snails pace of pointless interactions till finally, FINALLY, some intrigue presents itself in the final scenes

It takes a special kind of dreadful director and sloppy script (written by the director!) to dampen what is an outrageously talented cast

I am now watching the Jumanji sequel to (all being well) expunge The Harder They Fall from my memory bank.
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Untold: Deal with the Devil (2021)
Season 1, Episode 2
18 August 2021
I personally found the documentary gripping as I knew little about the story

To have both the victim and abuser interviewed in this way feels unusual but it never crossed the line into something unseemly. The documentary crew did an excellent job

What an amazing woman Christy is.

First rate sports doc in my opinion.
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Fargo: Welcome to the Alternate Economy (2020)
Season 4, Episode 1
A Warning
12 July 2021
There are elements here of what made the first 3 series so successful. The opening episode is cinematic and sets you up well for the series

However, Chris Rock is definitely a miscast. He's too wooden, nothing about him is menacing or unpredictable. He's neither warm or funny either. His role/performance diminishes the series

The other miscast/crappy character is the brother Gaetano from the Italian family. Just smiling wildly and opening your eyes wide doesn't make for a performance. He's really poor.

Timothy Olyphant - amazing as ever. Ben Wishaw is also excellent.

The ingredients are there - just don't expect the tremendous episodes of the first 3 series.
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Black Mirror: Fifteen Million Merits (2011)
Season 1, Episode 2
Daniel Kaluuya is on another level
10 April 2021
Kaluuya is outrageously talented, an absolute must watch no matter the show or movie. This is no different. He's mesmerising, electric and elevates what is already a cracking story to something truly amazing.
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The Boys (2019– )
An unexpected treat
9 April 2021
The show is outstanding. Such a pleasant surprise. Every character, every episode is excellent. Absolutely love the British accent & humour injected by Kiwi Karl Urban. Homelander vs Butcher is must watch stuff.
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Decent - A change of pace
6 March 2021
If you're about to get stuck into this you should know this is a total change of pace and tone to your standard murder/investigation drama

The focus solely on the machinery of the investigation means you see only the police point of view - along with all its intrigue, detail and (at times) monotony.

The choice to go this route gives you a very different experience as a viewer. On the whole I enjoyed the change.

If you like interviews with the accused or more the feeling of a great hunt/chase to find the killer this show may not be for you.

The burden of proof seemed ridiculously high at points - with the main prosecutor playing devils advocate throughout there were times where it felt supremely annoying. Especially in the face of (what I thought was) damning evidence. Those exchanges felt manufactured colour by numbers lazy storytelling. Other than that I enyjoyed it
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18 February 2021
This is Pixar's biggest dud

Arlo is whiny, complains all the time and is a dreadful friend to everyone he encounters

It is absolutely not worth wasting your time on

The guy who directed this film - it was his first with Pixar and his last. That should tell you all you need to know
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