
99 Reviews
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So bad
26 May 2024
And this folks is what is wrong with Hollywood. Let me give you the rundown so you don't suffer. Most know the story behind gacy so no need for me to run that down. But on earth did they get funding for this? How did the backers, see the script, see the actors lined up and say, oh yea this looks like a money maker. Let's talk about the sets, whoever did the sets/scene tried to make it look like that era from their own imagination, even the car rentals are off, the clothing is off, hair style is off...even the spoken language and tone used for this script is off. Cinematography is awful, angles lighting, cuts very amateurish. Now the actors. Someone needs to take away the Botox to start with. And makeup, yea whoever thought they were a great makeup artist hasn't a clue. This seems like another example of someone hiring cast from friends and family thinking they can act and try to save money. You do see better acting in high school plays. It is just painful to watch.
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Baby Reindeer (2024)
Let's see what all the talk is about
9 May 2024
Since IMDb does a great job at the summary, there is no need for me to write another one here.

I always wonder who is doing casting the past 15 years. You see the main character of the film he is only average. They make him look like a really grunge guy, yet his ex is a stunning woman. And Martha is a really good actress, the casting was spoton with her. She is very believable and able to carry her part. But all the other actors can't act. They can't speak, don't even move their head or body when in a scene. Especially Teri, I don't know who cast them ...but that was painful to watch and listen. While other actors that had even smaller roles, were really great and should have had larger roles.

Whoever did makes you wonder, they didn't hit that mark.

They could have left out so much of this film and made it into the typical one hour twenty minute.
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Exhuma (2024)
Really good film!
7 May 2024
Since IMDb does a great time summary, there is no need for me to do that as well. The actors are superior. It's clear they were hired because they KNOW acting and not because they are family, friends etc that you see here in Hollywood. Even the young child actor knows how to act. The actors even know how to use the tone of their voices for each role. They really nailed this film. The cinematography is superior as well. No shackycam. They actually know exactly what they are doing, lighting, background, panning the mountains, using reflection in glass, angles, even car's fantastic. This film, is the standard of what films should compare that to the drivel churned out from Hollywood....there is no comparison in acting, cinematography, scene-setting. Watch the film you will so enjoy it for the storyline.
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Humane (2024)
It's not bad
26 April 2024
So I won't go into a movie summary since IMDb already does a pretty good job of doing that. It is watchable, but kind of slow to get started. The acting is very average for all involved except for the two main character husband and wife...they of course are quite seasoned. The soundtrack, yea that is really lacking. And actually takes away from many scenes while always playing softly in the background. But where this film is actually quite strong is the cinematography. Whoever the cinematographer was for the movie knew his business. Not a single shakey-cam anywhere. They set up the scenes and and shots it all really well. That is something so new. Typically it is annoying shakey-cam and high school level film class shots. So it's worth a watch.
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Read the lowest reviews first
2 March 2024
Just imdb like Amaon reviews, just immediately go to the lowest reviews to find the truth about a film. While I wanted to like it much more, it just it like too many films these days. They remake a great classic trying to give a modern update... and it just doesn't work. Read the book first, then watch the original OLD film. You will see that this movie just isn't as good as the original , and misses so many key points, and adds endless scenes of fluff to just extend the whole length. Also what was added were many scenes showing cgi gore. Everyone know the story so showing certain things adds nothing. The clothing, sets, and even hair...all were perfect in this film. So whoever was in charge did an outstanding job. If you do watch it, watch the old original first, then this.
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Not bad but....
4 February 2024
The actors are always top notch in S. K. films. The script wasn't bad at all and it was enjoying to see the familiar actor from Train to Busan.

The only two issues I have is first - cinematography. Nearly all S. K. films have excellent cinematographer...and while many of the scenes in this film are really good. Yet it's almost as if some scenes were shot by one person, and other scenes shot by someone else ..someone that was either educated or too heavily influenced by American cinematography. The drawbacks is shakycam in some scenes. That needs to simply stop in any film. It doesn add anything to the film, it just shows that they hired someone that doesn't know what they are doing. I live here in Ca where fms are made, and the quality was lost at least 20 years ago. And the pleasure of foreign films was because of such skill other countries adhered to...


The soundtrack it is horrible, just horrible. I have no idea who thought it was ok. It's so sounds like a cheaplymade 1970s daytime soap opera. Again it makes you question who did it and who influenced them.

Maybe it's simply because its made by Climax Studios (look who the owners are), maybe because of Nerflix. I don't know but it's really bad.

The CGI is simply could have easily been done better.

I had high hopes for the film. It's only OK. I think it would have b wn much better if it were totally an independent film.
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Yes, watch this!!!!!
16 December 2023
I won't give a summary since imdb does that already,.

But listen this is such a good film!

Even as a seasoned movie watcher... this one had twists and turns that you just don't see coming and leave you saying... wow.

The acting is top-notch, cinematography is really good. The soundtrack fits well.

It literally starts out and you are grabbed within 5 mins and not let all.

This is a good example of why I mainly only watch foreign films.

You will most likely catch yourself yelling in real life at the characters in the film - WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?!?! Or - OMG, no way?!?!?

It is incredibly stressful so be prepared. But very worth it if you are into post apocalyptic, and I know them all....well.
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14 December 2023
This was the biggest waste of time I ever recall in a movie.

I watched it just to see what everyone was taking about. Critics raving, yet normal moviegoers panning it.

The soundtrack was literally something from 1990s and resident evil.

The cinematography was worse than first year film students.

The script/story line...was so bad there are no words, really awful.

The dialog was so ridiculous I'm amazed this film was even made.

This movie being made is more proof if needed that people are paid off or in the pocket of film companies and/or buddies.

Save your precious time, and heed the warning of all that say...don't even watch.
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Don't even think about wasting your time
8 July 2023
I have no idea who thought it was a good idea to take a great franchise such as this...and pass it to a writer that managed to mess up even one of the Halloween movies???

Well this writer just messed up what could have been a great movie.

Everything is predictable, everything bit of dialogue is pandering and not believable in the least. It's as if a person who wrote this has never actually lived life or been though anything at all that they wrote about.

Nothing is scary, it is all a huge waste of time.

Which is a shame since we all had high hopes with Patrick Wilson.

This writer turned this into a poorly made teen movie from the 80s.
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Wasted time
9 October 2022
Like another comment. I tried three times to watch this movie. It is so boring. The story line is not even remotely believable. It moves slower than molasses in winter. It seems the writers haven't experienced anything they wrote about, because everything in the movie...doesn't even happen that way. I have to be vague so as not to give away the story. Oh wait, there is one thing that is semi true. How people with more money tend to give coats to others during winter when you don't own any and don't have money to buy one. But really it's another waste of time. Still makes you wonder how many poor scripts get funding.
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Cruiser (2016)
They did try,but not hard enough
1 October 2022
Look, we all know filmmakers need to begin somewhere. And doing so they have lowbudget sometimes (unless they get big backing for a poor script for some reason).

This could have been a little better with inexpensive adjustments. Filming quality was poor, in looks like a very camcorder era film. Just rent proper equipment from a university.

Stop hiring family or friends as actors. They can't act, eve.n if you think they can. Hire actors for free that need screentime.

The main actor was so not believable in h8s role, costuming was poorly done. Even the 3xt4as mill8ng about in the quickie mart has no dire tion in moving/milling about.

The film isn't worth wasting time. It jumps from scene to scene without sense.
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Monster (2022– )
Just ridiculous
21 September 2022
It's not worth your time.

There are other films much better done, find the list on wiki.

Everyone knows the horrifying story so I won't go into that.

But this movie is just so horribly made. Shakycam makes a full on appearance.

The co stars and the starring actor can't act at all, period. For some reason the directors thought having the actors gaze off into the distance carries more weight - it doesn't. The story moves slower than molasses in winter, and just degrades the victims rather than telling the story of what went on.

Just go watch one of the older films that does a much better job from all angles.
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The Guilty (2021)
This isn't how dispatch works...
16 September 2022
I haven't seen the danish film.

But, this film isn't how the 911 operations office works in SoCal. Granted most people haven't worked 911, don't know dispatchers in real life. But even using commonsense the average person should be able to pick-up how this is not how things are.

First, shakey-cam takes away from the story.

The scene setting of the 911 office is correct. It's very dark, extremely quiet. But, there is a good amount of foot traffic of officers, detectives and supervisors passing by every few minutes as you sit receiving calls. There are so many calls coming in, that even one dispatcher focusing on what Jake does, would throw things out of whack.

The script is tedious, unrealistic, not interesting. The 6 year old, sounds like a woman acting badly in a child's voice.

The entire film he essentially is supposedly orchestrating all these things, on his own, battling everyone he comes up against.
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It falls flat
13 September 2022
Look I know this isn't a true story or anything. But movies are meant to pull you in to that story to believe the actors and what's happening to them. This movie does not do that. The good point, love that they didn't have a shakey-cam anywhere! And it was great seeing actors and actresses that look like everyday folks, not someone right out of a magazine.

But the director writers all should have spent mu h more time living in the area, with true swap folk.

As many others pointed out, nothing is as clean and fresh as this movie portrays. They did get the costuming right, but when you live down theft off the land everything is dirty. And when it's not dirty, it's stained, weathered, worn thin. There is so much most that would pull the viewer in that wasn't done.

The script/dialog. This is where is mainly falls flat. There is no meat, substance or meaning as to what they are saying. It's odd as if the person writing were trying so hard to imagine what would have been said in the 50s/60s to an uneducated person, all they needed to do was research at any retirement home.
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Its a good film - but difficult to watch
7 September 2022
Being in the USA I always prefer foreign films. The acting, directing, cinematography, set design...its always superior. Maybe because they aren't constrained by money or legalities, who knows.

This film is a good example of that.

The subject matter is incredibly grim. I won't do a summary since IMDb already has done theirs.

If you know the true story, you can tell where they essentially, and I would assume purposely left certain things out. It doesn't take away from the storyline.

The chosen actors fit the roles perfectly. Very believable, nothing was forced in the acting it all came naturally for each one.

Costumes and makeup done so well, again it was quite grim...but well done. The sets were very well thought out and placed.

The cinematography was fabulous as well....that was done so well, it literally pulled you into the scenes and caused you to tense up - thats a good film when they can do that, the angles, the lighting, the framing.

I would say watch it for sure, but you will need to see something upbeat after this...plan accordingly.
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Only a background movie...
5 September 2022
This is another really high budget film that had the money to spend on top music and PERFECT set and costume design.

I am seeing more and more lately films being made that have a poor script/actors spending big money on the retro sets - because obviously it pulls people in for nostalgia. And for that, this movie nails it big time, the sets, hair and clothing were perfect.

But, that doesn't make or carry a film. The acting/actors, scripts and originality do that.

This movie falls short. So I am not sure when this has so many high reviews.

I've said it before. Children cannot fully carry a movie as the main characters - this movie attempts that. The children from Goonies back in 1985 are lightyears better, maybe better acting coaches, maybe because they were not from the digital age - who knows.

I won't do a summary since IMDb does that. But from the start of the action, you see incident after incident taken from other movies and meshed into this one. There is nothing original or interesting in it - unless you want to see some of the things you or your parents grew up with.
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Dark Water (2005)
Not bad at all...
4 September 2022
Since IMDb does the summary, I won't write that here.

No idea why is rated so low by some people, strange.

But, the actors are really well chosen for the roles. And this is one film, where the child actress can actually carry her part. The little girl is really good at acting and very believable.

It has a few good twists in the film, and even seasoned film aficionados will say - hey now I was wrong about that plot twist. And of course there is one or two that you might guess anyhow.

Its worth watching. And for some people might be a little stressful as you can relate to a few situations if you have been through a divorce.

Give it a try, I bet you enjoy.
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Room for Rent (2019)
Yes, just watch it
4 September 2022 is creepy and weird. But if you know LA and SoCal you can see reflections of these types of people in Mrs. Smith and certain situations.

I won't give a summary since IMDb always does.

But the casting for the parts were spot on. I really enjoy that they allowed Mrs. Smith to look "normal." It is tiresome seeing some movies always trying to hide what older women really look like.

Staging/cinematography were nicely done. Not a shaky-cam in sight thank goodness. Costuming was spot on as well, very believable in all respects.

It is sad, because it is believable and the situation happens every day to many.

But give it a watch, with a glass (bottle) of wine.
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Its simply average...
4 September 2022
As I type this brief review I'm sitting across from no less than 8 of his books on my shelf.

I really enjoy his writing. And love most of his earliest films.

But, as we all do - time has changed his style over the years.

Now I'm not going to give a summary, there is no reason since IMDb does this very well.

I want to give props to the casting director. They did a great job with the actors and actresses. While they are smash bang up line up...they are good and fit pretty well into the roles. Also, i like that they used people that look "normal" physically with flaws and average in looks. It is tiresome seeing casting directors using family, friends, or just body/looks hired for the job. But I will say, they NEED to write into the contract a statement about using BOTOX. That causes a real issue when trying to show real emotion.

The scene setting was top notch, and yes I want that candy dish and ....if you know, you know!

It is believable, that's what I sometimes look at when watching a movie. Sure it is, up to a certain point. That doesn't mean you shouldn't watch it, but it is very different from his earlier works which I and others tend to enjoy more.
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Don't even bother...
17 August 2022
I'm going to say it yet once again. I have no idea how some of these horrible movies get funding/backing.

This movie isn't even close to reality of what happened.

Ignore that for a moment. The acting is horrible, the chosen clothing, hair, makeup ...everything is just awful, even scene sets are seemingly halfway thought out.

The dental work they had the actress used looks like they got it at a Halloween store. Yes Aileen had horrible teeth, but you could still get fake teeth that set in the mouth better than what they used from downtown LA.
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Terrifier (2016)
Great special effects
8 August 2022
The person(s) that created the special effects really did a fantastic job...they enjoy and know what they are doing.

But the movie in general is just a B movie background film while you clean the house or do laundry.

Cinematography was average - but HUGE kudos to the person for NOT using shaky-cam at all...this is how you film a movie !!!! If this cinematographer gets a little more experience under the belt, yep...hopefully they will turn the tide in the film industry to bring back true scene filming and not the shaky-cam. You can tell they understood the storyline, and task...just needs more experience. But again...great job in NO shaky-cam~!

Its not a major film...but good enough to put on and won't bore you to death.
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Sweetheart (I) (2019)
No, no, no, no...
8 August 2022
Don't waste your time.

The acting is so bad. The cinematography really bad....just amazing that these films get funded when good scripts are everywhere and can't even get the time of day.

Don't even bother.
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Raw (2016)
8 August 2022
If you are a film-buff, and have started your watching career from the silent era working forward.

It becomes so clear to see where filmmakers take ideas already done, and attempt to bring them to the screen in current doesn't work.

Just go watch "Ravenous" from 1999 and don't bother with this film.
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Blair Witch (2016)
Don't waste your time...
7 August 2022
Isn't even tolerable when you have cola and pizza.

You again need a double dose of Dramamine to tolerate the shaky-cam. The script sounds worse than first year film college.
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Really poorly made and is it even believable?
22 June 2021
Look, there are people that think this a stellar is not even close.

The subject matter is what is quiet important...however....but this hour and a half movie is literally the brothers repeating the same three statements. The last section of the movie makes you see is NOT a documentary, it is a reality show/movie disguised as a documentary.

It is repetitive, which opens the door to boredom. And finishes with reality TV.

I wouldn't waste a minute of your time on this..... if you are curious as to what the secret is.... go read one of the spoilers. It really won't make a difference.

You can see they are positioning themselves for an attempt at a feature length film.... which would be painfully boring and not worth it. Can't imagine what in the book if this is the "documentary " (reality movie).
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