
13 Reviews
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After Yang (2021)
Beautiful and warmly moving
22 September 2022
Initially I thought this film was going to be drab, depressing and pretentious. I was wrong. The following review may go on to sound pretentious but I mean what I've written.

The words I would use to describe this are enlightening, beautifully gentle, strength, joy in life, intelligent warmth.

Initially as I said, I wasn't keen as I made assumptions on what the film was. Throughout this movie there were several moments I had a tear trickle down my cheek, not because this was a sad or depressing film, but because there are many beautiful moments in it, it brings to mind living in the simple moments of just being, hindsight shouldn't be how we appreciate our lives and the lives of those around us.

This film finds beauty in so much and made me think of moments I have experienced similar, when a glance at something seemingly innocuous holds you for a moment with the unexpected feeling of it's perfectness and uniqueness. Just sometimes, stopping, taking a breath, being still. Seeing things, moments, people for the richness of who/what they are not who you project/dismiss them to be. The way this is revealing of one the film's characters is just lovely. Reminds you gently, to love the way those around you experience life.

It is rare (for me anyway) to come away from watching something and feel it has given me something that I can carry back into my world. But this has, I feel moved and appreciative.

When something makes you feel something and connect with something within yourself and others, whether music, poetry, film, painting, it is art. The way this was written, interpreted and acted, directed, the set, music, edited, it's a lovely piece of art and I'm really glad I continued watching it.

I highly recommend this film.
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Resident Evil (2022)
Brilliant, worth watching all eight episodes
15 July 2022
I started this not expecting much but was proven wrong.

I have no idea why there are 1* reviews, this was done really well. It takes a couple of episodes before it takes on its own life at which point I binged the whole season.

Normally when a show does present day plot combined/alongside with back story plot, the back story tends to feel more token. However, in this it was so well done, I was just as invested in the characters and plot of past and present and in fact each time period was good enough to.stand alone as its own show. That is a tricky feat to achieve but they did in.this.

Fantastic world building and character development, the actors in both timelines really pull you into the plot.

For those who only watched the first episode, go back and watch the rest, it builds and becomes a thriller, sci fi, horror each genre complimenting the others.

Whether or not people think it's true to the original Resident Evil, I have no idea, but as an enjoyable stand alone series, I highly recommend.

There was an attempt in 2021 to do a resident evil show, I didn't like that as much as it didn't have the plot depth, nor much of a range of characters, seemed cheesey and predictable.

The production value of this 2022 8 episode season was on a different level to that, excellent, just need to keep watching and not drop out in.first one or two.
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Arthdal Chronicles (2019–2023)
8 June 2022
Each episode gets better and pulls you further into the world that has been created.

I liked first few episodes just, but by episode four I loved it! The depth of character, plot and world building is incredible. Every single actor is an incredible actor but I think it takes to episode four to really appreciate that, as at first there's so many different characters to introduce.

It's unusual in any film/tv show, to have every single character regardless of role size to be so skilled and frankly, engagingly brilliant, but even though there are so many roles in this epic production, every single character/actor connects with the audience and gived a real sense of who the characters are in this. So impressive.

I've only given 8 stars as the last few episodes I didn't think matched the quality of the others.

I think from episode 16-18 it went somewhat downhill and what had seemed really tight structured plot up to there, sort of unravels for me. The production values are still present but the story wasn't as tight and flowing. Episode 18 was really disappointing as did not tie anything up. Didn't even leave it on a tight, suspenseful cliffhanger, it just ended an episode.

Increasingly across the board, tv and films have been so shallow depth-wise. I've gotten so fed up of the kind of cr@p being released that I rewatch shows/films that were well made, gotten so used to lazy writing, casting, direction and bad acting that I was not expecting to find a treasure like this.

I won't spoil the plot. But anyone looking on here to see if this is worth watching. First few episodes were ok, but from four, it goes up and up in awesomeness, the first three being the foundation. But then after getting through more episodes, the first few are re-evaluated in.hindsight because the reason they're different is because you're seeing literal character life development and world expansion, as they experience more at which point I appreciate the first few with fresh eyes if that makes sense.

Those whom wrote this, directed it, acted in it, created the set/cgi, edited, produced, are brilliant. If only others could produce this level of tv/film quality instead of the stale hurty brain deadening rubbish that's generally churned out.

This was released, I think, in 2019, and seems to be on hiatus, I hope they do a second season. This is sooo good.

I highly recommend.
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2067 (2020)
I really enjoyed this movie
6 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I think this was well directed, the plot interesting and engaging.

The main 2 characters were great. Their acting pulled you into the movie.

There were a few small areas in the plot/film where it could have been tighter but this did not overshadow the quality of the story telling.

a little thing I appreciated about this film also, was that it wasn't filled with front cover Vogue-esq actors. I don't mean that offensively as the actors were all charasmatic and attractive, however they were engaging, charasmatic and attractive in a 'real' way. Rather than the blockbusters where everyone looks the same, same size, same teeth, same height, same nose, (zzzzzzzzzzzz) it was refreshing.

It had good world-building and I have no doubt that I shall probably watch it again in a few years. If something has enough depth to it, I like to rewatch few yrs down the line and this fits that category.

It is a decent film, better plot than many of the 'blockbuster' movies. I am glad I took a chance on renting it, as I was not disapointed. Don't let the odd moment where you may notice that maybe the budget was not massive, as they are few and far between as the set throughout was interesting, well-crafted, believable and as I say, the world building is good,

I think what was a bonus also is the fact that the person who wrote it also directed it, so they were able to make sure the story was told as written and imagined which came through, as when you write a story, you can see it unfolding literally to the point it feels like you are following what you see in your imagination and are just writing down what you observe your characters do and describing their world as it unfolds in front of you etc as it plays out rather than plucking words out of nowhere. So to me, watching this, knowing the writer directed it made it all the more enjoyable as I felt that it meant what I watched was as near to what he saw when he wrote it.

At the start, I had a slight gulp as I have written a book some yrs back where an element of the plot is about a world without fauna due to climate and pollution and where air and water is bought and controlled by corporations, so I was relieved when it quickly became apparent this was a totally different direction than mine (I mean if your story isn't original, what's the point of retelling what someone else has created).

The way this was done was orginal, well paced and perfectly cast.
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The Undoing (2020)
Fall asleep without fail each time I try to watch
28 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I have watched each episode and have fell asleep during each episode. Genuinely. I'm not sure why I keep trying but I am hoping at some point it works.

However, I am sorry to say this, but the continuous blank stare and huffypuffy gurning from Nicole Kidman is beyond tedious. She was fantastic in Invasion and Stepford Wives amongst others, so is clearly a talented artist. what has happened? I can only think, writing and direction. As she is the main character, the plot is paper thin, tissue thin.

If you are going to base a show around one person, give them something, direction, plot, anything. It is impossible to get into most of of the time as it is just Nicole Kidman staring, camera zoomed into stare, some gurn-esq sighs (think a subtle Les Dawson lip smack) and that is it really. Others attempt to speak to her, and she just stares, and sighs.

There is no clever plot, as some have suggested.

I think the other actors have been let down by the way this has been written and/or directed. Having other characters storylines so that they all build a mystery and slowly pull you to the centre where it comes together andyou feel invested would have been helpful. However the whole show is carried on N Kidman's shoulders therefore the rest of the cast have to hope she does good given they are not really given a lot of opportunity to make it interesting.

In my opinion, she does not.

The only two who seem to have any character and ability to hold any interest are the two husbands, mainly the deceased woman's husband whose scenes are gripping, well the scenes aren't but his portrayal of his character is.

I am unsure if the director daren't tell the lead actors that the acting is not really coming through the screen, or if this is some kind of experimental method of 'stare...gurn...sigh... .. ..... ...repeat'.

I saw a high rated review stating those of us who think it is boring is because you need grey matter to be able to understand the thrilling and intelligent plot, this review then went on to say the reviewer and partner then rewatched to see if they had missed any clues. They had to watch it a second time to see if there is an actual plot! It's not a case of. it is so clever we are not meant to enjoy it, so we enjoy because we are clever and know it is part of the experience. Erm, no, it is just really bad with nice apartments, nice hair and a pretty awesome winter coat.

I feel sorry for
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Astral (III) (2018)
Has it started yet?
29 May 2019
So bad it's bad. Introduces characters that have plot specific experiences for about 1-2 minutes,are sporadically dropped in throughout film with storylines that are left in the air. As though the writer/director forgot that they were a part of the film. The main character only kept my interest because of his role in walking dead, every character besides him are dropped in at what seem to be an opportunity to develop plot but then disappear out of the film. Sorry to say the main character doesn't do a good job, its like he is practising at acting school in improv and waiting for someone to tell him what emotion he should be portraying or what of anything he should be doing it was though he had no idea how to effectively deliver his scene, like the director said, just do your thing but he didnt know what thing that was. Just before the end a dramatic (loosely used word) scene occurs and then next thing the character is elsewhere as though nothing happened with no explanation as to what happened in 'dramatic scene', then it ends when you are waiting to see where the story is about to go. I was like, what the......, is that it? The main blame lies with the director and writer, it was like a cheap patchwork quilt but not the colourful 100% cotton kind, the printed patchwork in murky faded blurred patches made of polyester. There was no relationships between any of the characters, as I said they were dropped in and disapeared. There were so many opportunities to do something and each time they didn't. It seemed to be written, edited and directed by ameteurs. I can only assume they got funded because of the main actor and then tried so badly, to throw something together and failed miserably. Seriously bad and patchy, no middle or end.
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Memories of the Alhambra (2018–2019)
Liked it
13 February 2019
I watched the first episode and nearly didn't go to second but am glad I did. It was engaging and covered many genres, comedy, romance, fantasy. Cons: I felt at times (every time) when the actors were displaying an emotion, it was too strung out i.e. the camera/scene lingered too long on the actors moment of sadness or whatever emotion being acted, instead of showing the emotion, moving on, it just went on too long which then had the effect of bringing you back out of the world that you were emmersed in whilst watching as it was like 'ok ok I get it she's upset or he is pondering his fate, move on to next scene now'. As the emotions were diplayed quite beautifully at times, I can understand why they wanted to build on it but there comes a point when its too drawn out. Playing the same 'romantic' song each time the female lead was emotional' was pretty irritating as it was 'too much' and instead of being left to admire her acting or the moment, I found myself rolling my eyes as it was too much like making her seem like a weak victim type character. I felt the two female actresses 'ex'wives, were one dimensional, not their acting, but their roles within the show, one was a doctor, which you would think would depict an intelligent and strong character but instead she was a wimpering victim, and all you got to her of her character were timid and sad glances but no plot to display her acting skills, the second exwife was also one dimensional, I felt she was believable as a scorned ex but you only see snippets of her being mean as with 1st wife snippets of her being weak but no actual character building. I got the impression that whoever either wrote or directed it, sees men as the strong, intelligent decision makers and the women as weak chattels. Though I was pleased lead female's character devloped throughout to become stronger/intelligent. I also found the repeating of scenes from a 'different angle' in each episode from previous episode also too dragged out and though at times these 'explanations' worked, at times they didn't and it was just a bit irritating as often they didn't really add anything as a 'reveal' to the story that you wouldnt have surmised already. Perhaps it is a tv culture difference between Korea and UK, but I found the male/female status very patronising for the most part of series where it seemed like the main character was always crying, running (quite gracefuly and beautifully I may add) and the male lead was always 'playing' with her emotions and acting 'superior' to her. Though I do feel this was slightly balanced out by her emerging intelligence and steadfastness, at the same time it was quite annoying. Pros: fantastic plot idea many scenes were beautiful, the actors were all engaging quite often there would be a moment or scene that was like its own piecce of art it was so lovely as the show went from episode to episode it really showcased some of the actors who at the beginning were not that 'relevant'. I adored the secretary, he was fantastic in his role, the lawer Park was too. As the shows progressed my investment in the characters did too. The camera work, sets, wardrobe, whole set up, was fantastic. The plot has a lot of potential as a scifi thriller, there are so many directions that come to my mind that the story could go in based on the AR route that focuses more on a thriller avenue than romance so I hope something is made along that path. I see it was cancelled, I think that is a shame and feel that this may be in part due to its focus on romance as as a thriller there are so many more avenues it could have gone down whilst still having the beautiful additition of the lead female input as a romantic interest. I would recommend as worth watching as it certainly grows on you, just be prepared for many momemnts of lingering dewy eyed looks and glances off in the distance which drag on a bit(I just fast forward a few minutes) and I think you will enjoy the sweet, gentle and at times moving story as it unfolds.
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Venom (2018)
lazy and pointless
20 December 2018
My son wanted to see this on his birthday. What a load of rubbish. The plot was thin. The main actor, frankly I felt his acting was arrogant, it was as though he felt he was above 'acting' and direction -like he went off on his own tangent-and instead of getting into the role to make it believable, it was as though he just decided to do what he wanted and try and be 'real'. Erm these are Superheroes with superpowers, i.e. fantasy, nothing 'real' about it, so this guy's lazy acting ruined it. It felt as though he felt he was 'better than this' and decided to adlib his way through it disregarding the years of world-building these cross-over franchises have built up. Seriously, if you are 'too good' to be a graphic novel character, don't accept the job and ruin what could have been a good film. The whole way through the film, instead of being absorbed in the plot and characters, we were constantly made aware he was 'acting', it was almost a sense of his acting the role was doing us (the viewers) a favour. This is one franchise we will be avoiding. Someone needs to tell the guy, 'gritty' isn't always the way to go, especially when it isn't believable.
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fell asleep
20 December 2018
This was a big disapointment. There was no story to it, there were no characters, it was lacking plot, consistancy and charisma. It was as though they felt that by throwing in a few CGI effects makes a good movie. The main character had no character, it was wishy washy rubbish. I genuinely fell asleep during it, I nodded off twice. I enjoyed the first one it had a story and characters to follow. This one just had bland nothingness with some CGI. I can't see a third one being made after this.
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blows rasberry
2 March 2018
What a let down, I thought as it was part of the Stargate franchise it would be good, it is worse than the 'pretend' stargate tv shows within the real stargate tv show where they are actually tying to do a bad job! I thought perhaps it was a fanmade show but it seems not. If you imagine the sets, plot and acting you would get at a local children's Christmas pantomime show in your neighbourhood theatre, then you expecting a better quality than what these webisodes give.
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Not Worth your time
1 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This did not have depth to the plot in any way, shape or form. It was badly directed and frankly, badly acted. Without giving spoilers other than one which is revealed at the start anyway, there was a thin and vague back story which the film took you back to throughout story, but what you was taken back to was so rubbish and uninteresting, and repetitive, combined with not actually explaining anything besides his wife was ill, that it really was a bit pointless. The lead actor could not carry the film with the focus being of him in the cockpit, his reactions to the situation were one dimensional and unrealistic, as were his wife's. There was no explanation about how each player came into the 'plot', and the vague pointers to it were uninteretsing and did not make sense and there was no conclusion. It was as though someone scribbled the very basics for a movie on the back of small napkin, but forgot to finish it and then the director assumed it was finished and just said, read your lines, it's Ok, I don't think I'll direct today, I'm having a cuppa instead.. Annoyed I wasted my time. I think Radcliffe may do better when he has others to bounce off and maybe some direction and plot.With so many talented writers and directors out there, I don't understand why so much rubbish has money thrown at it or is given airtime.
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Radius (2017)
Outstanding Acting.
11 November 2017
This movie is fantastic. The acting was like Art, which in turn suggests so was the writing and the directing. I found the build of the plot perfectly paced. Personally, I did feel that I could predict in some areas what was going to happen, but the brilliant thing about that was that it wasn't because it was predictable at all, it was because clues were structured in such a way that even though at a certain point you think, ah, I think I know what is going to happen next (normally not a good thing in a thriller), you still are on tender-hooks for the part after that because it happens in such a way as to intrigue you each step of it, making it more enjoyable because of it. Each situation has at least three or more (depends on your imagination) totally different ways the story could go in your mind as you are caught up in it, and each one interesting so when it comes to the direction it takes throughout, each one is fresh and as brilliant, or more, than you thought it would be. Well worth a watch, a film with substance with the depth of acting. There aren't a lot of movies I can watch more than once, this would be an exception.
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Incorporated (2016–2017)
Original, layered and fast-paced
5 October 2017
After getting so used to un-original and predictable story-lines in most TV shows, I was blown away by this. I am a science fiction and fantasy fan, in fact I write it (not well:)) and this is one of the best TV shows I have seen in a long time. Part of the reason I started writing myself was due to the lack of original stories out there. Again and again I would start to watch something and be shocked at how thin the plot was and predictable the characters and choices they made were.

Incorporated has depth, it has real storytelling that takes the viewer in unexpected directions. In directions that even though are set in a dystopian future, not so subtle hints of current real world issues come to mind. At the end of each episode I would be grinning with the sheer brilliance of the direction. I am flabbergasted beyond belief that this was canceled. When I see, time and time again, films and TV shows that are so lacking in depth, and I wonder how on earth networks throw money at them and then something as original as Incorporated comes along and it is canceled? Gutted.

For anyone with imagination, any of you reading this who end up writing stories yourselves because you can barely find anything with enough depth to capture your curiosity and appreciation, this is a must.

I just hope that a movie based on this will be developed because it is too good to just stop where it leaves off. S A Strongheart. Ps, don't let the fact there is only one season put you off, it is brilliant.
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