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Quiet, Restrained, and Emotional.
10 January 2021
Like 2019's Ad Astra, The Midnight Sky is either going to connect with you emotionally and you're going to love it, or its not going to connect with you and you're going to absolutely hate it. Personally, this movie connected with me.

The main thing I loved about this film is how restrained and quiet it is. It doesn't rush to give you all the answers or to get to the "exciting" sci-fi parts. It follows a small group of characters and it is more concerned with the emotional stakes rather than the bigger picture. This is a character driven drama through and through and it doesn't hide that fact. Yes, you can see some plot points in this film coming, but I think they're handled so well it doesn't matter. I also thought the cinematography and the score was brilliant as well.

If you're looking for a fun sci-fi movie or a detailed and cerebral sci-fi movie then you're not going to find that with this film. If you're looking for a sci-fi movie that goes straight for the heart strings and deals with themes such as sacrifice, family, and isolation then you will love this. George Clooney did a great job in front of and behind the camera.
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Breathtaking Performances From Viola Davis and Chadwick Boseman
19 December 2020
This movie is all about the performances and Viola Davis and Chadwick Boseman absolutely delivered. While Viola Davis doesn''t have any huge and flashy scenes, she still manages to disappear into her character and deliver one of her best performances. Chadwick Boseman got a handful of powerful scenes to work with and he also performed them all brilliantly. You can tell he put his heart and soul into every word and I'm glad his performance is immortalized on screen so we can admire it forever.

Yes, this film feels more like a play in the same way that Fences did in 2016, but I don't think that matters because the performances are so incredible. This is definitely one of the best films of the year.
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Impossible Not to Like This Movie
19 November 2020
Trial of the Chicago 7 has the best cast of the year, a script from Aaron Sorkin, and lot of elements that are extremely timely. It's impossible to not at least be absorbed in this film, and I was absorbed from the the very beginning to the end. With that being said, I don't think Aaron Sorkin is as good of a director as he is a writer and that brings this film down in some ways, but this is still an old fashioned crowd pleaser that everyone can get something out of.
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First Cow (2019)
Great Story and Great Performances
8 November 2020
First Cow instantly pulls you in with its incredible cinematography and recreation of the American West in the 1800's. While this film takes its time getting into the meat of the story, when it does, it becomes an absolutely absorbing film with two great lead performances. On top of the striking visuals, the chemistry between the two leads is what elevates this film. Overall, a great watch.
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Palm Springs (2020)
Smart, Funny, and Surprisingly Emotional
26 October 2020
Everything about this movie worked for me. From the way it handles the time loop premise to the chemistry between the two leads, this movie just works. It also packs a surprising emotional punch that I didn't expect going in. Palm Springs definitely lives up to the hype.
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Packs an Emotional Punch
21 October 2020
Road trip movies are difficult to pull off because it's so easy for them to be too familiar and generic. While there are some parts in End of Sentence that feel familiar, what sets it apart is how incredible John Hawkes and Logan Lerman are. They are two of the most underrated actors working right now and they both give emotionally impactful performances. Plus, this film is full of beautiful scenery and has a genuinely emotionally resonant story. Overall, a good film.
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A Mesmerizing and Brilliantly Made Exploration of Sadness, Loneliness, and Regret
16 October 2020
I'm Thinking of Ending Things is definitely a divisive film judging by people's reactions. There are some people who think it's pretentious garbage, while other people have came up with their own interpretations of the film and think it's a masterpiece. Personally, this movie spoke to me on such a personal level that I couldn't help but be mesmerized by every second of it.

This film also has brilliant performances all around, a beautiful score, and incredible cinematography . Overall, this is a movie that you're either going to love or hate. Personally, I loved it and I can't wait to explore it again in the future.
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Tigertail (2020)
A Heartbreaking Exploration of Sacrifice and How Our Choices Define Us
11 October 2020
Tigertail is definitely one of the best films I've watched all year. It's simple and short, but it packs a huge emotional punch. This film brilliantly explores the immigrant experience and the sacrifices that come with moving to another country. It also explores how our choices define us and the ripples our choices have through generations. Tzi Ma also gives a great performance as a flawed yet sympathetic guy struggling with regret but trying to live with his choices and make things right. Overall, this was a great film.
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Project Power (2020)
This Movie Doesn't Take Advantage of Its Cool Premise
8 October 2020
I usually don't like watching run of the mill, movie of the week Netflix films, but I decided to give this a chance because of its cast and cool premise. Unfortunately, this movie underwhelmed me. A movie with this type of premise has to go all out. Instead, this movie plays things too safe and barely shows off any of the powers, which is what this movie is supposed to be about. It's like the writer of this movie said "I just came up with this incredible idea for a film now let me explore it in the most boring way possible and see if Netflix with still spend millions on it". Project Power isn't an awful movie, but it could've been so much better.
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The Outpost (2019)
One of the Most Immersive War Movies I've seen
5 October 2020
The Outpost is definitely the biggest surprise of the year. This movie won't top any of the best war movies of all time lists, but if we're talking about a most immersive war movie list, this movie is definitely up there along with 1917 and Dunkirk. The way the camera moves and follows the actors absolutely immerses you into the battle sequences. Beyond the technical aspects, this movie immerses you by portraying the soldiers and everyday army life realistically. We don't know any of the characters in any type of deep and meaningful way but how the characters interact with each other makes the setting feel real and lived in.

This movie also has an incredible performance from Caleb Landry Jones and there is one scene in particular where his performance knocks you off your feet. Overall, this is a great film and definitely one that I'll revisit in the future.
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Sputnik (2020)
A Well Made and Smart Sci-Fi Horror Film.
30 September 2020
I don't watch Russian cinema, so I didn't know what to expect going in but what I got was a well made film. Sputnik felt like a horror version of Arrival, and while it is no where near as good as Arrival, it is still smartly written and at least tries to have some emotional weight even if the emotional aspects don't quite land. Overall, this was a good watch, and I'm interesting in checking out more Russian films in the future.
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Incredible Film if you Give it a Chance
25 September 2020
The Devil All the Time definitely won't be for everybody. It's violent and tough to stomach at times, but it's also brilliantly acted and has some of the most intense scenes I've watched in a while.

The best part of this film is Tom Holland. He gives an incredible performance, and this will definitely be a turning point for his career. The rest of the cast is top notch as well. As far as the story goes, I think this is a great exploration of the trauma and hardships that can get passed down from generation to generation. It also explores the monsters and psychopaths that live right next to us who uses religion, sex, and power to take advantage of people.

The only criticism I have with this film is that it could've been longer. There's so many characters and storylines to the point where its 2 hour runtime isn't enough to give this movie the impact it wanted. I know this is unimaginable to people who can't watch a movie for more than 2 hours, but I wish this film was 3 hours. If this movie was a 3 hour epic that allowed the story to breathe, it could've possibly been a masterpiece. Even though it isn't a homerun, this is still an incredible film and one of the best of the year.
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Driveways (2019)
Small and Simple yet Powerful
23 September 2020
Driveways is exactly why I love small independent films. Only these films can truly capture real life and the choices and emotions that we have to deal with everyday. What makes this movie so unique is how simple it is. It doesn't have a complex plot or huge dramatic moments; it's just a simple movie about a boy befriending an elderly man that lives next door. It's the type of small and simple story that could be happening in real life right now in some random place in the world. Overall, this was a great watch and it's something I look forward to watching again in the future.
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The Invisible Man (I) (2020)
Intense and Brilliantly Acted but Doesn't Stick the Landing
23 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
First of all, Elizabeth Moss is absolutely brilliant in this film. She perfectly captures the fear and paranoia of her character and her performance is definitely one of the most memorable of the year. Second, this film has some intense and downright brilliantly directed scenes.

While I enjoyed this movie very much, the ending was a little sloppy to me. At the end of the movie, she gets her revenge on Adrian(The Invisible Man) by using the invisible suit she hid earlier in the movie to kill him, but there is a huge plot point that happened earlier that revealed Adrian knew where her hiding place was. Wouldn't he know she hid the suit there? Did he not notice one of his suits were missing? I don't like nitpicking movies, but I was left a little puzzled. Also, the ending would've been more horrifying if Adrian got away with it and the movie hinted at the fact that he might continue to haunt her.

It's extremely frustrating when a great movie doesn't stick the landing, but overall I thought The Invisible Man was well made and an intense experience.
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Tenet (2020)
I Think I Liked It?????
3 September 2020
Tenet is without a doubt Nolan's most challenging film. The plot is difficult to understand, most of the dialogue is incomprehensible, and how this movie handles time makes your head hurt. With that being said, this movie is visually stunning and a lot of its scenes are some of the craziest I've ever watched. I don't know how I feel about Tenet and I need to rewatch it.
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Derek Cianfrance's Masterpiece
19 June 2020
This incredible miniseries is what Derek Cianfrance has been building up to his entire career. Cianfrance dealt with the many themes of his previous films and created one of the most impactful and intense dramas that I've seen. Mark Ruffalo also gives one of the best performances I've ever seen. This drama might be too intense for most people to sit through, but if you give this a chance and make it all the way through, it is guaranteed to have a huge effect on you.
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Extraction (2020)
This was a Surprise
2 May 2020
Who knew some random Netflix movie from a first time director would end up being one of the best action movies in the last few years? I didn't. The best thing about this movie, without a doubt, are its action scenes. The action scenes in this movie are brutal, exhilarating, and tense. The fight choreography is off the charts, and the action is clearly presented in all its glory. This movie also has a surprising amount of heart. It's not a masterpiece of cinema, but Chris Hemsworth gives a great performance and the ending is genuinely effective on an emotional level. Great movie!
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Just Mercy (2019)
Emotionally Devastating Film with an Incredible Performance from Jamie Foxx
12 April 2020
Jamie Foxx's brilliant performance is the heart and soul of this movie. He perfectly captures the pain and dread of his character while delivering his best performance since Ray. The rest of the cast is incredible as well. This movie has its flaws, mostly due to its on the nose storytelling, but when it comes to its powerful and emotional moments, this movie absolutely delivers in a way only few movies have.
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Little Women (2019)
Another Masterful Movie from Greta Gerwig
9 April 2020
This movie proves that Greta Gerwig is one of the best directors working right now. Pretty much everything about this movie works and works very well. The performances are brilliant, the score is absolutely beautiful, the cinematography is incredible, the narrative flows back and forth perfectly, and this movie is very emotional as well. I never read the book or seen the other film adaptations, but I thought the story was very beautiful and engaging, so I''m not surprised why so many people are drawn to this story. Overall, I think this is another great film from Greta Gerwig, and I can't wait to see what she does next.
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Another Tense and Well Acted Drama From Clint Eastwood
5 April 2020
Clint Eastwood excels at creating tension, and the first 30 minutes leading up to what happened at centennial park is some of the most tense scenes I've watched in a while. After that, the movie turns into a very well acted and anger inducing movie about how a man was poorly treated by the FBI and the media. Paul Walter Hauser, Kathy Bates, and Sam Rockwell are all absolutely brilliant.

Also, how Richard Jewell was portrayed made this movie go places I didn't expect. Richard Jewell is the most interesting person I've seen portrayed in a movie in a while because of how trusting and un-cynical he is. I think the message of this movie is that it's good to always have a healthy distrust of the "people in power" because if you don't they will use their power to full effect.
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1917 (2019)
A True Cinematic Achievement
27 March 2020
1917 is one of the most immersive movies that I've ever watched. I felt like I was with the lead character every step of the the way, and it's all due to the incredible amount of effort from everybody involved in this film. The direction, cinematography, score, script, lead actors, extras, visual effects, locations, stunts, ect. are all perfect. Also, this movie isn't just a technical achievement; it has surprising amount of emotion and heart injected into it as well. 1917 is the type of film that we just don't get that often, and it's a cinematic achievement.
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Uncut Gems (2019)
Chaotic, Exhilarating, and Sad
15 March 2020
Uncut Gems is a movie that immediately grabs you with its crazy and energetic pace, and it doesn't let you go until the very last shot. It's an exhilarating and sad exploration of self destruction and a guy who's always one step from going over the edge because he doesn't know when to stop. Adam Sandler is absolutely brilliant and gives the best performance of his career, and this movie has an instantly memorable score. Great Movie!
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Knives Out (2019)
Another Smart and Engaging Rian Johnson Film
7 March 2020
Rian Johnson is one of the best writer/directors in Hollywood and this movie proves it. The plot of this movie is brilliantly crafted, tense, and engaging. It always stays one step ahead even if you think you know whats about to happen. It was also funny with great performances from Ana de Armas and Daniel Craig. I'm glad this movie was successful because I can't wait to see another story in this world.
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Jojo Rabbit (2019)
Extremely Well Made and Surprisingly Emotional
22 February 2020
Jojo Rabbit is a very well made movie with incredible performances from Scarlett Johansson and Roman Griffin Davis. It also have great cinematography and an enthralling story. The biggest criticism that people have with this movie is its tone, and while I agree that the movie can be annoyingly quirky at times, it's also emotional and heartfelt. Overall, this is a great movie.
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An Exhilarating and Old School Crowd Pleaser
15 February 2020
Ford V Ferrari is the type of movie that we just don't get anymore. It's thrilling, straightforward, and crowd pleasing. A lot of movies these days are so cynical, which is why its refreshing to see an old school, inspirational sports movie. This movie also has great performances from Matt Damon and Christian Bale. Also, the racing scenes are absolutely fun to watch. I'm sad that I didn't watch this in IMAX.
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