
21 Reviews
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A Fairly Entertaining Movie
5 January 2013
Before watching This Means War, I spent some time looking at reviews. I was surprised to read so much negative about it that I was a little bit worried about what I might discover. I began watching This Means War without any expectations. What I found was a fairly entertaining movie.

Agreed. It's not a masterpiece. But it's not very bad either. I have seen movies far, far worse.

If you're expecting an action movie or a comedy with lots of laughter, then you will be disappointed. The A story of This Means War is about two men having feelings for the same woman. The B plot about the dangerous criminal only adds a little to the main story, but adds nothing new and is mostly unimportant. The movie also focuses on the A story so much that you tend to forget the B plot.

What makes this movie work are the three main actors, Chris Pine, Tom Hardy and Reese Witherspoon, and the chemistry between them. Without these three specific actors, This Means War would have done worse.

This Means War did make me laugh and smile from time to time, but not in the means that I consider it to be a comedy. It's rather a kind of light-romantic / light-comedy movie with a Disney-like happy end.

To conclude: This Means War is a fairly enjoyable movie to watch with your partner. But don't get your expectations too high.

+++ 6.5 / 10 +++
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Total Recall (I) (2012)
Good in its own way, but no masterpiece.
4 January 2013
I went to watch Total Recall a few months ago. I already read some reviews and found out that many people found the movie a bit of a let down.

I went to watch it without any expectations, but also remembering the original Total Recall.

My conclusion is that Total Recall (2012) is good in its own way, as long as you consider it a 'standalone' and not a direct remake, but it certainly is not a masterpiece. Having said that, I think it still does carry some weight making it a entertaining movie.

But like I said before, I think it is based on what you expect of it.

It makes it difficult to give this movie a score, but I would say 6.5 to 7 out of 10.
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End of Watch (2012)
An eye opener
4 January 2013
I originally went to the theaters to watch The Hobbit, only to find out that it was sold out.

I went to see End of Watch instead without knowing what it is about other than being a "cop movie". When it finished, I didn't regret seeing it instead of The Hobbit.

End of Watch is a bit of an eye opener. Of course it is a Hollywood movie, but when you think about it you realize that what happens in this movie could be based on what happens in real life. And honestly, real life isn't always pretty.

Without giving away the story, the movie really is about life, friendship, being able to trust someone with your life. It is filmed in a different way making it look and feel realistic. And though the film has a grim touch, the companionship between the two main characters are so human and heartwarming.

If you haven't seen End of Watch I surely recommend doing so. Be advised that this movie is not suited for young viewers.

+++ 8 out of 10 +++
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Ratatouille (2007)
Great story telling
4 January 2013
Like with many Pixar movies, I now regret not having seen them when they came out in the theaters.

I saw it for the first time a few days ago. The movie is 5 going 6 years old already but still looks as if it was released just last year.

I genuinely enjoyed Ratatouille from the beginning until the end. Unlike Toy Story and much like Wall-E, I believe this is the kind of movie that stands best without a sequel so that what happens after the end of the movie is left up to the imagination of the viewer.

I can't say more about Ratatouille except for that it is a fun movie to watch with characters that have some depth and a very entertaining and fun story. A great movie for all ages that I highly recommend.
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WALL·E (2008)
Magical... Beautiful... Speechless...
4 January 2013
Great movies don't come along that often. But Pixar apparently has the right recipe for just that. Toy Story, Monsters Inc., Ratatouille and Wall-E to name just a few.

I regret having not seen Wall-E in the movie theaters when it came out. I just saw it last week, but it left me stunned. Even though the main characters are robots and there is not much dialog, the words being said are so meaningful.

I'm not going so say much about this movie. Partially because it has left me speechless. I can only say it's for all ages and that I highly recommend it. A movie that will touch you and will make a smile appear on your face.
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Toy Story 3 (2010)
A delightful movie experience
4 January 2013
I'm ashamed to admit that I haven't seen much of Toy Story up until recently. I'm positive that I haven't seen any of the movies in theaters and I only remember watching Toy Story 2 when it aired on television about 5 years ago. It is strange that I hadn't seen it before, being 10 years of age back in 1995 when Toy Story came out and thus being target audience.

Having found reviews and scores of Toy Story on, I decided to give the movies a try and watch all three of them starting with Toy Story, then Toy Story 2 and to wrap up with Toy Story 3.

It was, in my honest opinion, a very delightful movie.

Looking back on all the three movies, I now see that "growing up" is the main theme of these movies and that each movie has its own adventure that is part of the "growing up" theme. Toy Story is also a movie that many people, young and old, can relate to because viewers will look back on their own youth and experiences of growing up.

A theme in which viewers recognize themselves in, in combination with very likable characters performed by a great cast (and each character stealing the show in their own way) and some genuine adventure, humor and emotion makes the Toy Story movies a highly recommended "Must See" movie for boy or girl, man or woman.

If Toy Story 3 were to be the last of the series, then it has been a good closure. If there is going to be a Toy Story 4, then I will be looking forward to it and I will be watching it in theaters.

And to be a little bit off-topic: when it comes to animation movies, Pixar has made some great movies like Toy Story, Ratatouille, Wall-E and others. Keep up to good work and keep delivering us great animation movies for us, young and old, to see! Thank you!
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Expected entertainment, got one hour and fifty-six minutes of... well...
21 June 2008
Usually when I go out to buy a DVD I search the net for reviews about the movie I want to purchase. I didn't do that this time, however, and I am starting to think I have made a mistake when I bought this DVD.

I bought 'Talladega Nights' today because I have a slight interest in Nascar, I enjoyed 'Days of Thunder', and the trailer which I saw a few years ago was very promising. However, running for one hour and fifty-six minutes, 'Talladega Nights' only rarely made me smile or giggle softly. From halfway the movie I had a slight urge to turn it off.

The type of humor can be described as loud, mindless and even more loud. I can understand that Redneck Americans might enjoy this kind of humor, but I wasn't entertained during most of the run of the movie.

After seeing Will Ferrell's performance in 'Zoolander' a few years back I was expecting lots of entertainment. But instead I felt bored. I'm disappointed I spent 18 euro's on this movie, which in my opinion is only worth 9 or so.

My rating for this movie is 5 out of 10. I'm willing to give it a 6, but certainly not more. Too bad, though. The idea and setting were nice and it could have been a funny 'Days of Thunder' spoof. Instead, they were acting like fools. Shame...
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Stand by Me (1986)
One of the best...
12 June 2007
Many years ago I saw "Stand By Me" for the first time. Since then I've seen it a few times and it still has more or less the same effect on me.

A group of friends learn about a presumed dead boy who has been missing for several days and was last seen a few miles from their hometown. It doesn't take long or it is decided that this group leaves their homes for the trip of their lives.

The movie isn't so much about finding the body of the deceased kid, it also isn't about the trip. It actually is about friendship, growing up and how friendship and people change during certain events in their lives.

As they continue on their hiking trip, they have to deal with certain personal issues that everyone encounters in their life. By the end of the film, they haven't physically but mentally grown up because of what they experienced together... as friends.

I always have been felt moved by "Stand Be Me" because of what they go trough and their friendship. Because the whole situation is so real, some moments do come over as a bit scary.

The ending of the movie is what's most touching. Both his character and eventually himself later in his life share the same fate. This gives the ending of "Stand By Me" a more powerful and emotional meaning.

Also seeing Richard Dreyfus as the grown up Gordie LaChance with his kids playing outside is powerful: kids grow up and go their own ways often 'forgetting' their friends. Even though this happens, deep inside them the friendship still goes on forever.

For their age, all 4 boys did a superb acting job. I don't think it's easy to find talented actors at that age today.

My score for "Stand By Me" is 9 out of 10. Superb acting, writing, directing, (touching) music, etc. If you haven't seen it, you won't regret if you see it.
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Explorers (1985)
Delightful 80's teen movie
12 June 2007
The idea of watching this movie came after seeing "Stand By Me" and learning more about River Phoenix' accomplishments.

Being born in the 80's myself and interested in the teen/adventure movies like "Stand By Me" and "The Goonies", I learned about "Explorers" which also featured the late River Phoenix. So last night I eventually got to watch "Explorers".

The movies introduces the three main characters very well; each having their own background with their own unique capabilities. Wolfgang Müller (River Phoenix) is the intelligent creator of complex things, Ben Crandall (Ethan Hawke) is the dreamer but his intelligence is not to be underestimated and Darren Woods (Jason Presson) is a normal, but a bit lonely, kid who happened to stumble into Ben's life and sees the opportunity to 'escape' from or rather to forget his problems at home for a while.

As the movie continues, the plot evolves very well. The switching between excitement and adventure leaves the watcher wanting for more. Up until 20 minutes or so before the end I thought the movie was 'perfect'.

The part following in which the aliens are introduced did not contribute much. I think this is mainly because the movie ended right after that part. If the writers had wrote a better ending, giving a meaning to the whole scene of meeting the aliens, then I think the movie would have lasted for about 10-15 more minutes.

But then again, the movie is about 3 teenagers having their dreams come true and not so much about meeting aliens.

For me it was the first time I saw Ethan Hawke play as young as that age (15). He was fairly easy to recognize and despite his age he did a very good performance. The same goes for Jason Presson and the late River Phoenix, who was barely recognizable. His character was something totally different than he would play in future films.

Also barely recognizable was Robert Picardo as Wak, Wak's Father and Starkiller. Knowing him mostly from his role in "Star Trek: Voyager" (bald) and (his voice) from "Totall Recall" I had difficulties actually recognizing him.

To conclude: "Explorers" is a delightful, heartwarming teen/adventure film about 3 teenagers having their dreams come true. All of the 3 main actors, and all supporting actors, did a superb job. I think this movie is highly underrated and that not many people know it exists.

I hope to see more films like this in the future. But nowadays, teen/adventure movies are either complete nonsense or Disney movies for children. Oh well, I think times just have changed... a lot.

My score is 7 out of 10 for great acting, a good story but a bit of a let down ending.
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Dresden (2006 TV Movie)
A welcoming change...
14 May 2007
Following a friend's advice, I just finished watching "Dresden".

"Dresden" deals with two major themes: one dealing with the war itself, showing the German civilians living day to day in fear of severe retaliation on behalf of the British RAF. It also shows how the British pilots, who risk their lives to bomb the enemy, and how ruthless the Nazi's were.

The other theme is a fragment of the previous theme, showing a love-story between a stranded British pilot and a German civilian nurse working in a local hospital during the war.

Hence of course why this film is called "Dresden"; not because of the city but because of anyone and anything taking place in the city of Dresden.

Also worth to mention is that "Dresden" is unlike other Hollywood movies dealing World War 2. It's not meant to only entertain the viewer but to educate as well. This is partially done by some intense dramatic moments and painful, shocking detailed images.

About the rest of the movie; I was surprised by the good acting performances done by a relative unknown cast. At least I don't know any of them. It also was quite obvious that a large budget was available, looking at the good quality of production when keeping in mind that "Dresden" is 'only' a TV-movie.

Conclusion: if you want to learn something more about World War 2 while 'witnessing' it from another point of view and at the same time enjoying an intriguing story about two 'enemies' falling in love, then "Dresden" is something for you.

If you want American patriotism, a single sided view on World War 2 and lots of entertainment, then I'm sure that there are plenty of Hollywood-films out there.

My score, keeping in mind it's 'only' a TV-film: 8 out of 10.
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Sunshine (2007)
Don't forget your sunglasses.
21 April 2007
In Belgium, "Sunshine" has been released on 11 April. After reading an interesting article about this movie, I went to the movie theaters with a friend of mine on Friday night because I like the idea of the movie.

During the first part of the movie, the plot progresses rather slow compared to most other movies. But then again, "Sunshine" is not like most others.

From the beginning, the audience is kept in complete mystery and there is a certain tension. It's not made clear who the main characters are, which is a miss, but slowly it becomes clear who does what on board the ship.

Certain highlights are, in my opinion, the tension, the mystery, the visual aspect which really is jaw dropping (both FX, colors and camera-work) and the fitting music.

After a while, problems arise and things start to become dramatic. Some incidents are done so that it really gives one the creeps by leaving out music for example, bringing out the dramatic and horrifying feeling.

But then, the plot starts to lack originality. I felt that the writer had been inspiring himself too much on other movies, like "Event Horizon". Which is a shame, of course.

Also, the cliché of 'heroic' deaths were a bit overdone. By killing off the characters one by one, sometimes in ridicules circumstances, it finally became clear who the leading actors were, even though in the beginning you would think they were not.

--- All in all, ["Sunshine"] a good movie that somehow reminded me of "The Island" when thinking of the use of music that fitted nicely with the brilliant images. Which is not a bad thing, of course. And also really showing the realistic, dramatic and horrifying aspects of the space vacuum.

Sadly, an interesting idea for a plot for a disaster movie quickly becomes victim of bad(?) writing. At least writing that isn't original. It's like "Deep Impact" (the realistic and dramatic part) meets "Event Horizon" (horror, killing off people).

I personally would have liked more dramatic, but interesting storytelling in a manner of "Deep Impact", rather than halfway it's runtime turning it into a horror movie.

"Sunshine" to me was entertaining enough, but I can imagine people not liking this movie.

Personal vote: 7/10
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Bandits (2001)
Entertainment with a hint of creativity
8 September 2006
I saw this flick a long time ago, and a second time a few days ago. I was surprised how much I had forgotten. Even though I did remember several key moments, I found this film to be entertaining enough to continue watching until the end. But only this time I payed more attention to the story, the acting and as much details as possible and I found this movie to be not only entertaining, but also quite creative and funny.

The actors chosen for this movie are probaby perfect, because I cannot come up with different actors that would fit well in this movie. The chemistry between Willis, the tough guy, and Thorton, the clever yet a bit crazy guy, is genuine and very entertaining. Adding Blanchett, the mentally unstable woman, only creates more possibilities for events.

Although the storyline isn't anything unique or even special there are several moments in this movie that really are the result of creative thinking on the writers behalf. Some of these moments do require some thinking, but the majority of the runtime is pure entertainment.

BANDITS is a plain, yet very entertaining action, comedy and a bit of drama movie. If you watch it, you'll probably like it.
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Steve Martin does a nice Clouseau
8 September 2006
THE PINK PANTHER on its own is a pretty decent film that most people will enjoy. It will make you laugh or chuckle, but some scenes were a bit unnecessary in my opinion.

It's when you start comparing this one with the previous ones that your judgment will be clouded with preconceptions. Probably the reason why it's a bit underrated in my opinion.

Make no mistake about it, this is NOT a remake. It's just a new chapter that follows behind the last Pink Panther movie. Much like the new "Die Hard" or "Mrs. Doubtfire 2" movies that took over 10 years to come. Only in this case new actors are playing familiar roles.

A tip for anyone who's curious and wants to see this movie: don't compare it with previous Pink Panther movies. Don't compare Steve Martin with Peter Sellers and see this movie as if it was the first time, you'll probably like it and the actors playing in it.

I would rate this movie 6/10 since I think it's a bit underrated.
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RoboCop 2 (1990)
The Final Chapter
5 September 2006
ROBOCOP 2 starts only a few years after where ROBOCOP has left us. Crime rates have increased, a new drug called Nuke is gaining popularity, cops are on strike or corrupt and OCP is eager to take over control of the city. Only Robocop can save the day, and the city.

The story of Robocop 2 is darker and more violent than the first movie, which means more action. And that's what you get, lots of shooting and killing. More than the original movie.

With most movies more action means a weaker plot, but this isn't the case with Robocop 2. The story is still a pretty good one and the connection between the first and second movie makes sense in most cases.

Most actors luckily reprised their roles. Robocop is Robocop because of the actors. The effect of 'how it is not done' can be seen in Robocop 3. Peter Weller feels more comfortable playing a Robot, but Nancy Allen seems to have had less screen time. Special notifications are for Tom Noonan, the disturbed Cain, and Damon Gabriel, professionally playing Hob at 14-years of age.

A bit of a let down in this movie are the special effects and the large amount of clearly visible goofs. I was able to see about 4-5 goofs in a single scene, and I'm usually not good at seeing goofs. The special effects, the stop-motion-recording or whatever its called, looks a bit outdated and too cheap.

Overall, ROBOCOP 2 is a decent action flick, underrated by many, that follows nicely into the footsteps of the original ROBOCOP movie. For most people, this movie marks the final chapter of the Robocop-movies as the next one (Robocop 3) no longer features Peter Weller.

My score would be a 6/10 or 6.5/10
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Scary Movie 4 (2006)
One of the better, but not the best
4 September 2006
One of the better comedies of recent years ...But not the best.

Like previous Scary Movies, the story resolves around a main theme, a parody of a recent movie, blended with references to other recent movies that can be mocked with.

Two good aspects of this movie are the use of parody and cameos. The parodies are done so well that you can keep track even if you haven't watched the 'original' movies yet. And the makers of this movie aren't too shy having half their cast existing out of cameos. In most movies this would fail, but for Scary Movie it does the trick. Scary Movie guarantees lots of familiar faces from both movies, sports and music industry.

Some actors who haven't had the most success in recent years, like Leslie Nielsen for example, are really enjoyable in this movie. They show that with a good direction they are still very, very funny and capable of doing comedies.

Having all the parodies and cameos blended together, Scary Movie 4 marks itself as a decent comedy filled with very funny scenes - as long as you keep your thinking and/or expectations to a minimum in some cases. Pretty good, but not the best. Worthy of a 6 or a 6.5/10.
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Slow beginning, but overall a good and interesting movie
16 August 2006
I went to watch this movie last night, totally unprepared, only knowing that it was a romantic/fantasy picture with Sandra Bullock, Keanu Reeves and Willeke van Amelrooy in it.

If you are, like me, totally unprepared, the beginning of this movie may seem a bit slow and incomplete. It isn't until after Sandra Bullock's character Kate finds out of the dates being off by 2 years that things start to fall into place. From that moment on forward, the movie starts to get more interesting leaving the viewer impatient to find out more, and how things will evolve.

Even though they don't have much screen time together, the chemistry between Bullock and Reeves is enjoyable to see at least. I really liked seeing them both in a movie after all these years. Willeke van Amelrooy was great to see as well in this movie, although her role as Kate's mother didn't have much screen time. I don't think most people here on IMDb don't know her, but in Holland I believe she's a greatly respected actress.

THE LAKE HOUSE is a fun movie to see, being different from any other romantic movies. Even though it's based on an Asian movie. I believe this picture is especially fun when you try to see the 'hidden' meaning of each scene. The restaurant scene for example, which was complete torture for Kate. The time passing by were visualized very well.

For it's genre, I give it an 8/10 for being different from the rest, interesting story, good acting, etc. Surely it's not perfect, but if you're open to it you'll like it a lot.
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13 August 2006
I heaven't read the book, but BICENTENNIAL MAN is a very touching and heartwarming movie about a house-robot (Robert Williams) that begins a 200-year journey to become and to be legally recognized as a human. During his journey, he has to face the fact and live with it that all loved ones around him grow older and eventually die while he is immortal.

I think that this was one of Robin Williams' best performances ever, if not the best. He proves that he can either play a 'funny wacky' character but also a serious character that will touch the hearts of the viewers. And this movie does just that.

I like the purity and the innocence of the story and I wonder why this movie has such a low rating. It's a must see for all open minded people.
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Event Horizon (1997)
Decent sci-fi/horror - Underrated
13 August 2006
EVENT HORIZON is a pretty good sci-fi/horror movie which you'll either love or hate. It's a very dark and depressing movie which completely justifies the 'terror' in the tag-line. Perhaps the continuing terror is why some people probably dislike it.

As far as I know, most horror movies lack a decent story or decent acting or character development. That's why I'm not into horror movies that much. But Event Horizon has an interesting story that is an ideal and most of all original environment for a horror movie. Even though character development is limited, as the film progresses you'll get to know most of the characters better. Especially Sam Neill's (Dr. Weir) and Laurence Fishburn's (Cpt. Miller) characters.

The acting was done very well by most of the cast, most notable Laurence Fishburn and Sam Neill who did a good job. The sets on the other hand are brilliant and creepy at the same time. I would not feel comfortable walking around in any of those rooms, especially the engineering room featuring the Gravity Drive (sphere with 3 magnetic rings within a room filled with deadly spikes on the walls and ceiling). This adds more tension than there already is to the movie which makes the experience only better and worthwhile.

The special effects in this movie are quite a treat. Ranging from an external view of the gigantic Event Horizon around Neptune to Dr. Weir and his 'HANDywork' with his eyes.

In my opinion, this is a good but underrated sci-fi horror movie with lots of freaky moments that will keep your heart racing. If you like the depressing endless terror, you'll like this movie quite a bit. If you rather have happy endings and laughs, you'll probably dislike it.

For the best experience, watch this movie in a dark room at night or even past midnight with the volume turned up a bit over the normal setting.

Rated 7/10 on IMDb, but I personally would give it a 7.5/10.
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Buiten de Zone (1994–1996)
One of Belgian's finest
13 August 2006
This series is about a group of 5 voluntary people in their early 20's who operate a callcentre where teenagers can call to to talk about their problems at school, with their parents or even personal issues.

While there, the main characters have nothing on their hands since there aren't many phone calls except from an 'annoying kid' making pranks. During this boring time, the 5 engage in discussions on various subjects, letting their mind and fantasies run wild which in turn are visualized on screen by hilarious sketches. Also, every episode had one or more themes on which the story was based.

Although the series ran for only 2 years, it was top quality most of the time as far as I can remember since the series is over 10 years old already. Even the last episode, set 10 year in the future showing the characters in 'old style' looking back on their 'last day' together, was done very well.

All in all, a great series which they should release on DVD so you can see the episodes whenever you want. Too bad there isn't a series like this on TV anymore.
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This movie has it all
18 March 2006
Warning: Spoilers
A great cast with great performances and a great story that keeps you hooked all the time and moves you more than once.

I would like to begin this review by stating that I've never read the novel written by Stephen King. So I don't know anything about the similarities or differences between this movie and the novel.

There are many things about this movie that I like a lot. One of those things is the cast, which is a very strong one. Tom Hanks, Michael Clarke Duncan, David Morse, Barry Pepper, ... All of them have a role that seems to be written especially for them. It's good to see David Morse again, he's one of those actors you commonly see, but never in a leading role. Doug Hutchinson's character is one of the most annoying I've ever seen. But perhaps that's a good thing. He really was great at being annoying. LOL :D

Another thing about this movie which I like a lot is the story which keeps you hooked for the majority of its length. There are many movies out there that have a storyline that are shorter in length that have you glancing at the clock from time to time wondering when the movie will finally end. The Green Mile however, keeps you hooked and makes you curious about what will happen next and further. With a little over 3 hours, this movie only seems too long but doesn't feel that way unlike many others. At least, not when you're into this genre of movies.

This story nearly has it all: it has excitement, drama, love, comedy. One moment you're laughing, the other moment you're feeling compassion with people that are being sent to death. As said, this movie is not about the deathrow, but about the people on it and about the spirituality, mystery and how everything affects the characters that spend their final hours their or work there for a living.

/*** BEGIN SPOILER ALERT ***\ One of the best moments was the final moment with Michael Clarke Duncan on the chair. The sadness you could read from the faces of the guards (Tom Hanks, David Morse, Barry Pepper)... Perhaps it's not correct for them to be like that, but at the same time it is very moving and understanding.

\*** END SPOILER ALLERT ***/ ALl in all, it's a very enjoyable film with a deep story that really takes you along. Within 3 hours I feel like I've witnessed their lives for months. At the end of the movie, when you start looking back at the beginning, you'll probably understand. :) Some characters probably weren't explored that much, but probably with good reason. After all, its a movie about magic, miracles, spirituality. And the persons involved with that have to be mysterious in some ways.

This is probably one of the best films I've ever seen. My rating for it: 4 1/2 out of 5.
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The Marksman (2005 Video)
Bearable to watch... as long as you don't expect great things.
23 February 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Before buying DVD's I usually check out the ratings and comments here on this website. But for some reason I was feeling very bold one day and I decided to buy some DVD's. On was Lèon, the other being The Marksman.

When I got home I decided to take a peek at the ratings for The Marksman. I sure can tell you that I've never felt as cheated like that before.

After more than a week I decided to give the movie a try today. I didn't expect much of it, based on these comments. And indeed, it wasn't anything special.

It basically comes down to this: it's a mild-entertaining ("OK") military action flick that was designed for, and should remain on, the television. It's the kind of movie you'd see when you're bored to death and you just want to do or see something to past time. You'll learn to appreciate it to some degree, not like it, as long as you don't expect anything fancy on plot development, character development, special effects or even acting abilities.

I also really don't think the movie would be better or worse without Wesley Snipes in it. His character is as hollow and predictable making it an easy character for a rookie actor to play. I believe having Snipes in the movie is just a publicity stint to get some copies of VHS and DVD sold to people who like seeing Snipes and would buy this movie to see Snipes.

*** Possible Spoiler ALert *** There are however certain issues that are not only very vague, but also reticules and far fetched.

To name a few: we learn that Snipes' character had a romantic relationship with a women positioned in the US Government. Not only is she white (which in most cases isn't a problem) and nearly 10-20 years older than himself. She is also not even close to being his type.

The ending of the movie was very strange to say the least. The rocket explodes on the secondary target and all the resistance is gone. Even Flintov's second of command seems to have vanished. He did swore to stop the Americans.

*** End Of Spoiler Alert *** Anyway, like I said: it's an OK movie as long as you don't go into details. But I share the opinion that this movie could have done better and that Wesley Snipes should be careful which movies he picks to star in if he still wants to have a good career.
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