
28 Reviews
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Waste of time
11 May 2024
This film is made by literally a few people, some of whom have multiple roles: they are actors, producers, screenwriters, visual effects artists, you name it. It really shows that the budget they had was very limited, although they had plenty of sponsors, names of whom are all proudly presented in the very beginning.

I couldn't believe my eyes when I recognized Grzegorz Halama playing one the pivotal characters. For me, it's unimaginable to introduce an inferior standupper into a real movie. At least he has some stage experience, while all the others do not seem to even be any sort of actors. They act and look like they were dragged into the set directly from the streets. Horrible acting, horrible dialogues. The premise is quite promising but you get disillusioned pretty quickly. Very little is happening, as characters are constantly walking somewhere, there is a lot of drone footage and most dialogues are completely unrelated to the main plot.

Finally, the sound is, as always in the case of Polish films, crappy to the point that being a native speaker of the Polish language I wasn't able to understand some lines at all. Most dialogues sound like they were recorded in a wooden box, but some are so quiet that you literally cannot hear them. And it gets even worse - all the sound is shifted a bit, so you can experience the lack of lip synch throughout the whole movie. It drove me crazy.

What I liked best was the VFX (though too much of it in the film) and music - it really matched the scenes and reminded me of Two Steps From Hell.

What I found interesting is that there is not a single female character or actor here. All the characters are male, as is most of the production team. Watching the final credits I counted three women only, though there may be more. After a couple of minutes I fell asleep, relieved that my horror ended. Overall, an hour wasted.
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Wire Room (2022)
Waste of the producers money
10 September 2022
The movie is made so cheaply... There is CGI everywhere, even the gunshots aren't real. The total damage throughout the whole film is one or two cardboard boxes. There are almost no explosions, definitely no car crashes, no spectacular chases. The whole movie is set in a huge skyscraper which is always empty - there are no passers by, no white collar workers, just some security guards and the Wire Room staff consisting of 3 people. Every scene with the building looks weird because it looks as if it was suddenly abandoned by everybody. The villain acts ridiculously all the time, so you can grind your teeth with frustration while watching him. The whole story is really simple and could be easily packed into a 15-minute clip. The thing that triggered me most was that in the beginning everybody acts as if it was really late, like 11 p.m., but it's bright outside, the sun is shining, it's the middle of the day. Oh, come on... I just hope Bruce Willis won't be remembered by any of these crappy films he appeared in lately.
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Oxygen (2021)
Worth watching
1 September 2022
Not being a fan of French movies, I truly embrace the fact that this movie was not boring for me at all. The premise isn't anything new but all the details of making this piece of art make a whole world of difference. Wonderful computer-generated graphics, outstanding, spectacular! Great acting, awesome music. In terms of quality, this movie is top notch.

Unfortunately, there are some flaws, including logic. You'll be able to see them if you have a bit of an analytical mind and some science knowledge. Apart from that, the story is quite gripping. Worth watching if you only focus on enjoying the picture and try to ignore all the obvious stupid parts.
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Nothing interesting
1 September 2022
I'm truly surprised how little substance this movie has. Apart from the sex and scenery scenes there is very little action. Oh, and a lot of swearing in Polish. It's just another dream-come-true story of luxurious living with a handsome and wealthy mafia boss. Heard that women watch it for the erotic parts, just like in the case of the Grey movies.

The story is predictable, the acting is acceptable and the music score can really be appreciated. All the pieces fit well with the picture. Surely, there are some annoying characters and unnecessary parts. As a result, the whole story could be squeezed in about 30 minutes time span.

The movie made my wife horny, so yeah... it does work after all.
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Wrong Place (2022)
A frustrating parody of an action movie
25 August 2022
It's bad beyond the point of not wanting to watch this. How is it even possible to release a movie like this and not be ashamed of it? If I had watched this in the cinema, I would have liked to get a refund for the ticket. It's disappointing and incredibly irritating, to the point of turning into a comedy. Oh yes, at about three quarters into the film, it starts to be ridiculous and it feels like you're watching a mockery or parody of an action movie. A joke, that's what it is. Waste of time. 2 stars for Bruce Willis, who acts up to standards. Every other aspect of this production is crap and watching this only frustrated me.
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Rubikon (2022)
Enjoyable and with a message
7 August 2022
A little bit low paced, but gripping and well executed. I liked the final plot twists. Athelstan was great with his pure British accent. I also enjoyed the moral dilemmas every of the three protagonists faced and all the mistakes they made. The spaceship was nicely designed and the special effects, although limited, were spectacular. I also liked the fact that some things weren't shown directly, but the viewer still knows what had happened. Good job. Good film.
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Moon Crash (2022)
Really bad
4 August 2022
I'm truly impressed how bad this movie is. The story might be interesting and gripping, but the execution is horrible. Visible body microphones and microports, irrational makeup and dirt on people's faces and clothes, earthquakes created just by the shaking the camera and actors falling down in a weird way, funny props, ridiculous use of gas masks. And that's just the beginning. The movie's pace fluctuates rather substantially - sometimes its really slow and boring, and sometimes a lot happens in a short time span.

It seems obvious that this movie had a budget of about 50 bucks, so don't expect high-end special effects. However, there are some aspects that can be appreciated. First of all, the acting is quite all right. Most of the characters are played by people taken directly from the street, with no or very little acting experience. But they still perform OK. Secondly, the background music is spot on. It's hard to call it a soundtrack but all the pieces fit well with the scenes and they do build tension. Actually, the sound does it better the the actors. Finally, the script deserves some credit. A broken relationship gets fixed while saving the planet.

Oh, and the world is going to end due to a seemingly inevitable collision of a Moon meteoroid cluster with the Earth.
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Dual (2022)
Slow and boring
1 August 2022
The movie is slow and from the beginning starts to become more and more boring. As time progresses there are more and more shots of the scenery, mainly forests and trees - depressing, melancholic and cold, but mostly meaningless and irrelevant to the plot. Dialogues are horrible. The characters speak like 5-year-olds or robots. Although the film was shot in Finland (I guess), they pay with US dollars and there is a mixture of American and British accents. Funny. Background music is almost non-existent, which just adds more seriousness and sadness.

Actually, there is very little 'dual' and 'duel' (action, too) in this movie. Nice idea, but horrible execution. Good premise wasted.
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Gierek (2022)
Controversial and possibly deceiving
18 July 2022
I kinda liked the story, although I have no idea if it was true. After all, this isn't a documentary. However, the film seems a bit controversial, as there are still hundreds of thousands of communists and soviet union lovers in contemporary Poland. Some of them believe that Gierek was a traitor, while others think that he was a genuine patriot who wanted to improve the country's economy. The film shows just one of these approaches. Now, what I didn't like was the acting, especially that of the pivotal figure played by Michal Koterski. Ugh, he was just so unfit for the part... He's just a bad actor, that's all.
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Slash/Back (2022)
Silly but enjoyable
16 July 2022
Suited for young teenagers. Kinda silly and often illogical but enjoyable. Beautiful scenery. I liked the fact that there were some indigenous Canadians involved in the making of this movie. Special effects were rather poor but acceptable. Wouldn't recommend it if you're a sci-fi fan.
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Stowaway (I) (2021)
Good premise wasted
18 June 2022
The story itself is quite ok, apart from some logical holes, but Anna Kendrick just doesn't fit here... Seriously, I don't hate her, but her character ruins the film for me. There it's something about her that makes her unsuitable for the part. I don't know, maybe I'm prejudiced?
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Furioza (2021)
Almost a documentary
16 May 2022
Very convincing and gripping. Well directed and able to sustain the suspense with a couple of plot twists and an awesome finale. Some stereotypes shown here are unavoidable, it's just the way people perceive football hooligans, so their depiction seems even more legit. I really liked the juxtaposition of their violence in relation to other hooligans, with their kindness and taking care of their families. Good film.
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Mostly tiring but actually worth it
9 May 2022
Briefly speaking, watching the first 90 percent of the movie was truly painful. It began quite well and got me interested but then all started to fall apart as more and more stupid proposals and agreements were made. It just didn't make any sense and I felt like the main character was constantly taken advantage of and just abused. Numerous plot twists didn't make it easier either. But finally, the ending scenes made it worth watching. I was pretty surprised and I enjoyed it. Difficult at first but enjoyable in the end.
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Wirus (1996)
Early computer days in Poland
27 April 2022
I just wanted to watch this one out of pure nostalgia for the 90s in Poland and because I'm a fan of late 80s and early 90s computers. In terms of nostalgia, the movie sucks. Bad acting, illogical script, nonsense plot twists, unnecessary sex scenes, crappy sound. The depiction of the country is really gloomy and one might get an impression that it always rains and there are undercover cops everywhere. Surely, this was not true. When it comes to computers and writing viruses, the whole concept is really laughable. I'm certain Cezary Pazura, who plays the main part, knew absolutely nothing about computers, programming, making viruses or games. It sometimes shows but it's kinda sweet. Also, in one scene he creates a graphical game in the Pascal programming language, which was completely unsuitable for such purposes. Funny. Overall, I mostly enjoyed the movie, especially the hacking parts, which were really laughable.
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The Bill Cosby Show (1969–1971)
11 April 2022
I remember watching it on TV in the late 80s. Now, over 30 years later, I bought the DVD set with huge nostalgia and motivation to watch every single episode as I must have missed some when I was a kid. I remember that back then I found the show really entertaining. Unfortunately, after I had finished watching the last episode today, I realized that I never actually laughed or had fun. It was a relief to finish watching it. What struck me most was probably the distorted picture of the 70s society where white people constituted around 5% of Americans.
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Uncharted (2022)
Goonies 2.0
26 March 2022
If you've watched 1985 Goonies then you already know how this goes. Basically, it's the same story, just set in modern times. I'm not saying it wasn't fun - it was! The film is great for teenagers and kids. It's full of special effects and it's intense all the time. You won't be bored.
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Joy of Sex (1984)
The painful pursue of the joy of sex
10 September 2021
I really don't know why this title was in my watchlist. Shows no joy of sex, instead we learn that getting laid is extremely hard and requires a lot of work. Also, everybody wants to have sex, including adults, but basically nobody does it. Perhaps it would have been appealing to the 80s teenagers watching this 30 years ago, but nowadays it just seems awkward. Not worth your time.
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Like a bad dream
6 September 2021
This film is like a bad dream. It tries to tell a story but fails miserably. The premise would seem to open so many possibilities but none of them was ever utilised. It raises more questions than answers. Sometimes it's serious, on other occasions it's truly funny or even laughable. I wouldn't consider it a waste of time. It's rather one of those examples of modern art - it doesn't mean anything and looks like crap but you call it 'art', so it's something special, original, expensive and unique.
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Squared Love (2021)
Painfully predictable
21 February 2021
If you know the story of Cinderella than you don't need to watch this film. It's basically the same. Well, actually, it's even worse. Terribly naïve, oversimplified and full of fairytale themes.
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Very Netflix
16 February 2021
Extremely politically correct movie, showing ups and downs of a teenage relationship. Nice to watch if you're a 15-year-old girl dreaming of big love with the king of prom.
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Sluzby specjalne (2015– )
Interesting but not gripping
6 February 2021
Interesting, but very typical and similar to other Krzemieniecki's productions. Full of cursing, arrogance and violence. Each episode consists of several parts, very loosely connected with one another. Sometimes I didn't see any link at all, so it was like watching a couple of separate stories with the same characters in them. Basically, the series tries to explain some important events in the Polish political scene during the 90s and up. However, most of the depictions are massively far away from truth as they are based on assumptions, urban legends or court trials still in progress. I'm not saying the series shows fake events, but it provides made-up explanations. Oh, and the sound quality was so horrible that I couldn't understand my native language. To sum up, it's worth watching but don't have high expectations.
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Mayday (I) (2020)
19 December 2020
Watched this on Netflix the other day and I'm truly disappointed. It doesn't matter if the film is based on a play or is an original production. It's bad. Period. Exaggerated acting, bursting with facial expressions and emotions like in some sorta cartoon. Indeed, it is humor for six-year-olds. Illogical, oversimplified, childish punchlines everywhere. Watching this film was detrimental to my intelligence. Frankly, even such a simple thing as understanding the dialogues IN MY NATIVE LANGUAGE was difficult due to a terrible quality of sound, which Polish movies are infamous for since the 1980s. Even worse than that were all the scenes of men being humiliated or beaten by females. According to the film, being kicked in the crotch by your wife is really funny! Ugh, I cannot stand it!
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26 August 2020
This is genuinely one of the worst films I've ever watched. Everything here is random: the lines, creepy sounds, scenes. The movie is divided into several chapters but even within them there is no sense. It's like a series of really bad dreams stitched together while on drugs. Just horrible to watch. No. It's painful. There is no plot, no story, and the sound sucks to the point that I couldn't understand my native Polish language. I was struggling and forcing myself to watch it till the end just to warn you against it.
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Predictable but quite gripping
22 March 2020
This film has nothing new to offer in terms of the horror genre. It's really predictable and full of clichés, which is even pointed out by one the characters in the plot of the film. Actually, it's really similar to Wrong Turn and some themes are literally taken straight out of The Ritual and The Cabin. It's like you're watching horror movies that you already know, so the whole thing is hardly surprising and definitely not creative. What is surprising, though, is the soundtrack - suffice it to say that it's weird... Reminds me of The Goonies from 1985. And the 'monsters' were created quite well. I was really glad to see a lot of new faces on the screen. Surely, this wasn't the debut for some of the young actors, but still it was entertaining to see new talents. I quite enjoyed it, although there were two or three moments when I couldn't help laughing out loud since the scene was so predictable or out of common sense. Watching this film you really need to stop analysing and thinking - just enjoy what you're served. The movie was about to have its premiere on March 13, 2020 but one day prior to that all the cinemas (and many other places) in Poland were shut down due to the coronavirus spread, so the film premiered on Netflix instead.
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Victoria (2016)
Waste of time
28 February 2020
I literally watched it at 1.5x speed and I still want my hour back. That's how low-paced this film is. It's not a comedy, neither is it drama. Uninteresting story, definitely not entertaining. Waste of time.
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