
28 Reviews
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Devil in Ohio (2022)
Mae did nothing wrong
14 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The beginning was fine, not really realistic but it was okay I guess.. however as the story goes on any viewer with the slightest amount of empathy and understanding would slowly start to hate every single character except for Mae.

At the start it was just a little goofy but then it becomes MADDENING. Everyone is a narcissistic psychopath, saying things like "Mae really messed things up" when she was literally just existing, looking for comfort, even the mom who tries helping her is just actually using her to overcome her own trauma and doesn't think twice when her stupid psycho family wants that poor girl out. I hate how they tried to make Mae seem "creepy" every chance they got yet it's every other character that comes off as scary due to their lack of empathy.

By like the 6-7th episode I was genuinely hoping Mae was going to snap Carrie style and just get rid of everybody. The only people who reacted to her like actual humans would are the background characters in the high school which is very telling.

Not to mention that the entire story is very clichéd as well but honestly that's the least of my issues with this stupid thing.
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Spontaneous (II) (2020)
A pleasant surprise
14 January 2023
Honestly I wasn't expecting much from this film going into it. I assumed it'd just be a typical silly "grousome" horror for teens.

However I was pleasantly surprised. Though it was very off putting when the main girl broke the fourth wall in the beginning, giving a typical "I'm not like other girls cos I'm like... rude and cool and sassy" speech, they managed to win me over soon after.

The topics of the film are rather mature and unexpected, such as dealing with grief and the fragility of life. But on the other hand it does manage to stay lighthearted and kind of quirky/funny as well.

I did overall enjoy the experience however I do wish they weren't so in-your-face with the messaging, I understand that the target audience were teens, but I really don't think they have to hear the moral of the story explained like five times to understand, especially since it's not exactly a complicated conclusion.
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Wish You (2021)
Couldn't have been more boring
14 January 2023
I'm usually all for BLs and I tend to be less "stict" when I critique them. I don't mind the bad acting, clichés, the cheesiness or the kind of random plot lines that kind of come out of nowhere.

However unfortunately this film lacked all the good qualities of the genre.

The catchers were incredibly blend, we knew little to nothing about them or why they like each other (besides their shared passion for music). The story wasn't intense or exciting not even in the way the most "basic" BLs tend to be.

The first half was quite alright, but instead of building on them in the second half, they just decided to fill it up with incredibly long scenes where basically nothing happens. We watch the main characters talking to each other, with music playing underneath, but we may never know what they talk about or in what way they manage to bond.

The story was nothing unexpected or new, which is fine, but we get nothing in exchange, no extraordinary chemistry or comedy or character building, nothing. The second half basically feels like the longest music video I've ever seen.

I'm only giving it a 3, because I did enjoy the first half to an extent and the music was alright, but I definitely don't recommend watching it, unless you really just want to put something on in the background while you do something else because even then, every time you glance at the screen, you'd know exactly what's going on.
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Fun but dumb
18 May 2022
The story had a lot of potential but unfortunately it wasn't too well executed. The characters had no depth whatsoever besides their vague backstories. They did have a lot of cute scenes together, and the actors had chemistry (though the acting wasn't on point at all times) but I didn't even really understand what they love about each other, besides both of them being gay and attracted to each other their relationship wasn't really flashed out well.

For the most part I felt like I'm just watching a mid gangster movie with some softcore p**n scenes. Besides the cute scenes their relationship had no substance and that took a lot away from the plot and the "plot twist". The action scenes were good, and if the twist was developed better I would have loved it. But we didn't really get an explanation and what came after that was just.. confusing. It's not really a spoiler- one of the main characters did something bad and the other found out and felt betrayed (rightfully so) but then on the very same day it wad just solved, forgotten, forgiven. It felt like there were no stakes, no consequences and didn't make much sense, no sensible adult would just let something like that gonin a day.

About the "gangster" side of the story, again there were some parts that didn't really make much sense or were not well developed. And then by the end the whole thing just felt rushed, the ending was absolutely unsatisfying.

I still gave it a 6, regardless of its flaws it was a fun watch, I'd recommend it if you're just in the mood to watch a mid bl with some action scenes. If you want something deep or want to get really invested in the characters, don't waste your time with it.
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Sitcom (1998)
A little too much for me
27 January 2022
The basic setup sounds fun, and it definitely could have been a really memorable dark comedy, but for me they went too far at wanting to be "shocking". I feel like with the whole incest storyline they went too far for a regular audience.

I would only recommend this to people who aren't very bothered by incest I guess.
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Donald Glover: Weirdo (2012 TV Special)
22 January 2022
It's really fun, good for cooling off after a long week. Some of the jokes wouldn't really fly today, but it's not untasteful or anything. You might not cry from laughter but it sure guarantees a few giggles at the very least.
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The House (III) (2022)
Creepy, fun and heartwarming
16 January 2022
This film contains 3 different and rather unique tales. First off I'd like to say - it's a very weird piece so it's not gonna be for everyone, and on Netflix it says 13+ but definitely don't watch it with children if you don't want to traumatise them. I'd say it's 16+ at the very least. It's not gory or violent by any means but it can be unsettling and very eerie at times, especially the first story. Now onto the review..

First: the creepy

This one is about how people tend to give themselves up for social expectations/money and the unmatiralistic purity of children. Its a rather sad tale but above everything it's an unsettling one. It's atmosphere is very eerie and to me it was visually, it looks like the distorted version of an old European cartoon, it sent chills down my spine the entire time, and though the story is kind of predictable, it managed to keep menon my toes. 8/10

Second: the fun

I couldn't quite grasp what this one was about, and to me this was the least entertaining out of the three. However it was quirky with a fun sense of humour so overall I did enjoy it. This one was interesting visually as well but it didn't stand out as much.

Side note/warning - if you have a fear of bugs you'll hate this one. 6/10

Third: the heartwarming

This story had a rather positive message about letting go of one's fear of change, taking a leap of faith instead of fixating on the past and the routines. It had a very nice/interesting atmosphere and it felt very humane to me. It was visually pleasing but nothing really unique. It's a nice closure to the previous stories, by the end it leavs the wiever with a good taste in yotheir mouth. 9/10.
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Dear Ex (2018)
11 January 2022
It's a fun tale that feels very life-like for the most part, as fun as it is, there's also a sweet melancholy to it which I think most people could relate to. It's touching in a rather unique way.

It's about a teenage boy, annoyed by his mother who's trying to be overly involved in his life and confused about his father who left them and passed away shortly after. But he's not only the main character- it's about his mother too, who's filled with anger and sadness towards her deceased husband, and though she loves her son to death, doesn't realise how she's suffocating him with her love. And it's about the father's "secret" lover too, who's deeply mourning and doesn't really want anything to do with the man's son and wife.

Now to the actual review - to me the dialogue itself felt fine for the most part, it felt real and nuanced, but funny and over-exaggerated at the same time. There are some sentences that were quite hard-hitting for me and i still remember them after about a week of watching the film. The acting and delivery was okay as well, it wasn't outstanding by any means but all in all it was allright. The movie itself looked fine though wasn't anything special aesthetically.

The plot itself was rather simple and the story was predictable but it has a heart, and it's very charming. I didn't really enjoy the usage of the doodles but they didn't go overboard with it so it wasn't annoying either. The flashback scenes were sometimes a little confusing because they're not linear but it's not hard to put them together and understand the story as a whole.

I'd originally give this a 7, but I resonated with most of the themes and felt that it deserves a little more than that. I'd recommend it if you'd just kind of like to cool off, or watch it with family. It's the type of film that most people will probably relate to in one way or another, it will probably make you smile or maybe even cry by the end, but not out of sadness, but because you'll find it touching. However I'm pretty sure it's not for everyone, if you don't like simple tales with little action then this is definitely not for you.
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Shimmer Lake (2017)
Had potential..
10 January 2022
First of all the cast was great for the most part, some side characters were lacking in their acting but it wasn't distracting. My issue with the movie however is that it couldn't really decide what it was trying to be - it was going back and forth between a quirky dark comedy and what I suppose was meant to be a tense crime-drama.

The story itself wasn't necessarily original by any means but it was (or could have been rather) quite entertaining BUT the reverse timeline did not make sense to me at all. They tried to do a memento-style plot twist, but it wasn't really surprising and didn't add much to the story, and unlike memento the reverse story telling had no function in the plot. The only good thing that came from it was an ongoing joke (about the car seat) which to me that would have been funny even if the timeline was linear.

Normally I would have rated this a 5/10 because it was not actually bad, just rather mediocre but the wasted potential made it worse in my eyes.
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A misunderstood gem
4 January 2022
I rewatched it after quite a few years, my rating for it back in the day was 8/10 and I was worried I probably thought more of it when I was younger. I thought I'd find loads of flaws I haven't noticed earlier and enjoy the film way less then I used to, but luckily o was wrong.

From other reviews I got the feeling that people have a problem with the film being targeted towards children, yet having heroes who are not the goof guys in the eyes of the law. Well, while I agree to that I think most children over 10 would understand that the world is not black and white, and if they don't this film could be a good conversation starter with them about the nuances of morality.

Other than that sure, the story was not revolutionary in any way, but its humour is definitely enjoyable for older children (10+)and their parents alike.
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Mediocre at best, painfully boring at worst.
4 January 2022
I usually like the slower, suspenseful ghost stories/horrors etc. But when you slow part just means uninteresting babbling or completely unrelated useless story lines (the whole bullying thing) it won't work for anyone. Not that those story lines couldn't have been good if the characters actually had personalities or the actors were convincing or the camerawork didn't make the movie look like it's a project from 15 yo kids. It's sad that out of all of this the acting was actually the best part, well at least if I compare it to the special effects that make the whole film look like a parody, especially with the overused, overly loud sound effects. And at least with the actors I can believe that they're just bad because they were given horrible dialogue and probably bad directions. Other than that the whole thing is just a sad excuse to waste two hours of your life. It kind of angers me because I feel like even though the plot is kind of mediocre too, it could have been a lot more enjoyable, at least a guilty pleasure.
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Pulse (2001)
One of a kind
3 November 2021
First off based on other reviews - it's definitely not for everyone. If you're looking for a horror full of jumpscares and gore, this one's not fro you. It's kind of a slow burn, it's not the scariest thing you'll ever see in the traditional sense but it's utterly unsettling.

It's theme being isolation and loneliness might not sound scary but as the story goes on it sinks into your bones, it makes you think and just overall it's unsettling. It's ghosts are very unique too, without any spoilers I'll just say no other ghost story ends in such an impactful way. Stories like this usually affect a family who moverd into a haunted house etc but this one handles the whole ghost thing I a unique way ad well.

I found the directing great too, the editing is a little outdated at times but then again the fi was made in 2001. Other than that the acting is a little lacking at times and sometimes conversations are written a little awkwardly especially in the beginning. Other than that it's definitely a 10/8 for me because of it's uniqueness, atmosphere and a few outstanding scenes.
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Love it or hate it
28 September 2021
I see the ratings usually are 1-3 or 7-9, it's either for you or it's not. All I'm sure of is that it was for me.

Set the Thames on Fire invites you to an absurd yet magical world, telling an incredibly bittersweet story of love and dreams and gives you a quite nihilistic, yet sweet look on the world.

"Why are you smiling?" "Because him and me even if we didn't work out.." "You haven't worked out" "Even if we didn't work out. We had fun."

It doesn't really have any profound massage, at least from my interpretation, yet it's a beautiful ,personal and incredibly sweet story of two people who found each other right when they needed to. It's not overly "romantic" nor too dramatic, it takes itself for what it is, which is a very entertaining tale in an amusing yet horrifying world.

Overall I recommend it if you're looking for something rather "artistic" and you're open to nontraditional story telling. If you're fine with watching kind of surreal, dream-like media than this will definitely fit your taste.
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Psychokinesis (2018)
24 May 2021
Nothing about this movie is too bad but nothing is great either. The acting is okay, the special effects are okay, the script doesn't make much sense but it's fun and the action is pretty okay too. I did enjoy it to an extent but I can't deny that it's not good. The story is full of cliches and is flawed most if the conversations don't feel realistic and the characters are very two dimensional.

I'd only recommend it if you'd just like to "turn off your brain" a little.
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29 April 2021
One of my favourite comedies to this day, it doesn't get too cartoonish like many of Jim Carrey's films, besides the great jokes there is a meaning to it as well. When it's funny it's really funny and it's the same for when it's meant to be heartfelt or sad. I definitely recommend watching.
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The Mimic (2017)
The idea was good
29 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I really enjoy these kind of slow going horrors that have a certain creepy vibe to them, and the plot itself was kind of scary but I felt like especially by the end they went a little overboard and some scenes that were meant to be frightening were rather laughable.


I still enjoyed the film overall and I really liked that it had a message. From how I interpreted it by the end it seemed like the spirit can only succeed at taking the people who can't let go of someone they had lost. The grandmother gave up when she heard her sister, even tho she knew it's not really her and the mother did the same, she knew it wasnt her real son but she couldn't accept that he's probably dead so couldn't help but go back. That's why the father survived at last, even though he cared for his son as well he came to accept that he probably will never be able to get him back. I always enjoy seeing horrors that have some sort of a massage or meaning behind them instead of just being filled with jumps cares so I really liked that about it.

On the other hand it did feel dragged and illogical sometimes, I'd definitely recommend it for one watch but it's not a must see.
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Perfect Blue (1997)
A must see!
28 April 2021
If you like the genre this is definitely for you.

Beuituful artwork, great voice acting, down to the songs and colouring there's nothing I could complain about. The narrative is intentionally very confusing, there are obviously many ways to interpret what the film really is about which to me is the beauty of it. It's a very sad story, but it makes you want more with each scene.

Just go and watch it, you won't regret it.
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Deranged (2012)
Not bad but couldn't call it good either
28 April 2021
I liked the idea and I could the plot itself kind of scary. It was overall well made I liked most of the crowd scenes but quite a few things just didn't make sense and none of the main characters are 'real' enough for the audience to really care for them. But overall it's creepy, filled with action and emotion and even though it's not really realistic overall there are some powerful scenes. I wouldn't say it's a must watch but it's entertaining regardless, if you just want to feel kind of creeped out or just see what a pandemic-like chaos would look like (not that you haven't...) this is definitely for you.
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F Is for Family (2015–2021)
Well balanced!
23 April 2021
I quickly became a big fan, I've grown up with cartoons like family guy, south park etc and after a while I stopped watching them, I slowly started disliking every character basically, but I still love animated series. What I love the most about F is for Family is that is filled with soul. The voice actors are great and it doesn't feel like you're watching some silly cartoon that's made for adults who find everything offensive or dank funny. Yes, it's about a dysfunctional family, everyone has their flaws, the parents are not raising their children perfectly but they do try, they do love them, the kids aren't perfect either but they're going through things every young adoult goes through (for the most part). The entire series is very entertaining and heartfelt, there are as much arguing as nice charming moments, each character is developing, growing in their own way. On top of that there's a great balance between comedy and those "real" moments, it does get serious sometimes but it never gets too overwhelming. The jokes are incredibly funny for the most part, and though some things do feel a little cartoonish I think that's the charm of it. Just like the characters in it, the series is not flawless but it's definitely worth watching.
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20 April 2021
Not much to say about this one, if you've seen enough Korean horror or horror in general you won't really be surprised by anything, there are a few plot holes but not to the extent where nothing makes sense. The acting is okay. I guess it's in the horror category because there are a few scares but it felt more like a drama/mystery.

I would only recommend it if you really don't have anything better to watch.
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A little fun for everyone
15 April 2021
I've seen this movie a dozen times and though it doesn't make me laugh hysterically it always puts a smile on my face. I would say it's one of the best romantic comedies and it may be a "chick flick" but it's not cheesy to an unbelievable extent, it's rather sweet if anything.
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Pet Sematary (1989)
Good horror, horrible acting
11 April 2021
I enjoyed the plot even though the script was a little goofy sometimes, the scares were great for the most part and they did manage to create an intriguing atmosphere however the main characters' acting made it way less enjoyable than it could have been. I don't blame the children for not being the best at it but I was quite disappointed that the father was a worse actor tha the actual 2 years old child. It made some scenes that were supposed to be sad or scary rather ridiculous. I wouldn't necessarily recommend this, only to those horror fans who like it when it's a little cringey.
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Eraserhead (1977)
Genuinely Disturbing
9 April 2021
Well acted, well directed, well made over all. It's not 'scary' in the sense that most horror movies are it's rather disturbing. I guess it's something you really enjoy or just simply dislike from the beginning since the whole film is like a fever dream, it doesn't seem to have one obvious meaning, it's the type of movie that means something else to everyone. I definitely recommend giving it a try but if you don't like the first 15 minutes maybe turn it off cos it's just gonna get weirder and more confusing.
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9 April 2021
I'd give it less stars if I could. I did expect it to be bad, I only watched it because I was watching it with someone and she was the one who chose. I guess it was supposed to be a comedy, from most of the jokes I'd assume it was meant for children but I don't see how a kid would find it entertaining either. I can't even begin to describe how bad it was, the single one good thing in it was that the goat was kinda cute ither than that it's just bad acting with bad jokes and a plot that makes no sense whatsoever , I was upset because of how bad it was rather than being entertained even though there are a dozen movies that are admittedly not good but I still love.

I recommend watching it if you want to fall asleep or recommend it to people you hate I guess.
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Cash grab?
9 April 2021
I really enjoyed Death Bell 1, it was flawed but entertaining. If you want to rewatch that with the plot slightly changed and the action/saw-ish seens being rather boring than this movie is for you. I don't know how much they earned with this but I guess maybe part one was somewhat successful and they wanted to replicate that?

I gave it a 4 because there were scenes like the motorcycle one that I truly enjoyed, other than that it was kind of a waste of time.
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