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The Beekeeper (2024)
Jason Statham hasn't lost his touch!
2 May 2024
After having watched and processed the movie, literally everyone is comparing it to John Wick (JW), don't get me wrong I absolutely love the JW movies. People calling it dollar store version of JW movies which is crap where do you thing JW got it from, it wasn't the first franchise to do it, you could say they ripped of Rambo or anything Arnold Schwarzenegger did during his career or Clint Eastwood's Man with No Name trilogy. The point, I'm tried of people going in with expectations instead of just watching it. I thought it was amazing and the scenario in which it happens was very cool and touching, and in my opinion far more eff'd up than the killing of the dog in JW. I won't spoil it in this review my boy Jason Statham doesn't disappoint for one second in this, he far more mysterious and unknown than JW, everyone in those movies knows who he is. And the character of Adam Clay played by Statham is a ghost he doesn't exist which makes him far more intimidating and frightening, similar to my thoughts on the Joker, he is unpredictable a loose cannon get the hell out of his way. He is also more stealthy and uses disguises to get in to places throughout the movie, where JW is just guns blazing, there is some of that in this movie but only when necessary and not over used to the point of numbness. I've said my peace watch it with an open mind and see for yourself how it's a love letter to Sylvester Stallone, Arnold Schwarzenegger action movies.
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Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Rejoined (1995)
Season 4, Episode 5
I hate the Dax symbiont, so stupid and confusing!!
18 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I finally hit my boiling point, so I'm writing this brief review in the episode, its really stupid, confusing and contradictory. So the Dax symbiont is basically a hodgepodge of memories, feelings and traits all rolling into Dax from the previous Trill host male and female. Who ever Jadzia was prior to the joining is gone or is she? It's very contradictory in that the Dax symbiont wants the current host to live there life and gain new memories and experiences, but in the the show Jadzia is always acting like and talking about the previous host as if she lived and experienced their lives first hand, which didn't happen, it was experienced by the middle man the Dax symbiont, not Jadzia. So does Jadzia exists or it is she now as I've stated just a hodgepodge as previously mention, which leads to my next point, their is no more individuality with the current host, which to me defeats the whole purpose of the symbiont as what it means to be human, Jadzia is living in the past through her previous hosts, instead of the current moment and what she is doing. This episode was nothing more then a filler prime time episode, and a way to have Jadzia now be bisexual, by kissing and loving another Trill woman, as in the episode both Jadzia and Lanara, both of their host a male and female where married in a past life, and because of what I've already mentioned they some how act out their previous hosts feelings while, falling in love with each other. I could go on forever and ever, but it's to confusing, lazy, contradictory and stupid nothing more then to make Jadzia bisexual for this one episode, and is never brought up again, because she ends up marrying Worf.
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Black Panther: Black Lives Matter Forever.
25 August 2023
It didn't think it was possible but here we are. Somehow this is even worse then the first one, which I despise, love when plot armor some how gives every character the edge in every fight, even when the injuries should be fatal. All the action and characters are just awful, I kept checking to see how much longer I had to endure the torture, as it dragged on and on, as I watched it on Disney+. I can't believe that Angela Bassett thought she deserved to win best actor award at the 2022 Oscars, she is insufferable here no redeeming qualities. The young actress playing Riri Williams is annoying and unlikable, it's unfortunate for her because she probably tried her best, but the writers and director are again just terrible at their jobs, the character she plays was designed to be a girl boss from their inception in the comics, basically better then Tony Stark in everything, no respect given to what came before, there is no hope for the spinoff series, I expect it to bomb. The new Black Panther should have been M'Baku, not Shuri as she didn't want to become the savior of their people till the last of the 3rd act, and it was truly horrific to watch, no fault could be made as she was already perfect in combat, a training montage or something, no character development nothing earned. Namor is probably the only cool thing in the movie, designed was cool and fighting was good, poor delivery like I said, plot armor is bulls#%t. The entire film is a sob story on Chadwick Bozeman's death RIP sir, I'm not trying to be disrespectful. Your still expecting as a filmmaker to deliver an exciting and enjoyable experience, which I didn't at all, don't watch this movie. Watch anything else I'm begging you.
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Sabrina (1995)
One of the greatest romantic movies ever!
21 April 2023
This is my all time favorite romantic/comedy film. Julia Ormond is absolutely gorgeous, I'm at a loss for words with how much I love her in this film. Harrison Ford said that shooting the movie was more challenging and difficult, then anything he'd done in his career up to the point when this was made, as he felt miss cast in the role, and was out of his element. I think he was perfect In the role and the chemistry between Julia and him, showed on screen. I feel it's incredibly underrated and not enough people know about or are aware of it. When I was a kid it was one Grandma's favorites, I never watched it because I wasn't into those type of films. I didn't see it until I was much older, It gets me emotional every time I watch it. I credit the film for introducing the beauty of Julia Ormond and her talents as an actress, having watched many of her movies because of it. Two of Hollywood's greatest actors working today, in a film about obsession, deception, loneliness, lies, and eventually love. I can't praise it enough. 10/10.
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I'm at a loss for words.
21 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Julia Ormond is absolutely gorgeous in every sense of the meaning. She's one of my favorite actresses of all time, thanks to the 1995 classic Sabrina with Harrison Ford. And the only reason I watched this film in the first place, and I don't really know what to say.. Ralph Fiennes, is great, but those are the only positives about the film. It unnecessarily over the top, which is what the director wanted, there's not enough context or explanation on what is happening, all though I was able to follow just fine, I just found it too long and really boring in parts, their weren't enough scenes of Julia Ormond being gorgeous and Ralph Fiennes in the picture. I was really disappointed with the end result as no other characters with film of the play, the "actors", died for real except Julia and Ralph characters, just poor taste, really hurting the film for me. As they where the main character's and it made the film a tragedy, without the payoff or a message as to why. All the brutal violence, necessary and unnecessary nudity (Julia Ormond is perfect) can't save a film, unless you have a great script, and a competent director. I'm sorry that Julia Ormond and Ralph Fiennes acting prowess couldn't save this drivel.
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Mad God (2021)
The opening scene says everything...
16 June 2022
With the opening scene and the diving bell slowing desending deeper and deeper, into the madness, sums it pretty well. Movies like this, make me glad I never did hardcore drugs or any of the sort. It's a visual feast of breathtaking stop-motion, by the legendary Phil Tippett. Watch and enjoy, try not to lose yourself in the experience.
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Johnny is the best thing in the movie!.
7 June 2022
So i originally saw it back in 2005, when I was 12 the same age as all the child actors in the movie, and absolutely hated it, being that the 1971 one with Gene Wilder is one of my favorite films of all time. It was really hard for me to except, being that i love Tim Burton and Johnny Deep, and the combo is usually a win. But for me it wasn't not because of Johnny, but the production decisions and music. Are what killed it for me as having all the Oompa Loompa's being CGI played by Deep Roy is very poor taste, that was some of the charm the 71' film had, all the Oompa Loompa's were different and unique looking. And I don't care if the songs are closer to the book In this one, Roald Dahl was a writer not a lyricist, the music isn't memorable at all. And then the kids are't believable enough, except for Freddie Highmore playing Charlie, I thought he was great. Lastly Johnny is obviously the best part of the movie, unfortunately his acting talents couldn't save this supposedly, golden combo between him and Mr. Burton. 5/10.
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You can't blame an actor for trying.
3 June 2022
The reason I was disappointed with the movie it lacked, the charm or magic that the original Harry Potter movies had, the bright colors and great characters. I've seen on here a lot of people bashing on Mads Mikkelsen for not being Johnny Depp, or what he brought to the character in the previous movies, regardless of the defamation trial between Johnny Depp and Amber Heard being the reason for him being fired. Movies typically fail because of studio or producer interference, script problems, or a directors vision, very rarely is it because of actors. They are paid to follow instruction by the director, and sometimes incredibly talent actors like Mads or Johnny can't save a film on acting talent alone. I blame Mads lackluster performance on the director, He and Johnny Depp are two of my favorite actors working in Hollywood, so at the end of the day, I don't blame Mads Mikkelsen, blame the studio and producers, for firing Johnny and replacing him. Jacob was my favorite part of the movie as he has been in the last 2 movies, Dan Fogler is such a funny and capable actor, and I enjoyed his performance in the film very much. Overall it was very underwhelming and boring really and doesn't live up to the legacy of the original movies.
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Halo (2022– )
I'm die hard Halo fan but...
7 May 2022
So here is my issues with it. A lot of people are pissed because Master Chief takes of his helmet, which of course, bugs me and would never happen in the games. I do realize that most people, that are seeing this for the first time, mostly likely never played games or are familiar with the franchise. Now having said that my biggest problem goes hand in hand with those that aren't familiar with the franchise and those that are, is there is way to much talking between characters, and then we start getting into Master Chiefs back story about his childhood and such, making him far to human, instead of the killing machine that he is. So because those who aren't familiar need context, they have to add all kinds of filler instead of focusing on the action and seeing Chief do what he does best, which is killing Covenant. Now what I do love is Pablo Schreiber is awesome in the role and Natascha McElhone is great as Halsey. I love the look and design of the Mark VI Mjolnir it's very accurate to the games. But like I said there is just to much damn talking and not enough Spartan on Covenant action. Which hurts my overall rating of the series, there are no excuses this should have been done better.
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Sunshine (2007)
Not what I expected...
7 May 2022
So I finally got around to watching this movie, and I got be honest, I really didn't like it. Now I didn't hate it, but couldn't understand all the hype or high praise it gets. I didn't some reading about, before watching it, and Danny Boyle the director got a lot of inspiration from films like 2001: a space odyssey and 1972 Solaris, and Alien. Now having said, while watching it.. I felt very underwhelmed by it, having those other movies in my head, made me wish I watching Alien or the others, instead of this. Now the positives, i really like the attention to detail and the atmosphere of the ship and the crew members, and really understanding the plight of the situation and the enormous stress of the having to save mankind. The weird thing is sci-fi is my favorite film genre, and sadly I didn't love this. Just really boring and sad characters.
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Naked Lunch (1991)
Unlike anything you've seen before.
1 May 2022
This is a movie for fans of David Cronenberg and William S. Burroughs work. All other can frag off. I've read others comparing it to Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, that violent, bizarre, maddening, nightmarish style. This movie gets a lot of hate because it's not a traditional linear story. Or it's too out there and weird and not for everyone, like I said earlier. This movie was made as a love letter Mr. Cronenberg had for William S. Burroughs work, and what it instilled in him, how it inspired his own ideas as a writer and filmmaker. How it helped him popularize the "body horror" genre, which is his signature style in a way, with classics like The Fly, Scanners, Shivers, Rabid and several others. The point is it takes a lot of themes and underlining ideas from several of Mr. Burroughs books, creating a hybrid world of ideas that are very inline and true to the spirit of his work. Regardless of weather you've read any of his story's or not. I came because of my love for David Cronenberg and Peter Weller, they didn't disappoint. If your into genre type movies, give it a watch purely to pick your brain for curiosity sake. I'll say this, if you've done hard drugs you'll understand, if you haven't you'll be glad you never did. The highlights are the fantastic creature effects and the look and set design. It's definitely a 10 for me.
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25 April 2022
I know this movie gets a lot of crap, because it doesn't follow the formula set by the original series from the 60s. There are a laundry list of issues people have with it. My reasoning is I was 7, and two I wasn't aware of the show at that time. My favorite thing is the steampunk element, which Is all over. And the 80 foot tarantula, so cool. Overall it takes me back to my childhood, one in which I would like to spent as much time as possible. It's definitely not a great film, but I enjoy it every time I watch it. The the high rating is for repeat watchability and nostalgia.
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Biography: KISStory (2021 TV Special)
8 April 2022
Kiss is my favorite American rock band. And I loved every minute of it. I learned some new stuff I didn't know before. If your a die hard Kiss fan like me, you'll love it too.
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Turning Red (2022)
Teen Wolf vibes.
2 April 2022
It's not as bad as it made out to be, sure it's not perfect, I found it fairly enjoyable and really loved the animation style and voice work. It's reminds me in many ways to one of my favorite movies Teen Wolf 1985, starting the amazing Michael J. Fox. It's very similar, but not a copy and paste as others have poorly pointed out. Sure it's about growing up and transformations are uncanny but it's giant red panda, instead of a werewolf. And like Teen Wolf Meilin almost loses herself to it and the popularity it brought her at school, in a very similar fashion, but that's it. Overall I didn't hate it, didn't love it, just good. And might watch it again.
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The Batman (2022)
Wow just Wow what a surprise!!
8 March 2022
So I just got back from the local movie house and I got say, I read a lot of negative reviews about the length or the main characters being miscast or Robert being to goth or emo, some stupid and some relevant nitpicks. I didn't have those issues and thought that Robert was perfectly cast in the role, initially I wasn't sure he could carry the nearly 3 hour movie, which I felt benefited the movie greatly, had it been any shorter it would have hurt the film, being that there was so much going on, it would have left you guessing or asking yourself questions, the same issues that hurt the theatrical version of Batman v Superman, In the end Robert succeeded in his efforts, and made a new fan in me and his portrayal. I thought all the other main characters were excellent in there performances too, I loved Zoe Kravitz as Catwoman just sexy as hell, and really enjoyed Paul Dano as the Riddler I thought he was very creepy and the darkest version of the character to date, a far cry from Jim Carrey's performance. And my favorite was Colin Ferrell as the Penguin underneath all the fantastic prosthetic makeup, just awesome!. Lastly I loved the batsuit and the new gadgets, his masterful fighting prowess, and of course the batmobile which was sleek and looked like a muscle car on venom like Bane, also a movie isn't complete without the music which was beautifully done by Michael Giacchino. Overall it exceeded my expectations, it was reminiscent of my favorite movie of all time, Blade Runner that dark gritty neo-noir style in rain. So just like with anything you either love or you hate it, and I absolutely loved this!!. I'm excited for more.
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What a sequel is supposed to be...
15 January 2022
So I just got done watching it, and I got say I had my doubts, wasn't sure I'd be able to check all the boxes on my idea of what a worthy sequel should be. It totally lived up to that expectation, I heard people being upset with it because it's not the original. The original was lighting in a bottle perfect in every way, very films ever live up that, its and impossible task, regardless of how good the story, writing and characters are it's hard to capture that magic. A movie should respect what came before, and find a way to incorporate the new characters and the OT in a way that is beneficial and important to the plot of the movie, instead of being eye candy as a reminder, hey look who it is?. Type of thing, instead of taking a huge dump on it, like the 2016 film did, don't even get me started on that awful experience of a movie. I believe this movie did exactly what it set out to do, and that was make a very enjoyable movie, with great new characters and great writing, amazing special effects, and showing great respect to the original movies. Honestly it blew me away I really didn't not expect to love this much. If you haven't seen it, give it a watch you might be surprised like I was.
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The Last Duel (2021)
Ridley Scott with the homer run!!
12 December 2021
I'm been waiting to see this sense it came out, and I got to say, it delivered the goods. Put two of my favorite things together, Knights and Matt Damon. And the end results is a extremely well written, superbly acted, awesome fight scenes and great characters, that you root for and hate at the same time. Matt Damon was perfectly cast as Jean de Carrouges, and Jodie Comer as Marguerite is just gorgeous, she has a big career ahead of her. I also loved all the other supporting roles, Martin Csokas was great as usual and Ben Affleck in the role of the villain was different, and welcome. A lot of people might be turned off but the amount of violence and and the repeated theme of rape, which is a major plot point, I still feel the amount in which it is discussed or seen, should have been trimmed or toned down, or at least implied or left ambiguous, those are my thoughts on that. I would have loved to have seen the cast speaking French, being that these were real French people being portrayed, some authenticity would have been nice, but I digress. Other then the few small nit picks I have with it, I couldn't have asked for an almost perfect movie from one of my favorite filmmakers in Ridley Scott. If you love history and epic war and drama movies, then don't miss this one, if this is your jam check it out, if not don't sweat it. It definitely is a new personal favorite for me, and I don't say that lightly. Easily a 10/10.
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I'm the only one who loves it.
8 December 2021
It's a shame people don't like it, I on the other hand did not expect it be to so awesome. I particularly love the female lead, Aveline. I really didn't have a lot of hope for it then when I saw it as a dlc, after having played AC3, on Xbox 360 when it was new. Now having gone back and played the remastered version of both games, believe it or not but Liberation in HD actually looks better then AC3 remastered. Sure the game is basically a character swap and Aveline controls just like Haytham, but they added some cool features, like the Lady, Slave and Assassin personas for Aveline to switch back and forth between, depending on what missions call for. Overall I enjoyed it very much, and Aveline is a sorely underrated character and Assassin, compared to others in the franchise. If you haven't played, it free to play with the purchase of AC3 Remastered bundle with all the previously released dlc. I'm giving it a 10.
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Not that amazing, more Disney then Marvel.
13 August 2021
I absolutely hated Spider-Man: Homecoming (Spider-Man: Iron Man Jr.) Unfortunately the talking suit is still in the movie, but now in the form of a pair of fancy glasses, and Tony isn't interrupting every scene he's in, because he's dead, yes he died as a hero and we thank him for it, I could go on and on about my strong dislike of the previous film, but I digress. I Absolutely loved Jake Gyllenhaal and his performance as Mysterio is my favorite part of the movie, and his costume is very comic book accurate, unlike the Vulture from the previous film, which always bugged me. Jake Gyllenhaal couldn't save this movie, maybe Donnie Darko can go back In time, and make it better. I do love Tom Holland as Spider-Man, and still hate the Indian kid playing Flash Thompson, imposing hardly, still incredibly annoying not intimidating at all. But we are back to Peter not making his own gadgets and suits, technically he did, but he's using Stark tech, so not really. Another thing I noticed Peter is really dumb, a lot of time, all he thinks about is getting with MJ, instead of focusing on being the greatest he can be. Better then Homecoming but still flawed, definitely not amazing, maybe 3rd times the charm.
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Amazing, worth the wait!!!!
7 August 2021
I can't tell how much I loved this movie, I've been waiting patiently since it was announced, and that Mr. James Gunn, responsible for the equally perfect Guardians of the Galaxy movies, was chosen as the director, they couldn't have picked a better person then someone who grew up reading and idolizing these characters, just like I was and whom has much respect, for the characters and the source material. The 2016 film is unwatchable, all the characters in the film are terrible, even Will Smith was hard to watch, all except for Margot Robbie as Harley, regardless it was unredeemable. This movie takes nothing from the other one, except for a few faces that had big roles, and makes it better in every conceivable way, the humor and graphic violence, the interaction between characters, just brilliant. John Cena is my favorite part of the movie as Peacemaker, excellently cast and he's freaking hilarious, I also loved Margot Robbie retuning as Harley, and Joel Kinnaman who was way more enjoyable this time around as Rick Flag, even Idris Elba as Bloodshot was awesome, And King Shark, he looked amazing. I loved every minute of it, one of the best DC movies ever.
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Maniac (1980)
Extremely realistic and creepy as hell....
23 July 2021
Joe Spinell is Mr. Frank Zito, physically and emotionally scarred, he hates his mom, hookers, unfaithful wife's and girlfriend's, and anyone unlucky enough to get in his way, weather it be prowling the streets late at night or during the day looking for new victims. This movie is just really creepy and real in so many was it's not so far fetched or unrealistic, for a serial killer to keep parts from his victims, Jeffrey Dahmer or Ed Gein, just to name a few. This is a very interesting and unique slasher film, that came out when all the other villains either had supernatural powers or wore a mask to hide there faces. Watch it or don't you might find it hard to stomach or view, but it's not all bad, just different.
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Better then all the recent trash..
9 July 2021
I throughly enjoyed it and was engaged the whole way through, Chris Pratt might be my favorite actor working in Hollywood today. I've always loved his acting style and sense of humor, is always present and welcome. People forget what kind of movie they're watching really what did you expect, Good Will Hunting, The Godfather, look somewhere else please this movie was made purely to entertain and for me it did that, love it or hate it. I loved it more then all the trash put out as of late. If you haven't seen it, give it a chance you might find a lot to enjoy with it like I did.
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Shredder looks amazing!.
20 May 2021
I just watched for the first time today, as a huge fan of the Ninja Turtles and Batman I thought it was an excellent crossover, extremely entertaining and funny, my favorite character from TMNT universe is Shredder seeing him kick ass, and he looks amazing cool. I enjoyed all the turtles especially Michelangelo, I thought that Donny looked weirder then the others, but whatever, small nit pick. I loved all the voice acting and all the action, definitely one of the best DC animated movies. 10/10.
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Mortal Kombat (2021)
Finish him, kinda of...
23 April 2021
Just got done watching it and I got say, I liked it but it should have been done better. I'm a massive Mortal Kombat fan, didn't hate it, but didn't love it either. I thought all the actors playing the respective characters nailed it. Jax, Kabal and Sub-Zero where my favorite, I have to comment on the gory and exciting bloody fatalities to be the highlight. I was pretty happy with the results, if you've played the games you'll know what to expect, unfortunately the character development wasn't good. My biggest issue was the new character Cole Young he sucked so bad, it should have been Johnny Cage, stupid plot devices. Still better then Annihilation but not much.
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Skrulls are cool, but that's it.
9 April 2021
Brie Larson does a decent enough job in the role of Carol Danvers, very bland actually. The movie has excellent cgi and the Skrull makeup is fantastically done, I also thought that Ben Mendelsohn as Talos is the best part of the movie, he does and excellent job, to bad it was wasted in an otherwise average movie. I just felt like it dragged on and was a bit boring in parts, the action was so so. Not a lot of character depth either, oh well If the filmmakers didn't care, why should I. Mildly entertaining but don't believe the hype, there are better superhero movies with a more likable female character, just watch Ant-Man and The Wasp.
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