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The Last of Us (2023– )
So far 3 in & its really good despite all the outrage
7 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
So, I'm 3 episodes in and I gotta say, the first 2 are a slow burn but a nice progression. Genuinely, we commence out with a bang! It's very proximate to the games opening scene which is hailed by a sizable portion of game reviewers and players community as one of the most thought out and experty crafted opening scenes to a game thus far. I definetly concur with that assessment 100%!

When I say slow burn I mean a good & necessary plot development. I'm not sure why so many folks in the reviews here are mad that it's developing a story, lol. That's the hallmark of a great show and they are doing it perfectly.

Episode 1 and 2 basically flow into each other and are best watched back to back without a break. The intensity ratchets up to a boil then boom, we get an expertly choreographed action scene in episode 2 towards its end. They handled that PERFECTLY and led up to it flawlessly.

I'm trying to convey, that this isn't the run of the mill 90% of shows we have out now that might as well be written by AI l, lol. This show is hitting on ALL cylinders. From screenplay to acting to cinematography to PRACTICAL EFFECTS (mixed with cgi AT THE PROPER TIME where it's used in perfect quantities and not overdone) to Directing and everything in-between L. O. U is getting it done (right!)!

Look, I'm not sure what the folks dropping ratings from 1 to 4 want but I think you all are being insincere with those ratings. I get it, episode 3 made a bunch of people "uncomfortable" but seriously, its LIFE! Yes, I would say that lgbtq agendas in film are being pushed really really hard in many cases but I don't think this is one of those cases where it was "forced" as some reviewers are saying. I honestly saw the progression of that "relationship" done very realistically given the circumstances. Moreover, I'll even admit that the writers legit had me caring about those 2 characters that I was like "DAMN" when what transpired towards the end of episode 3 did.

So, overall, if you actually read all this...give the show a chance. I seriously think it's going to maintain at least a 90% rating by time the season is over and it will have been earned. It has A LOT going for it and I hope it doesn't take some insane drop in quality because it's progressing perfectly in my opinion!
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8 October 2022
Don't go into this thinking it's some Impractical Jokers type format but as a Travel Vlog, its not. Yes, they're friends. Yes, they're comedians. However, it's a Travel Vlog show where people get paid to check out various vacation areas and submerge themselves into some aspect of the location they visit. All travel vlog shows are different. Some focus on really bougie/exclusive type places with really haughty hosts and others are the antithesis of that with really budget locales on a very tight budget. This is neither, but closer to the latter. To me, it a must watch because it gives me insight into places I plan to visit at some point and allows me to add new ones to the list. They do a decent job of getting the essence of the place they visit from the view of foodies who like to drink, eat and have fun. I'm not a big drinker so I wont be doing all of their recommendations, but I have noted certain spots they've gone to as places I wanna check out that aren't on the normal "things to do in" type searches you do before going on a vacation somewhere.

That said, it's all about getting more knowledge and pointers on different places I want to check out off the beaten path from restaurants to bars to clubs to things to do. For me though, it's the restaurants and things to do I take note of most.

I also enjoy HOW they experience these places. They almost always incorporate the owners, other travelers and locals for a behind the scenes look into the places they go. Again, INVALUABLE knowledge to be had there when you see WHERE and HOW the food you're about to eat is prepared!

As far as the aspect of watching them just to have a good time watching them have a good time, lol I do! They're very affable guys (both comedians) who aren't over the top with the acting for the camera aspect of reality TV. They come across as relatable and their overall vibe keeps the show watchable and entertaining. You might get a few good laughs, but it's not at an Impractical Jokets level of funny because, again, it's not that type of show. It's a Travel Vlog experience with a fun vibe., nothing more, nothing less.

Anyways, to sum up, its a great Travel Vlog and I'm not sure why the people who disliked it, dislike it so vehemently to give it no to 2 stars max. Maybe they don't like the actors? Dunno what the issue with the 2 star/no star reviewers is but I promise you, at the very least the show is a good way to learn about a different vacation spots and cities with some down to earth regular type guys leading the journey with enthusiasm and goofy vigor. So, I recommend it at least as a way to pass time and learn a little something but at the very best, a fun and informative travel vlog experience!

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The Unit (2006–2009)
BRING IT BACK in 2022/2023!!!
31 August 2022
This was one of the best shows on network TV and it left a big gap when it ended prematurely. Seal Team is good and all but the Unit was even better in my opinion! Shows get resurrected and sometimes moved to different networks to survive or thrive as was the case with Evil and the aforementioned Seal Team. They were taken off broad access prime time networks and put on steaming platforms and both of them got 10x better imo! So, why not bring back The Unit, with the same characters period or with the same cast and a new cast they mentor or something. The possibilities are endless. Just keep the production crew like Mamet & as many of the original crew as possible. It MUST have Haney as a technical support person again as well. That's critical. The Haney/Mamet combo is probably what made it so good! Anyways, however they have to do it, BRING BACK "THE UNIT" ASAP!!!

  • ATTN: CBS or WHATEVER network wants a hit on their platform!
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Fortress (2021)
Aphasia, quotas, & all out bad decisions
27 June 2022
Ok, so if you pay ANY attention to the media, at least for top stories happening in the world & if you are a Bruce fan (like most of us are because Die Hard and Pulp Fiction are cult classics and great films which Bruce shined in!) you have heard Bruce has Aphasia.

Aphasia has variations on it's symptoms but basically summarized it destroys your ability to communicate. It does this by attacking your speech, hearing, memory, concentration, ect usually brought on by a stroke or anything that causes brain damage.

So the question becomes, "why would a legendary action star & actor agree or want to make films after his Aphasia progressed to a debilitating state?

Most people assume he "needs" money but the man has accumulated 250 million in net worth. All he has to do if he intends on leaving his estate a ton of money before he's completely bedridden is upgrade his money manager & account to whoever are the absolute best in the business & let them grow that money in a huge way! Hell, I'm sure people like Gates, Mark Cuban & a few other billionaires looking for a op ed news story about their benevolent & charitable character (lol) will help him do that with advisors and some big charity event. Point being, he can easily blow that 250 million dollars up!

So the question remains, WHY is he putting out these horrible, worst than something a teen with a camera, a book about making movies and a $1000 budget (to get a bunch of his friends on board & some janky props) can do in a few days?

If he for whatever reason feels he needs to make some movies b4 he checks out, why not do one special project where his condition can be worked into the story & his "acting requirements" and the things he's still capable of doing, & he does it with a A list crew...that would be a way more respectable way to make an exit instead of churning out these horrible, horrible movies at a pace of one per month.

American Siege was actually one of the better made ones of his garbage D roll list of movies. I'd give that honor to Fortress. Oh my God that was beyond cringe! I'm not saying this movie was in any way good or worth watching, it was a huge mess all around but wasn't AS bad as some of his previous 10 in 2021.
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Barry (2018–2023)
Not a shill lol
27 June 2022
I was scrolling through the lowest ratings to try to see WHY people would possibly rate my favorite current show I find PERFECT so low. One person said a ton of the 10 star ratings were paid shills. Well, lol, if I'm a shill I'm certainly not getting paid for this lol.

To deeply love this show, you have to first understand what it is and what it isn't. It's satire. It's meta. The world Barry exists in is meant to be satirical. Characters are made to be over the top and in absolutely brilliant and unique ways. I can go on and on about why this is my favorite show but I'll just recommend you give it an honest shot. It's like when my teenage son told me I HAD to watch Rick and Morty. I took a quick look at the first episode and thought he was insane to recommend it as highly as he did but I gave it a chance. To say that show grew on me is an understatement. Rick and Morty is meta and absolutely brilliant. Back to Barry tho, much like Rick and Morty, I had to first understand what type of show it WAS. If you take everything literally like a standard drama, you'll hate it. Interpret it as different genres and I guarantee you'll love it!

Absolutely brilliant and award deserving acting from much of the cast. Excellent screenplay and directing (especially Haders episodes). Just excellent everything! Cannot recommend this show enough!
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Slow Burner But WORTH IT!
13 May 2022
I stumbled upon this gem and at first was wondering if the pace was going to remain the same...slow. It did not! The reason why I felt it was moving slow at first was because it was expertly telling all the characters back stories all of which play into the plot. It's almost impossible to review this series without spoiling it so I won't. All I'll say is, if you like crime dramas, you will absolutely love this hidden gem with AMAZING acting and character development!
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True Story (III) (2021– )
Good until the last few minutes.
26 November 2021
Well, to be fair I was semi shocked at what happened in the last 10 minutes but the rest of the way, I kept saying to myself that Kids character HAS to figure out what's going on. It was pretty obvious. Lots of twists and turns. The plot was solid but predicted at times. The acting, on the other hand was EXCELLENT! I think everyone involved, especially Kevin did a great job! Overall a fun watch!
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One sided
19 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The documentary claims to be 2 sided but the editors made it so that every time the "pro 2A" expert spoke he was debunked with what amounts to strawman arguments. I TRULY tried to give this a chance to be good but the narrative was 95% anti gun with WEAK pro gun arguments sprinked in small amounts throughout it. This is not a documentary, this is a CNN propaganda movie. I'm neither a dedicated rep or dem so I have no horse in the race here. I'm basing my rating on the basis of how lopsided and infactual this film is. They SHOULD BE talking about how I w racism fuels what happens in High crime areas but instead they just blame the nra. Absolutely trash.
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Invincible (2021– )
Better than The Boys!
31 March 2021
Yup, I said it! So long as they stay true to the source material like they are...its gonna CONTINUE to be GREAT! Hopefully Kirkman doesn't pull a Walking Dead on us and relinquish oversight on his project. As I said, I've only seen 3 episodes but it's VERY good! Keeps heating up!!!
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Mr Inbetween (2018–2021)
18 March 2021
They better renew. That's all I gotta say. We'll, that and obviously the series is absolutely brilliant! Acting, writing and directing in your own series AND making it really good is no small feat. This show accomplished just that!
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Possibly the worst B movie (or lower) of all time!!
1 February 2021
I cannot see how anyone would rate this higher than the 1 they allow as the lowest score! I saw it and reviewed it when it came out in 2011 as a Redbox Rental & it was even one of their "recommended new release" movies. I've never thought about getting a refund back on a really bad movie no matter what it was until I saw THIS! It's ABSOLUTE garbage. The only redeeming quality it has is exactly HOW bad it was and that some sly screenwriter was able to sell it to both the actors and to the executive producers who put money (the little they did) into it.

It reaches a new level of bad in every possible way. I'm not joking when I say that NO ONE involved cared AT ALL! Bad acting, editing, effects, plot, screenplay, direction, gaffer, camera loader, production design, art department, makeup, grip, sound crew, boom operator, caterer, wrangler, ect, ect. It almost reninds me of that eposode of The Big Bang Theory where Penny is working on the set of her Serial Apeist 2 and the director just wants to wrap it up because HE KNOWS it's a trash B movie production. In this case though, someone actually thought they were making a decent direct to DVD movie which is astounding! It's NOT a "so bad its good" movie. It's a so bad it's cursed forever movie, lol. It makes Tommy W's "The Room" seem like a Hollywood blockbuster in comparison! Literally (not figuratively) EVERYTHING is horrible! How they accomplished that I honestly don't know but its really hard to screw up Literally everything!

I'm doing this long ass review because in 2011, this "movie" stole almost 2hours of my life that I could of better spent watching at paint dry or arguing with random trolls on Twit-ter. Some movies are bad in a good way (cult classics, exploitation films, ect) but this was NOT! So, save yourself and watch a rerun of literally anything on any channel including one with a language you don't understand.

Oh, my spoiler is this movie will spoil your day lol. Please do not rent, buy or watch it in any way that gets the studio their $1.25 monthly pre tax residual check.

Actually, for everyone who sat through it, any length, should be compensated for our lost time and our hypnotherapy sessions to forget the movie entirely. Just writing this precautionary review I'm already getting flashbacks about the main character: a teenage emo wannabe Brandon Lee of "The Crow" stumbling around all goofy & flailing around a clearly fake katana handling it like he's never ever swung a sword, stick, or anything. Kinda like a toddler would with a pool noodle but way worse (how hard would half hour how to handle a katana video on YT been for him to watch prior to the filming?).

Anyways, you've been warned! Do not watch this or it'll be your "cries" that will be "fading" as you fall asleep...speaking of Fading (of the) Cries, WTF does the title even have to do with the movie, lol? Its all just a huge waste of time and a zero sense making nonsensical movie. SOOOOO bad it technically should be good but alas...it's not. However, I actually would be interested in seeing a remake of Fading of the cries by Tommy Wiseu with a 30k budget. Now, THAT would probably be 1000x better!

  • Rating = 0 (ZERO)*
*unfortunately they make you choose at least 1 star. They should allow a zero rating and/or negative numbers of stars up to negative 5 stars, of which I'd give it negative 4 stars (based on the fact the writer got it funded lol).
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Warrior (2019–2023)
11 January 2021
**First off, disregard the few very low scores and comments. I read them all and they were basically all trolling comments and ratings ** That said, the show wasn't perfect in the first few scenes but it really pulled itself together and shaped up really well to end (2 seasons so far) with a strong ending and interesting cliffhangers! The 1st episode of season 1 was so so but every subsequent episode just got better and better! A very interesting story that comes from true history and needs more attention (especially now, when all the whitewashed chapters of our history are finally being told and told truthfully) & a really sharp martial arts action series. Unlike Into The Badlands which I couldn't get into because the choreography (although stunning) was unbelievable and the storyline was uninteresting, Warrior has way better writing and action that is more realistic (of course some is over the top but that's lthe point when it focuses on Ah-Sahms fights. He personifies Bruce Lee's larger than like persona) in many cases. I'm really glad I found this series. I binged it all in 2 days. I'm eagerly awaiting and hoping that although Cinemax is no longer renewing its shows that HBO max which absorbed the properties renews this one as was promised and as many many fans are awaiting. I can't see why they wouldn't. Can't recommend Warrior enough to martial arts & historical piece (the sets and costumes are excellent and fit the late 1800's perfectly!) lovers! 9/10!
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I Lived this story. Very accurate!
20 May 2020
As a marine who was part of OIF/OEF & the invasion and crossed paths with and personally knew members of the Force Recon unit profiled, it's one of the most accurate wartime movies I've ever seen! Absolutely perfect to the smallest detail! That aside, the filmmaking was also phenomenal from the cinematography to the special effects. What you see here is exactly how it was and is in modern combat and in the USMC to the letter. Brought back a ton of memories. Great performances great everything! 10/10! A must see!
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Evil (2019–2024)
Upgraded rating!
17 January 2020
At first I thought this was just going to be another by the numbers drama on network tv but it's extremely well written and just keeps getting better with curveball after curveball. Excellent chemistry between the cast. Great plotlines that I think are gonna have a nice payoff. Very well written and executed! At first I gave it a seven after watching the first two episodes but like so many other great shows, it just keeps improving as it goes. I definitely hope CBS renews this and doesn't give up due to what might of been moderate ratings because of it's time slot. It'd be a shame to see this end with so much future! Fingers crossed!
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68 Whiskey (2020)
Veterans review
17 January 2020
Yea. As a veteran I gotta say the accuracy of this show is pretty crappy. The other reviews trashed it as well. Well deserved criticism to say the least. As far as a straight up dramedy its really so so. If it's on I might watch but otherwise it's written really badly. No chemistry. Horrible special effects. Bad writing. Seems to be going somewhere with a storyline about corruption but it looks weak and unoriginal. Yea. I'd avoid this one unless nothing else is on.
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