
5 Reviews
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When Harvey Met Bob (2010 TV Movie)
Great nostalgia
10 January 2011
Very enjoyable slice of TV history. Well acted throughout and a fascinating insight into the lead up to Live Aid. Domhnall Glesson as Bob Geldoff was spot on. I would only make a couple of negative comments - firstly more attention could have been paid to period detail (in quite a few scenes modern cars are clearly visible) though I guess this could be down to the budget. In addition the actor chosen to play Paul McCartney was a bit of an odd choice who struggled a bit with his scouse accent. Perhaps with a larger budget, more attention could have paid to the making of the Live Aid single which was a little glossed over. Apart from that great TV with a thumping 80s soundtrack.
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28 September 2006
Very disappointing - confusing plot, laughable dialogue and shoddy acting can't really say more. Try's to be too clever and at times is unintentionally funny. Looks good in terms of set design etc, put plays like a bad 1940s crime thriller. Another thing (and I am not an ardent anti smoker) all the leads chain smoke throughout which is also off putting - constant close ups of characters chuffing away - I know this is a period piece but this was too much!

What bothered me is that it lacks any serious action and lurches from one plot twist to another - many of which go nowhere. You end up thinking why, who and eventually I don't care. I knew from the 'Buster Keaton' style fight at the beginning I was in for a difficult couple of hours. Cr*p Dahlia to say the least.
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Crank (2006)
Bad but not bad ass,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
5 September 2006
I went to see this movie last night with high hopes, which were soon shattered and replaced by 90 mins of yawning and looking at my watch! Don't go along expecting to see Transporter 3 - this film has a serious lack of action (there is some gunplay) and virtually none of Stathams high kicking moves. There is lots of running and shouting. Much of it is bordering on ridiculous, though to be honest one or two scenes did raise a smile. Beware there is a ludicrous sex scene - totally unbelievable to the point of not even been funny. The film is not sure whether it want to be the new Lock Stock or another Transporter - it the end it fails and is a poor parody of them both. I presume the people on this message board whole call it the action film of 2006 must have been to see a different movie!!
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Miami Vice (2006)
Not bad....
9 August 2006
Let me say I had high hopes for this film being a big fan of the original TV series and whatever is said Colin Farrel had certainly been to the Don Johnson school of dress with the baggy linen suites etc - but he looked cool. It certainly had some flashes of the original series and was certainly dark in tone. Overall very enjoyable. It sagged it bit in the middle - especially the rather pointless "boat ride to havana" segment - once you have seen it you will know what I mean. Don't be expecting wall to wall action. There is some gunplay and when it comes it is very good. With Mann being so good at action set pieces I thought he would have made more of his skills. In its favour, despite other comments I have heard, the plot is easy to follow and the dialogue is very audible. Worth a view.
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Strangely Dated
20 December 2005
I read about this film on IMDb some months ago and was so keen to see it I imported the DVD from the US. I guess I could have saved my money. I love war films but found this strangely dated as though it had been filmed in the 50s. Firstly I read the book which was awesome, but the movie was at best average. The acting was stilted (which gave it the50s feel), some the scenes in the POW camp were cringworthy and almost homo-erotic. Bratt can't act and was wrong for the lead. The raid itself was okay - though with some very dodgy CGI blood effects - especially during the bridge attack. The even did the beginning on the cheap with a dreary voice-over and stock news reel footage - they did not even bother filming the march! I didn't feel for any of the characters and in the end didn't care.
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