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And I though "Ghouls Rule" was terrible.
30 September 2015
I've never seen such a lackluster written MH movie like this.

Does Deuce have to blindly listen to Nefera!? He's been dating Cleo for ages so shouldn't he know better? Seriously, hero-blindly-going-according-to-the-villain's-plan cliché.

Most of the singing voices sound too different from their original, especially Deuce/Cleo.

Must Toralei have to butt in into EVERY single movie (well, most)!?

If Nefera and Ramses were planning to invade the world, and Nefera even jeopardized Cleo's relationship with Deuce, shouldn't they be arrested/killed for their attempt at world domination!? Nefera spent too much time mocking Cleo (just looking at her Boo York appearance makes me depressed).

The animation is still as terrible as 4 years ago when MH started using computer animation.
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Monster High: Freaky Fusion (2014 TV Movie)
One of my favorite MH movies to date!
31 August 2015
So one half of the movie is about 4 hybrids who have a history of dropping out of school after school since they've been discriminated for being different. Think of it as mixed people; whose parents are of 2 different races. Just like how the hybrids are from 2 different species. They shouldn't have been pushed around for being "mixed". A couple doesn't have to be the same race to marry or have children. Love knows no limit.

The other half is about 8 of our characters being fused into 4. Long story short, teamwork is the only thing they needed to pull it together, to set aside their differences. As for Draculaura and Robecca, turns out it's not always a good thing when 2 people have the same thing in common. In this case both of them are always giving in, but to control their fused body, either of them has to be given in to.

Frankie keeps mentioning how MH is family, so it means sometimes we all have friends who stick with us through thick and thin. Such friends are as good as family, they don't have to be related by blood. And of course the hybrids are really lucky to end up in MH where all monsters are welcome.

The part where the MH students had to reminisce their best memories of Frankie to revive her also reminds us we need to be grateful to the people who positively impact our lives.

Overall excellent with so many life lessons in 70 minutes. Plus the animation seems to be improving.
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Sanjay and Craig (2013–2016)
Gross out humour aside,
31 August 2015
Why is everybody looking down on it just because of the excessive gross out humour? There's more to this show than fart jokes.

Speaking on behalf of a fellow user on Tumblr, this show has an Indian protagonist, but really unlike Indian stereotypes you see on other shows; Sanjay is your average preteen who has a pet he loves, and with a fetish for junk food and/or video games.

Second, there are episodes which zoom in on his relationship with Craig (e.g. Chill Bill, Cuddle Buddy). It's what some best friends go through too. They do face adversities that endanger their brotherhood but they always conquer it in the end. Even the episodes that don't focus on such an issue do have their moments (e.g. Too Tuff to Watch, Hot Sauce Boss, Street Dogg).

P.s. this show has not 1, not 2, but 3 creators - so appreciate the effort that goes into all 3 of them trying to agree on the same ideas.

On the minus side the animation is terrible and the art style even ripped of Regular Show.
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Did the devil make this movie!?
27 August 2015
Aside from the movie focusing taking too much time, and focusing most of it on the girls trying to escape Wonderland High, I have a few more things to complain:

Is there even an explanation why Bunny and Alistair got left behind while Raven was able to teleport the others? Why do they have to be left behind even though they're new to the series? Not to mention they only have like 4 minutes screen time which is insignificant compared to the whole 96 minutes of this movie! Their screen time in Spring Unsprung is like 10 of 47 minutes! This movie is called "Way Too WONDERLAND" for a reason. So it should be "Alice" who's the hero, not "Snow White", "Evil Queen" or "Sleeping Beauty"!

Speaking of which it's gravely disappointing to see Apple, Raven and Briar once again starring in an EAH movie, when I always expect a different minor character to star in each one (think Monster High movies). Instead, why are the main characters of the series overall still starring in the movies? In MH movies the main characters of the series pave the way for more screen time for new/underrated characters!

Courtly spent almost the whole movie attempting to invade Wonderland. Then Apple managed to stop Raven from going astray right before the latter could kill Courtly, allowing her to escape. Apple, you're too kind. You let such a heinous villain get away when she should be killed for her crimes. I really don't remember there were clowns in Wonderland.

Any why is the Evil Queen still alive!? How many more years must we wait until whichever movie she dies in arrives!? The EAH movies have too much continuation! I've even had sleepless nights just thinking what future movies will be like. Especially with Raven's SDCC 2015 doll, could this be how she looks like when the Queen brainwashes her or something? Once again, another grave disappointment in EAH which is otherwise in MH (every movie is a separate story on its own). Not to mention Raven's magic looks more SATANIC than before since she signed the Storybook of Legends, and does she now have to appear in every single webisode after WTW just to show how evil she's starting to become!?

The eyeshadow Raven has had since the episode "Just Sweet" which appears in this movie is just so hideous. Everyone else who wears their eyeshadow on the entire eyelids. Who the hell wears eyeshadow only along the eye socket!? And Courtly well just disturbing to see her abnormally big mouth. It's like she - literally - smiles from ear to ear! She and Faybelle are the only girls to have really sharp faces; what is it with villains, only those who are not truly evil have round faces?

Things I don't hate about WTW: Raven successfully undoing the curse on Wonderland. The Storybook of Legends dispersing so each student's page merges with them. Chase's debut, Darling revealing she's the White Knight, and their supposed relationship. Maddie/Kitty/Lizzie starring in this movie since they ARE from Wonderland (if only Alistair and Bunny could've starred with them). The improvement in the flash animation.
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Rabbids Invasion (2013–2019)
Really Ubisoft!?
27 August 2015
I was OK with the games that are Rayman spin-offs, but this!? I have no idea why people are so in love with a retarded alien race who make humans miserable (e.g. Rabbid Radar) and steal their property (e.g. that bathing suit episode)! Basically they're a stupider version of the Kraang.

To add to that they can only say 1 thing and they all look exactly alike it's confusing! I rather watch Minions since they still have differences and have their unique language!

Appreciate the effort put into animating this show though. And since what I'm saying is not enough for IMDb to submit my review, I just wanna say I started a petition on change.org to cancel this show! It's so stupid it makes Fanboy & ChumChum seem like a masterpiece!
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