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Hot Fuzz (2007)
Shoot 'em Up and Laugh it Out - Expect the Best of Both
12 April 2007
Too many comedies these days make me groan instead of laugh, and I have started thinking perhaps it is only that I am older. I know after seeing this film that is not the case. We have all seen many recycled ideas just go on and on. These guys give us time-tested ideas with a fresh perspective. Shaun of the Dead marked a new standard for comedy and Hot Fuzz continues the trend. Pegg and Frost (and Edgar Wright) are fans of their genres and make a point of pointing it out without winking at us all the way through, and many fan-filmmakers ought to take heed. I feel appropriately nudged along, not shoved into a "here we go again," because we do not go again. Sharp, witty dialogue and carefully placed plot devices sparkle, edged with spit-fire editing that assures the rapid pace we crave. There are also some very different twists that may not be too surprising, but the punches are definitely spot on whether you see them coming or not. It is not a satire per se, rather, there is plenty of satirical material sprinkled to accentuate the inherent absurdity of most action films. But there is some pleasure that can be derived from such absurdities, and the filmmakers give us this at face value. They love the "craft" of police bang 'em ups, and they honorably emulate them in a way I have never seen in the genre itself. In other words, I relate more with Police Sergeant Nicholas Angel and cannot "turn it off," but as he learns to, so do I. I am taken along so fluidly without even caring that nothing needs to make too much sense because I know there are times when it's better if it doesn't. I am not a fan of routine action movies, but if I enjoyed this film as much as I did, I can only imagine what this film will do for true "die-hards" like the filmmakers themselves. Some may feel a bit off for laughing at some of the terrors, but it's all part of the fun. Get outside your element, or revel in it, whichever it happens to be for you. There's something in the seemingly quiet burg of Sanford for everyone.
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Road trip film like you've never seen before
9 August 2006
Running gags that work, self-involved characters that work with each other, and a near-perfect blend of drama and comedy. All of these things make for a movie-going experience like no other. Say what you will about these characters: the parents are too lenient, the grandfather too raunchy, the kids left to their own devices are not developing as kids should. This is what American families are, folks. If this does not sound like your family, go to any diner in America and look for the first family unit you see. Sit close to them and listen to their conversation. Guaranteed you will hear something like the conversation the screen family has at the diner. People's concerns lie in strange places, and this film is doing nothing if not drawing them out and forcing us to look at them. Dysfunctional for a purpose.

True, if you look at it from a certain perpsective, the characters can be seen strictly as caricatures. However, even with this treatment, the filmmakers are not trying to disguise this fact like most films made in our country about Americans. We are all like Olive in some way, naive but somehow strong. We are like the uncle, sad but solid in his beliefs. We are like the father, struggling to hold onto the American dream, discovering the dream will turn out the way you imagine. Like the mother, not considering what can happen when we think we are doing the right thing by allowing others to make mistakes. Like the son, determined to do what he wants at any cost. Like grandpa, throwing all cares to the wind and just letting things come as they will. We know, see and have been these people. This is what it is to live in this country. Don't knock it until you admit you've tried it. Most importantly, through the whole journey, you will come to a conclusion about what you have seen before you that makes all this somehow okay, and in the end, the true American spirit shines through.

And you really will laugh so hard it will hurt!
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Intimate portrayal of exploitation with respect to all parties involved
9 August 2006
Some people seem confused as to whether they are supposed to take the film seriously or not. Perhaps such people are going into it thinking in terms of the standard mockumentary format, satirical in an obvious form of comedy. That is, taking an idea to the extreme version of itself to point out the irony on the subject matter. This concept is certainly taken to the extreme as any good satire, but it does not rely on humor to get this point across.

The approach used in this film is fresh and unique, exploring human exploitation without actually exploiting anyone. I was forced to look inside myself and find my own values and beliefs in this unconventional story and I commend the filmmakers for giving me the opportunity to do so. The messages are more subtle and require more participation than most satirical portrayals, so perhaps this is something people are not ready to do with this subject matter. If you think you might like a challenge, set yourself outside your comfort zone and see this movie. Decide for yourself, don't depend on the unfair opinions of those unprepared for the experience for what it is, not what they think it should be.
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Puppy (2005)
More Realistic than "Tie Me Up, Tie Me Down"
5 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This slow-paced film is an interesting take on a traditional kidnapping story, a girl who does not want to figure out the next step in her life so she tries to kill herself. Her rescuer? A man without his meds, seeing his estranged wife on the face of the stranger. Quickly catching on to his delusional state, the kidnap victim toys with her mentally unstable kidnapper to lessen the severity of her situation. It is clear from the start, however, that she is not wholly unhappy, perhaps due to the circumstances that brought her to this point. Her attempts to escape are almost token, as though she knows she should leave but cannot bring herself to. This take on an abductee falling for the abductor is different enough to recommend. Even if you dislike the film Tie Me Up, Tie Me Down like I do, you just may enjoy this variation on a theme.
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An Unexpected Gem
5 April 2006
I loved every minute of this film, and there are few movies I can say that about in recent years. With an overall tone similar to Eternal Sunshine/Being John Malkovich/Adaptation, this is a Charlie Kaufman inspired movie with wholly unique content. The characters are interesting and virtually instantly likable, particularly Eugene. It is easy to see Partick Fugit's quiet intensity as a clear choice for Zia, innocent but fallen. Tom waits is fun, and Miss Sossamon, though her Winona Rider persona can be uninspiring in other films, is interesting enough to make up for it in this one. Also, the Messiah could not be more perfectly cast. With the slew of films that perpetuate and exacerbate a false idea of romance, this is a love story I can fully get behind.
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Sparkling film for movie lovers!
14 March 2006
This film definitely exists in a world of its own. A hyper-reality, if you will. The characters always know what to say, resulting in a constant stream of witty banter that verges on annoying but never quite gets there. The big untouchable bosses have just two henchmen each, which unless I missed some big, poignant statement, that's just silly. Still, it was like an amusement park ride you knew was going to take a turn, you could see the turn up ahead, but what you cannot see is the drop, loops, and rises that come after that turn. I came along for the ride and enjoyed it thoroughly. I recommend this film to anyone who can pay close attention to a fast pace world and suspend disbelief.
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