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Please UNmake this movie & destroy all copies
27 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Once upon a time three great movies were made but unfortunately a fourth was made. The first time I watched Terminator Salvation I had great difficulty getting through it. Five years after I made the bad decision to buy this movie new on DVD, I watched it again. You can guess it is a cheap movie when the settings are mostly very dark and show little except destruction. Now I know that Christian Bale can act as I enjoyed his performances in Treasure Island and 3:10 To Yuma but I despise every Batman movie. It is my opinion that Christian Bale did NO acting in Terminator Salvation and I think there was very limited acting in Terminator Salvation. My favorite two performances in Terminator Salvation are by Moon Bloodgood as Blair Williams and Jadagrace as Star. I forced myself to watch the entire movie. Well, that will be the last time. I totally disagree with the way the plot is written. This movie makes John Connor look like some total failure of a person who couldn't lead a cockroach. Sam Worthington gives a bit better performance as Marcus Wright the executed man who comes back as a man-machine. But this performance is still fractured. That is a good word for this movie = fractured. Actually, when I compare Terminator Salvation to the first three Terminator movies, I am totally disgusted that such a mess was made = Terminator Salvation.
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Cujo (1983)
This is a Great movie with major messages not a bow wow
25 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The first time I watched Cujo, I expected just a horror show. Well, I think this movie is a lot more. I will admit that I think Dee Wallace is a Super Star. In Cujo Dee Wallace portrays the most powerful force in the universe = a mother protecting her offspring. She faces down the monster with only the thought to save her child. This part of the plot is powerful enough to carry a horror movie. Interwoven in the movie is another plot of a woman married and with a child who explores an extramarital relationship. And of course this "lover" turns out to be a scoundrel supreme. Christopher Stone gives an outstanding performance as the spurned lover. Dee Wallace makes this movie.
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Holiday Inn (1942)
A Movie To Not Watch
24 December 2017
I have watched Holiday Inn a couple of times. After the first viewing it was difficult to get through it due to the gagging and wanting to throw up. I see reviews knocking White Christmas (1954) as a bad copycat of Holiday Inn. Well, if White Christmas is a copycat, it shines so far above Holiday Inn that it is a CopyTiger, CopyLion, CopyLeopard. It is my opinion that while Fred Astaire can sing, he can not act his way into or out of a mud puddle. The chemistry between Bing Crosby and Danny Kaye in White Christmas is beyond the Best. I find absolutely no chemistry in Holiday Inn. I watch White Christmas several times every year as the movie brings me great Joy~!~!~!~!~!~! Rosemary Clooney and Vera-Ellen are fabulous icing on the cake in White Christmas. They enhance the chemistry between all of the characters magnificently. I have thought about writing this review for several years.
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Edmond (2005)
Totally disappointing
19 September 2017
I decided to give this movie a try because I am a tremendous fan of Julia Stiles. And William H. Macy can be entertaining. I think Julia Stiles was totally wasted in this movie. I do not have any idea why Julia Stiles agreed to be in Edmond unless maybe it was a "contract" issue. I found the movie to be disjointed. If the movie was supposed to be portraying a person degenerating into malevolence and one would like to see this I recommend Falling Down (1993) staring Michael Douglas and Robert Duvall. I think the movie, Edmond, would be better if the movie had not been made.
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Moulin Rouge! (2001)
Watching once was too much
19 September 2017
I can not believe that anyone or anything in Moulin Rouge! was nominated for an Academy Award much less won any. I have seen better acting, song and dance in a third grade play. I saw no talent in the entire movie. I think Nicole Kidman was wasted in this movie. Kidman has talent but I saw none in Moulin Rouge! unless it was Kidman's talent to not puke all though the movie. I think the attempts at singing by the cast are failures. To me it sounded more like screaming. A great musical is The Sound of Music (1965) as this movie displays real talent and enjoyable performances that include musical numbers, drama, romance and a great plot. Mary Poppins (1964) is another great musical. I consider Lady and the Tramp (1955) to be a much more accomplished movie and musical than Moulin Rouge! To get past the awful taste and mood that Moulin Rouge! left me with I will watch Cabaret (1972) or one of the other great musical movies I named. Finally I will say that I do not consider Moulin Rouge! to be any form of entertainment.
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Exercise in cussing
19 September 2017
The Wolf Of Wall Street was nominated for five Academy Awards~?~?~? Why~?~?~? If I want to hear the "F" word every five seconds, I can go to any schoolyard where the kids are trying to show off. I could not see any appreciable plot in this movie. I wasted my money buying the DVD of this movie. I wasted my time watching any part of The Wolf Of Wall Street and I watched the entire movie. Maybe Leonardo DiCaprio and Matthew McConaughey wanted to do a total stinker movie. Leonardo DiCaprio was paid $25 million for his role in this movie so maybe this compensated him for "starring" in a "movie" that is a total failure as any form of entertainment. If this were the first movie I had seen either Leonardo DiCaprio and Matthew McConaughey in, I would never watch any movie with either of them in it. Finally I ask were the writers paid based on how many obscene and profane words were used in the "script?"
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Point Blank (1967)
Not A Good Presentation Of The Novel
11 May 2017
Point Blank is a major disappointment. The movie is based on the book "The Hunter" written by Donald Edwin Westlake under the pseudonym Richard Stark.

I have watched the movie Point Blank several times over the years.

I have read virtually every novel (all sixteen novels) Richard Stark wrote in the Parker series. I have read most of these novels at least four times.

I think Donald Westlake should have been most unhappy with the script for this movie.

The main character in Point Blank, Walker, is a far cry from Parker in the novels. I am sure that Lee Marvin followed the script in the movie as Lee Marvin is a professional. I can not say the script writers were even close to professionals in my opinion.

Why do script writers have to change so much when writing a script for a movie based on a book~?

My enjoyment of Point Blank is greatly diminished by what in my opinion is the total failure of the script writers to function as competent professionals.

Overall I have to give the movie a 3. This is only because I am a big fan of Lee Marvin and Angie Dickinson. Otherwise I would give the movie a 0, zero rating.
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I Hate Subtitles
1 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Kevin Costner took a great script and a potentially great movie and created an unwatchable piece of junk. I refuse to read subtitles to watch any movie. I did watch this movie twice. I hated it more the second time I watched it than the first. All of the dialog needs to be in English. I do not speak any other language. I watch movies for entertainment. I will not watch movies to have to try to read a bunch of subtitles. I did enjoy some parts of the movie when there were No subtitles. I hope this movie is remade by someone who will not use subtitles. I like Costner in some of his other movies and I think some of the other movies with Costner are great. I will never watch Dances With Wolves again. Not ever.
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A Worst Movie
1 September 2015
The Four Feathers (2002) is one of the slowest, most uninteresting movies I have ever seen. After the tedious grueling experience of watching this movie I can understand why I have never heard of any of the actors and actresses in the movie. I almost gave up on watching the movie about half the way through but I decided to stick it out. I would have had better entertainment if I had put on a Little Rascals Spanky and Our Gang short. The supposed "action" scenes would serve as put to sleep bed time stories. I search my memory for anything good to say about this movie but I can not think of anything good to say about this movie. This movie will join my list of movies I have seen once and never want to see again.
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WORST movie
5 May 2015
This is one of the WORST movies I have ever seen as to the performance of the actors and actresses. I have been a fan of Ayn Rand and Atlas Shrugged for over fifty years. This movie is ONLY for fans of Ayn Rand and Atlas Shrugged. As movies go, it is my opinion it is a total failure.

There was not one scene or one performance by an actor or actress that was worth watching. I think Ayn Rand would totally disown this total failure of any form of entertainment. I found it painful to watch all parts of this movie. It would have been better if this movie had never been made. Unfortunately, far too many will form totally wrong opinions of the novel ATLAS SHRUGGED and Ayn Rand and her philosophy of Objectivism.

Atlas Shrugged: Part I (2011) and Atlas Shrugged II: The Strike (2012) are great. Maybe not as great as they could have been if well know stars could have been in the movies.

The Passion of Ayn Rand (1999) (TV Movie) is a terrific movie.
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Scarface (1983)
WORST Movie I have ever watched
15 April 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This was the WORST Movie I have ever watched in my life. I have seen thousands of movies in my sixty plus years. I watched Scarface for the first time today. What a bad joke. The performances by Al Pacino and Michelle Pfeiffer are some of the very worst performances I have ever seen in my entire life by an actor and actress. I actually give this movie a minus 500 on a scale of 1 to 10. I only kept watching this movie to see if it pick up or got better. The movie Scarface only got worse. If actual criminals were actually as stupid as Al Pacino came across portraying Tony Montana then there would be no crime. How could the character Elvira Hancock as played by Michelle Pfeiffer ever be considered to be sexy, desirable, attractive or a sex object? Maybe a dead opossum would be attracted to other dead meat. I feel I was betrayed by the average rating of 8.3 by 454,262. I realize that signs of intelligent life are getting harder to find but 8.3? I will never trust the average rating for any movie on IMDb again. I endured 170 minutes of frustration and total lack of entertainment. It is too bad that Tony Montana was not gunned down in the opening scene and the rest of the movie could have followed the seagulls who were more interesting. Matter of fact, the seagulls were a lot sexier than Michelle Pfeiffer. It will be difficult for me to ever try to watch any movie with either Al Pacino or Michelle Pfeiffer in it. Oh, Michelle Pfeiffer could have been gunned down in the opening scene but unfortunately she survived the entire movie. How sad.
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Disgrace to all soldiers in WW II
18 December 2014
D-Day the Sixth of June? My opinion, the title needs to be a sudsy soap opera. Maybe partying in London Fog? If one wants to see a great movie about WW II, see The Longest Day. My opinion, this movie, D-Day the Sixth of June, is a total ripoff. Many of the characters being portrayed are terrible representations of our soldiers performance in this war. My opinion, the kissing scenes seem to be something out of the Three Stooges. It appears the most often scenes are Dana Wynter carrying a tray with tea things. This must have taken a lot of rehearsing to get her performance to the point she did not drop the tray. Maybe one will like the movie if one likes dancing? My opinion, at the very start of the movie show all lead actors standing around being drunk and disorderly and then being hit by a buzz bomb. The movie ends one minute later showing their tombstones. So this would be like a three minute movie sort of like a three minute egg.
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The Passion of Ayn Rand (1999 TV Movie)
This is a Great movie
26 October 2014
I have watched this movie several times.

I read Ayn Rand's four major works the first time before I was 16 years old = "We the Living" 1936, "Anthem" 1938, "The Fountainhead" 1943 and "Atlas Shrugged" 1957. I have read these four books several times. Actually I have read "Atlas Shrugged" at least twelve times. I wrote a term paper in my second semester at the university entitled "The Abstract Themes In Ayn Rand's Novels." A research paper presented in partial fulfillment of requirements in English Composition 113 submitted November 14, 1966. My grade was an "A." Yes, I earned a bachelor of science in business at the third largest accredited university in Oklahoma.

It is my opinion that Ayn Rand was a genius in Leonardo da Vinci and Albert Einstein's class. Ayn Rand was a philosopher. Her works listed above state her philosophy. I think her philosophy of "Objectivism" is the best philosophy and incorporates the principles of Socrates, Plato and Aristotle. I do disagree with Ayn Rand's position as an atheist. I think her position as an atheist was influenced too much by the acts, actions and works of "men" in their creation of religion. My faith in GOD and his SON Jesus is total.

I think the movie "The Passion of Ayn Rand" is well done and reflects the powerful emotions involved between the four individuals = Ayn Rand, Frank O'Connor, Nathaniel Branden and Barbara Branden.

I am 41 years younger than Ayn Rand. I would have loved to have been in her life as her lover and intellectual compatriot.

I can relate directly to Ayn Rand. In many ways she and I are a lot alike. From 1993 through 2010 the four significant Ladies in my life are each and every one 24 years younger than me.

For me in my life I blend the philosophies of "Atlas Shrugged," 1957 by Ayn Rand and "Stranger in a Strange Land," 1961 by Robert A. Heinlein. Heinlein has stated that his book "Stranger in a Strange Land" is entirely a work of fiction.

To those who revel in attacking Ayn Rand I can say only "Look into your own life and spirit to see if you can find any fulfillment." I find fulfillment when I look into my own life and spirit. I believe that Ayn Rand found fulfillment in her life and spirit.

I recommend the movie "The Passion of Ayn Rand."

I have watched the first two "Atlas Shrugged" movies several times. I think they are well done. I will see the third "Atlas Shrugged" movie when I can buy it on DVD. I do not go to movie theaters or use any movie services.
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