
30 Reviews
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Back to Black (2024)
Well, I Liked The Film At Least !
22 April 2024
I purposely did not read any critical reviews of this film before going to see it. I knew very little of Amy Winehouse. I know Camden Town very well as I used to shop there most days when I was living nearby in the 1990's, so I recognised the locations, and the weather!

After watching the film and then reading the reviews I feel the general slating of the movie is unwarranted. A bandwagon of discontent has been unleashed and all are jumping onboard.

Remember, this is a film and suspension of disbelief is an option if you prefer?

The life and loves of Amy Winehouse were tragic. You cannot immortalise this tale in any other way. During the film there is no respite of the malaise that unfolds. The film pulls at emotions. The final, tragic event of Amy's life was skimmed over with a blank screen and just a few written lines. I feel that the final situations of Amy's life would have been better delivered in full, to give composition and impact to "hit home." Jack O'Connell was an excellent supporting actor. I will see the film again.
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Monkey Man (2024)
13 April 2024
I thoroughly enjoyed watching this film. I liked the storyline, the characters, the human failings and triumphs. From start to finish I was engaged on a roller coaster of proportionate violence, intrigue and satisfaction. The ambience of the film is dark, but the personalities illuminate the screen. Part way through I did recognise Dev Patel from his debut in 'Slumdog Millionaire' and so I saw the butterfly emerge full force in 'Monkey Man'. I especially enjoyed the traditional army of transgender out slaying opponents in battle; very Spartacus. My favourite character was Queenie Kapoor, she had me laughing.
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A Damn Good Film
3 April 2024
For the first time, I went to a big cinema screen to see OHMSS. No distractions, we watched the film how it was made to be seen and it's a different kettle of fish indeed. Having previously watched the insightful documentary, 'Becoming Bond' with George Lazenby, I observed the brilliant Bond formula unfold its magic with expert direction by Peter Hunt who cleverly transformed a former commercial model into an A list actor. Diana Rigg is a powerful supporting actress and the love interest between the two principal characters is the most convincing out of any Bond film. The action sequences are still some of the best of the series, and there is an element of Hitchcock about the Gumbold Safe scene. Sean Connery was a hard act to follow, but there is no doubt in my mind OHMSS stands high in my regard. The closing scene of the film is most remarkable, and shocking. The audience was completely silent as the full emotion hit hard. This is against the Bond formula, and was quite unsettling. For this reason, I consider many audiences left the cinema in 1969, when the film was first released in a state of disquiet, which may have influenced the initial commercial impact of the film. To my mind, OHMSS is one of my favourite Bond films, and I can only wish that Lazenby had played Bond in 'Diamonds are Forever.'
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Queer Planet (2024 TV Special)
A Must View For All To Watch
28 December 2023
This documentary has made me very, very angry. For years as a gay man I have had society treat me with both hostility and irreverence. This abnormal response by the "normal" is the misconception that homosexuality or similar is non productive, which has been emphasised by our religions, which founded the basis of Common Law. In this documentary, matters of scientific fact completely dispel our human illogical, irrational and paranoid perceptions regarding sexuality. This documentary proves that same sex couples adopt orphans and raise them as their own and so much more. What makes my blood boil is that for tens of years, television documentary makers have filmed in the wild and have misrepresented the animal kingdom to us all. Who's playing God! Well done to all for this documentary. More power to your elbow.
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Food For Thought
21 December 2023
Somehow I missed the release of this production until I was sat in an aircraft and it appeared in the inflight entertainment. I read the synopsis and a frown creased my forehead. May be this is why I had let the film pass following its UK release? My foreboding? From the outset the film does not purport to be anything, but a "chocolate box" gay love story with contemporary placements. I loved it. The film is both trivial, and compelling at the same time. The casting was ace as both lead actors were uniquely believable in their roles, which is also testament to the good directing. I would have liked to have seen more of the British Prime Minister! The sets and locations oozed money well spent. The romantic scenes were splendid, and we only saw what we needed to see. I should point out that as a middle aged gay man, I grew up watching gay films from an early age that were emotional torture and so negative. Here is a lighthearted film fit for the family to watch at Easter or Christmas. A hearty congratulations from me.
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Saltburn (2023)
A film abounding with expertise
9 December 2023
By chance, a free afternoon and so I went to see 'Saltburn' only having seen the trailer. How pleased I was! So much work has gone into this production that it's hard to point at the best elements. If I had to pick it would be the scriptwriting accompanied with the punchy editing that had me laughing out loud. The acting is bang on. Jacob Elordi's portrayal of an aristocratic university student was so real that I'm amazed to read he is Australian. Rosamund Pike's character was amusing, but Rosamund didn't quite cut the age of a matriarch. The locations were blinding. The lighting all throughout was well crafted. I enjoyed the the storyline and the shocking quirkiness of the personalities especially the principal character.
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Gran Turismo (2023)
A Heart Lifting Tale Of An Underdog
19 August 2023
Firstly I do not watch F1 motor racing or similar. Secondly I do not play computer games. However, I watched the trailer for 'Gran Turismo', and I was persuaded. From the outset, the film's narrative grips as the ordinary downbeat underdog is given an opportunity to satisfy his clear, single minded desire to become a star driver. The writing folds the elements succinctly into place as recognisable types of characters move throughout like pieces on a chessboard. Orlando Bloom is outstanding. David Harbour plays a traumatised individual well. Darren Barnett is excellent as a competitive upstart. Josha Stradowski was eminently dislikable as the nemesis. I did not warm to Archie Madekwe, but he was utterly convincing all the way through to the triumphant end. I knew nothing about car racing, but now I've been inspired to research more on this sport that previously would have me switch off.
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My Policeman (2022)
Enduring Love
28 December 2022
The power of any production is in the writing. The performances, direction, production techniques are beholden to what has been written. Recently I watched the film, 'Don't Worry Darling' with Harry Styles. I was not smitten with either. I wrote to a friend; 'I just don't "get" Harry Styles.' The world, however, is infatuated with the gifted British entertainer. In 'My Policeman' Styles outshines brilliantly and there's clearly no doubting Style's talent, or the director's gift in polishing up this diamond. Despite being mostly a period drama with present time mixed in, the themes and attitudes in 'My Policeman' prevailed well into the 1990's and possibly beyond. 'My Policeman' is an eyeglass into lifestyles that many of us had to lead. This is where the casting of Styles is key as the character has ostensibly grown up with a straight identity and understanding only to discover a latent same sex liking through a positive encounter with a recognisable bachelor type. Initially I did not think the physical intimate same sex scenes were necessary. I thought it "too much", however, as the film developed the intimate scenes made complete sense. The good locations, hair, make up, costumes and lighting all helped to carry the film's tale of human torture and emotion to its only conclusion.
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Ironic, Insightful, Plausible & Hilarious
30 October 2022
Not since 'The Devil Wears Prada' have I laughed out loud so much watching a film in the cinema! As a former model, I adored the the initial scene as it was SPOT ON. As the film developed I couldn't stop laughing. The casting was exemplary as each actor appeared, sounded and moved without fault. The writing and character development was supremely acted, which is a compliment to the directing and editing too. The storyline is a trip and held my concentration for all the time. The ending was right and I would like there to be a sequel. The film was wonderful 'therapy' for me. Thanks for the laughs.
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Emily (2022)
I Want To See The Film 'Emily' Again
17 October 2022
I have never read or seen the film Wuthering Heights, and I know little of the Bronte sisters. I have not even watched the hugely popular television productions. Therefore, I was lucky. Firstly, if you have loved, are in-love or have ever had a secret love (as I once had) this film will grip you. The casting and acting is supreme. A lot of time and effort has gone into the performances and the characters are electric. The locations were sound and dressed well, apart from electric street lights. The direction was exemplary; I enjoyed the characters' cuffuddle with their clothes as passions hit a crescendo. A line that had me laughing out loud in the cinema was Emily narrating that her French (vocabulary) was improving. The story is both mischievous and endearing from beginning to end. I will now research the previous Bronte related productions to view. Top marks for all involved. I adored 'Emily'
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A Resource For Sportsmen And Management
9 October 2022
So much of this documentary series resonated with me. The theme and events are intensely intimate and I found it slightly unsettling that cameras were present in what should be private moments. However, a lot is revealed in what appears on screen to be genuine words, initial responses and body language to benefit anyone wishing to 'come out' especially for sports persons at all levels in their field in our backward society (remember Sparta?). I have read the negative comments for this series, but I feel the six episodes will be a positive resource for so many. Highlights for me was Colton's brother, Conner. He had everything sussed and without fanfare. So interesting that Colton's mother is heard to say that Colton's father is a gay magnet. Colton's father asking his son the overriding question on why did he film The Bachelorette? I can understand the desire to maintain a straight appearance and what better way than The Bachelorette? And we should consider Colton himself, as he stands out as gorgeous in his environment (not to be misunderstood as effeminate) and aren't such people more likely to be gay? I ask myself, why ever didn't they not suspect? Most disappointing for me was the first coming-out party. The reality of the gay community is that most gays do not frequent the gay scene. The coming out party was an alien environment and, I suggest completely irrelevant for a former professional sportsman and man of faith to be subjected to. Colton was clearly uncomfortable. It was telling that Colton's body language at the church with gay Christians was jubilant, with a sense of relief and fitting in. I am heartened to read that following the broadcast Colton has found a long term partner and that they are engaged to be married. They do appear well suited and I wish them every success in the years ahead. This series is significant. It will help many.
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The Invitation (II) (2022)
Wholly Enjoyable
2 September 2022
Ignore the bland poster! This film kicks a punch of scary fun and is engaging on all levels. Firstly Nathalie Emmanuel is commanding throughout. I never tired of watching her. Thomas Doherty is absolute dynamite and delicious. In some scenes Thomas' 60's hair styling was reminiscent of Sean Connery. Very clever camera work for that. Thomas' role looked like a lot of fun to play. Sean Pertwee is sensational and why don't we see more of him on the big screen? He photographs so well and his father would have been so proud of his performance in this film. The storyline is easy to comprehend even for people like me who are not so keen on 'fantasy' type films. The locations and sets are alluring. There was a great attention to the minutest of details. I loved it.
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Thoroughly Enjoyable
30 August 2022
I really enjoyed this film on account of the fine acting, exquisite styling, direction and impeccable locations, lighting etc. The camera work was spot on and enhanced the performances. The pace of the film is just right. Sope Dirisu makes a very convincing performance. Theo James as a cad works well. The writing is somewhat predictable in parts, however, it's fun indeed. At times the film made me laugh. I heartily recommend seeing this film in the cinema to absorb the costumes and locations, which would get easily lost on a smaller screen. This film is suitable for the whole family to watch and may be this is a possible reason for the current mid score on IMDb?
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A Feel-good Movie
31 July 2022
I loved this sequel. I liked the storyline. The locations, styling, lighting etc., is excellent and the acting is good. I'm not so sure that the children would have been quite so cheeky in the day, however, it all works well and I enjoyed the the conclusion.
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Such Good Fun
31 July 2022
I bought a 3D DVD copy of this film on eBay not knowing anything about the production. It's amasing and well worth a watch. The production extras features on the DVD are a good insight into a well produced piece of cinematic animation. Five Stars.
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Elvis (2022)
See This Film
28 July 2022
An absolutely stunning film. Compulsive viewing from scene to scene. The perfect styling carries the actors convincingly through the years. The performances are outstanding and make this a must see film.
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You'll Need The Whole Afternoon/Evening
13 July 2022
Much, much too long! I wanted a bit of grip and torture, but this film went on and on and on and on and became torture in its own right. The storyline extensions were unnecessary. The points were made. The dinosaurs were not as threatening as in the earlier movies as they now live side by side with other species.
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The Wound (2017)
8 May 2022
Firstly the film was an education for me as I hadn't appreciated the ritual of male circumcision in African culture. Secondly the film has a good tale with a plausible, if a somewhat uncomfortable ending. The photography is excellent along with the styling. I can't quite believe all the actors and extras were organised considering the script. That's a triumph. The direction and edit to "suggest" in many scenes and not to be photographically explicit is well skilled and opens up the film to a broader audience.
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An Insight Into Mania
24 April 2022
I bought into the Abercrombie 'dream' and I was impressed with the company's quarterly publications etc. I completely missed the class action and this excellent production has enlightened me. So much so that I have stopped following Bruce Weber's Instagram profile. Yuk!
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The War Below (2021)
I Never Would Have Known
2 February 2022
This film deserves more than the current rating. This whole production is outstanding and I never would have known this heroic tale had it not been for this film. I can only think that for some, the pace may have been slow. But for me all the acting, scriptwriting, sets, lighting was bang on pardon the pun.
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Hard Sun (2018)
Off The Wall
11 January 2022
It would appear that a lot of money was spent on this production, however, the writing is haphazard and the various storylines are jostling for positions that unsettle. I found no key character to either like or warm to; the male lead was carbon copy of Peter Sutcliffe and the female lead, although played very well, was abrasive. The photography was excellent. The locations were stunning, well lit. Interior spaces were used with good perspectives.
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Firebird (I) (2021)
An Outstanding Production
3 January 2022
All the elements of this production combine to produce a sensitive tale that is well written, well acted, well directed, well lit and well cast. The locations and styling are convincing. My only critique is that the first occasion the lead characters were able to fall asleep together for the night would have been a monumental moment for them both and this should have been amplified. There was a time that I had to stop watching the film as I became so anxious, it felt so real. I have lived this scenario in the 80's, but unlike Roman gladly I'm still alive.
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Spencer (2021)
19 December 2021
The only redeeming feature of this production is Kristen Stewart's portrayal as she has clearly worked enormously hard and this is the only commendable element. Visually this film was shot with just one market in mind, the North American. The exterior and interior locations are preposterous. Instead of a similarity they are startlingly unreal. The film's focus on just one weekend in a life that offered so much for the writers' to consider is a failing.
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6 December 2021
The pace and content of this film took me to the last reel without any longing for the film to finish as so many have complained that's the film is too long. By far the most defining piece of this production was the direction. Fresh, sharp and at times like watching real life. Well worth waiting for.
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The Game (2014–2015)
A Good Production
17 October 2021
A good production with an excellent soundtrack, which is evocative of the era and past compositions for similar espionage epics. I particularly liked the amusing middle class values of some of the characters.
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