
56 Reviews
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Atlas (2024)
Average flick; not as bad as many critics say
2 June 2024
It's not nearly as bad as the critics say. J'Lo really wasn't bad for the role. Her character was a nerdy analyst, not a Michelle Rodriguez type of action hero. I thought the dialogue/monologue between her and Smith (the AI) was kind of charming at times

I do feel the movie becomes too video game-ish, the runtime was about 20 mins too long, the villain didn't seem as scary as he should've, and i didn't like how they recycled that one black gentleman as the henchman. They missed big chances to show some gorgeous visuals of an alien planet in other galaxy.

But overall, the film isn't a terrible watch.
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Sting (2024)
Disappointing: too much family drama scenes
14 May 2024
I saw this movie had a good score, particularly for a horror. I thought the opening scenes were alright. The movie's visual style kinda reminded me of "Willard"

But the movie fails to execute. Instead of a creepy or thrilling horror about monstrous spiders - we go on and on with the family drama. We get scenes with a dementia-striken mother, arguments between a stepfather and stepdaughter, arguments between a husband and wife, and discussions about the family's income (mostly tied to the patriarch's odd line of work as a comic-book illustrator). They should've scrapped these scenes and went more with the spiders.
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Suspenseful and entertaining
11 May 2024
I liked it ... The acting is good, the dialogue is well-written, the cinematography and visuals are nice (really old-school/retro). The film feels like 1990s Tarantino at times. The movie held my interest from start to finish. You really feel like you don't know what's going to happen throughout the film

I would say, in terms of criticism, that the main character's actions at the end are head scratching. I don't want to give spoilers, but he basically makes some dumbbell, head scratching decisions

Also - it's good to see Wendell from the 1990s series Parenthood in the movie (the fat black guy)
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Abigail (2024)
Not excellent, but not awful either
7 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The movie isn't a hard watch, and there are some fun moments. The way the movie jumps from crime to horror was a little like From Dusk till Dawn

Some parts though were bad. I think they overdid it with the comedy, or they misplaced jokes at certain spots, particularly with the dumb French muscle guy. The scenes with the little girl doing ballerina, especially during a certain puppet scene, didn't look good. The part where Melissa Barrera is getting beat up by Frank and then says, "you want to play, let's play" while she throws up her fists was more eye rolling than badass

there was some predictability. You can sense, from the very start, that Melissa Barrera and Frank would be the final two.

At the end, they actually try to make Abigail appear good, but how are we supposed to forget that she massacred so many people (remember the pool scene with bodies piled up). After all that horror, we nonchalantly end with Melissa Barrera's casually having a lollipop and driving away calmly

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Had potential, but the characters got annoying
5 May 2024
The movie starts off with potential. The 2 protagonists are down on their luck, forced to sleep in their car because they're running out of money and have been served eviction notices. The protagonists come off as likable and sympathetic at first, during their banter in the car. And the setting and premise seems right for a horror. In the opening 25 mins or so, I was fully expecting a good horror

But the movie fails to deliver . We keep getting these annoying and repetitive chick-flick flashback scenes where the couple argues about stuff, such as the male protagonist's writing. They pull an eye-rolling twist at the end. The villains look like Darth Maul for some reason

Skip it.
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Smart Cookies (2012 TV Movie)
Not all bad
21 April 2024
It's a made-for-TV movie, so there are the usual issues. The plot is very predictable. The synopsis is that a flawed working-woman who isn't good with kids ends up taking charge of a girls scout. Tell me if you haven't seen a similar plot before? ... I think anyone familiar with movies can predict what sort of character arc and conclusion the movie would have (the kids will change her, right?). Since it's so family-friendly, some of the dialogue and scenes come off as sappy

But nonetheless, the movie isn't a hard watch. The acting is good, the kids are adorable, and there are some decent laughs (the scenes with the big-shot guy named Troy are good). It's not all bad.
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Decent, though flawed
13 April 2024
I found this movie on Tubi. Compared to many of the movies that they have, this one is good. The plot is simple, but there are some thrilling moments. The movie does a good job with the gore. The main actress was OK

Some scenes, though, require suspension of belief. The main character gets injured several times, yet just a few minutes later, the movie basically ignores those injuries as if it never happened, making her appear 100% healthy. We also get eye-rolling scenes where a small woman handles some 200 pound grown men

But the main issue with the film, is repetitiveness. The hunting / chasing scenes make up the bulk of the film, as you'd expect. But after a while, it really felt like we going over the same ground repeatedly.
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Lowlifes (2024)
The twist ruined it
12 April 2024
I think the movie starts off well. It's an ordinary family on a road-trip, and they get accosted by these weird and rude rural folks. You would assume the movie would basically be a horror where the family is terrorized by creepy rural folks. The atmosphere, setting, and vibe felt right to go this route

Instead, they do a twist early on (no spoilers, I won't say what the twist is), and from there, the movie loses so much. Instead of a horror, the movie becomes more of a dark comedy. And once they reach the house, the characters just keep talking on and on, dragging out the main event of the plot.
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7 April 2024
This movie is listed as a thriller, and the synopsis makes the movie sound like the sort of action movie that Liam Neeson keeps making nowadays. But the movie is actually a slow drama about dementia. The movie is wel-acted. There's some heavyweight star power in the cast, with 2 Oscar winners as well as an Oscar nominee in Keaton. But at numerous occasions, I got frustrated with the movie's slow pacing, and some scenes either dragged-on or felt a bit repetitive. Even with a twist near the end, the overall conclusion of the movie is predictable. Some characters, like Knox's ex-wife and his mistress, could have been more developed. It's an average movie, neither bad nor excellent.
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The Iron Claw (2023)
I loved it
18 March 2024
I enjoyed this movie. I'm a big wrestling fan. I've read a bunch of wrestling bios that detailed the old NWA territory system (e.g. Terry Funk and Stan Hansen's books). So I quite enjoyed seeing WCCW, the Sportarium, the NWA title, and the Von Erichs' on the big screen. The wrestling scenes in this movie, which occur in a dimly lit standing-area room, felt authentic and were well-done. And I think wrestling fans can appreciate that, despite the tragic story of the Von Erichs, the movie doesn't cast the wrestling profession itself as villainous. The acting was great all-around, and the setting really looked 1980s

The movie didn't get any Oscars. How they could nominate "Barbie" for Best Picture but not "The Iron Claw" is baffling. Efron should have got a Best Actor nomination.
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The Seeding (2023)
Too bleak and disgusting
2 March 2024
There are far too many scenes that make you go "eww" (eg graphic close-up scenes of rotting food, and visuals of an exposed male genitalia urinating on a character). The last section has too many disturbing scenes, venturing in the area of torture pornography. We never really get why the villains or the woman are the way they are. And the ending is simply too bleak and downcast.

The movie does have some upsides. The desert scenery is beautiful, and at times, the movie manages to create some tense horror and compelling mystery. But at the end, I wish I had just turned this movie off. And I know for sure that this a movie I will never want to rewatch for the rest of my life.
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Deliver Us (2023)
Good concept, missed execution
8 October 2023
I'll keep this review brief. The movie has some gorgeous cinematography; the acting is all right (I really like the protagonist, the male priest); and the concept involving immaculate conception + AntiChrist/Messiah twins is compelling. I also feel the movie's opening act, where the protagonist first goes to see the woman who gives the immaculate birth, was well done: there were some really creepy and suspenseful scenes in the first portion

But the movie quickly loses steam midway. Here, the movie starts dipping into all kinds of visions, dreams, romance-triangles, and premonitions etc. All of these scenes were just more annoying than interesting. And all the horror and creepiness that we saw in the opening act vanishes midway.

Good concept, but a missed execution.
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Sanctified (2022)
It's alright
29 September 2023
Not a bad movie, overall: the scenery is nice, the costumes look authentic and western, the acting and dialogue are done well, and the protagonists are likable, particularly the nun. The movie also has some intense scenes without getting gory. For those reasons alone, this movie can be worth it, especially if you're a big fan of Western movies.

The plot keeps this movie from reaching the next level from decent to excellent though. The movie is predictable, with a basic underlying premise of a hardened cowboy who expectedly softens up because of a kind-hearted nun. Some scenes feel so awkward and random, such as this one instance where a Native American guy interrupts their bonfire. And I don't quite grasp the relationship between the main protagonist Westin and the villain. Infact, about 75% through the film, we see a female villain all of a sudden

Decent movie. But not great.
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The Dive (2023)
I love these sort of movies, but this one was flat
25 August 2023
I love these sort of trapped / survival movies, like Frozen and Open Water. But I found this movie to be flat. The setting didn't convey enough terror. The hallucination scenes were more annoying and confusing than interesting. I didn't quite get the backstory between the sisters.

Most of all, the main draw of these sort of movies involves creative thinking about what the characters could do. For instance, the viewer can have a lot of fun speculating about, "what if the protagonist does this or tries that to escape etc." Movies like Frozen and Open Water have that effect on viewer. This movie doesn't. More scenes should have focused on the characters' trying to get creative and find ways to stay alive.
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OK film; carried by the two leads
30 July 2023
The movie has many issues: the first is its predictability; if you're familiar with horror movies in general, then you can likely predict what happens next. The movie isn't scary. The relationship between Debbie and Arne needed more time, especially since they rely on they attempt to lean on their relationship all of a sudden at the end. And lastly - the movie tries to make Arne seem sympathetic in the postscript, as if the real Arne Johnson was really possessed and therefore innocent (in truth, he was a criminal convicted of manslaughter)

But nonetheless - the movie is a fun B-level film. By far, the biggest asset is the performance of the two leads, Vera Farmiga and Patrick Wilson. They were charming, likable, charismatic. I truly believe that they carry this otherwise flawed film.
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Not an awful 90 minutes
25 July 2023
The movie isn't perfect. The most obvious issue is that it strains credibility when a tiny 105 pound woman (regardless of her military background) overpowers a 200 pound man. And MANY parts of the film are underdeveloped: the villains motivations and background, which involves some stuff about a meth lab, is hard to follow. The movie hints at something involving the heroine and alcoholism, but there is no clear explanation. The movie's two main characters are the heroine and her sister, yet I actually didn't even realize that there was a third sister until far later (the film did a poor job introducing this third sister; they did the whole bachelorette party for her in fact). The whole epilogue basically had me scratching my head

But even with all of those many issues. The movie isn't bad. There is a lot of suspense, the heroine is likable, the setting works, and the movie overall held my interest. By far, the most fun parts of the movie involve the heroine's playing quarterback and trying to lead the rest of the ladies to survival

It's not a bad 90 minutes.
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Finale (I) (2018)
It's OK
24 July 2023
The lead actresses were good, especially Agnes. Some of the scenes are intense (although overall, I wouldn't say the movie is scary though; it's more of a suspense or thriller than a horror) It's very gory, almost on par with Hostel at times. The main villain, who is on the poster, is pretty intimidating, and he looks a little like a frontman for a heavy metal band

There are some issues with the movie though. I didn't like the random time jumps in the first 60% of the film. And the third act is a let down. The movie also aims for some kind of commentary on society's fascination with violence, which it telegraphs with pictures of the Roman Coliseum: I didn't think this message really got through.
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Kate (I) (2021)
Some OK action scenes, but miscast lead and overall corny plot
23 July 2023
The movie's biggest strength is the action. The scenes are intense and well-done, and Woody Harrelson's performance, though limited, is excellent

The movie has two big issues. The first, and biggest, is that the lead actress Mary Elizabeth Winstead is totally miscast. She's supposed to be this ultra-tough, cool, hardened assassin; yet her appearance and demeanor was more like some nondescript second grade school teacher. They needed an actress more like Michelle Rodriguez, Mila Jolovich, Charlize Theron, or Lucy Lawless. Mary Elizabeth Winstead was just not credible at all in this role.

The other issue is that the movie borrows so much from other action / assassin movies ... There's the race-against-the-clock revenge story. The protagonist has a father-figure who raised her as a child and taught her how to be an assassin. The protagonist takes an unhumanly amount of punishment and gets covered in blood as the movie progresses. The protagonist meets a little child early-on and bonds with her throughout the film. And of course, there are many of the standard action-movie scenes where the protagonist displays superhuman ability to kill large crowds of well-armed, intimidating henchmen who are double or triple her size.

The movie takes place in Japan, which is fine. But I didn't like the rampant techno music that often came on at various points.
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The Cemetery (2013)
A great horror movie concept, ruined by attempt at dark comedy
12 July 2023
When I first turned this movie on, I thought it looked promising. The backstory, involving a haunted gravesite in the woods, as well as the imagery of the possessed people was so creepy. I also found both of the female leads, Andrea and Sarah, to be quite attractive

But for some reason, the filmmakers decided to go in the direction of a comedy-horror: there are so many crass jokes, over-the-top scenes, and unlikable characters. None of the comedy elements worked, and the horror concept basically fell by the wayside.

I don't know why they didn't just make a regular serious horror movie; it had so much potential.
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Chained (I) (2012)
A little too creepy and depressing for its own good
28 May 2023
The movie started off excellently, very intense and creepy. The concept of abducting someone as a child and trying to raise him to be a serial killer is intriguing. Vincent Onofrio gave a chilling performance. His character totally disgusted me

But the movie really dragged in the middle portions, where Onofrio kills random victims and interacts with Rabbit in their home. I just had a feeling like, "Ok, let's move this plot along now"

I also did not like the twist at the end, which was so far fetched and Hollywood-ish.

Another issue is that, while Onofrio did his job by acting creepy, I feel that his creepyness at times got to uncomfortable. The setting was also so depressing (intentionally). I was tempted to turn the movie off because of my disgust, and I know for sure that I will never want to rewatch this movie ever again.
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Influencer (II) (2022)
Slow plot, lack of any likable characters
28 May 2023
I think the lead actress, the girl with the birthmark on her face, is sexy. But the plot moves slowly, and the audience doesn't have a character to get behind.

The movie does begin to show a little potential nearer the end, when Madison's boyfriend plays detective (I don't want to give spoilers and say anything more). But this plot ends in a way that isn't satisfying. I also feel that the boyfriend's acting skills were weak, his personality was unlikable, and his appearance was too Kevin Federline-ish. Instead of Madison's boyfriend, maybe the second half of the movie should've been a straight mystery film, focused on a heroic police detective protagonist trying to find out what happened to Madison?

There were also some unanswered questions: why did CW (the girl with the birthmark) turn out this way? How many other influencers did she harm? How did she get away with it?
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I'm Haunted (2022)
Pretty good
3 December 2022
I saw this movie on Tubi, which offers a lot of low-budget found footage films. A lot of Tubi's movies are horrible; I often find myself turning off a Tubi movie within the first 30-45 minutes. This movie, however, kept me interested for the full duration.

I admit that the plot isn't so creative, focusing on a demonic / ghostly haunting; and the scares don't offer much that we haven't seen before in other low/budget found footage horror films (eg doors opening and closing by themselves). What gives this movie its value is the lead actress's performance, as she literally carries the film on her back with her charm, acting, and well-delivered monologues.

The movie does have other major flaws though - firstly: the protagonist records everything, so she has video proof of everything that has been happening to her. Why, then, doesn't she reach out to more people for help? Secondly: around midway (or a little past midway), the film briefly starts focusing on her friend Blythe, which didn't work as well. Thirdly: we could have gotten more insight about the demon / ghost's background and powers, especially to help explain the ending as well as the fate of one of her coworkers.

More accurately, I would've given this movie a 5.5 / 10. But since I can't give decimals, I will give a 6/10 score. It's one of the better films on Tubi.
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After Chernobyl (I) (2021)
Can someone tell them to shut up???
4 August 2022
The movie had some positives: I like the setting (ie the abandoned Chernobyl city), a few of the scenes are creepy, and the movie is shot in a grainy manner that works well.

The biggest problem, by far, is that characters are not likable. On the contrary, the characters get so annoying because they just keep arguing and bickering with each non stop. By the time I reached the 40-minute mark, I was ready to turn this movie off because the characters were getting under my skin.
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VooDoo (2017)
Tries too hard and ultimately over-does it
13 March 2022
The movie begins slowly, with basically little happening in the first 45 minutes except some partying and friendly bantering. Around the 45-minute mark, however, the movie begins the horror, and here, the movie suffers from various flaws .... firstly, the costumes / designs are weak; secondly, the entire second half essentially becomes a long torture session, which starts to drag on (the lead actress just keeps screaming and screaming to the point of annoyance); thirdly, the movie just seems to pile on whatever random gore / disturbing scenes they can think of

I would avoid this movie.
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A decent watch only if you're a big fan
24 February 2022
This movie is forgotten nowadays, but I managed to see it in 2022.

The movie is short on plot: nothing much really happens in terms of events except for the rock n' roll show that occurs at the very end. I also feel that some of the small-talk dialogue drags on a bit, and I had a trouble keeping track of who's who. The movie overall relies on heavily on nostalgia, especially with the non-stop background music (very reminiscent of "American Graffiti" in that respect).

The biggest issue, I feel, is that this movie seems to expect the viewer to already know about Alan Freed and rock n' roll music; so the movie doesn't attempt to educate or inform the viewer about Alan Freed and rock n' roll music. This quality might have been fine in 1978, as many viewers were probably old enough to remember the 1950s; but in 2022, I think a lot of people (like me) would expect more in terms of details.

Basically, the movie is not informative or educational: don't watch if you're expecting to learn much about Alan Freed. But if you're a huge fan who already knows a lot of Alan Freed, then you may want to watch just for the visuals, the music, and the nostalgia. The acting is good all-around (even Jay Leno puts in an acceptable performance)
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