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Dynasty (2017–2022)
Captivating and addictive new show
12 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This reboot of Dynasty looks very promising. Most of all the pilot is a addicting soap drama full of complicated relationships, scheming, sass and plot twists. The cat-fights and cliffhangers are great and make this show really addicting. After one episode I am already wanting more.

Besides this the series also addresses deeper subjects that hit a lot of current issues: feminism, diversity and equal rights are addressed as is the subject of fossil fuel versus clean energy, all in a subtle way that doesn't make the series less entertaining but just gives it a little extra.

Liz Gillies does an amazing job as main character Fallon Carrington. She knows how to play a strong and smart character while by little motions and subtle changes in her voice still showing signs of vulnerability, This makes Fallon a character you can relate too, even through all the wealth and scheming most of us wont be too familiar with.
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Dynasty: I Hardly Recognized You (2017)
Season 1, Episode 1
This pilot had everything
12 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
What a start of a new series! The first episode of the Dynasty reboot is so full of events I don't know where to start. The main story line is about Fallon Carrington, brilliantly played by Liz Gillies. Fallon is smart and ambitious and always underestimated by the men around her, she is working hard to prove herself capable of taking the family's company, only to find out her father gives her position to his new fiancée Crystal, who is not much older than Fallon herself. Crystal has a lot to hide from the Carringtons so it seems. Fallon fights back by having her chauffeur (and lover!) Culhane spy on Crystal and also teams up with her father's biggest rivals, the Colby family. Fallon's discovery about Crystal sets up a whole dramatic series of events ending in a huge cliffhanger. Can't wait to see what's next!
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Everyone is on Team Gigi now
18 September 2015
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In the last episode, the Heathens get back in the spotlight by spreading a rumor Johnny died. This week it turns out it worked: they book a big gig in Belgium. Gigi is determined to make this a big success, but the other band members are more interested in all the extreme luxuries they can demand to get backstage. It turns out they had better listened to Gigi, because when they are back on stage Johnny has a bad trip and right during the opening song. He is incapable to perform anymore and Gigi has to take over, which she does great. After the show Gigi declares herself the new leader: 'You are all on Team Gigi now' and forces everyone to go into group therapy. To be continued...

This episode is another great mix of comedy and music. The scene where a drunk Ava is a little bit to honest is hilarious, so are the scenes where the band talks about what they want to have backstage. This week's song Die Trying performed by Liz Gillies as Gigi is another fantastic single, and the live performance (besides the short bit in the episode there is also a music video of this) is amazing.
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This season was way too short!
18 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I can't believe this was already the season finale of SDRR. It feels like the pilot was just yesterday. The last ten weeks we have been blessed by great music and a great, funny and charming show about music and family. In this last episode Gigi wants Johnny and Flash to get Rehab and Bam Bam back in the band. They manage to do this, but it comes with a price they don't foresee yet. With Bam Bam and Rehab back and with the help of 'vibe adviser' JP the Assassins seem to find there way back again. Although the complex relationships between the band members seem to get only more complex (JP is not helping with this) but the music always gets them back together. The band plays the most beautiful song: Complicated. It looks like this is going to give them the break through they need, but then the deal Johnny made with Bam Bam and Rehab backfires and we end the episode and the season unsure of what will happen with this complicated family.

The really special thing about this episode is the song Complicated. Not only is it a beautiful song, my favorite of all the SDRR singles so far, it is played in full (and live!), which is really rare on any TV shows let alone a show that only has 25 minutes. During the performance we also see beautiful photos (made by the fantastic John Ales, who plays Rehab) of the band. It is a beautiful really touching moment that brought tears to my eyes.

I really hope we get another season of SDRR next year, hopefully with longer episodes. I feel there is much more to the story and I think a next season can get even better.
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Another tough lesson for Gigi
18 September 2015
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Last episode gave Gigi a harsh lesson about relationships and growing up, this week she learns the hard way about music and success. Gigi gets the chance to sign a major record deal. The only problem: Rehab and Bam Bam are excluded from this deal. Blinded by the idea of fame Gigi says yes. Ava, Johnny and Flash are also willing to sell out the band for chance of fame and money (and, to Ava's delight, a complete make over for Johnny!) which leaves a hurt and angry Rehab and Bam Bam leaving the Assassins, taking their Beastcore performance of last week to another level.

Gigi soon finds out the deal is not as great as it looked. The lyrics of her song What's My Name are changed in more explicit ones to make it more popular, her beautiful live voice gets auto-tuned and she has to do a video clip dancing in very little clothing. When the producer tells them he wants Gigi to lipsync instead of singing live, Johnny and Gigi finally realize this is not what they want and quit.

I love how this episode shows another side of the music industry and how it makes a stand for real music instead of auto-tuned pop songs. The side plot of Rehab and Bam Bam was great again. Liz Gillies plays Gigi excellent, she has such charm that even though Gigi makes a lot of mistakes these last episodes you understand her and really feel for her. The next episode is the last one of this season, I'm really excited to see how it will all end for the Assassins.
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A whole different side of Gigi
10 September 2015
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In the eight episode of SDRR the relationships between the band members of the Assassins are only getting more complicated. Johnny freaks out when he hears more about Gigi's relationship with Flash than he wants to hear and decides to set Gigi up with another boy, Jim. Meanwhile Rehab and Bam Bam feel they should get equal payment for their part of the band, and when that doesn't happen they decide to form a two man band, creating a new music style called Beastcore. Gigi changes when she is dating Jim. After being the strongest character of the band in the former episodes, this shows that Gigi also has a more insecure side, she tries things she wouldn't do before. It might seems out of character but I think it just shows how Gigi is not only the strong queen of the Assassins, she still is very young and makes mistakes like all young girls do. In the end even Johnny isn't happy with Jim: Jim looks exactly like him and does the same stupid things. When Gigi realizes this and finds out Johnny set them up, she freaks out. Johnny has to go back to Flash and admit he and Gigi maybe should be together after all. I love how in this episode we see different sides of the characters. As said we see a different side of Gigi, and also we see a Flash that really seems to care about Gigi instead of just wanting her to get revenge on Johnny. The side plot with Rehab and Bam Bam is, just as last episode, hilarious but also shows how mixed their feelings are about getting not enough recognition as part of the band. Once again SDRR manages to create a perfect mix of comedy, drama and music. Love it.
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In love with this episode
1 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This latest episode of SDRR is one of my favorites. The story is hilarious, the music is beautiful, the 70's outfits are fantastic and a lovely scene in the end gives it just that extras (the scene with Johnny's father playing his song I mean, not the end with Rehab and Bam Bam). In this episode we meet Johnny's mother, who calls him to tell him she is dying from cancer but also marrying this guy who is making a documentary about her. The relationship between Johnny and his mother, who's name is Elizabeth Egan (a great find all Liz Gillies' fans will appreciate) is even worse than that between Gigi and her mom. Johnny's mother blames him for the fact she never had a great career. She does not try anything to make this better, she just demands that Johnny and the band perform at her wedding. In all seventies style, that is. The whole 70's part is amazing, and so are the dialogues between Johnny, Gigi and Elizabeth. On top of that, there is this hilarious side plot where Rehab and Bam Bam do the craziest things respectively under influence and to get some food. Tt's no wonder that this episode gets one of the highest ratings yet. It's one of the best so far, I'm in love with it.
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Sex & Drugs & Rock & Roll: Doctor Doctor (2015)
Season 1, Episode 5
Brilliant episode
22 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
At the end of last episode, Gigi told the band she would take them to a therapist and so it happens in Doctor, Doctor. The whole episode evolves around the therapy sessions, both for the group together as individually, and it's both hilarious and beautiful. We get the chance to get to know Bam Bam, who has three fathers, and Rehab, who doesn't like this nickname, better, which is a plus because both characters are fantastic and both actors do a great job. Elizabeth Gillies is simply outstanding. The scene in which Gigi tells how she always has to act strong, for the sake of the band and to reach her goals, but actually is terrified and insecure all the time, is heart- breaking beautiful. The scenes in which Ava, Bam Bam and Rehab have to show their feelings through music are hilarious. Not surprisingly, the therapy doesn't end very well. The therapist concludes they are the most f.... up band in history. They take it as a compliment.
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Sex & Drugs & Rock & Roll: Tattoo You (2015)
Season 1, Episode 6
A band is like a family
22 August 2015
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A rock band is like a family and this is especially true for the Heathens. There's the complicated father-daughter relationship between Johnny and Gigi, Gigi and Flash who are dating but only (it seems) to annoy Johnny, and Ava is feeling more and more like a mother to Gigi. All these relationships are getting even more complicated when Gigi's mother Cat shows up. She wants to protect Gigi from the risks of the rock 'n roll life and especially from the risk of dating someone in the same band. How? By starting to flirt with Flash herself. Gigi is hurt by this, and surrogate mom Ava speaks up for her. This is all brilliantly played, especially by the women of the show. Elizabeth Gillies' performance in both the harder and softer side of Gigi is outstanding and beautiful played. Elaine Hendrix and Callie Thorne made the best scene of this episode, a very intense scene in which both Ava and Cat show how much they care for Gigi. The comedy side of SDRR not be forgotten, the plot line about getting tattoos of the ones you love most is hilarious. Gigi wants Johnny to get a tattoo of her name to prove his love and commitment for her, as she has a tattoo of his name. Or does she? Cat has a brand new tattoo of Flash' guitar symbol, and what kind of tattoo does Flash have?
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Best TV show I've seen in years
8 August 2015
Halfway the first season of Sex&Drugs&Rock&Roll, I can say I am absolutely in love with this show. I love how the series is a hilarious, cynical comedy about the music industry, but also a funny and heart warming family comedy.

On top of that there's this great music that makes this show extra special. I have had Liz Gillies' songs from this show, like 'Animal' and 'New York 2015' on repeat for days now.

The cast is excellent. Everyone has great chemistry together. The fact that they had lots of room for improv gave them the chance to show just how talented they all are.

The shows mix of comedy, drama and music is a perfect fit for Liz Gillies. She has an amazing talent for all and for me is the star of SDRR.

The only downside I can find is that the episodes are so short. I would love to see longer episodes in a next season, so we can enjoy more of this great show.
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Clean Rockin' Daddy
8 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
The second episode of Sex&Drugs&Rock&Roll, Clean Rockin' Daddy lives up to the high expectations after the premiere. It's fast, it's funny, sometimes harsh and cynical, sometimes beautiful and touching, a show as much about the music industry as about family.

Gigi, determined to make her band a success, makes contracts for the other band members to make sure they do as needed. This is especially hard for Johnny: Gigi demands him to stay sober and the other band members agree with her. 'His health is more important than success'

The scenes in which Johnny tries to get the other band members to give him some stuff are hilarious and give the audience a chance to get to know the other characters better. My favorite scene is when Johnny tries make Rehab give him some of his pills, and Rehab first wants him to listen to an hours long song cycle about the Irish potato famine.

In the end, Johnny finds a way by writing a horrible song, so bad Gigi and the other Heathens don't know how fast they can bring him some drugs and booze to bring back his muse.

The acting again in this episode is really strong, the actors have an amazing chemistry together and have found a great balance between the funny and the more serious side of the show. Can't wait for next week's episode!
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Sex & Drugs & Rock & Roll: Lust for Life (2015)
Season 1, Episode 3
Best episode yet
8 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Lust For Life is in my opinion the best episode so far. By faking Johnny's death, the band gets renewed attention and gets the opportunity for Gigi to do her first gig. The episode centers around the relationship between Johnny and Gigi. At the start of the series Gigi started as this very strong, determined girl ('I don't need a father') but as the series progress, she shows more vulnerability. Yes, Gigi still wants to be the star, but she also wants her father to love her, and is unsure about her first performance. Besides this more touching side of the episode there is also plenty room for for the fast, hilarious and sometimes cynical jokes Sex&Drugs&Rock&Roll is great at. The episode ends with an outstanding performance by Gigi. She sings New York 2015, a beautiful song about her relationship with her father. Johnny can't hold back his tears when he sees her perform. Neither could I.
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Very promising start for SDRR
17 July 2015
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I just saw the pilot Don't Wanna Die Anonymous of Denis Leary's new show and I'm already dying for the next episode. The episode is full of development, to the point, fast jokes, not holding back to anything.

It gives a great introduction to the show's characters and the relationships between them, which really makes you want to see how this develops in the next episodes.

Even in the first 25 minutes of this show you see the amazing chemistry between all the actors. The characters are all very outspoken and but this cast just nails it and makes it completely believable.

On top of all, the episode ends with Gigi, played by Elizabeth Gillies, singing her heart out and blowing everyone away with her beautiful, strong voice. The episode ends by all the other characters being amazed by Gigi's talent and I'm sure viewers at home will feel the same way about Liz Gillies.

Don't Wanna Die Anonymous is a very promising start of SDRR, showing an interesting plot, great chemistry and a very talented cast. Can't wait to see what the next episode will bring.
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Killing Daddy (2014 TV Movie)
Best movie so far for outstanding Liz Gillies
6 July 2014
Killing Daddy is an intense drama about a young girl, Callie, with deep psychological problems who wants revenge for what her father did to her and her mother. It's a beautiful, intense and also a sad story, well written and very well performed. Callie is played by Elizabeth Gillies and she really has done an amazing job. It's really impressive how she manages to play a very disturbed girl in a way that makes you relate to her and feel with her. This lifts this what otherwise would be a typical lifetime movie to a different level. Gillies is able to make Callie a versatile character both strong and vulnerable, and this makes it to me her best movie so far. It shows her potential to become a very big star in the future, no doubt about that.
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Animal (I) (2014)
Do not feed the animal
26 June 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I'm probably to big a Liz Gillies fan to give a non-biased review, but then, no review is ever objective is it. But I absolutely love this movie. I already watched it five times and it's still entertaining. I don't like really traumatizing horror (like The Ring) so I'm glad Animal is scary, but not too horrible. I love how the movie starts kind of nice and funny, and gets scarier as the film goes on, with the most action and horror saved to the last scenes. The end is my favorite part, it's so full of action and I love how Mandy (played by Liz Gillies) looks when she's about to get revenge on the monster animal that killed her friends. In short a movie I would recommend to everyone, it won't disappoint you.
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