16 Reviews
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Dune World (2021)
Unwatchable, horrible, worst movie ever made. You have been warned.
10 January 2022
This is my new top pick for worst thing ever released as a movie. If I was in any way responsible for this, I would change my name to avoid being associated with it. If I was one of the actors, I might even consider plastic surgery to avoid being recognized. This will give you a new appreciation for the production quality and standards of low budget "made for TV" movies. Forcing people to watch this on repeat in prison might be a strong deterrent against crime, IF it didn't get struck down as cruel and unusual punishment.

Script - 0 (not sure they had one, or if they just ad-libed everything).

Acting - 1 (they could at least speak but it all sounded like a first read through) Costumes - 0 (The ships "captain" Babs, literally had a patch on her sleeve that said "Superhero" and "Astronaut" on the front) The rest were just as bad.

Effects - ROFLMAO the effects in B movies from the 1950's and 1960's were better. Maybe they could have just used Instagram filters for better results.

The only positive thing I can say about this "movie" is that it was thankfully short. Only about an hour long. Please watch anything else. Watching paint dry or even the inside of your eyelids would be a better use of your time.
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Jurassic Hunt (2021)
Average and predictable, but still watchable.
9 January 2022
If you are expecting a big budget Hollywood production, you will be disappointed. If you are OK with "made for TV" level of quality, then it's not a bad watch.

The dino models were better than I expected, but the animation of them was a bit stiff. By far the worst part for me was the horrible gore effects. There was a mix of older practical effects and CGI overlays. Oddly enough the practicals were significantly better than the CGI stuff. They should have stuck with what they could do well.

The script and acting were mediocre, but the over all cinematography was actually pretty good. The camera work, sound and lighting were all what you can expect from a made for TV movie and were acceptable. Sometimes gunshot sounds didn't line up with the visuals and there were other careless mistakes like that.

All in all, this wouldn't be a top choice to watch, but if you have already watched all of the high end movies on your list of movies to watch, and have some time to kill, I can promise you there are a LOT worse movies you could pick than this.
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Rabid (2019)
I can only assume one Soska has talent and one does not
16 December 2019
First let me say I have never seen the original version (but I may try and watch it now), so I have nothing to compare this to. That said, I really liked the first about 70-75 minutes or so and was thinking OK this might end up being an 8. Then suddenly it was like the movie was being directed by a completely different person for the last 30 min or so. There was this whole scene that looked more like it belonged as the intro to a season of AHS than it did a scene in a movie. Twice they used some red filter on short cuts focused on characters played by the Soska sisters themselves but there was no reason for it. Scenes that the red filter might have made sense were shot normally. As far as the "vampires" go they couldn't even decide on which kind to be so do them right? Why not. They had the "classic" neck bitting kind, the Strain (snake appendage) kind, the mutated Resident Evil kind, and maybe something else I am forgetting. The stark contrast between the beginning and end of this movie leads me to believe that one sister directed the first half and the other sister the second half. If that is true only the one that directed the first half should be allowed to direct anymore.

All that said, at least I was entertained for the 100ish minutes of run time and trust me when I say there are many far worse movies you could watch. So watch it if you wish, but don't make it your first pick, and don't feel like you missed out if you don't.
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Freaks (2018)
I would like to see more from this universe. Sequel or otherwise.
16 December 2019
I did find this movie to be a bit slow in the beginning and it had me questioning if this was going to be good or not. However, as the movie progressed and layer after layer was peeled back, I was rewarded with a very engaging tale. I feel like so many other reviewers are "letting the cat out of the bag a bit" by mentioning things that I did not know going in and might have spoiled that layer peeling I mentioned. So if this is the first review you read, STOP reading reviews. If you like Sci-Fi dramas and are good with a slow start but escalating and engaging story, then just go watch the movie, you will most likely enjoy it. If you aren't into Sci-Fi then this may not be the movie for you anyway. As for me, I liked it enough that I would like to see more movies or even TV shows based on this universe....sequel or new stories.
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Marla (2018)
So THAT'S how this trash got made.
16 December 2019
So apparently I had a brain aneurysm and decided to watch this absolute waste of film. The dialog was bad and many lines didn't even make sense in the situation. The performances were bad all around but the lead "actress" (I use the term loosely here) was by far the worst. She would have made a better zombie in an episode of The Walking Dead than she did playing a real person. Many scenes were slow and overly drawn out with very slow lines and long pauses as if the actors were trying to remember their lines. The effects were anything but special. Just a lot of thin red blood with some black spots in it. The plot concept wasn't too bad, but in the end we are left with zero closure or answers.

The whole time I was watching this dumpster fire of a movie, I was wondering how such an abysmal script could get a green light like and who in their right mind would hire such talent-less actors....then the credits rolled. Turns out the lead actress, was also the writer, the director, and the special effects person. I wouldn't doubt that she also had a lot to do with casting as well. It became obvious as the title of this review suggests: So THAT'S how this trash got made.

Bottom line this wasn't worth the film that was wasted recording it, and it certainly isn't worth your time.
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Ghoul (2018)
Kind of like an India version of The Thing or Harbinger Down
17 September 2018
Most of the reviews I have read are either 1 star because they disagree with how it portrays India in the future or 10 stars trying to counter balance that. This is an honest review of this decent "creature feature". I found it similar to The Thing and Harbinger Down in that the creature can take the form of the last person it came in contact with (bit). I really liked both movies so I also enjoyed this. It adds to the suspense when you don't know who is the creature and who is still human. Unlike the other movies the "creature" is always humanoid even in it's "natural" form and is "summoned" instead of found. All in all it's a decent watch. One thing some U.S. viewers may have a problem with is the accents of the actors. Remember this is a movie that takes place in India.
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Corbin Nash (2018)
10 Minutes?!?!? That's all we get?
8 June 2018
90 min movie about a vampire hunter and exactly 10 minutes (of the LAST 15 min) of actual vampire slaying? The the first 90% of the movie is the origin/back story which is semi-interesting but not all that eventful. This movie should have been compacted into a 15-20 min backstory with a real movie tacked on after that. As it is, this whole movie is really just the intro for potential sequels. If they do make one or more sequels they better step it up. WAY up. I will say Feldman's character was absolutely disgusting. If that is what he was going for (and I think it was) then he nailed it. All in all it wasn't the worst movie ever, but it was way too much backstory and not enough real story to be considered "good".
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WHY do "they" take great dramas and screw up one episode by making it a musical?
19 April 2018
I absolutely HATE when they take a great drama shows like this and inject a musical episode into it. If people want a musical show, there are plenty on TV, stop wasting an episode by making regular dramas into a musical. This happens with far too many TV shows.

I get that they are doing a musical play at school, but that doesn't mean they are going to randomly break out into song all over place outside of the play and the rehearsals. It's an overused, stupid concept, bordering on cliche at this point. This particular musical episode was worse than most with so much lipsyncing and more autotune than a Kesha album. It was pretty much unwatchable.
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Blood Drive (2017)
Call me sick, but I love it.
5 July 2017
This show is NOT for everyone and I know a lot of people just won't get it, but as for me, I love it. At it's heart it is a Deathrace type show with all the campy gore of The Evil Dead franchise. If you are expecting to see a "normal" TV show where things are supposed to make sense, reserved acting, straight plots, and modern effects and cinematography, this this is NOT the show for you. If you like grind house movies, The Evil Dead franchise, or the death race movies (especially the original) then give this a shot. It really is a bloody disgusting good time.
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Once Upon a Time: The Song in Your Heart (2017)
Season 6, Episode 20
I had to fast forward most of it
8 May 2017
Let me start by saying I HATE when they take a TV show and randomly throw in a musical episode. I ended up fast forwarding past all of the stupidity so I only watched about 15 min of the show. I hope they never do another episode like this. I don't mind musicals if that is what they are from the beginning. Like Grease is awesome. It's just the random TV episode being made as a musical that really irks me.
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Curve (2015)
Pretty decent survival movie.
22 December 2015
If I had to compare this to another movie it would be "Open Water" except in a car with a killer instead of a shark and a more satisfying ending. In essence this is more of a slow survival movie with a faster paced "survivor girl vs killer" finish.

All of the production, acting, directing, etc are well done. However, as others have mentioned it doesn't really bring anything new to the table, but then again, does any movie these days?

In the end I liked it. If you are looking for a full blown horror movie, this is not what you are looking for. If you like movies like "Open Water" and "127 Hours" then this is probably worthy of a watch.
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American Hero (2015)
If you are expecting something like Hancock you will be disappointed.
21 December 2015
Based on the description, I was expecting something similar to Hancock about a superhero with deep character flaws and an alcohol problem that gets his life together. While this movie can be described as such, it really isn't. The hero of this movie primarily used his power as a parlor trick and only fights crime for like 3 minutes. The remainder of the hour and a half you are bored to tears waiting on the superhero to show up while being subjected to watching a waste of oxygen get drunk and high over and over. The powers seem more like an afterthought than it should be for a movie billed as a superhero movie. In fact they could have completely left out any powers at all, deleted the 3 minutes of action and had essentially the same movie.

I will say that the actors and director did a good job with the script they had, and if this wasn't pushed as a superhero movie, I might have rated it higher. Based on what I was looking for I found it slow and boring.

Bottom line: If you are looking for a superhero movie like Hancock this isn't it. If you are looking for a movie about overcoming addiction, then this might fit the bill.
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Flying Shark...nuff said.
21 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Where to begin with this poor excuse for a movie? The acting is some of the worst in any film. These people make David Duchovny seem full of emotion. The dialog sounds like it was written by middle school children. For example three women running fall to the ground, two of them get up, the third one vanishes. One girl says "Where did Janet go?" The other one replies "I think she rolled down that hill, we have to go find that creepy guy" and they run away without their friend who rolled down a non existent hill covered in enough trees to stop anyone from rolling anywhere.

The effects were anything but special. And the shark...oh the shark...they truly jumped the shark on this one...

OK first the shark starts out in a lake, never mind that sharks can't live in fresh water. It can also move the water, jump in and out of it without so much as a ripple. It can dive head first into about 3ft of water with no issues. Then toward the end it can FLY!! Now I don't mean it can jump really high out of the water, I mean it can fly through the forest, attack airplanes, etc. OK a flying shark might be cool. Except this on can fly without moving a muscle. No flapping of the fins, no swishing of the tail, it just floats motionless through the air like it belongs in a Macy's Thanksgiving parade. How they kill the shark (I won't spoil that for you) is equally unbelievable...if you pay attention to what is done. The budget is listed as $350,000. The only way they spent that much is if they spent $340,000 on hookers and drugs while filming this. At least the cinematography was decent.

Bottom line this "movie" will make you appreciate movies by the Asylum film company, I suggest avoiding it at all costs.
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Till Sunset (2011)
Give yourself a root canal instead
2 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
OK it only took me about 8 minutes to realize that I would have more fun digging my eyeballs out with a spoon than watching this. Just to make sure though I did skip ahead, a few minutes at a time until I got to the end. The cinematography was amateurish, the acting was poor, but the dialog was unbelievably atrocious. Seriously if you are considering watching this movie, go get a power drill and give yourself a root canal, it will be more enjoyable than this trash.

****** minor spoiler section ...first 8 min ****** Just in case you think I was joking about the dialog: The movie starts out with a strange scene of a crazy woman rubbing blood on her face, a guy talking to her and an axe murderer standing behind him. Then it flashes to the guy and two women waking up in the woods with no memory. It's not a flashback because crazy lady still has blood on her face. Now here is where I realized the streaming pile that the dialog would be. The sane woman says they need to get out of the woods, the guy gets hysterical about not even knowing where they are. Crazy lady says "stay out of the shadows". Then in a sudden reversal of roles, sane lady wants to stay and the guy wants to leave and suddenly takes off. Really? From my fast forwarding and checking in periodically none of it gets any better...ever.
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Bio-Dead (2009 TV Movie)
WARNING: Do not watch this.
21 June 2014
Warning: Spoilers
What else can I say? You are really better off tuning your TV to a channel that is nothing but static and fuzz and watching that for 90 min. I watched paint dry once and it was more entertaining.

What this movie was not: This was not a movie about a bunch of flesh eating zombies. It was not a movie about guys fighting against anything. Most importantly it is not entertaining.

What this movie is, is a few guys roaming around a deserted building the whole time. Eventually a half naked man that moves like the ghost from the grudge movie shows up and seems to have the ability to make one guy torture another guy. The end.
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Blood Widow (2014)
Please buy a boom mic before making a movie.
21 June 2014
I watch a ton of movies, so a lot of them end up being low budget horror films. That said I am used to sub-par acting, and scripts with plot holes. This movie was not as bad as many others I have watched and not as bad as some other reviewers are saying.

Most of my problems with this movie are of the technical variety. First the camera person had focusing problems especially early in the film.It was as if he was using the camera for the very first time. The biggest problem in the movie though is the sound. It seemed like the only mic used was the one built into the camera. This results in barely being able to hear quite a bit of the dialog, especially if the actor was either facing away or was further away from the camera. This was a big factor in characters feeling flat. Other sounds such as doors were muted.

Bottom line the movie itself wasn't that bad but the audio was so frustrating that it made the movie seem much worse than it really was. If you can deal with the audio you might like this, otherwise skip this one.
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