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14 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I was excited for this Bird Box sequel but it just pissed me off BIG TIME. The movie starts off decently but then reveals something about the lead "protagonist" guy that derails the whole movie imo (SPOILER....he's already "infected" by the creatures and starts the film out by killing a bunch of people!!! WTF?!). Then after that reveal the film does the god awful, moronic "4 months earlier" bull crap gig. The initial protag reveal made me not care about him and made me not care to watch his "4 months earlier" story. !!!!!!!!!

Again, i was excited for this movie but it was a huge disappointment imo.
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Glorious (2022)
This film is actually really GOOD!!
18 August 2022
A horror movie centered around a public restroom GLORYHOLE seemed absurd but this movie is surprisingly good! The back and forth dialogue between Ryan Kwanten and the Lovecraftian creature in the bathroom stall is really interesting, creepy and even at times quite funny (dark humor)! There's some blood & gore (not too much) and the creature FX are excellent!

As usual Kwanten's acting is fantastic and having J. K. Simmons as the voice of the creature was pure genius!

For a movie that basically takes place in 1 main setting i wasn't bored for even a second! VERY good movie!
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Slash/Back (2022)
Decent Creature FX but TERRIBLE Acting!
26 June 2022
I definitely appreciate the Inuit cast and the Inuit culture shown in this movie but (i hate saying this about the young cast) the acting really doesn't do this film any favors. It also doesn't help that there's only about 20% alien/creature scenes and about 80% regular uninteresting drama scenes leaving this inexperienced, not very good cast to try to carry the film with their acting lone. It would have helped a lot if there were more alien/action scenes and FEWER scenes relying on the acting. I do feel bad to say that about these young actors though.

The creature FX were pretty good and the way the infected people moved their bodies was wonderfully creepy. The infected animal FX and CGI were surprisingly well done and VERY creepy as hell (the way the infected animals move). Unfortunately they aren't shown much nor is the main creature/space ship(?) that's shown for about 30 seconds (it looked pretty good and creepy/scary looking!).
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5 March 2022
I just finished the Diabolical season and it's a fun breezy, gory series. The best episode imo was "John and Sun-Hee". It's a cool creature feature and it also has the most beautiful, stunning art style and coloring from any of these shorts. I would love to see "John and Sun-Hee" made into a full length movie (live actions or cartoon)! The anime style entry "BFF's" from Awkwafina was really cute too! "Laser Baby's Day Out" and "Pissed off Supes Kill Their Parents" were stand outs as well.

Imo the worst entry was "Nubian vs. Nubian" written by actress Aisha Tyler (who i do like as an actress). The 2 "Nubians" are completely unlikable and their storyline was just uninteresting and tired (2 parents fighting with each other in front of little daughter). The last entry that featured Homelander (a character i am extremely tired of. He's too OVER-powered imo) "One Plus One Equals Two" was also not very good imo.

Overall season 1 was fun, quick viewing (each entry is about 14 minutes long).
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BIG DISAPPOINTMENT compared to the first film!!
28 October 2021
I very much liked the 1st film. It had a really cool/likable lead female protagonist as well as having several very likable characters. It was genuinely sad when some of them died. The 1st film also had some good gore/blood & good cinematography.

This sequel COMPLETELY ruins the 1st film's female protagonist and makes the villain(s) from the 1st film barely background noise. Yes, this sequel has good gore/blood and the cinematography is once again pretty good but the storyline is a bit of a middle finger to those who (like me) liked the first film.

This sequel also has NO characters that are actually likable/sympathetic. I thought the lead young cop character "Adas" would be that likable character that i would root for but he was mostly whiny for much of the movie (i admit still have about 20 minutes left to the film).

I definitely recommend the first film but i do not recommend this sequel.
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Initiation (II) (2020)
Pretty Decent Slasher-ish movie.
7 May 2021
INITIATION is a pretty decent slasher-ish movie. The acting is very good especially from the lead actress. The gore is decent although it's not the bloodbath some of the reviews here are saying. The reason why i say "slasher-ish" is due to the fact that the film has a very low body count. The whole movie only has about 4 kills and none of the kills are shocking or creative at all (a drill, a knife, a spike). The other minor issue with the film is that they sort of make it obvious who the killer is relatively early-ish in the film. The main question left to figure out is why the killer is doing what he or she is doing which we of course do learn (but the reason why is kind of meh...).

THE WORST THING ABOUT THIS MOVIE(!!!) the over use/abuse of on screen texts/social media which make it (at least on my tv) nearly impossible to read what characters are saying to each other!!

I don't know why filmmakers who incorporate texting/social media posts in their films don't MAKE THE TEXTS/POSTS READABLE!!!! Way too many films do this and it's very annoying especially when plot points rely on text posts.
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Hall (2020)
Had potential but ultimately it's a frustrating movie.
6 April 2021
This movie has very good acting and excellent atmosphere and a palpable sense of dread but it's also a very frustrating experience to watch. I wasn't sure if this was a zombie film or an infection movie (like 28 DAYS/WEEKS LATER) and in fact THIS movie doesn't seem to know what it wants to be. Some infected act violently for a few seconds but most infected just gasp for breath and crawl on the ground. One character in particular spent the majority of her screen time gasping/crawling around on the floor (at least 20 minutes of the film!!). The crawling gets annoyingly repetitive especially considering the movie is only an hour and 17 minutes long. The film seems to want to be an infection film (like CONTAGION) but also have zombie movie vibes to it.

There's a very interesting and dark side storyline involving how the outbreak is happening but it's only focused on for about 3 minutes. The filmmaker of this movie has a ton of talent and potential though. I hope he makes more films that have a better storyline/script.
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THIS IS A SOLID FILM!! Why all the bad reviews?
16 March 2021
I just finished this movie and i liked it a lot. it has excellent creepy atmosphere as well as very good acting from the entire cast but especially from the 2 leads Chris Sheffield and Michaela McManus. i've been seeing a bunch of reviews here on IMDB of people saying "NOTHING HAPPENS" etc. but i was completely absorbed in every minute of the film. the movie is definitely a slow burn, low key but VERY effectively creepy mystery film with very good acting.

this movie is basically a full length movie version of an X-FILES episode where many of the questions are pretty much answered and also leaves some questions unanswered. let's just say the ending and the reveals were satisfying to me. i didn't feel like a wasted my time watching the film.
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22 January 2021
I usually can get into campy, 80's-ish, fun-silly movies (like TURBO KIDS or similar in tone/atmosphere/etc.) and it looked like PSYCHO GOREMAN would be right up my alley but it was a really terrible movie. it's not even "so-bad-it's-good"/guilty pleasure type of movie. the writing and the acting is horrible even for an intentionally campy/goofy movie like this one. the every character (except for the young brother who was cool & Psycho Goreman who was the best thing in the film) was mind-numbingly annoying ESPECIALLY the lead young girl. she was kind of funny at first but after about 10 minutes of her insulting/bullying everyone you just wish her character would die violently and painfully. LOL.

there's some fun gore/blood scenes and many of the FX are 80's style terrific. the problem is those fun gore/blood scenes aren't enough to make the AWFUL writing and atrocious acting (grade school plays have better acting!) more tolerable. i really wanted to like this movie but it's worse than a Power Rangers (or show/movies like it) episode.
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Hunted (IV) (2020)
Kind of disappointing.
15 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Just finished watching this and it's meh... the lead actress gave a great performance but overall the film was bit disappointing. I didn't watch the trailer and only had read the film's synopsis so i thought the protagonist "deciding to fight back with the forest as her only ally" was going to be maybe a little bit supernatural. Even the fairy tale a woman tells her son in the beginning is supernatural (with wolves coming to save the innocent young girl who's almost killed in the woods....that sequence was awesome!) so i figured it's what would happen in the film but nope.

Oh and the part at the end where paintball players(?) randomly come running by the woman while she's battling the serial killer and then shoot her in the face (hence the blue paint on her face seen in the pix/trailer) AND then keep going not bothering to stop and she if she's ok.....that was idiotic.
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A VERY good slow burn/low key Horror/Drama.
7 November 2020
Just finished the film and i thought it was VERY good! the film has excellent dread/creepiness/atmosphere right from the very first frame right up to the last frame. the acting from all, especially Marin Ireland (as usual, she's PHENOMENAL!) is wonderful. the gory/bloody scenes are extremely well done and some scenes made me flinch (in a great way!). i loved pretty much everything about the film EXCEPT for the final 2 seconds in it. LOL. the final "GOTCHA!" jump scare/stinger was confusing and comes across like director Bertino & Co. ran out of money and had no choice to just stop filming right then and there. the jarringly abrupt ending is pretty annoying but everything that comes before it was great!
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The Beach House (II) (2019)
This is a pretty good Cosmic/Body Horror movie!
11 July 2020
I just finished the movie and i thought it was pretty decent for the most part. what did bug me a bit was that all that "science this" and "science that" from Emily in the beginning of the film seemed completely untrue/unrealistic to the Emily character in this film. yes, she spouted off some scholarly things in the beginning but for the rest of the film she's just acts & talks like an average student who gets average grades still in high school. LOL. we don't see her try to figure out or even guess at what is happening (maybe once she theorized about the situation).

the director, the cinematographer & the special FX people did a fantastic job with the visuals. i assume they were working with a (very?) limited budget but the cosmic/infection scenes looked great. the "fog" scenes made me smile as a huge THE FOG (1980) fan. many of those scenes look like they could have been directly taken from Carpenter's awesome THE FOG (i mean that in a great way!). this director's fog scenes looked amazing and on a limited budget to boot! those scenes completely blow the THE FOG remake's big/bigger budget CGI fog scenes out of the water (no pun intended. LOL). i hope this director (and the cinematographer & special FX people) will make more horror movies!
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Z (I) (2019)
Z (2019) is a pretty good movie with an excellent actress leading it!
2 May 2020
I watched this movie last night and thought it was pretty good! Keegan Connor Tracy is just such a phenomenal actress and she shines in this film. it's not "scary" per se but the film does have a sense of dread/creepiness throughout much of it. there are a couple of shocking moments in the film that thankfully didn't feel like "jump scares" (i can't stand lame/cheap jump scares). one scene in particular made me gasp and yell out "HOLY CRAP!". lol. it's definitely a good drama/horror movie with very good acting from the entire cast.
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The Furies (2019)
A Big Disappointment
4 September 2019
I was excited for this movie ever since it was first announced. it sounded like it was going to be (or it COULD BE) a really cool horror movie but after watching it last night I was majorly disappointed with the film. the lead actress was very good and some of the gore was pretty decent but there was NO character development for really any of the characters (including the lead characters) so whenever a character would get killed off, there was no emotional impact whatsoever.

there was also basically NO storyline either. for most of the film it's just the lead actress (again, she's very good) wandering around the forest occasionally having epileptic seizures. there actually was a somewhat interesting (sort of) storyline regarding why/how the women & the killers were put into this kill or be killed setting but the movie really doesn't go into that (barely). i guess this movie is worth checking out if you don't have anything else to watch but keep your expectations in check.

i'm all for a good slasher but this wasn't it.
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Itsy Bitsy (II) (2019)
ITSY BITSY - A decent creature feature with GREAT practical spider FX!
2 September 2019
I watched this movie last night and it was pretty decent/good! i wish more had been explored with the Spider Goddess connection to the actual spider though and maybe focus a tad less on the family/loss/grief side of things. the spider FX were very good and (i'm pretty sure) practical for the most part (there may be some CGI at the end). the acting from the mom and the actor who plays her son is notably good.

overall it's a pretty good, serious spider horror/drama movie.

oh and that poster for the film is terrible and has nothing to do with the actual movie (other than a spider).
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Sang Krasue (2019)
Krasue: Inhuman Kiss is a VERY VERY Good Movie!!
11 August 2019
I watched the 2019 Thai horror movie KRASUE: INHUMAN KISS last night and it was excellent! the "krasue" creature fx are fantastic and VERY Lovecraftian. the acting from the 3 young leads (2 of whom have never been in a movie before!) was incredible and the story was wonderful and very moving (i admit i cried and/or teared up at several points in the movie). the cinematography and music soundtrack beautiful as well.

if you're looking for a really good/great body horror/creature feature then you should watch KRASUE!
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Lifechanger (2018)
Very good acting & good direction but not so good story/screenplay.
2 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
LIFECHANGER is competently made with good direction and good cinematography. The acting from every person in the film is very good (especially from main(?) male lead Jack Foley. i'm VERY impressed with his acting and he's only acted in 3 projects in total!!) and the special FX work is very good as well.

what i really didn't like was the story/screenplay. i hated the fact that we're hearing/seeing things from the villain's perspective all while he's killing (or "taking" as the villain calls it) person after person with NO remorse whatsoever. much of the film is this villain "taking"/becoming (killing) person after person after person after person, etc. after the 350th person he becomes it gets really tired to watch. in other words it gets very repetitive real fast.

again, the acting, direction, FX work, etc. are all good but the movie gets only a 4 out of 10 from me because of the unsatisfying, poor storyline.
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Dead Night (2017)
EXCELLENT GORE, Good Cast but very stupid storyline.
27 July 2018
I watched it last night and was pleasantly surprised with how bloody/gory the film is. the gore is 100% practical and it's fantastic/well done. Barbara Crampton is excellent as an antagonist (that's not a spoiler since it's in the trailer). Brea Grant is very good too and kick ass as the mother trying to save her family. my only complaint about it is the storyline is incredibly stupid and makes little to no sense. it also has an idiotic fake tv show (a Dateline/Crime story type show on the actual family in the film) within the movie which i hated. LOL. but again the blood/gore is so full on that it makes up for it. you have decapitations, arms cut off, branches stabbed into eyes/faces, etc. etc. there's even a full on transformation complete with those special fx facial bladder things (like in THE HOWLING). bad storyline aside this movie is a fun 80's style film that fans of practical FX gore/blood will get a kick out of!
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