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A great mystery plot
22 April 2024
The best way I could describe this show is that it's part sifi adventure, part over the top soap opera to the point where you don't really know if it's a spoof or not. Then it turns into a great mystery, and no longer matters if it was ever supposed to be a spoof or not because the plot is so good. Short and sweet, after the first few episodes it really ramps up and then it's just one major plot twist after another, but they all make sense and it adds up to a very layered but still reasonably believable ending. It didn't need to be longer, but I wish it was just because it was such a fun show.
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Matt Rife: Natural Selection (2023 TV Special)
17 November 2023
Male version of Iliza Shlesinger. Exceptionally good looking but with no real personality. Endless anecdotes about how hard it is to find a worth-while significant other while also making it clear he puts looks above all else. Not gonna hate on the man for having it easy in the looks department, but it's not a good formula for jokes to hear him complain about all the crazy women he just can't seem to avoid.

The only way he could be more basic would be if he had a man-bun. This dude has a John Lennon tattoo despite only being 28 years old, and expects to be taken seriously. He's the male version of a white girl in Ugg boots with bleach blonde hair and a pumkin spice starbucks. Basic people can be funny, but not when they present themselves as if they have some kind of deep wisdom to share when they clearly don't.

It's honestly cringe to hear this guy come out on stage, show off his poser tattoo, and then complain about young people as if he's not one of them. Sit down kiddo, or go back to doing crowd work on youtube for rooms full of thirsty chicks.
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Redemption (I) (2013)
A deep, gritty movie that's way better than I expected.
13 October 2023
I'm sure almost everyone who saw this was expecting something different than what this movie delivered, me included, and anyone who just wanted a typical Stathom style action movie wouldn't be wrong to be disappointed. This is why the review are all over the place. Me and the GF decided to go on a Stathom-spree and watch as many Stathom movies as we can. We obviously expected an ass-kicking action film, but what we got instead was a great change of pace that we both really enjoyed.

This is not an action movie, it's a drama that has some action. It's not a good action movie, so people who wanted action won't really like this. That's not to say the action scenes are bad, far from it, there just isn't that many of them.

The action serves as sort of a bait-and-switch to draw you in to what you think will be a typical ass kicking Statha-thon, but what you get instead is a deeply dramatic and emotionally gritty experience that uses action as a way to deepen the plot, which centers around a veteran suffering from PTSD wrapped in guilt over his wartime actions, homelessness, and alcoholism as he drinks to numb the pain and dull his combative instincts.

This movie is light on plot, heavy on depth, and that is especially true for the characters. The woman that plays the nun does an amazing job of making her internal dilemma seem very real and lived in. If you saw this movie without knowing who Jason Stathom was, you could be forgiven for thinking the nun is the main character because she is so well realized and well acted. At first, she is very reserved as you would expect a nun to be, but quickly cracks in her resolve start to show, and at first those cracks feels a little out of place since it doesn't feel very nun-like; but when you learn her back story it make her demeanor seem totally believable. As an American, I am not familiar with her as an actress at all and I found her to be incredibly captivating. Her performance was absolute fantastic.

Stathom does an excellent job as well, and his sullen style works very well here. Yes this movie gives him a chance to show he is a good actor outside of an action context, but it also builds on his strengths by putting him in a role that is very well suited to his style. An outcast who doesn't trust the world after what it did to him.

After reading some of the negative reviews, it's like they came from people who saw a different movie. I have a few theories on to why there is such a disconnect with some people. For one, the trailers make it look like a standard action movie which it really isn't, so right off the bat it sets up the wrong expectation. Another reason is that the two main characters are filled with both trauma and guilt, which are not feelings everyone can easily relate to, and this movie doesn't hold anyone's hand along the way. If you don't understand or can't relate to any of the deeply negative feeling the characters experience, you probably won't like this movie because you won't really get it. One could argue the movie could have been longer to better explore/explain these feelings, but I found the pacing to be perfect. If you understand what these characters are feeling based on what they've been through, you don't need much explanation and if you don't then probably no amount of explaining will really make it clear. In that sense, this movie isn't for everyone, but for people who can connect with the characters their depth will feel very visceral and impressive.

Redemption/Hummingbird is truly a masterpiece. Somehow it's much more than the sum of its parts. It feels dark yet romantic. Gritty yet warm, tragic and uplifting. A true gem, and one I will remember for a long time.
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When Jason Stathom picked up that helicopter blade..
29 August 2023
I knew he was going to stab the shark with it. Freaking awesome.

This movie is for people who can turn their brain off and enjoy a goofy, somewhat satirical action movie. Anyone who saw this and took it seriously just misunderstood the point of this movie. I mean, the beginning has a giant shark eating a T-rex. That was a clear vibe check for anyone seeing this, basically saying "if you don't think this is cool, leave now. You won't like the rest."

Loved it. Achieved the point of an over-the-top action movie perfectly. Hope they make a bunch more of these. If Fast and Furious can have 10+ movies, we deserve a couple more Megs.

The Meg 3 for President!
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Spin Me Round (2022)
Weird but entertaining.
23 August 2023
It feels like this was supposed to be a spoof of something, but I'm not sure what. Maybe a spoof of cheesy French romance movies? It works but I think a lack of foreshadowing made the end feel abrupt. But it was also over the top rediculous in a good way.

I think the other reviews here are too harsh. Perhaps a lot of people watch this not expecting it to be a satire. It does have a serious tone so it doesn't immediately come off as a satirical, and that was a missed opportunity in the editing. It still worked well. The point of this movie is basically just that everyone seems crazy at first but they're just normal people with a few quirks that make the situation seem much worse than it is. The point is that things were never as crazy as they seemed.
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Pretty freakin adorable
22 April 2023
An unplanned reality show. Better than a real reality show because it all happened so naturally. Very cute couple living through a fantasy vacation while experiencing the ups and downs of being forced to fast track getting to know each other, and falling in love in the process. The plot is like something out of a Disney movie except there is no villain.

Nice to see something so uplifting once in a while. No crazy turns or cliff hangers, just two people falling in love unexpectedly and growing as people in the process due to a series of random and unpredictable pandemic related events. At least something good came out of covid.
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Love Is Blind (2020– )
Season 4 was the best one yet
19 April 2023
Season 4 was good because there was minimal drama and a lot of people ended up in good happy couples.

Shows like this get a lot of hate, and this show remind me a lot of Married at First Sight, but there are some important differences.

Married at First Sight puts a lot of pressure on the couples to stay together even if the relationship is terrible. They push people down a path and try to force them to stay on it for ratings. However, Love is Blind is not like that at all, they have people who want to be on the show and from there it's up to them to make their own choices. I'm sure there is still some pressure for people to stay on the show until it ends even if they don't want to, but at least it's not a core theme of the entire process.

That said, I wish they would do a better job of picking people for the show. Everyone should be on the same page for a show like this, and everyone should be basically top notch potential partners. When they have people on the show that end up arguing about where they're going to live because one of them lives far away or something like that, it's annoying because those kind of issues could easily be filtered out when they choose people to be on the show. It's also really annoying when they have toxic people on since it seems like they're only there to add drama.

I also don't think Nick Lashe and his wife are good at hosting the reunion and someone more professional should be doing it. Nick is OK, but his wife seems like she always just wants to stir the pot and often times it feels like she's throwing people under the bus for the sake of drama which doesn't feel nice to watch.

All and all though, the people on this show have a lot of freedom in the process compared to other similar shows so it's like, if you're going to watch a dating show then this is not a bad choice at all.
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Star Trek: Picard: Võx (2023)
Season 3, Episode 9
Only thing good is the nostalgia
14 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The plot is horrible. I really can't believe that after all this setup, they are just doing the Borg AGAIN, except this time gen-Z is the borg and only the old people can fight them!

It's like the sad fantasy of a boomer yelling at young people to stop skateboarding. If the borg were all black people, that would be offensive, but make them all young people and we're just supposed to ignore it.

I did enjoy the episode, but only because I'm a trek diehard and if you put the TNG crew in a room together, it's entertaining just because of that but that doesn't mean anything about this show was well made. There have been a few far between moments that felt meaningful in this season but at the end of the day it's just another half baked movie plot stretched out over a season, reusing the most used bad guys again.

We all thought it might be the paw-wraiths because of the red eyes but we should have known that wouldn't be it because that would have been cool and interesting.
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Star Trek: Picard: Dominion (2023)
Season 3, Episode 7
Nothing but cliff hanger setups
31 March 2023
This is a frustrating episode to watch. It's designed 100% to setup cliff hangers and leave you feeling completely unsatisfied. It's the kind of episode you wish you hadn't watched until the series was fully available.

Not everything needs to be Game of Thrones. In a lot of ways, GoT ruined a lot of the shows that came after it because every other show feels the need to do these totally over-done cliffhanger setups and I am so sick of it. It's completely against how ST has always worked aside from a small handful of two part episodes.

Season 3 has so far been the only season of Picard that is worth watching at all, but if we hadn't been so thoroughly beaten down by seasons 1 and 2, season 3 would not be nearly as well received. People have lowered their expectations to the point that just seeing OG characters not completely abandoning their background is enough. It's too bad we had to wait 3 seasons to get a small handful of worth-while moments spread out with filler and over the top cliff hangers.
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Wednesday (2022– )
Good cast, but feels too much like a kids show.
3 December 2022
I was a kid when Christina Richi made the Wednesday role so iconic, so it's not crazy to think this show might be aimed at people my age, but it feels mostly like a show aimed at teens. Nothing wrong with that at all, but I'm not a teenager so what can I say, it feels a bit too much like Harry Potter meets Hanna Montana.

I get why the show is getting good ratings though, as the casting is great. The acting is pretty strong for the most part, if a bit simplistic and cartoonish as well but that's the style they were going for as far as I can tell.

After reading some of the more critical reviews, I can definitely understand why people who are more familiar with the source material are disappointed. I didn't personally watch the original show much so it doesn't bother me that this new show is so different, but when I read the more critical reviews describing the older show, it sounds like a way better concept.

All and all, a well-made show that aims a bit too low in terms of target audience age for me. The uninspired changes to the original concept are propped up by good casting a stylish atmosphere, but the essence of this show feels pretty shallow overall.
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Laughed so hard. What a terrible gem of a movie.
12 November 2022
Ja Rule of all people in a low budget religious movie, what more can you ask for. This is by far one of the worst movies ever made, both in terms of how bad the plot is and how it was made. If it wasn't such a ridiculous movie, it would be super offensive for the manipulative religious propaganda all throughout the movie, but it's so bad that you can't help but laugh the whole time. The movie jumps around in a crazy way so you have no idea how much time has passed. Somewhere between a few days or several months, who knows. It's all tied together by a theme that is basically; submit to god or he will kill the women in your life. Such a wild ride. Definitely worth watching for the pure insanity.
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Iliza Shlesinger: Hot Forever (2022 TV Special)
Target audience
17 October 2022
She tells jokes that are specifically for young single/casually dating women. Absolutely nothing wrong with that, but if you don't fall into that category, it's unlikely you will enjoy this. She can make jokes for whoever she wants, but this is not good material for a date night, which I think most stand-up comedy aims to be good for. This is very specific target audience comedy and if you don't fall into that category you're not wanted or invited to be a part of her audience.

Not a surprise, this has been her MO for a while, but for anyone wondering if she would pull back towards a broader audience... nope.
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Missing the secret sauce
19 September 2022
All the ingredients are there minus the creative passion. Turns out that was the part than made lord of the rings so good.

Movies: so much plot they couldn't fit it all in. So much world building, it always felt like there was so much left unexpected.

Show: vague plot, flat characters, and a constant baiting carrot on a stick feeling that the next episode will explain whats going on, but it never does, just adds more vague plot notes to make sure you always feel lost as the motivation to keep watching.

I really hate it. Game of thrones ruined shows like this because now they all feel like they have to be overly vague to prop up any feelings of drama or suspense. It just feels lazy and boring.
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The Orville: Future Unknown (2022)
Season 3, Episode 10
A great episode to wrap everything up
4 August 2022
This episode served as a great way to send off the characters and wrap up the show. If this is the last episode we ever get, it was a perfect way to do it. Most ST shows end right after the climax, so it was nice to have an episode that lightened the load and gave the characters a happy ending.

That said, this is the best show out these days. It would be a crime if this show doesn't get renewed. Season 3 was absolutely outstanding.
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The Orville: Domino (2022)
Season 3, Episode 9
So much happened in this episode and all of it was great!
28 July 2022
This show is the best sifi show out right now. It absolutely needs to get renewed! This episode was so epic and with a greatly satisfying ending. It felt like a season finale even though it wasn't.

I agree with what a lot of the other reviews are saying. This episode was so action packed, it did feel a lot like a Star Wars movie but faster paced and more action packed. It's also true that the depth this whole season has provided feels like everything fans wanted from Star Trek but what we got is even better. This show is truly building an incredible sifi world that feels very fleshed out at this point, it would be a shame to end it here when this show deserves to keep going for as long as it can. Seth has proven his concept and surpassed all expectations. This is the kind of show that people will keep coming to over time just like they do with Star Trek. Disney will be a perfect fit for this kind of sifi as long as they keep Seth in charge. Let Seth make as much of it as he wants and then let it age like fine wine.
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Whitney Cummings: Jokes (2022 TV Special)
All good comedians bomb sometimes, right?
27 July 2022
This has got to be the least entertaining special of hers I've seen. It seemed like her and the audience weren't connecting, and it threw the whole routine off to the point that she had to explain the punchline of a lot of her jokes. Normally they film something like this a few times over a few nights or weeks and then put out the best version of it. IDK what happened here, seemed like they just did one rough take and that was it.

Still a fan, her other specials have all been good.

On a more serious note, Whitney has talked about her body insecurities and been open about that being the reason for her plastic surgery. It's clear that she struggles with body insecurity issues and has a hard time with relationships because of it. While there is no shame in any of that, it's clear that these feelings are the basis for a lot of her jokes and it turns into a lot of material that's sorta of blaming and bashing men in a way that feels more spiteful than funny. It feels more like she's going through a list of things that bother her, or things that she's struggles with, and pointing blame more so than trying to be funny. I think she lost her focus on this one. In her last special she talked about this stuff without making it an attack and I think that serves as a good example of how she struggled to thread the needle here.
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The Orville: Midnight Blue (2022)
Season 3, Episode 8
Another amazing episode that metaphorically speaks to the prejudices of our time
22 July 2022
It's clear that people who are giving this episode negative reviews are conservatives who don't like having a mirror held up to their prejudices on modern gender ideals. I'm sure when people saw the episode of Star Trek TOS with black and white people who have alternative squares on their skin when it originally aired it would have been uncomfortable for people who were being reminded of their own racism.

10/10. Better to be woke than asleep.
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The Orville: From Unknown Graves (2022)
Season 3, Episode 7
Another incredibly well crafted episode
14 July 2022
Great character building, great world building with the klon background, great sub-plots. What can I say, it's another great episode. SOOOO GOOD!!

This is my favorite show now and I really look forward to each new episode. I really hope we get more seasons!

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Strangly bad
9 July 2022
Massive nostalgia plot with no respects to the source material. Its just generic sifi, nothing to do with trek. It makes me sad to see how far removed it is from anything that made real trek good.

Shoulda hired Seth.
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The Orville: Twice in a Lifetime (2022)
Season 3, Episode 6
Seth Mcfarlane is dropping fire!!
8 July 2022
I never thought we would get another Star Trek show that would be as good as the TNG/DS9/VOY era, but with how good this season has been with one amazing episode after another, I now think this is the best Star Trek show ever made. The transition from Fox to Hulu and giving Seth more creative freedom in the process has paid off in spades.

This show is absolutely incredible. The creative minds behind this show as well as the actors and actresses are all crushing it. This show is showing us what we missed out on when CBS dropped the ball.
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The Orville: A Tale of Two Topas (2022)
Season 3, Episode 5
This show is so damn good
2 July 2022
Amazing how they've weaved so much together. This show is so well done. Season 3 has been one hit after another, every episode is deep and meaningful.

This makes Strange New Worlds seem like a cheap parody. The Orville is definitely the best Star Trek show to come out since the DS9/Voyager era.

Truly impressed.
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So dumb and boring
25 June 2022
This is basically a take on the mirror universe formula except instead of being evil they become characters from a childs book. It doesn't work at all, it's incredibly lazy writing, and totally undeserved this early on.

The reason episodes like this can be interesting in other trek shows is because they wait until you get a chance to really get to know the crew before they throw out an episode where it might be interesting to see them all act out of character, but this is so early in the show that it simply doesn't work at all, and the mixup of doing it based on a kids book instead of them being evil is definitely way more boring than the typical mirror episode anyway. Its a total flop.
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The Orville: Gently Falling Rain (2022)
Season 3, Episode 4
25 June 2022
This episode had more going on than the entire second season of Star Trek Picard. The writing is amazing as far as the plot goes and they do an amazing job of conveying deep and meaningful ideas in a relatable and interesting way. Seth McFarlane should be truly proud. He has achieved his goal of creating his own Trek inspired show with great success.
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Star Trek: Picard: Hide and Seek (2022)
Season 2, Episode 9
It makes no sense
30 April 2022
Why would picards mom never get any actual medical treatment and instead she's allowed to run around in a dangerous basement all while the parents gas light young picard by never telling him what's going on!?!

Not only that, but in TNG it's established that Picards mom lived to old age.

This show is a joke. A poor attempt to turn ST into a hyped up drama.
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Proof that there is no god
18 April 2022
This show is pure chaos. It's such a train wreck, it's hard to look away. It seems like there are so many more negatives than positives to the whole concept. I can't believe anyone would bw crazy enough to volunteer for this, but if they're dumb enough to do it then it's hard to feel bad for them.

All and all it's the perfect show to hate watch.
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