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Spy Wars (2019)
Great Show on Espionage and Spy Craft
9 May 2020
We're already big fans of Damian Lewis, not only for 'Band of Brothers' but also 'Homeland' and 'The Baker' (also known as 'An Assassin in Love').

This is an excellent series, taking a provocative spy story and researching and re-enacting it superbly to explain as much of the circumstances that can be shared. Unfortunately, some of the information is still classified; but they provide as much of an account as possible. While I am familiar with many of the stories already, I still learn new facts about them; and Lewis presents them wonderfully.

Overall, a highly recommended documentary series that proves the truth can be much more interesting and exciting than fiction!
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68 Whiskey (2020)
Absolutely Horrible
18 January 2020
Less than ten minutes into this show, I couldn't stomach any more. It is almost insulting to those who served in medical units in Afghanistan. The characters are unlikable, the situations purely fictional, and there must have been absolutely no military consultants on set during filming. Honestly, if given the opportunity, I would have given '68 Whiskey' zero stars!

Do yourself a favor and watch the National Geographic Channel documentary series 'Inside Combat Rescue.' Learn about the real heroes, and pray that '68 Whiskey' is quickly cancelled to spare Paramount Network any more embarrassment.

As for Ron Howard, I don't know how such a well-respected director got associated with such a dumpster fire of a show!
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Magnum P.I. (2018–2024)
Honestly, if this wasn't a Magnum P.I. remake, it wouldn't be that bad...
25 September 2018
...but it's trying to be, which means it IS that bad!

I swore I wasn't going to watch the remake, but ended up doing so purely out of curiosity. How can I honestly say it's good or bad if I don't even watch it?

This show should never have attempted to replicate one of the greatest TV series ever. I am a huge Magnum fan since it was originally aired, and used to pay respects at "Robin's Nest" ("Pahonu") every time I was on O'ahu until it was torn down earlier this year (a large emotional hit already for all Magnum fans!). Now this show comes out...

Obviously it has to be "updated" with even bigger fake action scenes (courtesy CGI) which distracts as the original never needed such "tricks" to make it interesting. The cast isn't bad but they don't come anywhere near the chemistry the original Magnum crew had. And changing Higgins into a woman, that just shows how desperate it is to cater to its audience. Why? John Hillerman was the quintessential actor for the role, and played it beautifully. Changing the character's gender is only pathetic attempt to draw interest to her. Swing and a miss!

Unfortunately, Jay Hernandez, Zachary Knighton and Stephen Hill are equally unsuccessful in their roles. Hernandez simply doesn't have the charm and charisma of Tom Selleck (who does?). Knighton isn't bad as Rick but it's not a very deep role in the first place. Hill simply doesn't bring to the screen what Roger E. Mosley did.

Lastly, the desperate crossover appearances from the current 'Hawaii Five-0' (another poorly made remake) simply fails. The original 'Magnum P.I.' didn't need Steve McGarrett to bolster its ratings.

Overall, the show may have had some chance of success if it simply was another O'ahu-based cop/detective show; but as far as I am concerned this is yet one more in a long list of remakes that shouldn't have been made (i.e. the rebooted Ghostbusters, Oceans 8, what else am I forgetting?!?). Has Hollywood really run out of premises on which to base new TV series? Has there been one reboot that actually was worth watching? The new Magnum simply proves that writers cannot depend on nostalgia to bring viewers to the screen. Go back to the drawing board, guys, and come up with something original! These remakes are destined to fail...
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Remember, it's a DISNEY movie BASED on a real event.
15 April 2018
OK, many have criticized this little flick for not being the traditional ugly, violent Vietnam war flick that we have all come to except; but keep in mind that this is a DISNEY production BASED on a real operation, not a documentary of what happened.

I do like this film for several reasons. First, it positively reflects the actions of the US military in Vietnam, whereas most movies on the subject don't portray our forces in the most positive manner. Secondly, it more accurately shows the mission of the Special Forces in working with indigenous peoples to counter an adversary, not the snake-eating, kill-everything-insight stereotype compounded by the Rambo series. Thirdly, I find the acting, dialogue and interactivity between the characters to be well done. This movie wasn't "dumbed down" to be family-friendly, it maintained a standard that showed Disney was serious about making a quality film.

So it may not be historically perfect, and it may not fit into many's preconceptions as to what a Vietnam war film should address; but accepting it for what it was intended to be--a Disney film addressing positive subject matter--and criticizing it under those objectives makes the outcome a success in my book. If you want to see soldiers killing natives and burning villages there are plenty of other films that depict such acts, but if you want to watch a movie based on an actual operation by USSF to positively impact a Vietnamese village during the war that Operation Dumbo Drop is the best choice. It may not compare to Apocalypse Now or Full Metal Jacket, but it is not intended to be like those film; but judged on its own it succeeds in meeting its objectives!
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Psych: The Movie (2017 TV Movie)
Sadly Disappointing
28 January 2018
Was a big fan of the series, but it appears the three year hiatus has thrown the Psych Gang off their game. The whole thing was disjointed, overacted, poorly written and the chemistry that existed during series was missing. The entire plot appeared "forced" as was the performance--especially Roday's.

The "development" of Corbin Bernsen as Henry Spencer is just an example of how the entire production was trying to hard to not repeat the TV series. During the show Henry was always the voice of reason, now he's turned San Franciscan hippy with no real explanation. There was no reason to change anything about Henry, but for some reason the producers of this movie felt it was necessary.

The "also starring" characters were confusing and poorly brought into the fold. There was just too much back-story missing about them, making the overall plot even harder to follow.

Overall the entire movie was just a mess. If the plan is to do at least five more of these, then the writers and producers need to go back and re-watch the series and rediscover what made it special, then incorporate it into the next movie. If there's any hope, the next one cannot be any worse than this one. At least I hope not!

Lastly, it was a shame Timothy Omundson wasn't involved, and hopefully he has recovered from his health issues and will return in future Psych movies! "Lassie" balanced the show and brought a Dirty Harry vs. Sledgehammer aspect to the show. Omundson was badly missed, his cameo was a nice salute to his character but he really needs to be more a part of the plot. Unfortunately that wasn't possible for this movie (and I am not even sure if he could save this wreck), but it will be a bad omen if he doesn't join in on future efforts!
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LA to Vegas (2018)
Fly the Friendly Skies!
26 January 2018
With all the crap that's on the TV these days 'LA to Vegas' is a refreshing change! The characters are entertaining and as someone who flies quite often I can relate to them. The scenarios may be a bit over the top but historically that's what has always made good comedy (was 'Seinfeld' that realistic?). Honestly I can't say there is a better sitcom at the moment, which doesn't mean 'LA to Vegas' is great but compared to its competition it's at the top of the list.

So it isn't a home run right out of the box but as someone has also noted, the first season of 'Seinfeld' was pretty slow. 'LA to Vegas' has potential and has already shown great promise in its cast and scripts. It's balanced and even the over-the-top characters such as Captain Dave are easy to connect with.

I am glad to see three more episodes have already been order (for a total of 15), I hope Fox realizes what a hit they have and supports more seasons. "LA to Vegas' deserves a chance to prove itself!
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9-1-1 (2018– )
25 January 2018
Honestly, if you really want to see a realistic Hollywood production about first responders, watch the old "Emergency" TV show from the 1970s. That show was lauded for its realism and how it portrayed the fledgling paramedic program in the Los Angeles County Fire Department.

On the other hand, this show (9-1-1-) has to be one of the biggest insults to first responders ever contrived. It couldn't be more ridiculous, and is about as well-acted as a Mexican soap opera! I doubt they have any technical advisers as a part of the production as so much was done wrongly. Fox needs to cancel this as quickly as possible as the backlash will be worst than Tide pod eaters or NFL players kneeling during the National Anthem! It insults the intelligence of anyone with more than half a brain...

By the way, IMDb, you really need to provide an option for zero stars; as shows like this don't even deserve a one-star rating!
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White Gold (2017–2019)
OK, But Not Great (And No Inbetweeners!)
31 December 2017
The comparison with 'Alfie' was pretty accurate, Vince Swan (played by Ed Weswick) breaks the fourth wall continuously to keep the plot movie. It provides some of the character's insights, but it can be distracting as it is hard to feel any compassion for Swan who is pretty much a self-centered jerk to his wife and coworkers.

Secondly, there is the annoyance of the constant 80s music. Trust me, I love 80s music but it seems to be overused in this series. And it's not just background music, it blares at the end of every scene. Just look at the playlists on the official website, there are 15-20 songs per episodes. It's just too much, and appears to be added just to draw in more viewers.

Overall it's not a bad show, James Buckley and Joe Thomas recreate their 'Inbetweeners' roles and interactions which are about the best thing going. Linzey Cocker gives a pretty good performance as Swan's suffering wife.

Weswick's recent legal troubles (he was accused by three women of sexual assault in November 2017) put season two in question. BBC2's announcement of the second season was before this news broke. I am not sure if the show will survive without Weswick, it does center on him despite his character's unappealing antics. Why he couldn't have been just a con man is beyond me, extending his sleaziness to his personal life wasn't necessary unless the intent was to garner hatred towards him.

Obviously it's tough trying to follow up a great series such as 'Inbetweeners' and Damn Beesley didn't do so with 'White Gold,' but even mediocre BBC shows can be worth watching. This is one of them, just don't expect too much...
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Gunslingers (2014– )
An Enjoyable Depiction of Western History
28 December 2016
I have gotten addicted to this show, it has a great balance of historical information and re-enactments to be informative and entertaining. As mentioned, the first-person accounts make it more interesting than a pure documentary. The episode concerning Bass Reeves was extremely informative as he is an important person of that era but not well known (some claim he was the basis of the Lone Ranger series). I was also "satisfied" with the Wild Bill Hickok story (viewers will understand the pun!).

All in all, a highly enjoyable series on the old west! Definitely worth watching if you have any interest in that period.
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Nebraska (2013)
18 March 2016
This is yet another movie I never heard of that I suddenly discovered on a 14+ hour plane ride from Hong Kong to Dallas. The plot is fairly straightforward and the characters genuine. All of the actors do an excellent job of making you forget they are actors. The small turns and twists keep it engaging without getting too far-fetched. It had me engrossed all the way through the closing credits, and some aspects of it really hit home (Bruce Dern reminded me of my late father in many ways).

I doubt this film won any major awards but it should have. It was creative and endearing, and most importantly, a topic many of us can connect to. Make the effort to find this movie, it is touching and worth the time!
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18 March 2016
OK, so this genre has been schnitzeled already, and no one is expecting Academy Award performances here; but for an hour-and-a-half's worth of mindless enjoyment this movie does deliver! Not to regurgitate the entire plot as some people love to do in their "reviews," but much like very other zombie movie around (and there's tons of them) there's been some scientific blunder that unleashes the living dead on the world and our heroes have to save the day.

Actually, I kinda liked the fact that this particular movie bypassed the need to explain how events lead to the zombie apocalypse and instead just jumped into the action. It honestly doesn't matter and I appreciate that no time is wasted on it.

But I am curious as to how the zombies are exceptionally faster than they are in most other movies (i.e. 'Shaun of the Dead' which started the trend). I guess the producers decided they liked the faster zombies from 'Zombieland' instead. People actually argue the "authenticity" of this detail on the Internet. Seriously, get a life! As for 'Scout's Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse,' it's definitely a Netflix or a 'watch-on-the-airplane' (like I did) type of movie; but it it is creative and original enough to grab your attention and make you laugh every now an then during its 90 minutes (give or take). Unlike all the lousy movies that depend too much on CGI to impress their audiences, this one uses the age-old approach of character development and interaction, and it works.

This movie may not win any major awards, but it will win your heart and that's all that matters anyway, isn't it?!?
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The Weapon Hunter (2015– )
Enthusiasm and Respect
25 February 2016
With so many scripted "reality" shows concerning firearms, 'The Weapon Hunter' is a breath of fresh air! Paul Shull demonstrates a genuine enthusiasm and respect for these weapons and the people that used them (as well as collect and restore them). No politics or fake drama here, the focus is on the weaponry and how they made history.

Shull himself is also a great presenter, a down-to-the-earth guy whose passion and zest for military history is clearly evident, which makes the show even more enjoyable. His enthusiasm becomes the viewer's enthusiasm, and those who watch the show can experience what it is like to operate these weapons vicariously thru him.

Shull is also no prima donna, he is not only willing to get dirty or even risk life and limb; but is also not beyond embarrassing himself a little in the process if that is what it takes. However, what is really appealing is that Shull clearly makes weapons the star of the show, not himself.

The Smithsonian Channel has a real winner in 'The Weapon Hunter' and Shull, I eagerly look forward to the next season and many more beyond that!
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The Baker (2007)
A Good Movie
26 October 2013
I finally got to see this movie after trying to track it down for years. My problem was I searched on the film's UK name ("The Baker") and only just learned it was renamed for its US release. A quick search found that Amazon had it for rent, so I downloaded it for a plane ride home.

OK, maybe I had higher expectations after waiting all that time but I can only say this was a good movie and not a great one. It has several "issues" that I won't elaborate on as I still think it's worth watching.

The characters are interesting and the plot moves along, plus it had a lot of moments that made me smile but I will admit I never really laughed outright. It's that kind of film, enjoyable especially for Damian Lewis fans (I've always liked him since "Band of Brothers"). Kate Ashfiel does a good job, it took a little while to recognize her as Liz from "Shaun of the Dead" (she looks better with her short brunette hair) and Steve Speirs is great as Bryn. Several others put in outstanding performances that make it worth watching.

So, while not a "10," it's definitely a strong "8" and worth the time if you like movies of this genre.
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Deathwatch (2002)
Excellent Suspenseful WWI Drama!
18 January 2011
Horror movie? Not really, more of a "suspense drama" with a little horror thrown in for good measure. Deathwatch is worth watching (if you can pardon the pun), I grabbed it based on the cover and at such a low price it was easily disposable if it turned out to be rotten. But quite the contrary, what we have is an excellently filmed suspenseful drama that captures the horror of the First World War.

Having trekked numerous WWI battlefields in Belgium and northern France, it captures what I could only imagine were the horrors (yes, I will overuse that word in this review) of that conflict. "Eerie" is an excellent description, not so much scary but definitely suspenseful. A superbly done film and one that is worth chasing down a copy. I am glad I grabbed it, as this is a movie worth owning (an accolade that isn't apply too often these days!)
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Hysterical (1982)
'Hysterical' is, well...hysterical!
25 October 2010
I remember when this movie first came out, my best friend from high school introduced me to it and we would quote it endlessly. Unfortunately, he passed away about almost 20 years ago (RIP, James!); but I will always remember how much fun we had re-enacting scenes from this film.

Luckily, someone was smart enough to release it on DVD; as my video tape was starting to wear out. I still find it intensely hilarious (make that hysterical!) and it's as fresh and funny as it was almost 30 years ago when it was released! See how many stars you can spot, and enjoy this Hudson Brothers' masterpiece! It lives up to the title, and is worth owning as every time you watch it you'll see something new!
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Boxboarders! (2007)
A Fun Movie
20 June 2010
I have to agree with everything Merk said, the main objective of this movie seems to be to have fun and it did just that. You can't be too critical of a film that has such a noble goal, so don't dwell too deeply into the acting (which is pretty good considering) or the plot (ditto). Just sit back, relax and enjoy a really fun flick! My biggest concern is not that my 12-yr-old skateboard fanatic son will try to build his own boxboard after watching this movie, but that I will try to ride it down a hill myself! If you have kids, especially ones who are into skateboarding, go find Boxboarders and enjoy a family-friendly, entertaining movie!
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Average at Best
11 February 2010
OK, I won't even compare this movie with the 'original,' as there really is no connection between the two. Well, other than the one assassin and the fact that the FBI is the main government agency involved.

So, standing on its own, the best that could be said of 'Smokin' Aces II - Assassins' Ball' is that it is mildly entertaining if you like movies of this genre.

By that I mean lots of gunfire, blood, gore and a few hot women.

Otherwise, the script is weak, the plot weaker, and the acting...well, it can barely be called acting.

By itself, 'Smokin' Aces II' rates four stars at best. You can save yourself some money and wait until it hits the discount bins, you won't be missing anything by doing so. But do pick it up when it gets marked down, especially if you like these kind of brainless shoot-'em-up flicks!
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In Bruges (2008)
Absolutely Fantastic!
20 January 2010
There are many great reviews of this film, and all are justified. What drew our interest to it was we used to live in Belgium, and have been to Brugge (Flemish spelling) on several occasions. It is truly a beautiful town, and that is what makes this such a great movie, as it is the perfect backdrop for the plot. The acting is absolutely brilliant (kudos to Colin Farrell, most likely his best performance ever), the script well written and overall it is just what a movie should be, a balanced combination of humor, action and drama! This is far from a brainless action flick, this movie draws the viewer in and holds their attention the entire time. This is one to buy on DVD, as like I you will want to watch it every so often as it remains as fresh and entertaining as the first time!
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ABC Mantrap (1983)
A must for any/every ABC fan...
16 November 2008
OK, so this isn't a 'movie' per say; but it is an excellent video on one of the best bands to come out of the post-punk 'New Romantic' era of the UK in the early 80s!

The members of ABC aren't actors but portray themselves well in Mantrap, and their performances alone are worth the trouble and effort to find a copy of this (I have a very old VHS version). ABC's music still beats a lot of contemporary artists' work and I find it timeless. Mantrap is a wonderful capture of the music of the era and definitely worth seeing!

A 10/10 for me, and I wish someone would put out a digitized copy!
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Stealth (2005)
18 January 2008
"This was one of the biggest box office bombs of all time, losing a total box office revenue of 58.1 million US dollars (135 million was the original budget for the film)." That in itself should tell you everything you need to know about this film. If you haven't seen it, consider yourself lucky and go lock for something else at Blockbuster. If you happened across it on TV, then change the channel. If you are a glutton for punishment like I was, and like to see how you would do under torture, then go ahead and watch it; but I will warn you this movie makes 'Top Gun' look like 'The Right Stuff' in comparison.

Maybe if you are a 6-to-10-yr-old who is a fan of 'Transformers' or are a sexually-deprived individual who gets his excited by Jessica Biel, this film will have something that you are interested in. But if you are like the other 99.9% of the general population, this movie will have you either bored or confused. There are plot holes that you could drive a Mac truck through. It's only redeeming quality would be it must be a real good laugh if you've been drinking heavily prior to watching it; otherwise, it is well worth passing on.
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1941 (1979)
You Just Gotta Laugh!
7 January 2008
Yep, you can count me in with the number of people who think that '1941' was hilarious! I really cannot fathom anyone being so uptight about this movie, it is a lighthearted look at the craziness and crazes that were rampant after Pearl Harbor and I think Spielberg nailed it! Not only an excellent cast, but a wonderful action-packed comedy that never lets up. You could quote from this movie until the cows come home, the script was loaded with laughable lines. The comedic performances of the numerous stars involved were all top rate. And above it all, Spielberg kept the action true to the time! OK, maybe it is not the deepest of comedies but I rank it up there with 'Animal House' and 'Caddyshack' when it comes to outstandingly funny movies. And I am glad I grabbed the director's cut DVD as it contains loads of scenes I had never seen before. It just makes a great movie even better! I honestly could give this movie a 10/10, and I don't know why I feel pressured to drop it down a rating as I do love it so. Maybe I am falling prey to the constant negativity associated with this movie; but all I have to do is watch it again (and it is the kind of movie you can watch over and over again), and once again I am a fan! Well done and worth your time if you know how to enjoy yourself!
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Reunion at Fairborough (1985 TV Movie)
Still Great After All These Years...
1 November 2007
Well, I was finally able to obtain a digital copy of this great movie (Google the title and you can as well), and I just watched it for the first time in probably 20+ years. I can tell you it is just as good today as it was the first time! Sure, it is set in the 80s and things have changed, and there are some goofy bits to it; but it is still an excellent movie! Mitchum cannot be any more natural in this role. As a matter of fact, I think I consider this to be his best work ever! Kerr is the same, it almost seems as those the two of them aren't really acting but as the characters they are playing. Buttons may have been a little over the top, as was the young lady who played Mitchum's granddaughter but I was stationed in the UK during the early 80s and she portrayed a typical CND'er of the time.

If you are a fan of this movie, make every effort to get a copy of it. As I said, it can be done and it is well worth the trouble. Why this hasn't been released on DVD is beyond me, it is simply a great movie!
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Cavemen (2007–2008)
Actually, I kinda liked it...
2 October 2007
OK, my wife doesn't get the Geico commercials. She just doesn't see the humor in them. I, on the other hand, find them hilarious.

This show will garner the same response. I liked how it kept to the dry humor and urban sophistication of the commercials; but I am sure some will find it slow and unfunny. That's too bad, as TV could use a few more comedies that aren't gag-dependent. I enjoyed how no one questions the existence of cavemen in modern times, and how the are the target of prejudice but for no real reason. Each caveman is a unique character and functions in modern society better than the "saps" (homo sapiens).

I will be sad if this show doesn't survive, I for one will watch it ever week and if the series maintains the entertainment level of the first show than I am really looking forward to it. However, I get the feeling this one won't survive, which will be a shame...
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Hoodwinked! (2005)
Initial Thoughts
27 December 2006
OK, I will be honest, I have not seen the entire movie yet but from what I saw and the reviews I have read here, I thought I would toss in my comments.

First and foremost, the only reason I didn't see the whole movie was my kids were watching it fairly late at night and I had to get up early the next morning. But trust me, I stayed up as long as I could! 'Hoodwinked' had me hooked almost immediately. Sure, it may not be the high-tech CGI that we are getting so used to, but the "acting," script and characters far surpass all of that. For one, "Twitchy" is a riot, and has become the new nickname for my oldest son as they two are almost identical in character. Two, I love the "inside perspective" to the Little Red Riding Hood fairy tale, it makes the movie much more interesting to adults. Three, the humor is stupendous, and is funny to adults and children alike. Trust me, I've been to many a boring kids movie that had me snoozing ten minutes into the show ('Happy Feet' being a recent example, although the Robin Williams-voiced characters made it halfway entertaining). 'Hoodwinked' is on my "must-see-completely" list, and I strongly suspect it will be one of those movies I end up seeing several times just to catch all the nuances. Despite being a "budget" production in terms of the "gee-whiz" animation, the plot and characters make you quickly not care that it isn't a Pixar flick. I wish more family movies like this were available, it would get us into the theaters more often!
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Weak like Fahrenheit 9/11
14 October 2006
I am very unfortunate as I am also named Michael Moore, and have lived with the stigma of sharing the name of a guy who makes very biased and poorly supported documentaries for several years now. I don't hate all of his movies, 'Canadian Bacon' was hilarious; but much like 'Fahrenheit 9/11,' 'Bowling for Columbine' shares the same media paranoia that Moore blames on all of the problems with America. It is not that I totally disagree with his points...the media is focused on sensationalism and I for one can no longer stand to watch either the local news or even Fox or CNN. But Moore's arguments have no sustaining points to them. An interview with Marilyn Manson showing what a loving and caring person he is doesn't offset Manson's lyrics or stage antics...he is a promoter of glorified death because it sells to all the Emos who feel they are "misunderstood." What a new phenomenon that is, anyone remember when rock & roll first emerged in the 50's and how it was seen as the catalyst to the end of civilization? Nope, not me as I wasn't born yet; but I have heard the stories.

Moore's antics at K-Mart are a joke as well, blaming the company for the mis-use of ammunition bought from one of its stores. What if the two killers at Columbine had used Wüsthof kitchen knives? Should Nike or whoever's shoes they wore be also to blame? The Columbine High School massacre was a senseless tragedy, but one carried out by Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold (and which wasn't the most deadliest school attack ever, the Bath School bombing gets that distinction). Harris and Klebold already have a track record and were well on their way to becoming professional criminals. Both were considered to have a lack of moral judgment and needed psychiatric help. However, Moore conveniently skips over these important facts and goes right to the tools they used to implement their hatred upon others. Also, what about Mark Manes and Robyn Anderson, who illegally sold and gave the firearms to Harris and Klebold? Why isn't their involvement documented by Moore? Bottom line, this is another sensationalized documentary from a guy who likes to see himself on the big screen. It is inaccurate and misleading in its presentations and Moore likes to misshape interpretations of events to support his beliefs. This only got worse in 'Fahrenheit 9/11.' Don't watch either on a full stomach.

I only wish someone would limit Moore's right to free speech as much as he would like to limit everyone else's right to bear arms!
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