
12 Reviews
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Take Shelter (2011)
The ending ruins the whole movie
12 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This review is going to tell what happens at the end of the movie, so beware.

The entire concept of the movie is great and has wonderful actors. Everything is done right. Right up until the end of the movie.

This is the big spoiler: The family is only in danger because the main character had the visions that made him build a storm shelter. If he had just ignored it all and kept on he wouldn't have lost his job, took out a loan to build a storm shelter, went to a shrink, and then taken his family directly into the path of danger. Away from his storm shelter by the way.

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RIP Headphone users
21 September 2014
Sorry but I use headphones and pretty much any movie like this one is impossible to watch.

The Actors whisper their lines as quiet as possible and then screaming blaring sound effects.

So if you want to watch this movie with headphones, you have to keep your finger on the volume and crank it from 25% to 100% back to 25% back to 100%. Stop, rewind crank the volume and hear what they said. Crank it back down to 25% because your eardrums are being blown.

After having to rip the headphones off three or four times because of it going from actors who are whispering to extremely loud sound effects I just gave up. Screw this movie.
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Death Factory (2014)
an honest review
17 September 2014
I'm at 9 minutes into the movie and I stopped to count how many extreme stereotypes I've seen so far. There are 9 so far. That's right. Nine minutes in and nine extreme stereotypes are in the movie so far.

9 minutes 22 seconds. 10 extreme stereotypes so far.

9 minutes 30 seconds. A pair of extreme stereotypes just reached epic stereotypical traits.

9 minutes 50 seconds. 11 extreme stereotypes so far.

I'm starting to see a pattern here. Not only has the acting been laughably bad so far, the characters are such extremes that it's comical to watch each one as they get revealed.

14:53 had to pause the movie because i couldn't take anymore. I'm only going to continue just to make sure the plot holes I've seen so far are as enormous as I think they are.

24:30 The most racist stereotype I have ever seen in a movie.

26:50 The new most racist stereotype I have ever seen in a movie.

Guy trying to hide behind a window accidentally punches(?) it at the worst possible time. And I'm done. Screw this movie.
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Savaged (2008 Video)
Could have been a lot better
16 September 2014
Notice that there are only 23 ratings including mine on this video. The other reviewer of this movie is obviously a huge fan of the main actress (he babbles on about her in his review) and overrated this movie because of it.

The acting is barely okay. There was no character development so you don't care what happens really. And if you're one of those people who notices plot holes this movie will drive you insane. Another problem is that we have seen this exact movie before and this movie brought nothing new to these movies.

This movie just has too many problems to be enjoyable. Do yourself a favor and don't waste your time.
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13 Eerie (2013)
Other Review are LIes movie sucks
13 September 2014
First off, I love horror movies and especially the zombie genre. It's probably my favorite sub genre of horror and I would rather watch it than anything else. Just needed to tell you that so you could understand just how horrible this movie is.

This movie is beyond horrible. The 'zombies' are done terribly. The second one you see has perfect movie actor teeth. The 'authority figure that won't listen' is overdone so much that it's completely unbelievable.

The acting? It wasn't what i would cal the worst I've ever seen in any C movie, until it got to the first death scene, at which point it won first place for laughably bad acting of any movie ever.

The premise behind the zombies? I have no idea because I made it exactly 31 min 57 seconds into the movie before i had to turn it off.

Don't subject yourself to this garbage.
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Beneath (V) (2013)
Complete waste of time
12 September 2014
This movie only got those three stars because of the supporting actors who were actually pretty good. The director went with shaky camera, flashing lights that last too long, in the darkness that lasts too long, and way too long of a build before anything happens.

I mean seriously, you put 6 full minutes of flashing lights and darkness into 80 minutes of movie? The main character sucks at acting. And there is nothing scary in this movie. Nothing. Note even a cheap thrill scare.

The other reviewers talked about the claustrophobia of the cave....... But that doesn't do anything for those of us who aren't claustrophobic.
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Germ (2013)
Definite Guilty Pleasure
26 April 2014
Why am I rating this so high? I wish I knew. If you've read my other reviews then you know I'm a fairly harsh critic of new movies in the horror genre. That's not my fault, I just grew up with awesome horror movies that could scare the crap out of you and had a decent storyline with good acting.

The acting was definitely sub par. The zombie source is very unoriginal. The action scenes weren't all that good.

There were definitely cliché moments along with a bunch of scenes we've seen in other zombie movies. The gore scenes weren't even done very well. I could go on and on.

But seven stars............? The movie had a nice flow to it, something rarely ever seen in a B zombie flick. I'm not sure if there was supposed to be a bunch of comedy in this movie since it isn't billed as a comedy/horror, but it had me laughing out loud at some points and even talking at the screen. Maybe that's why I liked it so much?

If you can stand B horror with some good moments that may be unintentionally funny but still make you laugh and shake your head this is definitely the movie for you. But don't go into it expecting a lot of scares, there were none in this movie.
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The Barrens (2012)
Completely disappointing
26 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Talk about a movie in which nothing happens. It's the typical setup for most monster movies. Family, goes into woods alone, blah blah blah.

Half the movie is just getting them onto location with little character building. None of the actors are likable. The acting wasn't bad though.

One thing that really bothered me was that (spoiler) the movie was about the jersey devil, and it only appeared for 10 seconds at the very end of the movie. It's like a Jason movie where Jason only has a cameo appearance. (end spoiler)

Overall: Very boring. No scares. Annoying characters. A lot of empty space in the movie, the movie should have been a short.
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Gamer (2009)
Just terrible and cheap.
25 April 2014
This movie was an extreme let down. All that money spent for less than B movie entertainment. A lot of stuff that should have been left to the imagination was delved into for no apparent reason other than to fill time. The cheap thrills are all of B movie or less value. The actors are either under done or over done to a weird extreme. Oh, and can you say cliché to the maximum? If you like mindless entertainment that you don't have to think about this is probably the movie for you. If you want a movie that was done well with some real thought put into it pass this one by.

If you want a movie exactly like this one, except done correctly, go get the movie "Surrogates" (2009). At least that movie isn't cheap garbage all the way through.
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Dark Floors (2008)
Too much missing
24 April 2014
I love horror movies that have a lot of mystery in them. But that doesn't mean you can have an entirely unexplained plot that doesn't wrap itself up in any way. This movie didn't answer any of the questions it presented, although it did seem like the director was trying to hint at what might be going on.

There were no scares. They built up to scares with high intensity moments and then never delivered. Now, Lordi does say that he had to tone down the movie dramatically because of his financiers. That means you should have released a theatrical version and a director's cut. We are stuck with the toned down version of the movie that obviously removed the explanations and the scares.

The fact that nothing was explained and all the scares had been removed demotes this movie to 2 stars.
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The Others (2001)
You can tell they are acting
22 April 2014
The movie itself wasn't a bad movie. I'm a huge fan of the horror genre but 90% of the time I'm disappointed with the quality of the movies that are available.

This one has some of the classical problems of almost all horror movies. While the actors weren't terrible, or even bad, it was obvious from the start that they were just actors there to play a role. You don't get attached to any of them. Also, if an actor is going to have to fake an accent, then that actor needs to be able to pull it off. The mother was obviously trying very hard to mimic what she thought was "old south".

As for scares there really were none. Everything was rather predictable. But that may be a problem I have from watching so many horror movies. There are just only so many plot twists that can be done.
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Vile (2011)
This isn't a horror movie
17 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This movie wasn't even a horror movie.

It's a group of people being forced to torture each other. Nothing scary, nothing supernatural.

There are no real plot twists at all. Completely predictable. It got 2 stars because it is watchable. But if you're looking for a horror movie, keep looking. Lot's of gross out factor though. Plenty of gore for the gore hounds.

Some people have compared this to Saw, but in my opinion that's an insult to the Saw series. This isn't creative, it doesn't draw on deeper meaning. In no way is it a reflection of society, or basic human faults. It's just a shock factor movie.
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