
4 Reviews
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Turistas (2006)
Not as bad as people make it out to be!
8 December 2006
I really came into this movie hardly knowing a thing about it except I've heard a million people telling me it was terrible and the 3. something rating on here made me think this was going to be laughably bad but it really wasn't.

I'm surprised this movie didn't do better! I mean its nothing more than average even know I thought it did have some originality. Any average horror/slasher fan would probably enjoy it, it's no worse than wolf creek or hostel. The film did a good job of setting their tones, they did a good job at pacing and they managed to do a good job with the intensity. The camera works a little frustrating at first but you get used to it and it ends up working for the film. The deaths and special effects aren't the most amazing at looking realistic but they did a good job with their budget. I also really liked how they developed the characters in this but they could use less gore, I mean I know thats whats getting the audience for some reason lately but it didn't feel necessary and they kept a gross scene on for just too long.

Overall, Don't get me wrong this movie isn't excellent but its not as bad as everyones saying it is. If you liked wolf creek, hostel, into the blue, or the descent then you'll probably enjoy this, it's worth a look.
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The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning (2006)
18 October 2006
The prequel "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning" takes us back to the origin of how Leatherface got to be the brutal killing machine he is.

Ever since I saw the trailer for this movie I was pretty stoked. This movie basically could've been a sequel but the small bit at the beginning that told us the legend was pretty neat, I think it set the mood from there. I have to say I was impressed with the Character development in this movie, especially since its a horror movie. Going into a movie with the words Chainsaw and Massacre in the title you have to expect a high level of gore and if thats what your all about you'll get that maybe even more than you want. The movie seemed to get rather repetitive after awhile it just began to be slaughter after slaughter but I don't think they used enough emotion because I didn't feel that much towards the characters. Also, I think the movie could've done with a little more chase scenes, since thats what I think these TCM movies do best is the chase scenes. And going back to the gore I can always take gore but I think this movie did go a bit over the top to the point where I was kind of like okay it's getting a little unnecessary. Most of the scares in the movie were really effective and pretty original and they used enough to satisfy without putting in too much and becomes annoying like The Grudge Movie's. But, This is one to see in theaters especially with a large group of friends, you'll have a good time.

Overall, I'd suggest seeing it if you a big horror fan, it's nothing too original but with a group of friends it can be lots of fun. But it's not one I'd buy because I can't see myself watching something that gory by myself without questioning my sanity.
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Just My Luck (2006)
Just My Luck (2006)
18 October 2006
Just My Luck stars Lindsay Lohan and Chris Pine as strangers who end up swapping fortunes through a kiss.

First of all, I'm not the biggest fan of Lindsay Lohan but that's not going to make me hate the movie because she is a good actress and she did a pretty good job with her role as well as Chris Pine. Now, I'm a huge fan of predictable teen movies from the 90's but wow this movie was painfully predictable, and I'm never one to complain about that but in this one if felt like they thought they were smart with it and dragged it on to the point where we know its coming just do it. But, the movie wasn't all bad it had some good lines and scenes but not enough to make me watch it again. It was a cute concept, I just wish they would've made a better movie out of it, Lohan and Pine I thought were good for the roles though.

Overall, Just My Luck was really predictable it had some cute scenes but overall it's not worth watching a second time around and its one you should rent if you can't find anything else. But, 8-10 year olds will probably really enjoy it.
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cheesy, bad acting, dialogue, But ONE EXTREMELY FUN MOVIE!!
13 February 2006
Okay, anyone who walks into this movie who has seen the trailer or the previous movies should not walk into this film being critical because thats not why this movie was made! it was made for teens, and it doesn't need much of anything when it's got amazing death scenes as this. I went to go see this with a group of friends expecting to have a good time and I did I suggest this movie to anyone looking to not worry about a plot or the dialogue or the acting and just sit back and have fun yelling for characters to live, being shocked by the deaths and laughing after wards its a movie i've been waiting for, because there hasn't been a good silly horror to me since House of Wax. You'll really like this if you ended up seeing When A Stranger Calls, this one is definitely not PG!!

Overall, this is a fun movie, no brains just fun suspense, creative deaths, full of gore and as I said earlier this wasn't made for the critics!
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