9 Reviews
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Barb Wire (1996)
People don't get it
5 March 2022
This show doesn't need to be any different than it is. The over the top craziness of the lines and the characters are more than enough entertainment for anyone. People who have critiqued this expecting a Bruce Willis type of action adventure just don't understand what this is about or where the entertainment factor lies in this show.

As far as action adventure goes, the stunts and the pace of the movie are great! It is full on fun and exciting. But it is not some macho style, take Barb Wire seriously as an action adventure. It actually is really cool and when people get over their judgement of Pamela Anderson and see the movie for what it is... light hearted entertainment... then they might enjoy it as much as I do. But then again, boobs seem to make men upset. They want to see boobs on someone that they think they can maybe imagine themselves with. And Barb Wire is not that woman. Her attitude doesn't lend itself to making men feel like they could rush in and save her.
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Housos: Housos vs the Virus (2020)
Season 3, Episode 1
Hilarious, Obnoxious Comedy
5 October 2021
This is probably one of the most obnoxious shows you will ever see on TV. It is like Trailer Park Boys, but everything at a faster, harder pace. I have tried to turn a lot of people on to this show, but as I am in the US, many of my friends feel it is hard to "follow" or complained they cant "get into it." But in my opinion, the pace is what makes the jokes work. So, if u want to enjoy this show, brush up on your ability to understand Australians so that you can enjoy this gem.

The basic setting is a neighborhood called Sunnyvale. And the main characters are constantly doing the "wrong" things. The cops are classic cat and mouse comedy. The characters get more charming as you get to know them.
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New Girl (2011–2018)
Funny but cliché
21 April 2017
This show is pretty good. I laughed out loud. But, there are a considerable number of eye roll themes to the show. For one, whenever the main character gets serious or excited she speaks like a little girl. Also, she has the moral compass of a child in an adult body. Everything is "simple" and "black and white". She tries to always be a silly goody two shoes, but she gets laid non stop. At 25 she is too immature to be an openly sexual person, but she really wants the other characters in the story and the audience to know that she has sex about three times a day. She pretty much coasts through her life by not really having any needs beyond the need to be liked, which at times can be incredibly overwhelming. Her flat mates are her friends. They cover a series of intimate issues by drinking and having sex. Pretty much everything can be solved in their life as long as it ends with alcohol and a romp in an untidy bedroom. She seems together at first, but the trajectory of her life is a downhill spiral of boyfriends who decrease in attractiveness and intelligence. Her career also circles the drain and she completely devalues herself by taking any old position that under pays. So if you are looking for something refreshing about a real woman being herself, this isn't the show for you. This woman is an earnest cliché of femininity. She flails around each day in hopes of convincing herself that the one dimensional cliché of a woman can be fulfilling and that her shallow understanding of her identity (a 1950s, ditzy blonde) is a unique and acceptable survival technique in modern American culture.
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Foxcatcher (2014)
Discussion of Johan's conspiracy theory
14 November 2015
Maybe the eastern bloc wanted to better their chances at the Olympic wrestling gold again. Targeting Du Pont with psychosis inducing drugs would have done the job. I wonder if any conspiracy theorists or even john himself have wondered if it was sabotage from their competition. The movie looks at a lot of different angles for how things went down at the du Pont farm and with this wrestling team. I think it is a pretty good explanation of things. And I don't mean to be disrespectful David Schultz' a life. I think the movie could have made more of a point to explain the reason this happened is because of an inability for many Americans to comprehend and treat rich people as equals. They think the rich are inherently good and better than the rest of others and give them too much leeway to trample on others rights. Rich people are humans just like everyone else and hanging around them for their money is not going to get you where you need to go. That said, it would have been interesting to see if the sabotage angle was ever discussed.
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Nice try...
6 April 2015
This movie set out to do this that it couldn't achieve. I don't think it was the fault of James. Unfortunately, he took a bunch of really shallow wannabe starlets out on a spiritual journey to his father's ranch in Texas. The people he took with them were incapable of setting aside their needs to help a friend do the things he wanted to do. I would actually venture to say this movie is a perfect example of how children who have been neglected by a parent(s) reenact that neglect in adult relationships. The main character, James, brought childish friends to support him in ways they most definitely were unprepared- at least that is how it seemed, but then something changes and your back I the psychological thriller. So, for a 2 AM and "I can't sleep" movie it is not bad and I can't really agree with the waste of time review. Yet, do not expect much.
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Louie (2010–2015)
It gets better!
2 April 2015
This show is about as understated as it gets. In fact, this show raises humbleness to an art. That is how it seemed to me at first, but as the seasons developed I grew to understand the continuous rhythm and juxtaposition of the elements of the series reveals a poetry that makes you feel more at home and appreciative of being human. It is definitely no ode to humanity, it rather tends to poke at society's shortcomings. Yet, at the same time it reveals the tenderness of the Individual who is unaffected by the trappings. Louis biggest shortcoming is that he judges himself as unworthy when confronted with an opportunity to compare himself to the rich and beautiful, elite New York society. In reality, Louis has it all and finds himself in more interesting relationships and situations than what one person is generally afforded in one day. It is precisely his lack of appreciation for his situation that makes it easier for me as a viewer to adore and be enthusiastic for his journey through the adult world.
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Frances Ha (2012)
How did this get so hyped?
29 March 2015
If you ever wanted to reinforce your little imagination with images of how small, petty, and shallow female relationships are, watch Frances Ha. Perhaps when you grow up you will appreciate Sex in the City. Also watch if you are a bona fide hipster. This black and white film is truly colorless and one dimensional. It may appear original if you have never seen a Woody Allen film but still falls flat. I prefer films with characters who express an opinion. The main characters of this film profess to have an opinion but really never express anything in particular. It reminds me of exactly what Woody Allen focuses on, complains about but ultimately, Allen's films rise above the fail whereas this film only supposes or claims it has. Unfortunately, through the hype and critical support it has received, Frances Ha's only achievement is to demonstrate that there is no soul or "magic" in the life of young adult, privileged class hipsters.
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Murdoch Mysteries: Crime & Punishment (2013)
Season 6, Episode 12
Huge, annoying plot hole.
22 February 2015
Warning: Spoilers
How can a patient of Dr. Ogden's be treated at the asylum without anyone else being aware of the existence of the woman? In court Dr. Ogden clearly states she was treating the patient as a resident of the asylum because she had become crazy with fear of being killed by her husband. And, when her husband appeared outside the asylum she took the lady to safety at her sisters house. Dr. Ogden is pronounced guilty because not one shred of evidence suggests this woman exists. I don't see how no one at the asylum knew of this patient. I could understand if no one could find the patient after the fact. However, the premise that there was no intake paperwork at the asylum, that a patient can receive food and shelter at the asylum for days without being seen or documented is beyond believability.
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Cropsey (2009)
The next step...
20 February 2014
One thing I like about this film... and that I don't like... is that it opens the way to the next step in the story. Unfortunately, the film does not provide an avenue for the step to be taken. It didn't move forward fast enough and left the juicy bits for us to imagine. Feels like perhaps there was not the will or the money needed to take the story to the final conclusion. The dissection of his psychological profile. As made clear in the movie, he is very affected by his experience at Willowbrook (and his mother's experience in care) why not look at what happened at Willowbrook because he probably started there and what was Willowbrook's official or unofficial means of disposing of the deceased patients? Were there many unexplained accidents while he was there? Who did he work with and then have contact with or visit on Staten Island after Willowbrook shutdown? But mainly, what did Willowbrook do with the deceased patients in their care? and where was his mother buried? How could he have recreated those circumstances on Staten Island? Plus, he likely knew of ways to get into parts of Willowbrook that seem totally unaccessible to folks unaware of what it is like to be homeless. Take the camera in there, not just superficially look over the grounds please. There were furnaces and other places on those grounds that would naturally be a place he would have known about which could very well be buried in ruins now and that's what I needed to see- more effort.
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