
14 Reviews
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Talk to Me (I) (2022)
Horror Is Subjective
28 April 2024
9 out of 10 time too much hype never plays out well. I'm almost always let down. This, unfortunately, is one of those times. I really looked forward to TTM. I only heard good things. That it was terrifying. When. Will. I. Freaking. Learn. It wasn't. There were a few scenes that were. That was it. The acting was good. But there was literally only one redeeming and likable character. I won't give away who because it would be a spoiler but you'll know when/if you watch. One character who didn't deserve anything bad to happen to them. Not that any of them deserved it, but this character was the only one I liked and who was honestly decent. The rest of them were awful. Part of a good horror film in this genre is having atleast the lead character be likable and someone you root for. This film doesn't have that. The film is original and for the most part kept my attention. But it's hard when you want literally every character to get what's coming to them for being so GD stupid and arrogant. And there were so many parts I hated. It almost unsettled me and that truly takes a lot. Scare me? Not too much. Unsettle me? A whole hell of a lot. I'm going to end this ramble by saying watch it, don't watch it. Horror is subjective anyway. Just if every horror film that's been massively hyped has let you down...this might, too. I was going to give this 3-4 stars but gave it 5 solely because I felt it was original and that's hard to come by anymore.
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Go In Knowing It's Not...
17 April 2024
The Justified we know and love, but it was still wonderful to see Tim back as Raylan. It was 100% jarring watching Raylan in Detroit and outside of Kentucky (especially right after finishing another rewatch of the original series), but I felt it was decent. This isn't the Justified we know. Raylan is in a new element - it was almost like culture shock because I've watched the OG series so much I'm used to the Southern accents, the brightness (the color tone of CP was dark which also threw me off), and the quirkiness and wit of the villains. In CP, the villains are true villains - nothing likable or redeeming about them (though Holbrook was fantastic in his role), which is a drastic change from Justified. We all loved Boyd and rooted for him while wanting him to get caught. All of that can be credited to Walt for bringing such vitality to a character that was only supposed to be in the OG series pilot. I missed the fun banter between Raylan and the bad guys - we didn't get that here. And I get why. We weren't supposed to. This was supposed to be different. And I see why a lot of fans were less than thrilled with City Primeval. I get it and they all have valid points as to why they didn't like this iteration and I agree with them. It was slow at times but in typical Justified fashion, once everything came together it picked up fast and hard. So that being said, I enjoyed it for what it was. I knew it would be different - no Art, Rachel, Tim, Winona, Boyd, Ava, Wynn, Vasquez. I knew it wouldn't be the Justified I loved. The OG series was a perfect show start to finish for me, with the series finale being THE best finale I've seen to date. That's why I appreciated CP a bit because they weren't trying to nor did they set out to make a Justified 2.0. Yes, there were a lot of things I was less than thrilled about. Yes, the format was different and the way everything played out was a bit...not confusing per say...maybe perplexing? Yeah, perplexing is the right word. You didn't know who you could trust. You didn't know who was clean and who was dirty. The actors were great, but like a lot of people said, this iteration was based on a book by Elmore Leonard that had nothing to do with Raylan and the creators of the show put him in anyway. Which makes sense because any version of Justified without Tim/Raylan isn't Justified. But, and hopefully you're still with me, in the end it's worth it. I swear and promise you that. In regards to a second "season", I'm torn. On one hand, hell yes after that ending (just can't use City Primeval as part of the title). If you watched you know why. But on the other hand, the OG series (like I said) ended in sheer and utter perfection with "Because we dug coal together" that I don't know if we really should have a second season. Why mess with perfection? Either way, I'd be happy because I do trust the creators, writers, and Tim. I'd say give it a shot, but go in with an open mind and try not to compare the two.
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Thanksgiving (I) (2023)
Watchable. But am I the only one....
13 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Who knew the killer was Patrick Dempsey the second he came on screen as John Carver? No? Yes? I don't know. He has a very distinctive walk but maybe that's just too much Grey's Anatomy over the past 20 years. But to me it was obvious it was him. Like how in the movie Valentine it was so painfully obvious that the killer was David Boreanez - not a lot of people were built like him. Anyway. Patrick Dempsey was the best part of this film. To me, this was a typical Eli Roth crapfest gore-fest. He's not known to have the greatest acting in his films. Or plots, really. Don't get me wrong, I truly think he's brilliant and understands horror as a genre but I don't think he's truly found HIS sub genre. You know, the one that you do better than most, where your film is top tier, a cult classic. He does gore and over the top scenes very well. But story-wise, in my opinion, he falls flat. Which is where my biggest issue with this film comes into play. HOW CAN THE KILLER BE IN 2 PLACES AT ONCE?!? Like I said, I knew it was Patrick Dempsey immediately but it tripped me up with the parade and the live-streaming and BEING IN TWO PLACES AT ONCE. And the Bobby fake out. Lame. Bobby was too short, I knew that was an extremely weak red herring. Did Eli learn nothing from Wes Craven and Scream? Either do 2 killers or make it make sense. But not obvious. He could've done that. But he either didn't think of it, didn't care, both, or both because he knew his die-hards wouldn't care. I don't know. But if he can fix that problem, I could see him actually doing a truly decent slasher in the future. I gave it a 6 solely because of the entertainment value. Would I watch it again? Probably not. Would I tell someone not to waste their time? Nope. Horror's subjective, as you can tell by the reviews. What I found obvious and over the top and clear plot holes, someone else might see the opposite. So watch it, don't watch it. I don't care. I just want Eli Roth to live up to his name that has somehow made him a 'genius' in horror without actual genius (it's there, just not in the execution of any of his films - again my opinion).
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The Rookie: True Crime (2021)
Season 3, Episode 7
Why All the Hate???
12 May 2023
Y'all need to chill. This was, in a way, satire and it's clear that most of you who review bombed do not get or understand satire. This episode was fantastic. I love storylines about cults. It's so interesting. And I think the documentary style was refreshing and fun. Some of you are just so miserable with your ratings if 1-5/10 because iT's DoCuMeNtArY sTyLe. Get over it. It was a fun episode. It was great seeing Frankie Muniz (sp?) play a character like that.

AND THERE WAS NO BAD ACTING. Just stop being miserable and either look deeper OR STOP WATCHING. We don't need the negativity. It's gross. Get off your high horse and GET OVER YOURSELVES. It's not that deep. If you can't enjoy a fun episode once in while...BYE AND GOOD RIDDANCE TO YOU.
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The Rookie: In the Line of Fire (2021)
Season 4, Episode 3
Feels Rejuvenated and a Great Episode to Boot
12 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I was worried after the events of the end of last season, especially Jackson' death. I loved him and was devestated how they killed him off. I wish they would bring it up more. I hated the 3 month time jump but I understand why they did it. That being said, this ep was great. Harper and Thorson (sp?) are so great as TO and Rookie. I already LOVE Aaron and can't wait to see more of him.

It's awesome seeing Tim as Sergeant, he's so great at it and it's about time. Looking forward to more of that. Also, I know Chenford happens later in the series and I can't wait!

Angela and Wesley as parents is great, though I worry about Wesley's deal with Elijah is going to end very badly and it makes me extremely nervous. I do know that Wesley lives and that makes me happy.

Full disclose, I literally know nothing about what cops and firefighters can and can't do nor do I really know anything about guns so any inaccuracies do not bother me at all. It's a television show. Unless you're a police officer, with all respect, you need to calm down and just enjoy.

All in all, this show has become one of my favorites. I love this cast. I hope to see more of Bradford's personal life considering he's my favorite.

Great episode, well.
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What did I just watch?
1 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
So I just watched the trilogy back to back and I gotta say (and I loathe and am sad about this), this was the worst film in the franchise. Yep. Worse than Resurrection if you can believe it (and I hated Resurrection). Halloween 2018 was wonderful and reinvigorated the series. It felt like a Halloween film. Halloween Kills...1/2 is good, 1/2 is not so good. But I'm so disappointed. And I never thought I would say this but Kills was better. Which is really saying something.

What I'm so confused and quite frankly baffled by is the character of Corey. What was the point? Why did we spend most of the movie on this character who ends up being killed by Michael Myers after working with him (huh?)? Did we need that melodramatic weird love story between Allyson and Corey? Absolutely not. You're entering Scream's territory (LOVE Scream, making a point) and that has never been what Halloween is about. And what's with EVERYONE in Haddonfield blaming Laurie? She didn't kill anyone. She tried to warn law enforcement that MM would come back and, GASP, he did. That also made no sense. Also, the atmosphere of the film was just plain off. It has a different feel than the rest of the trilogy (the rest of the franchise really) and I didn't like that. John Carpenter should have had a much larger role in this trilogy and if he didn't want to, then in all honesty maybe it shouldn't have been made or they should've just done the film in 2018 and ended it once and for all. Oh, and WHY was this 2 hours? It was 1 1/2 hours of Corey and Allyson and less than a half hour of Laurie and Michael. I'm just really sad that one of my all time favorite horror franchises ended like this.
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31 October 2022
I don't get all the low and negative reviews. Yes, I read the short story and loved it. Maybe read it if you haven't and hated this film? Just a thought. Anyway. I went into this 1000% expecting to be disappointed. The hype. The fact that it's an adaption of a short story by the incredible Joe Hill. Joe Hill is one of my favorite authors, and after the HORRENDOUS adaption of Horns, I was fully prepared to hate this. Instead, I loved it. I found myself talking out loud to the TV (rarely do this). I was emotional at the end - you want some kind of emotion at the end of a well done horror film no? Ethan Hawke was truly creepy (though admittedly they could have upped the creep factor a bit which is why I gave it 9/10) and so good as "The Grabber". So don't listen to the negative reviews. Give it a shot and come away with your own opinion. I really don't think you'll be disappointed.
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LOL to all the negative reviews
27 October 2022
DO. YOUR. VERY. SIMPLE. RESEARCH. This show, as Mike Flanagan has stated EXTREMELY clearly many times, is based on books (including the titular novel this show is named after and inspired by) written by Christopher Pike. Who wrote books for - wait for it - the YA horror genre. Imagine. That. A simple google search would have told all of you people who VERY obviously missed the point this information. Or a search here, where you wrote your ignorant review(s). They were also written in the '90s. No. It's not Hill House. Or Bly Manor. Or Midnight Mass. It's it own entity. Which, if you truly are a fan of horror, should be happy that Mike Flanagan isn't just pumping out another Haunting iteration just because that's what YOU want and the hell with quality. It's honestly laughable that some of you went into this so blind and were disappointed. This show was fantastic. The acting, as usual with Flanagan's work, was top notch. Of course there's teen drama. They. Are. Teens. I wish we could comment on reviews because some of Horror isn't always about the jump scares, or ghosts, or demons, or monsters. Horror is what you make of it. Horror should make you FEEL something. I guess rage counts but if it's rage because you were disappointed then I'm sorry to say you don't actually understand horror. Mike Flanagan is bringing it back to its roots and we should ALL be excited about that. Horror lost its way for a long time. Anyway. End of rant. Takeaways - it was wonderful, do your research, listen to the writer/creator/director, familiarize yourself with the source material (if it exists), learn to enjoy things, and NOT EVERYTHING MIKE FLANAGAN CREATES NEEDS TO BE OR SHOULD BE COMPARED TO HILL HOUSE, BLY MANOR, or MIDNIGHT MASS. Horror is having a moment. Instead of complaining, ENJOY IT.
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Terrifier (2016)
Knows What It Is
22 October 2022
Let me start off by saying this is gory. Like, Eli Roth gore level here. So this will not be for everyone. That being said, if you enjoy the traditional '80s slasher films, where the killer has no motive other than just to kill for fun. If you're looking for a "story" and a "true plot" - this isn't for you. There is plot, but in the loosest sense of the word. But I found this film fun. It brought back memories from when I first delved into horror and solely watched slashers of all calibers. What I enjoyed most was that the director/writer knew what type of film he was making and stuck to it. I can appreciate that. He leaned in to the old school type of b-movie slasher that I feel he was trying to go for. This film would've fit in well in the 80s or back when SyFy made good/horrible fun slasher type films.

Art the Clown is SOOOOO creepy and the actor who played him was so good it made it worth while. A serial killer clown mime?? Who literally makes no sounds (no breathing, gasping, sounds of pain, etc)?? Creepy AF. AtC will probably not be do down in history has the GOATs like Michael, Jason, and Freddy, but he should get an honorable mention.

If you're looking for an unoriginal original (if you watch it, you'll get it) atmospheric slasher that's good for *mindless* watching - I recommend this. 5 stars rating solely for Art the Clown.
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Maybe Read The Source Material First??
22 October 2022
Before I start my brief review, I want to say a few things about the negative/ignorant reviews. First of all, yes, it's labeled correctly. It's drama, horror, suspense. Plain and simple. If you can't understand that, PICK UP "IF IT BLEEDS" BY STEPHEN KING. The story this film is based on/adapted from is in it. It's good. In fact, whenever you see that a film is an adaptation or based on a Stephen King novel, or any novel really, read the source material. Let me say say that again for the complainers. READ. THE. SOURCE. MATERIAL. FIRST.

To add on to that, I'd say that if I were asked by someone who doesn't like horror what horror film they should watch, it would be something like this. I recently saw a clip of an interview between Mike Flanagan and Guillermo del Toro where Mike asks that exact question. Mr. Del Toro's response was (and I'm heavily paraphrasing here) - "something that moves you, that makes you emotional, that makes you feel something because what you watched is something you saw in yourself". Mike Flanagan is actually doing that with horror right now.

Horror, at its roots, is about story and character, which is what this film is about. No jump scares. No gore. Just a beautiful story where some horrifying, unexplainable (or are they?) things happen.

In summation, ignore the negative reviews, the complainers, and the lower reviews where they think they know better. Pick up the book (or don't, but again, you should because it's wonderful) and watch this film. It's worth it.
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Bridgewater (2021 Podcast Series)
18 October 2022
I loved every second of this podcast. It was entertaining, super creepy, and well acted. I could not stop listening to it. The mystery was new and fantastic and the ending of season 1 (season 2 next year!!!) was satisfying but also left me with more questions. But again, season 2 is coming so YAY! This podcast is original and the episodes leave you wanting more to the point that you could spend an entire day binging the whole first season. I literally cannot say enough good things about this. And if I may, should you want to add to the creepiness and the atmosphere - put on a jacket, grab your ear buds/air pods/headphones, and go for a walk right around sunset. Preferably near woods. Preferably with no one around. Trust me. It made the experience that much more fun. Can't wait for season 2!!!
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The Watcher (2022– )
Bingeworthy but...
18 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I finished this in 2 nights, 1 night had I not started it so late. It was THAT intriguing and entertaining until...the last episode. But I'll get to that.

First, the people complaining that it didn't stick to actual events-who cares? The letter part was true so technically, this is based on a true story/true events. Stop complaining. Most shows and films that state this do the exact same thing this series did. So instead of complaining, maybe don't watch things that state they are based on true events?

Second, I was immediately drawn in. That house is STUNNING. Naomi Watts and Bobby Canivale were phenomenal, as were Margot Martindale (as usual), Mia Farrow, Jennifer Coolidge, Seth Gabel, and the rest of the cast who made up the weirdos. Shout out to the actress (can't remember her name off the top of my head) who played Theodora Birch - she was WONDERFUL. The mystery and twists and turns were great and you didn't know who to believe. I love that. I would've liked more backstory on previous owners (Seth Gabel's character to be exact) and on the weirdo neighbors.

Third, the daughter was insufferable. Her father (understandably) doesn't want his 15/16 year old to date a 19 year old so she tries to ruin HER FATHER by going on Tik-Tok and making a video, dramatically crying, about how her dad won't let her date the 19 year old because of his race which is obviously not the case. Oh, and there are ZERO repercussions for her and nothing really happens to her dad. Then, the 19 year old sends the dad's boss a weird video...I can't even type it it was so stupid. THEN, a couple episodes later, Dean (the dad) and the 19 year old are super chill and he's dating the 16 year old with zero problems. Sure.

Fourth, and most perplexing, those damn tunnels. What was the point of introducing that plot if you're not really going to follow through with it except a random scene at the end? I liked (and was excited for) that whole idea and am disappointed the family wasn't more concerned and that it wasn't explored. Oh, and who tf was William/Bill/John whoever? So random.

Finally, the last episode. It was perplexing. Frustrating. Left more questions than answers. I get that the real watcher was never found, but this was a fictional show - RM could've come up with something. And the way all the neighbors act - no explanation, no real reasons, NO ANSWERS. And the end - with Dean and Nora both watching the house? What the hell was that? I don't mind when shows end ambiguously. To an extent. This show just ended anticlimactically ambiguous that I was actually annoyed that I wasted 7 hours on this.

All this being said, I've come to find that with Ryan Murphy it's mostly hype with intriguing premises and beginnings, but little to no follow through or such a turn that you're left with whiplash. And disappointment. He needs to do better or stick to true crime that has an ending, like he did with OJ, Clinton, Versace, and Dahmer. Or just stick with AHS until the end of time. Or better yet, FIGURE OUT HOW TO END YOUR S**T WITHOUT MAKING EVERYONE FEEL LIKE THEY WASTED TIME. A disappointing conclusion with answers is better than no conclusion and more confusion.
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Never Believe The Hype, Skip It
17 September 2022
So...I get what the movie was trying to do (hopefully it's what they were doing). I do. The execution of it was terrible. The last 22 minutes were awful and painfully long (and not awful and painfully long because of the disturbing nature of what was happening). And I mean, that one scene was sickening. But to say this film is the most disturbing thing anyone's seen...oh bless your little sensitive sheltered hearts. Pick up a true crime book, watch a true crime doc or pod, or just use google. There's way more disturbing things there then in those last 22 minutes (10-12 of which were really unnecessary). Hell, I've seen more disturbing things on Criminal Minds than this film. And the way the teenagers were portrayed...I don't know. I wasn't like that, my friends weren't like that (though my friend had a similar experience that Megan does in the beginning, except my friend's tbh, was more disturbing for reasons I'm not going to say), my town wasn't like that. Unless it was and I just kept my head down and hung with the right people or no one. I felt out of all of them, though, Amy was the most realistic portrayal of a teen in this film - at least in my experience (I'm in my 30s). The age of Megan and Amy was unnecessary. That, to me, was more disturbing then 99% of this film. They should've been older since this is a freaking movie and NOT a true crime doc. I don't know. Now I'm just rambling. Maybe this didn't shock me because I'm so desensitized to all of this. But seriously, skip the movie. Pick up a book about this kind of thing, find a true crime doc or pod, or just do your own research. Don't waste your time on this. And DON'T show this to your kids you freaking weirdos. My childhood best friend's parents used to tell us all the time that if we went anywhere by ourselves we'd be kidnapped, r**ed, and m**dered (I remember them saying this and similar things constantly). Really messes with your head, even 20+ years later. Just talk to your kids without scaring them. They're smarter than you give them credit for. But this is not it. The reason for the 2 stars really just goes to the director for having the balls to film what he did.
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Midnight Mass (2021)
Negative Reviewers Just Didn't Get It
11 October 2021
Midnight Mass is a masterpiece. If you don't think so, you very obviously did not understand what you were watching. You were not paying attention. There were ZERO plot holes. You think there are? Watch again. This show is brilliant. Mika Flanagan is bringing horror back to what it should be - story driven. Any jump scares are purposeful and for the story - not just to scare the audience. The monologues. My god the monologues are magnificent. Every time Father Paul (Hamish Linklater) had a monologue or a sermon in mass I was utterly riveted. Those rev center scenes between Fr. Paul and Riley (Zach Gilford). *Chef's kiss*. I don't want to say much about the plot, though if you've read some of these reviews already they stupidly gave away MAJOR reveals in not only the title of the review but the opening line. What I will say is the acting is MASTERCLASS. The plot MAKES SENSE. ZERO plot holes. If you think there are plot holes, watch again. If you did not think this was original, watch again. If you thought the monologues too long? Watch. Again. Mike Flanagan does not do plot holes. Period. Let me reiterate. Those that gave this a low review or negate anything I have already stated DID NOT GET IT. Don't listen to them. Trust the positive reviews. The slow burn is worth it. Everything is intentional. This show is Flanagan's masterpiece. Watch it. Then watch it again. So. Damn. Good. I won't shut up about it.
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