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The culmination of a life
11 June 2023
One of the rare films that I can't quite parse how i feel about it. Starts off very disorienting, seemingly following no chronology and no consistency in whether what's being shown is part of the MC's documentaries (with fantastical and metaphysical elements woven in), reality, memory/dream/retelling of events, or abstract manifestation of the MC's interpretation of himself within the greater context of his work, reputation, and cultures. However as the film progresses things start to click in how it should all be taken in, with there being an actual chronology (just that the transitions were so seamless that you can't be sure they've occurred until you're well into the next one) and that what's being shown is all of the aforementioned (mostly simultaneously) that culminates into something very special and unique. While I can't say whether I liked the movie or not, it was quite the experience and one I'm glad I stuck with till the end.
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An atypical western but a great intimate thriller
11 June 2023
Can't recall having seen a Western like this before, was more of an intimate thriller. Was a wonderful watch though, especially in how it handles builds and pays off tension throughout. How tension is shifted between the various pairs of characters and, when things boil over, it doesn't manifest through physical violence but petty actions, social manipulations, and attacks to others sense of self and feelings of belonging or adequacy makes this really feel pretty unique within the genre.

There's a thematic throughline about repression between characters and seeing the various ways in which they, both advertently and inadvertently, contribute towards those feelings in others that result in said repressions is fascinating to witness.

Can't guarantee you'll like this if you're looking for something more conventional within the genre but if you're into thrillers with more low-key and intimate stakes or watching shifting social dynamics play out within a period piece, give this a chance.
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Ant-Man (2015)
The most fun I've had with a Marvl movie
26 December 2015
I was pleasantly surprised by this movie, and it may end up being my favorite Marvel movie to date.

Like most of the recent Marvel movies, Ant-Man adds superhero elements to a different type of film, in this case a heist movie. A lot of the excitement and fun in the film comes from the merging of these two elements, which are otherwise carried out in a standard way. The movie is full of staples and clichés from both genres, such as the criminal who wants to go straight, the hero having a troubled personal life, the "impenetrable" building that has to be broken into, and so on. While this makes the movie fairly predictable, the advantage is that the movie maintains a brisk pace. Backstories, motivations, and relationships are all quickly established, formed, and explored, allowing for the humor and action to shine.

The characters, while not being particularly deep or complex, are still a lot of fun to watch. The performances are mainly good and invest you in the movie, Paul Rudd uses perfect comedic timing, which works all the more well because of how effective Evangeline Lilly and Michael Douglas play the straight men. Though all the characters, even the minor ones characters, get humorous moments throughout the movie. A lot of the enjoyment comes from the characters themselves having fun, which has been absent in a lot of superhero films. The characters enjoy what they're doing which adds levity to the movie and makes it engaging.

The plot itself is pretty standard, but provides a good backdrop to explore the abilities of Ant-Man, which are fantastically portrayed. This movie does an extraordinary job making ants, the ability to control them, and the ability to shrink all very cool. This is due to how the powers are used, with the ants and shrinking being used creatively and shot in a visually eye-catching way. The shrinking effect wonderfully conveys the scope of the environment, while the CGI is magnificent. There is a particular instance in the beginning, when CGI was used to de-age some characters, and it is unbelievable how realistic it looks. The movie makes sure to convey the size and space of everything in relation to the characters, making easy to understand who's doing what and where they're doing it.

The movie is pretty much it's own thing, making it so that you don't have to have seen the other Marvel movies/TV shows to enjoy it. There are some easter eggs and cameos, one of which is particularly cool, none of which interrupt the story or flow of the movie.

Overall, I'd recommend this movie to all that want a fun, funny, lighthearted flick. I found it to be refreshing and highly enjoyable and look forward to the sequel.
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Sicario (2015)
Unrelenting Suspense
21 December 2015
This movie is certainly an interesting one, though it's not for everyone. On a technical level, the movie is very proficient, but the atmosphere it creates is both is biggest asset and weakness.

The actors all do a great job making their characters feel very dimensional; they feel like they have pasts and lives outside of the events of the movie. Benicio Del Toro does an extraordinary job portraying a steely, reserved hit-man, his precision over the course of the movie being very captivating. Emily Blunt is also a standout, having the arguably tougher role of portraying a by-the-book officer who refuses to compromise her morals. I've seen others deriding her performance because of their dislike for the character, but Blunt does a magnificent job and helps elevate the movie.

How much you will enjoy the movie is heavily based in how you interpret it's characters. If you believe that ends justify the means, then you will love Del Toro's character, and all he represents, while despising Blunt's. However if you believe that it's important to do things the correct, legal, and moral way, then you will appreciate what Blunt's character represents, and more likely get more out of the movie.

Another strong aspect of the movie is the music, which does a perfect job conveying a suspenseful mood. Whether it's a subtle humming or ambient thumping that builds over time, it makes you feel the tenseness that the characters do. Similarly the cinematography is breathtaking. It's wonderfully varied, makes great use of darkness and color, and is easy to follow along with. The shots match what the character's feel, whether it makes you feel on edge or on like a calm to a cold degree.

However how much you appreciate all these aspects is heavily dependent on if you enjoy the atmosphere of the film, which is a cold/distanced one. All of our characters are basically closed off people, which can make it difficult to connect or empathize with them. The plot isn't anything unique or especially captivating, so if you don't find the characters interesting and appreciate the movie's callous, unrelenting demeanor, it won't be enjoyable. The movie doesn't shy away from how it presents its subject matter, which makes it more difficult to get into, but all the more enjoyable if you do.

Overall I enjoyed the movie, though I don't think I'll ever watch it again. However, I am glad to have experienced, and would recommend it to others.
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Slow West (2015)
An unfortunate waste
17 December 2015
This movie had a bunch of potential which unfortunately got squandered. My main gripe with the film is that it didn't earn what it wanted the audience to feel; specifically in regards to relationships between characters, the ending, and an overall message.

I found the main character, Jay, to be insufferable. While I understand that he's meant to be naive, the character never learns from his experiences. He's fairly one dimensional, being love-struck puppy in over his head throughout the entire movie. Our other main character Silas, while more interesting is also poorly developed. We're given some information about his past, and his outlook on life but he doesn't have much of a personality; he's just there.

I think they attempted for Silas to be a foil to Jay's naiveté and innocence, but it doesn't work since they're relationship is so poorly developed. There's an abrupt change in Silas from being fairly indifferent to Jay, to suddenly caring for him deeply; the movie doesn't display this transition well. I can recall one, maybe two, scenes where it felt like there was a budding friendship/respect, but it was nowhere near the extent needed for me to care about these two characters or to believe that they cared for one another.

Jay's relationship with Rose, the entire foundation for the plot, is weak. The flashbacks didn't do enough to convince me that Jay loved this girl and would go though everything that he did just for her. In fact I think it would have been more powerful if we didn't have those flashbacks, which showed Jay as delusional.

The other characters weren't particularly deep or entertaining, though they were developed enough for their roles and served their purpose. A few of them were given moments that made them a little bit interesting, especially in comparison to our main characters.

The acting was mainly serviceable, never taking me out of the film, but not exactly engaging me either. The exception being Kodi Smit-McPhee, who plays Jay. I found him to be great at embodying the character's incompetence and feebleness, with Kodi's great work being one of the reason I stuck with the film.

Another positive for the movie is that the setting was beautiful to look at, the wide grassy plains, the mountains in the background, and the forest all contributed a pleasant atmosphere. The movie was well shot for the most part, with their being a clear representation of where people are in relation to one another, what they're doing, etc.

The action, while minimal, was fairly enjoyable. A majority of it doesn't happen until towards the end, but I enjoyed seeing the characters utilize their environment, which differentiated the movie from a typical firefight.

The music did become fairly overwrought as the movie progressed, especially toward the end where I found it mildly annoying. And there were times I had trouble understanding what someone was saying due to an accent, but it wasn't too bad, and didn't really effect my viewing experience.

Overall I found the movie to be dull. The characters spoke, but nothing of importance was really said, neither on a plot/story level, a characterization level, or a thematic/allegorical level. Stuff just happened, and not in a way that was particularly interesting, rewarding, or even fun.
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The Gunman (2015)
A generic but enjoyable action movie
2 August 2015
I was pleasantly surprised by this film given the negative reception that it had received.

For the most part, the acting ranges from serviceable to good. Sean Penn falls in the latter, as he embodies the typical action hero role in a believable manner. Jasmine Trinca is okay, though to be fair it's not like she's given much to work with from the script. And Javier Bardem has a lot of fun with the role, though at times his acting is more theatrical, and seems like it should be in a different movie. And to those who wish to see the movie solely due to Idris Elba, I have to warn you he's in the movie for about a total of 10 minutes.

The characters aren't particularly deep, and they most certainly all fall within clichés (ex. killer who regrets his past and is trying to make amends), however for the most part I found the characters to be entertaining. Annie was the weakest character as the stereotypical love interest, which hurts the movie as it wants the audience to care about the relationship between her and Terrier.

Just as the characters are all that well fleshed out, neither is the story. It's pretty basic and easy to follow, and the movie goes along the familiar beats of the genre. At first I hated a certain plot point concerning a certain character's head trauma, but it ended up making for a more interesting movie as it helped make a character less invincible and also has a vital affect on the story.

The action is well done, with it being pretty easy to follow and nice to look at. It's not too bombastic, and consist more of hand-to-hand combat, surprise attacks, and use of the environment. I found it very refreshing how both the protagonist and antagonist utilized the environment, as it made the action more interesting and exciting to watch. Terrier also isn't a one man wrecking crew killing 30 guys with no effort; he dispatches some easily, but as the movie goes on, there are times when he meets an equal and is harmed. At the beginning the fights have a bit of shaky cam to them, but that quickly goes away, which ends up working in the movie's favor.

Despite the very standard characters and plot, I had a fun time with this movie. I'd certainly recommend it for anyone who's a huge fan of action, as it's a good way to past the time and have some fun.
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Ex Machina (2014)
An interesting look at what it means to be human
25 July 2015
Ex-Machina is a movie that explores the boundary between humans and an advanced AI. It brings about questions of what is needed to be considered human in a very thought-provoking, if at times uneven, movie.

While the scope of what the movie explores is large, the way in which it does is not. There are essentially three main characters, and the entirety of the movie takes place in one location. The majority of the movie is spent talking or watching others, so don't go into this expecting a fast paced movie. In fact one of the criticisms for the film is how slow it is at the beginning; while in the end this works for the movie due to what's been set up, it can make it a bit of a slog to get through the first half.

While the plot isn't anything special, the characters themselves are well realized. This is in part due to the great performances by the actors, who fully commit to the roles they play while maintaining a depth for the characters that are slowly revealed throughout the movie. While I personally didn't really consider any of the characters to be likable, they were certainly entertaining to watch.

The cinematography and music really lent atmosphere to the film, and helped build up suspense as to where the film was going. I also loved how color was used in the movie, and the way it made really striking scenes and images.

The movie ends in a way that's open to some interpretation, as well as leaving it up to the viewer to determine what they think it means to be human, and how an AI should be thought of. There's no spoonfeeding or enforcing a definition on you, so it makes for a great post-movie discussion.

The movie is certainly for everyone though. I recommend it if you can appreciate a slow burn movie, are a fan of sci-fi, or just enjoy contemplating the philosophy of what being a human or conscious being is.
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An enjoyable elseworld
24 July 2015
I greatly enjoyed this movie, and found it a return to form for DC's animated movies after their recent disappointments. The animation, characterization, and voice acting are all at the pre-Flashpoint movie quality, which makes it worth the watch for any DC animation fan.

Now in order to fully enjoy this movie, you have to really buy into the concept that this is an alternate universe. If your expecting the traditional DC trinity, or just slight changes, and can't stand to see these characters portrayed very differently, then you will hate this movie. The trinity certainly isn't afraid to kill, but the changes go much deeper than that. All of the characters have very different origins, personalities, and in some cases, powers/abilities.

The movie moves at a nice pace; each character has time focused on a part of their backstory while the plot moves along briskly. I found the backstories to be a refreshing (especially Wonder Woman's)and was interested to see these characters in a new light. While the plot wasn't anything special, it did serve to highlight the personalities of the characters and allow for an introduction into this new world.

The movie is violent, with people being incinerated, stabbed, sucked of blood, etc. I never found it to be gratuitous, all of the violence served a purpose either for the characters or to move the plot along. There are some that found it to be distracting/disturbing though; I'd say that it's no more severe than any of the recent animated movies that DC has put out. You may not want young children watching though if you're the type of parent concerned with that type of thing.

The film is a treasure trove of easter eggs for the DC fan, and it's fun to imagine how certain characters ended up where they are. (ex. Amanda Waller) After the movie was done, I definitely wanted more, and was excited to learn that there are webisodes within the same universe. So if you enjoy this movie, I recommend checking those out. Overall, this movie was a good time, and certainly one worth experiencing.
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Nightingale (II) (2014)
An unsettling one man show
21 July 2015
This is one of the most uncomfortable movies that I've ever watched, it does an amazing job of taken you into the mind of a man who is broken and obsessed.

If you're looking for how madness is typically portrayed in movies with cackling, crazy eyes, or erratic movements, then this isn't your movie. If you're expecting an engaging plot, with shocking twist and turns, then look elsewhere, as you'll also be disappointed with the movie. This movie is for those who want a character study, one of a man who is socially broken and unaware, and his spiral deeper into madness. It's a very grounded portrayal which has the positive of making the movie unsettling because of how realistic it feels.

Of course, because the movie is so unsettling, it can certainly turn people off from wanting to watch it. It's also not engaging in the typical Hollywood way; while captivating, I don't really think it's an enjoyable film. So if you like having a good time in your movies, you'll hate this one.

The feel of the movie is very similar to what I would expect to see on stage, essentially a one man show with the single location and communication with the audience. This unique feel makes the movie feel more intimate, though I can see why someone would be put off by it; so if you really dislike plays, I'd probably avoid it.

David Oyelowo gives an extraordinary performance that oozes off the screen, and feels like a real person. I actually know someone in real life with a similar personality, so it was truly eerie to see and get to know a character like Peter, because of how rooted he was.

Overall the movie was well shot and the performance was great, but it's not something I ever want to see again. And I already know that there are a lot of people who won't like this movie, as it has a very specific audience. At the very least I recommend checking the movie out, you'll know by the 30 minute mark if it's your type of movie. If by then you're not into it, then you really won't enjoy it.
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Blackhat (2015)
An engaging and enjoyable movie
20 July 2015
This movie was a pleasant surprise, and one that I found very engaging and entertaining.

I really enjoyed that this movie respected the audience's intelligence. Most movies/TV shows based around hacking throw plenty of BS terms, technologies, and techniques and just expect for the audience to accept it. This movie though was very grounded in the reality of hacking, and everything was explained in a way that if you pay attention it's easy to understand.

I also appreciated how the characters were more complex than what they first appeared to be. While the movie doesn't explore them much emotionally, most of them are skilled in numerous ways that feel refreshing to the clichés usually inhabited by these archetypes.

Another positive were that the antagonists felt truly dangerous. There's a part in the movie that really drives this home, and it helps build up the suspense and thrill.

As much as I enjoyed the movie though, there were a few problems. As I mentioned earlier, the characters aren't really explored emotionally; while this didn't bother me personally (and I think fit overall with the type of film it was), I know that there a people who will take issue with this.

Another thing is that at times it's difficult to hear or make out what is being said, sometimes due to the how the speaking volume of the actors is edited or accents of the characters.

Overall, I certainly enjoyed this movie. Not everyone is going to like it, but I certainly recommend giving it a chance, as I had a great time watching it.
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