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Bitconned (2024)
WATCH IT !! Lack of empathy, greed... a psychopath and narcissism show
2 January 2024
The main character, whose name i dont really care about, some of his partners (not all) as well as his family seem to have no problem while talking about their malicious, greedy way to rip off others... alongside many unbelievably immoral statements this one shows what kind of people the "great" western economic and political system of greed and egoism brings out in people,"... i mean, there was this one guy, who was trying to invest (in centra), and then he gave me his password to his whole crypto account. He ment to send me his passcode to send the Centracoins to.... and he gave me his password. ... And i was in this moment like, " Holy shix, this guy just gave me his password. I logged in, couldn't help myself. I already had millions... this is like 100.000 sitting in his account... What do i do here?! And then i just transfered all to my account..."

This quote itself says everything about his character. You should see his cold, proud grin while saying it.

Btw: the money is still "gone" and this, well, i would call him "cold-hearted psychopath" seems to live a good life, planning new businesses ...

He just plays the game big players in our world, the rich and powerful out there always did and still do ... if it's about tax evasion, political corruption or this kind of fraud... it makes no difference. People who can't get enough, who wanna own more and more, if its money, power, control... are the same kind of misleaded individuals, who just dont get, what life is about.

I wouldnt wonder, if he felt good about this documentary and whats even worse, if quite a few young people out there find this way of life, full of manipulation, lies and betrayal attractive.
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great overview over the impact of the unscrupulous free financial system on the curent political, industrial, environmental, social and humanitarian situation!
18 March 2022
I hope, this documentary finds it's way to all nations of this world!

It's showing the connections and above all the influence of the free financial market, let loose by the leadership of Bill Clinton and Allan Greenspan with the Commodity Futures Modernization Act of 2000 and it's financial deregulation!

From then on worldwide speculators, led by the US financial markets had free hand to influence the food and raw material markets worldwide.

Spekulators and therewith of course some of the western leaders as well as autocracies and dictatorships like in Russia, Saudi Arabia, China, India etc. Had the time of their life, making money more then ever, while the common folks worldwide since then have to deal with repression and increasing food-, oil-, gasprices more than we ever experienced during the last 50 years!

The whole financial system needs to be renewed and regulated!

They more than ever profit of political, environmental, social and humanitarian instabilties, catastrophies ,war and suffer.

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Shopping Queen (2012– )
Dekadenz fürs gemeine Volk
3 November 2021
Vorweg: Als die Show 2012 begann war auch ich von Herrn Kretschmer's Witz und Charme und dem generell unterhaltsamen und kruzweiligen, wenn auch seichten Format angetan. Hr. Kretschmer ist ein sehr sympathischer, respektvoller Mensch, an seiner Person an sich gibt es nichts auszusetzen, allein für ihn daher die 2 Sterne ;)

Aber die Zeiten ändern sich, und so sollten auch Fernsehformate, die unnötigen Konsum und Geldverschwendung weiterhin zelebrieren und fördern endlich eingestellt werden!

Mittlerweile sollte es bei jedem/r geistig noch so Minderbemittelten angekommen sein, dass wir so nicht mehr weiter machen können, und endlich Nachhaltigkeit fördern und Verschwendung senken müssen, wenn wir wollen, dass diese Welt noch für weitere Generationen lebenswert bleibt.

Shoppen, shoppen, shoppen ist nicht mehr in, Leute! Wo bleibt eure Vorbildwirkung?!

Das eigentlich nicht mehr ganz so neue Kredo sollte jetzt mehr denn je lauten: Nachhaltigkeit, Umwelt und Resourcen schonen, Recycling, Upcycling...

Macht doch eine Show mit Herrn Kretschmer, wo Leute lernen aus alter Kleidung neue zu machen. Oder wenn er nicht will, es gibt genügend junge Modedesigner da draußen, die genau das machen. Also schaltet endlich euer Hirn ein!

Das wäre mal ein Anfang!

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On point! Everyone, who doesn't know yet, can learn: corrupt politics and industries and their industrial food is the real enemy of our health!
19 April 2021
Great documentary about the wrong "interpretation" of gluten intolerance and many other deseases, the wrongdoings of our free market system, the politicians, the lobbyists and the big players of our world!

Not the gluten of natural grown wheat and grain is responsible for our allergies and auto immune deceases. Glyphosate & other chemicals from Monsanto (Bayer) and the food industries are responsable for it.

Most people in industrialised countries eat highly processed food with low nutritional value as good as every day. Sooner or later they get sick of it. And instead of solving the well known problem, the food industries create new "promising" markets with knew highly processed products, allegedly to help those who became sick of their former products. The real reason is obvious. It's a vicious circle.

The only way out, for those who can afford it: start eating non processed, local and organic grown food; without pesticides, antibiotics and other poisoning chemicals. But those, who can't, have to go on living with this corrupt, irresponsalbe behaviour of those in charge for this mess.

Everyone, who wants to get a good overview about our destructive free market system, the lobbyism of our food industries and the consequences for our environment, life and health, should watch this well made documentary!
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Germany's most popular forester fights for sustainable forestry
6 March 2021
A must see for everyone, who cares about our world!

We still need to grow a better understanding about the life of plants, our trees and natural grown forests, their complex communication systems and ability to feel! Old trees care for the younger ones next to them, they provide them with nutrition. Planting trees never compensates cutting natural grown trees. etc.

In an easy to understand and very heartwarming way the author of "The Hidden Life of Trees", Peter Wohlleben, together with scientists and commited private persons, shows what we do to our nature with our devestating monocultural forestry system and what we can and need to do, to stop the worldwide forest decline.

He worked in tradional forestry for several years until he quit his job, when he recognised the wrongdoings of this industry. Of course lobbies don't appreciate his engagement for a change in foresting, but he keeps on touring, consulting and teaching those, who care for a change for the better.

What a great, loving man!
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Better read the book or watch the original film from the 80's
19 February 2021
It's so wrong in so many places, I don't know where to start.

The original movie was both, repulsing and fascinating at the same time. It felt true and authentic to Christiane F's life story, described in her book.

This series is the total opposite: a sterile, high gloss wannabe Hollywood version. It shows the horrors of drugs and prostitution in a polished and stylish way. The kids almost never really behave and look drugged and cynically even seem to enjoy prostitution. Why?!

Also it just doesn't feel like the 70's. Contemporary, mostly happy pop music (except of some original Bowie songs) meets modern fantasy boho retro 70ish to 90ish clothing and props style... Not to mention the 21st century interpretation of the kid's disco "Sound". Why?! My guess: the urge to come across original and creative took overhand.

What works with fiction like f.i. "Peaky Blinders", where alternative contemporary music fits perfectly in the raw and brutal 1900s mob scenery, doesn't necessarily work with every story. Especially with true ones it just feels wrong. This has neither much to do with the 70's, nor the book, except the title. If this would be an original fictional story, it might work. But nevertheless for me it lacks interesting characters and a gripping storyline.

This series is mostly about style. The camera is excellent and most of the actors are good, some are implausible (f.i. The David Bowie double). Therefore 3 stars. But please, see for yourself!
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Gold Diggers (2019– )
better call it Russian Softporn Trash
28 January 2021
Boring people, shallow, naked women with big tixs, mostly rich, ugly, old, fat men having sex almost all the time, inbetween stupid, cheap, sexist dialogues about sex and money... not to forget the cheap music! some people, especially men who stuck in the last century might enjoy this pile of trash
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Fate: The Winx Saga (2021–2022)
if you leave all the addictive props away, it's a children's show
23 January 2021
First of all, it sucks already with the overrepresentation of all the typical Lobby-products like alcohol, cigarettes and vaporizers in every film production! They always try to make it look like, you can either only party, relax or wash your problems down with alcohol and/or drugs. This narrative is such a worn out cliché, and yet we can still see it in as good as every production. It would be brave and refreshing to see more without all these addictive props!

Whatever, as far as the story line and the characters are concerned this show is lame too. What 20+ really enjoys such childish storyline with all these plain, boring, predictable characters, unnatural, cheesy dialogues and without a hint of humour?! It's so clichéd in every way!

It's a pitty, no one seems to be able to bring smart, funny and edgy fantasy stories like Misfits. I've been waiting for something like this since it ended. Guess, I have to keep on waiting.

The actors are okay on the whole.

Btw I don't know the original, this series is based on, and I really don't care either. And if you look at the 7-10 star reviews here, you can see, many of them are fake accounts (1 review-accounts).
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Frikjent (2015–2016)
could have been much better, good scenery and main plot, but...
12 January 2021
... there's almost no likeable character in this show. Especially all the women here seem to be stupid, irritated, selfish cuxts, no sane woman can ever relate to. Worst of all is Eva, the victim's mother, she is just beyond hysterical. And what is it with this collective punishment ?! I mean this show plays in Norway, a high developed country with allegedly well educated people. It's ridiculous! The chief inspector in this show acts irrational and irresponsable too. I could go on... it just makes no sense. The main plot is okay, but all the soapy bits are too intense and depressing. watched the first season and the first episode of the second one. I will stop, because it seems to drag on with the same case. unnecessary!
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Aber Bergen (2016–2018)
entertaining series
7 January 2021
Character development could be a bit profounder, but if you keep watching the characters still grow on you and you'll get more and more invested in their private and professional lifes. At parts it's quite witty. I really enjoyed it.
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Cobra Kai (2018–2025)
nostalgia with one dimensional characters except Zapka's
3 January 2021
As a little kid I loved the karate kid movies. And the first season started great and was mainly fun. Especially William Zapka's character and performance stood out.

But with every episode and season the show meanders more and more around stupid cliches of stereotypes (bad guy - good guy) with irrational, foolish behaviour and bad cheesy dialogues. Especially Martin Cove's character and performance is laughable.

This show got stuck in all the common 80's cliches, therefore became too predictable and boring, and seems to go nowhere... I would have appreciated a more modern twist to the premise and more complex character development.

By the way the only black people in this series are either extras or bullies in jail. What a high qality series!!!

However, most of the audience seem to enjoy this typical small-minded 80's US- teen- junk- style. Stupidity really seems to know no boundary.

I'm just waiting for the negative votes... Cheers. :)))
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Giri/Haji (2019)
Another brilliant international show got cancelled after one season, why?!
2 January 2021
Unbelievable! This is a perfect fusion of Asien ( Japanese) and European (British) cinema with an intelligent script, great animation parts, complex character development and outstanding actors! If you want to criticize something, there could be less brutality, but on the other hand it's a crime drama about the Yakuza. So it fits again.

How come this show has a rating below 8 stars and small-minded shows with their predictable, repetetive stories and stereotypical good guy- bad guy characters like Cobra Kay already have 3 seasons and are rated with over 8,5?! I just don't get it.
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Binge Reloaded (2020– )
Die Macher hatten wohl den meisten Spaß an dieser Sache
20 December 2020
Gut für sie, denn ich denke auch, dass sie selbst, mit ein paar in den 90ern hängen gebliebenen Ausahmen, die Einzigen waren, die darüber lachen konnten. Gute Maske, aber das sollte mit dem Budget eines riesen Konzerns wie Amazon auch nicht anders zu erwarten sein. Ein Geheimtipp: die 90er sind vorbei ;)

Frau Vroni Scheppe's Account mit ihrer 10 Sterne Bewertung ist wohl ein Fake Account, wie so viele hier auf IMDB, die meinen damit die Statistik aufpeppen zu können.
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Fierce (2020)
just stupid - Poland has more potential for sure
6 December 2020
Actors are okay, just a bad script, stupid shallow storyline, too cheesy and predictable...

I don't know what else to say, but NETFLIX wtf are you serving us in the last few months?! If any, only about 3 out of 10 productions are worth seeing!
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Dash & Lily (2020)
Cliched and cheesy, but in a good way!
10 November 2020
It's a simple, lighthearted Christmas - love story about two, a bit nerdy and quirky adolescents finding each other through a paperchase. The story plays with traditions without being too cheesy, just a bit.

A good way to relax during these turbulent times!
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Grand Army (2020)
A complex, realistic high school drama and a great depiction of the current Zeitgeist
21 October 2020
Considering the diverse storylines this series is so on point, well balanced and showen by very good, mostly fresh, young and thankfully natural looking actors; on top of it with great animation parts.

The covered topics are (in no particular order): adolescence, school and education system, social system, justice system, (first) love, (first) sex, hetero-homo-bi-sexuality, feminism, terrorism, rape, immigration, racism...

Of course everything is shown from the US-American perspective. Nevertheless many topics are international and surely relatable in one or another way for many viewers.

Don't want to spoil anything, but especially one controversial rape scene beside other important topics seems to devide viewers already. And this again shows the struggle of many countries societies, not only the USA, to cope with sensitive subjects like this in an appropriate and reasonable way.

Regarding this the rating by demographic on IMDB (current average 6,3) is very interesting: some, or better said for sure too many men and even women still might need to learn a lot about the difference between consensual sex and rape.

Finally to all the "this is woke and pc bs" h/raters: fortunately your twisted perception will die out slowly but steadily... at least this is what the statistics show too ;)

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Surviving R. Kelly (2019–2023)
and this monster still believes he can fly...
8 September 2020
Just because he got away with abusing children and women several times for decades, despite the heavy proves and countless victims!

I hope we can see him, his allies and supporters fall as deep as it gets!

The topic of this miniseries clearly is a ten. Just because of the exaggerated dramatic music and repeated statements for effects I only gave it 8 stars. Like some reviewers already mentioned, the story itself would have been dramatic enough and even better without this worn out effects.


I have to admit after more than 40 years on this planet I would be totally fine with death penalty for narcissistic, pedophile sadists like him, not only for murderers!

I am European. In my country we don't have death penalty at all. And I grew up thinking there's always a reason for something and there only needs to be more help and support for both, victims and perpetrators to avoid this kind of things going on and on.

BUT I'm done with this. I have experienced, seen and heard enough myself to know: abusive and sadistic people will always have the urge to hurt others, no matter if the victims are animals, children, women or men. They can't be really treated, there is no cure against this kind of evil.

Our laws need to be rewritten to provide with appropriate court hearings and sentences in these cases.
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Interesting topics, but I agree with some reviewers about the infantile host
17 August 2020
Nevertheless I watched all episodes. Great topics, some things you might already have heard of, some not so much.

Sometimes there was very important information missing. Like in the episode about clouds. It's crucial to know about the downside of using chemicals to make artificial rain since over more then 50 years! This effects the nature of course in a bad way! Would have been nice, if he could provide more information from all sides.

But instead Latif Nasser's only comment on this was something like: "Wow, can you imagine, we can make the clouds rain!" ... That's about the way he ends every conversation with his interview partners. His voice not only sounds annoying to me, but the way he talks makes this show seem to be made for under 8 year old kids. With his over and over repeating phrases like ...Oh, wow, can you believe this?!... Oh, wow... really?! ... He comes across like an idiot, totally unnatural and exaggerated. I have nothing against goofy or wacky, like some reviewers call his way, but if you go for it, there needs to be a bit of good humor too.

That's just not the right way to talk to adults and teenagers.

My conclusion: Latif Nasser would rather fit in a children's show, even then the target group should not be older than eight years. With more depth to the topics and an adult host, let him/her be serious or a comedian, I don't care, this show could become more popular. Everything else was really good, the topics, the camera, the editing, the interview guests...

Netflix, it would be worth a try and change the host, please!
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Aloha (I) (2015)
One of the most underrated films of at least the last 2 decades
22 July 2020
I just can't believe the negative ratings, both, by the media and here on IMDB !

This is one of the most touching movies I've seen in the last 20 years. And I normally really don't like Bradley Cooper at all. For me it's his best movie! And of course all the other actresses and actors are great! Every single one!

This film has so many layers describing life and what it is all about. It's simply everything, funny, awkward, deep, touching, moving... Especially the silent scenes with John Krasinski and Danielle Rose Russell are phenomenal!

I smiled, laughed and cried alternately throughout the whole film... To me it's fun and wisdom in one. Period.
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Zoo (2015–2017)
LOVE the idea of animals striking back! Human being would more than deserve it!
22 July 2020
Some actors are great, some are just decent.

Right, there are some flaws within the story. The script at some parts is cheesy and unnatural. And there could have been more depth to the characters for sure. And the score is mediorcre at best. Last but not least, it's a shame, that the show didn't get the proper finale it would have deserved.

Even though the message is most important:

Unless humans don't recognise their cruelty towards animals and life in general, it's not even worth to think about giving this series less than 8 stars.

The premise itself simply deserves a 10.

I'm just sad, I found this one so late and that it was cancelled.
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The Story of Diana (2017 TV Movie)
unwatchable because of the dreadful music
13 July 2020
I tried and made it through the first episode. Particularly the consistently penetrating awful "background" music was too loud and made it impossible for me to stay focused on the story itself. Editing isn't really good too. That's the way you should never do a good profound documentary!

3 stars out of respect for Diana and the people in front of the camera.
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Desperados (2020)
Another vapid and dull wannabe romcom...
6 July 2020
... with primitive, vulgar jokes and another 45+ looking duck face trying to impersonate a 30 year old "should be but isn't attractive at all" lead character. All the other actresses and actors are okay, given what they had to work with.

Besides the miscast the script is unoriginal, and the scenes and dialogues are at parts cringe worthy. For instance we have some exploitation of children, a dolphin dicking Ms. duck face, then her vomiting on someones face etc. pp.

We have 2020, not the 1980's! Back then we had Police Academy, Hot shots, The naked gun etc. and it was okay for it's time... but who needs these repetitive, worn out jokes today?!

I have nothing against formulaic romcoms with cliched characters, but the good ones always have some heart, soul, esprit, deepness and warmth...something people can relate to ... you know what I mean ;)
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Homemade (I) (2020)
3 out of 17 episodes are good, the rest is forgettable
30 June 2020
1st episode: a boy is filming with his private drone through the windows of strange houses... I am astonished. Were all these people asked for agreement and permission?! I am glad this isn't allowed in my country; at least yet. Whatever, most episodes just come across as "wannabe artistic", boring or nonsensical. Tried to watch all 17. Episode 3, 12 & 13 I liked most. 3 & 13 are quite touching and memorable. They deserve a 10. Episode 12 is somehow creepy and interesting. therefore all in one 4 stars.
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perfect true story.. lyrical, heartwarming, touching...
30 June 2020
Quarantine made me watch this...guess, the one thing, I have to thank it for!

Africa, a poor village of hard working and caring families of farmers, a drought, a 13 year old boy, who's family can't afford to send him to school anymore, and him reading a book at a library about using energy and windmills... then he tried and he did it ... he saved the whole village!

How could this one not have been appreciated more for it's incredibly positive message, it's realness, it's undeniable truth about what really matters in life?! Beside that everything is just great and outstanding: the actors, the story, the cinematography, the music, the editing...

We definitely need more of this wonderful stories to stay positive in times like this!

Hollywood, Cannes, etc. I just don't get their philosophy ... they award so much trash, and this one didn't get any attention at all .... Unbelievable!
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" His imperfections were upsetting, but...
22 June 2020
....Frank Sinatra was a genuine artist, and his work will endure as long as man and women can hear and ponder and feel.. In the end that's all that truly matters."- Pete Hamill.


This is the best and most honest and complex documentary about Frank Sinatra I've seen so far. He had his flaws, like every human being, but he tried and did his best.
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