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People forget what roasts are...
11 May 2024
There seems to be a bunch of purists on here who seem confused about what roasts are about. They are meant to offend and get in the gutter. If it's not for you? Why did you watch it? And better yet, why write a review based on your own biases? This is exactly what the world needs once in a while. A no holds barred roast that leaves no one left unoffended. We should all be able to laugh at ourselves and each other once in a while. I loved this show! I hope they do other people too. There are many others in a long list that we celebrate hating universally. This show is like a hall pass from political correctness. Nearly a perfect show. Just a few slow duds like Kim K or Randy Ross. Otherwise a 10!
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Ok, cinematography and filming excellent. Plot? Not so much
2 April 2024
I tried. I really tried. It's beautifully filmed. The wardrobe and set is top notch period piece material! It's excellent! The filming is great as well. But the plot. The plot!! Dear lord! It's slow and predictable.. nothing really happens and the ending is a bit more nothing. I usually find some movies very great that others can't find the art in. I tried to examine it anyway I could.. double entendre? Nope.. inner meaning? Nope.., a learning lesson hidden within? Nope.. just one long 2 hrs of 2 sisters living in a beautiful castle style house with an annoying cousin and uncle. Town hates them. Then feels bad... the end.
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Constellation (2024)
Outstanding SCI fi with brain teasing quantum theory we can understand!
14 March 2024
This show will be known for generations as a way to help the masses understand quantum theories like observer effect, schroedingers cat, entangled particles, etc with real life albeit SCI fi to help us get to the comprehension. Once we do, it's a brain tease thriller mystery of which universe and which person of which universe is involved in each plot. This series definitely makes you think outside the box and with no boundaries of normal science to interfere. It unbinds your mind to think of endless possibilities of time not being on a continuum, or multiple or parallel universes , or even the effect of one person in one universe having an effect on other universes and people. I think this the best SCI fi series I have ever watched. I applaud appletv plus for their dedication to SCI fi genre. Undoubtedly they have the best of the best SCI fi thrillers possible! Well done. Bravo! No surprise that this has connections to Dr Who. I hope this series lasts just as long!
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Curb Your Enthusiasm: The Watermelon (2021)
Season 11, Episode 4
Funniest Curb episode of all time!
26 February 2024
I scrolled through to see how this got an 8.7. I see all 10's like me and the occasional 1 or 2. So I read the 1 or 2's and they don't like the subject. They don't like that Larry tackled racial stereotypes. I am going to say he not only tackled those stereotypes, he made fun of them. Everything from black people eating watermelon to a klansman being a "nice guy". Theres nothing not to like about this episode. Absolutely nothing. And if you don't find it funny? Something's wrong with you, not the show. Watch it yourself and see why so many of us believe this is one of if not the best shows of Larry's career!
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One Day (2024)
Way better than I thought it would be
23 February 2024
This presents like a "notebook" worthy series. I needed a good cry so went for it. It was far more. The wring on this was outstanding and adaptation unparalleled. The actors translated emotions with a simple look.. a word. You'll become invested in the characters fairly quickly. So maybe by episode 3 there's no turning back. Maybe it's the recall of the late 80's, 90's and early 2000's ? The music? But I was all in. By episode 7 or 8 I'm reading every subtitle (sorry UK, but yeah, I need them to understand what you guys are saying) and letting it wash over. The ending was somewhat expected but well written. The only negative I have to say is the ending seemed to struggle to figure itself out. The ending could have been better. But all the same a good ending. Give it a try. You'll be entertained at minimum.
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I have never rated so low
20 January 2024
Like I said.. I have never rated any movie this low. I've tried to find value in any film. This would have gotten a 1 or 2 except the artistry was great. The plot? Well if you try to make it through you'll be disappointed likely. It's chaotic and annoying. I found no pleasure in watching this. I get the premise yet even with knowing that this may be a nightmare does not help me. It's a high cost production that fails to communicate to the audience. Sure there will be a few that want to say they "get" it. But they don't. Why? Because there's nothing to get. This film was someone's tax write off. Full stop. Maybe it was to fulfill contracts of the actors in this film? Many whom are top tier. I don't know. But this was not good at all.
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Jules (I) (2023)
Felt a little short but very enjoyable!
4 January 2024
Aging isn't easy. I'm sure neither is being an alien stranded on earth. This is a movie that navigates both. It's ET meets grumpy old men. Maybe not quite as comedic but close. The plot is so strange that if I saw it on a book sleeve I'd probably not buy the book. Lol. But it works. It is not boring at any point. But I felt the ending was either rushed or unexpected. I'm not sure which. The movie was otherwise solid. Acting was spectacular. Scenery made me miss living up near that town. Aging was represented accurately as far as my own experience so far. I'm not old yet. Let that be clear. But I've had a few brushes with what the future might hold for me. Set design outstanding. Lighting great. And sound was spot on. Give this film a try. It's worth a watch.
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Low ratings only because "Obamer" hating ppl. A 10
26 December 2023
Rated a 10 to make up for some fake lowballs warning everyone it's an "obamer" film. I'd honestly rate it a 9. Ok, reading the ratings I'd think that 1) the ending was so bad that you shouldn't torture yourself by watching, and 2) you'd have to do some huge mental gymnastics to understand it. Spoiler alert: both are incorrect.

I'm no intellect! Far from it! And even I got this. The ending is not bad. There's no cliffhanger or plot that's left unfinished. It's basically answered at the end. This movie is an adaptation of an award winning book. Despite Maga hating only because of who produced it? It's a valuable lesson in being prepared. The prepper loving MAGA's should love that it promotes being a prepper and the disconnect of most of society. But you know... they got to hate anything with his name on it.

The film is very well done. The thrilling moments are actually thrilling. The characters are made intentionally annoying to expose their attitude of superiority and infallibility. Don't hate the movie because of that! Love the movie because of that! I'm glad they present as arrogant because if I'm honest,, most people from wealth and high population areas honestly are . Theres a redneck prepper you'll see in first few minutes if the movie. He spoke truth! And we might want to listen! I loved the plot. I don't do spoilers so I hope you'll just trust me enough to watch the first act of 5 acts. Then decide for yourself. Theres some really good information in this movie and I'm sure it will be studied. The directing was excellent as well as cinematography. There was no sound or lighting issues whatsoever. Acting was great although I was honestly slightly disappointed by Julia Roberts. Kevin Bacon had a small but significant roll and played it well. All in all a very well done film that demonstrates what could happen to all of us reliant on technology. Give it a try.
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If you graduated in 1983? And Italian you'll love this as I did.
5 December 2023
Everything! Yes Everything in this movie is spot on to 1983! Throughout watching I realized I miss this. We used to do 7 fishes feast. Once a year you saw family. ALL of your family. Obnoxious family. You weren't allowed to miss it! People talked too loud and smoked too much. We all said what we meant, and meant what we said, albeit politely. There were no computers or cell phones. Hell, there wasn't even caller ID or answering machines. So you literally had to blindly answer the phone and talk to people whether you liked them or not ..we'd spread the word of a party or what dive bar everyone was going to.. you'd meet up with everyone and get a ride by anyone who could. You'd cover some gas money and $$ for beer. If you were 14 you'd get into local dives. Nobody cared. And we had SO much fun. AND We DANCED all night! Your mom would say to be home by midnight but you'd get home at 2- 2:30 am. No one worried. You walked in the snow for miles and it was normal. 1983 was the year of MJ thriller, Purple rain, Lionel Richie, Bruce's Born in the USA. This movie reminds me of everything I lived. The good and bad. The obnoxious family especially. This movie took me home. I was raised just over the Ohio line directly west from Allegheny. I'm home here. I'm going to watch this again and again.
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Just beautiful! Inspiring prose..and pure joy!
5 December 2023
In everything is joy. What is unique about you? Whatever that is take it and excel with it. In the sadness there is joy to be found. You can not watch this without seeing John Babtist and his partner as pure joy. For in even the darkest times there is joy. That's the theme here and it's beautiful. As a documentary I'd say it's more of a piece of art than a documentary. Touching at every turn. The good the bad , the really bad and the well deserved super good! Watch the first 10 minutes and you'll know if it's for you. I'm betting it is. I'm betting on you. By the end you'll be feeling the increased desire to be the best you can be, find your love, be a blessing to others and find the joy. Bravo!!!
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In the Cut (2003)
Ruffalo's break out role
3 November 2023
For me, this movie was the breakout of mark ruffalo. He was able to pull off the best erotic film I've ever seen. I was absolutely enmeshed in this film. He and Meg Ryan totally killed it. There was clearly a great pairing with casting them together. The movie had a great thriller plot that I don't want to spoil, but this movie has captured me for eternity. I have watched it probably 20 to 30 times since I originally saw it. Not sure why the negative ratings?, but it's not deserved in my opinion. Give this old throwback of Ruffalo a shot and understand he was just breaking into leading rolls at the time. He mastered it. Bravo to it feeling so genuine that I felt a part of it.
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Bandit (2022)
Sleeper great flick! Under the radar but great.
13 September 2023
Some of this movie is predictable and feels like you are watching a lifetime movie. But it really is good. They did a great job in character development and plot. It's one of those movies where you end up rooting for the bad guy... who really isn't bad. The directing is great! Acting? Even better! The scenery and cinematography top notch! Lighting is outstanding as well as wardrobe!

Give this film a try. Watch the first 30 to 45 minutes before you decide. I really loved this! I hope you do also. I hope you at least try it! I need the required characters so I need to just fill in until I'm good.. lol. But great movie! Give it a try.
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Cherry (I) (2021)
Played well!
10 August 2023
Say what you will, but I'm from Cleveland, went to Case, have many enlisted family who became addicted. Holland played the character well. I could critique the bank robberies, but why would I? The rest was so good. Addiction does exactly what is portrayed here. It will make you sell your kids. Robbing a bank? Not so far fetched. I liked how movie shows the veteran reluctant to seek help. So often this is true. I think just like there's a boot camp, there needs to be a post camp. A way to relearn how to live a normal as possible life before discharge. I was glued to this movie! I recognized many locations. The struggles of addiction and the mentality of "if you can't beat them? Join them ".
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Words were not really needed in this beautiful film.
8 July 2023
Watching this is like watching a Rembrandt come to life. Just such a beautiful artistic film. The emotions and sentiment is easily transferred to the viewer. A very brilliantly directed masterpiece. You know exactly how each character is feeling at every moment. There's nothing in question, yet very few words. The sense of freedom and knowing what she mattered to them was overwhelmingly emotional for me at times. I felt a part of myself in this film. I hope everyone gives this a chance and allows themselves to watch without worrying about what exact words were said. In the end it doesn't matter. Loved this film. A 9 only because I wish it had a little more plot. A little more length. Artistically flawless from set to lighting to sound to directing and acting.
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One step up from watching paint dry.,
4 July 2023
I'm 1:05 min in . 35 minutes remain. And we only have one plot. Tediously slow plot. No spoilers but suffice it to say you could turn this on and fast forward the fist hour and not miss a thing. Fact. I actually wanted to give this a 1 but the acting was actually stellar. I can't discredit great acting. So it's a 4. I'm literally trying not to fall asleep! Haha. Never watched such a tedious movie. It's like watching paint dry. Scenery is great, background music isn't music, but rather wrenching grinding noises. Lighting is good. And that's all I can think of to get enough characters to submit. Haha. Just aviod this. It's not good!
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The Bear (2022– )
Season 2 is gold!
25 June 2023
I was a fan of season one as well, but man! Season 2 exceeded my hopes! It had me laughing crying and terrified. The writing and directing of this show is outstanding. Dare I say perfect. Episode 6 fishes is the standout episode followed by ep 7 forks. Episode 6 had so many stars in it I missed a few. Jamie Lee Curtiss is without a doubt going to win awards for this. She was able to portray what so many like me have gone through. You'll be frustrated with her, yet understand her. Your nerves will be fried but also weirdly comforted. I can not recommend this show enough. It's arguably the best show I've watched ever. Everyone will relate to at least one character in the show. Watch it and see which one is yours. I think I am sugar bear.
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Raymond & Ray (2022)
Great for mindless rainy day movie
19 June 2023
So I've binged just about everything series wise. I'm into thriller mystery, so I decided on this movie for my lazy Sunday afternoon for some change. Admittedly, it's not as much of a comedy as I thought it would be. I'd describe it more as "lighthearted " and has a couple funny moments. Overall, it's a pleasant movie that definitely starts off slow. There's nothing in it that stands out except great acting. It's entertaining "enough". Didn't turn it off. So I guess I'd suggest to give it a try for a good 30 minutes and decide for yourself. If you are looking for a laugh out loud comedy gem, then don't even try. Find something else.
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Solid thriller sans the car chases and fight scenes.
4 June 2023
First off, I did not read the book so I have no opinion there. I am someone who often struggles to get engaged in a series. I am very attentive to acting and if I feel the acting is poor or comes off as "acting", I'm gone. I was able to engage on first episode. The acting didn't feel like acting. It kept my interest in what was happening. The plot great. I'm sure the book is great. The characters could use a little better development and faceting, but overall good. I absolutely loved that Hannah was a wood turner and Bailey was theatre. First film I ever liked Shai LaBeuf in . Haha. His character was actually good and it even took me a while to ID him as Shai.

All in all a good series that kept my interest and didn't come off as over the top like many action series. No grand car chases and hostage taking. No fight scenes. No unnecessary sex scenes or vulgar language. Great Sausalito and Austin scenery. Made me want to own a boat house. It gradually built up knowledge to answer the thriller questions. Nothing too unbelievable. Just a basic entertaining thriller mystery. Nicholas Bell and Hannah conversation very compelling. There was no grand blow out ending after a car chase etc. Just a good story that is different than most. Very entertaining and makes me want to read the book. Not boring, acting great. Set design outstanding! Lighting and sound outstanding. Otherwise solid in every department. Give it a try.
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Battleground (I) (2022)
Biased propaganda
27 May 2023
I watched this to understand both sides. This documentary only highlighted pro life. There was little mention or filming of pro choice. It presented the people in a way to make everyone believe that the majority of America are pro life conservative evangelicals. Are you kidding me? 70% of Americans feel the rights of women to make their choice is their preference. They may or may not choose this for themselves, but the right should still be there. Unbelievable that they did not show any of that information. Nothing about the impact of losing that choice on the lives of the woman. How many now die by suicide or mangled self abortion now? What impact did the overturn of Roe V Wade have on everyone? Should women now die from a life threatening pregnancy? Fact. It's happening. Women are dying now. That kills the unborn and the mom. That leaves her other children likely parent less. Now orphaned. How much money is now spent on welfare recipients due to keeping an unwanted pregnancy? How many abused children of psychologically imbalanced women? How many unwanted rape children will there be? What impact does this have on the man who got this woman pregnant? Just a BS propaganda documentary of one side. Pro life. I starred the writer and director so I can make sure I never watch anything from her again.
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Very eye opening and a sincere look at people working low wage service jobs.
27 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I'm loving this. I'm not finished, but thought I'd write a review because there aren't many here. Obama looks at a 22 yr senior housekeeper in a hotel. A nursing assistant for homecare in Mississippi. I am familiar with this job. I was pleased to see it portrayed realistically. Next is a Uber eats deliverer. Which was just hideous. The pay sucks. 1/2 of all Americans work in service industry like this. Let that sink in.. 1/2 of Americans! Low pay, no benefits and grueling work. Obama discusses a 1980 janitor full time working at Kodak who ended up chief tech officer. Compare now to 2020 a janitor at tech place doesn't work for the company and there's no longer a chance to advance in the work place. Most of them work multiple jobs and can't find time or money to advance.

All of these people find ways to cut their cost to live. Eating at work or cutting electric use. There's no safety net if the have a financial setback.

FDR made the new deal. SSI minimum wage and 40 hour work week . But It excluded service and farm workers. That legacy remains to this day. This makes me really want to hug some of these workers and I'm glad I tip well! They deserve it! Everyone should watch this.
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Mariana Trevino should be nominated for awards
7 May 2023
Let me start by saying that I read the book. The movie surely changed a few things. But it did capture Ove's personality. The movie overall captured the spirit of the book. Marisol? My lord she did great! She made this movie in my opinion. Mariana Trevino was very very good. I give her performance a 10 and I only gave a 10 once before for Anna Joy for queens gambit. Mariana was "that" good in my opinion. Though different from the book, they both made me cry. I struggle to decide which was better. The book is always better, but in this case the adaptation made it better and more relatable. Both great for different reasons. Definitely worth watching. I doubt anyone could truly rate low. If they did it's only because of a trans character. Sadly, there are people who would do that. I thought sound and lighting were excellent in this film. There was an argument out side that captured the echo in a natural way. So often lighting can make a film harder to watch. Harder to stay engaged. Both were flawless. Acting was wonderful. Set design and location were great. Location of Pittsburg is a great city to capture the town in the book. Overall, emotionally I'd give it a 10, but I must always reserve my use of 10's. So a nine. Mariana made it a nine. It shocks me that she was not nominated for best supporting actress! I'm shocked. Without her? It's a 6. She made this movie great!
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Lucky Hank (2023)
Episode 1 intentionally dry to convey the feeling of mundane.
20 March 2023
I went into episode one with an open mind and not expecting Saul. I do think that Bob Odinkirk has an acting type. He has a very similar personality. He does have unresolved issues and messes up. Much like Saul but with far less enthusiasm. A character who is just bored out of his mind. I enjoyed seeing some of the lesser known that were casted. I apologize as I've only watched one episode I don't know names. The girl in the wheel chair was a great actor. She was believable in her role. This episode was intentionally dry and wanted to convey how dull and boring his life is. It introduced the issues that Hank has. His father, daughter and one of his students are the biggest ones. People felt the dryness of episode one and translated that to a low rating when it was intentional. I look forward to the great acting about exaggerated problems because of the boredom in town and school. I was a school nurse and it was enough to understand the frustration of mundane as a professor. We watched the conveyance of mundane. It's ok to think it was dry and lifeless. That was the goal.technically , Wardrobe was great. Lighting was perfect, sound was level and without interference. Set design good so far. Limited sets at this point. IOW, they've got great cast and supporting crew. It will be a great show.
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Truth Be Told (2019–2023)
Forces viewers to remember their own life.
25 February 2023
As someone who grew up with similar but not identical struggles, I found this show to be cathartic. It forced me to remember the issues I dealt with in my own very abusive dysfunctional family. I imagine if you were raised squeaky clean with rainbows and unicorns you would find some of this unbelievable. I don't blame you if that's you. But for some of us it triggers our own memories of our past, our family, and some pretty crappy history. Shows have flaws, this is no exception. But what it lacks is made up in how engaged and entertained I was. Sometimes it's best to not nit pick through a show and instead just let it happen and see how much you want to keep watching. Some of these lower scores are critical of latter seasons. If they weren't engaged then why watch seasons of a show you rated a 2? I'm into season 2. Admittedly I'm not into the 3rd season. But so far, I've loved the way this show demonstrates strangled families that are very unsure of how they fit with each other. It's not easy to act that out in a believable way. As someone with personal experience, they've done great. I am happy to have found this show.
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Wildcat (2022)
I'd love to see a longer cut of this film.
10 January 2023
Yes, this is one of those rare documentaries that makes you cry. It doesn't matter if you are a male or female and It's not sad on the "sad" weapy cat dies kind of way. It's sad in the constant flow of gentle tears kind of way. We all can relate to to a connection to our pets or animals in general, but this connection was way more important than a typical love of a family pet. Having to let go and trust fate is even harder. An Afghanistan war soldier with PTSD sets out to reintroduce a wild cat into a Peruvian rainforest over 18 months and knows that he will be freeing this cat from a much worse fate. By doing so, he unknowingly, or maybe knowingly frees himself from some of his own worst struggles. There are no real sob story cat clips. Just one in the beginning to help viewers understand background. The cat Showcased in this doc was not injured during the process of filming and like others say, was not the main focus of this film. Well done. A 9 only because it felt a little too overly edited. I'd love a bit of a longer cut.
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The Patient (2022)
Slow start but captures you at around ep 5
21 December 2022
What a great psychological thriller! I'll admit, I waited until I could binge it in 2 days, but wow. It leaves you thinking about it for days after the ending. I think this could have been a movie?? Definitely could have made episodes longer and just had 6 instead of 10. In my opinion that would make the perfect length to digest every week when it was releasing episodes weekly.

About the ending... it was very thought provoking and "stays with you" . It's hard to get my mind off of it. There's a little confusion at the end and you end up going through a rollercoaster of emotions that are polar opposite. Then there's the closure for Dr Straus.. very the most important to me. The ending for Sam is "realistic". Meaning most likely how a dis functional family would deal with it. I'm left thinking that it won't work. I think once the movie reflects back with a therapist for Dr Straus that's imagined, it becomes very thought provoking and emotional. If you can get about 1/2 way through it becomes so much better episode by episode. The characters are engageable and complex. I loved this series and hope that others will give it a try and have patience in the first few episodes.

I'm pretty tired and emotionally drained right now so I feel my writing skills aren't great. My apologies. Just wanted to write while the series was fresh in my mind.
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