
14 Reviews
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So Bad it hurts
23 October 2011
What can I say? Where to begin?

At first I thought this was going to be a "found footage" genre but with Hellraiser. I am actually glad it wasn't, even though that would have been more interesting than the rehash of Hellraiser and Hellbound: Hellraiser II which this one ended up being.

My two major problems with this film.

1 - Acting (it's so bad I nearly stopped watching it twice, it is on a par with a lot of the scy-fy films that have been released over the last few years, if not worse)

2 - No Doug Bradley (He is Pinhead. Nuff said!)

The direction, editing and story are terrible. The dialogue is laughable.

I like all the other Hellraiser films but this one is so bad I can't even justify spending anything else on it so my series will remain incomplete.
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Great fun to watch
3 September 2011
This film is a lot better than I was expecting. The acting was solid, the direction good and there are some genuinely scary moments in the film.

I watched it with my girlfriend who watched most of the second half of the film through her fingers. If you like the "found footage" films, or if you Most Haunted then this one is for you.

There are some comedic moments at the beginning which threw me. The character of Lance made me groan a couple of places but only because of my dislike of a certain British "medium" (that was fired from Most Haunted) however the writers actually wrote him differently than I was expecting. The film really takes the reality ghost hunting shows and takes it to place that is fun to watch.
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One of the best films I have seen this year
10 August 2011
What can I say? This film is fantastic.

The acting is top notch with both Byung-hun Lee and Min-sik Choi playing amazing parts. The direction and writing is sublime.

I was gripped from the first second of the film to the last scene. It's been a while since a film has done this. It is a harsh watch but it's supposed to be. I hope that it will not be made into some Hollywood remake. Hollywood would ruin this story and film. It is bleak in places and disturbing in others. There are scenes that will make some people squirm.

If you don't know the story then don't read about it. Just watch the film and be engrossed. Follow the characters from their beginnings and see them grow.

This proves that great films are being made and if you look you will see them.
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Thor (2011)
Much better than I was expecting
31 May 2011
I will start by saying I was never a big fan of Thor in the Marvel universe. There was just something about the character that annoyed me.

I wasn't expecting much from the film as I have never been sold on Kenneth Branagh as a director or in fact as an actor (way to lovey dovey for my taste). However I went to see it as I am really looking forward to The Avengers movie and wanted to go in after seeing the films leading up to it.

I am glad to say not only did I enjoy Thor, I enjoyed it a lot. The film is great. It is well acted, well directed and goes along at a brisk pace. The first part of the film filling in the back story was done with a lot of pace but didn't feel rushed. The action was superb and I now have a growing respect for Kenneth Branagh.

It is not perfect but it is purely enjoyable. In fact I would say it is to date the best of the films leading to The Avengers.
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Insidious (I) (2010)
Much better than I was expecting
30 April 2011
This film was a bit of a shock to me. I was expecting a run of the mill scary little movie but what I saw was a genuinely creepy film with some real scares. Now I've been watching horror movies for a long, long time now and I love them. There is something primal about that feeling of unease and terror that accompanies real scary films. This film has it. The acting is good, great main cast with brilliant support. A nod to other films and a blink and you'll miss it Jigsaw reference. The direction is awesome and the team behind the original Saw prove that they know how to make a good horror movie. On the whole if you like feeling uneasy and being scared then this could be one for you. My girlfriend thoroughly enjoyed this film from behind her jumper and a cushion. That sort of scares is rare indeed.
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Let Me In (I) (2010)
A good remake
18 April 2011
This film surprised me. Why?

Simply because it was a lot better than I expected it to be. The acting is fantastic, The two leads showing that even with their young age they are going to be huge in the acting world. The direction is good. The changes made to the location do not detract from the overall film. The characters are well crafted and well rounded.

It is not as good as "Let the Right One in" but that may be because the original is so good. It is still a good film in it's own right.

This film is a great return for Hammer Horror and I look forward to the films they bring out in the future.
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Exorcismus (2010)
A bit of a dark horse
18 April 2011
Well what can I say. I bought it on a whim after seeing it was linked with REC which is a great film. I wasn't expecting much as it was fairly cheap for a newish release. What I got when I watched it however was a really unexpected surprise.

This film is good. The acting is very believable. The story has been around a while with some notable exceptions and the ending is a lot better than most I have seen in the last 10 years.

This film will be compared to The Exorcist (which I find overrated) but that is par for the course as they are both films about young girls being possessed by the Devil.

On the whole this film is an enjoyable way to spend a couple of hours.
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A Prophet (2009)
Pure Genius
1 February 2010
This film is destined to be called a classic.

I would suggest that this film is watched by everyone who likes crime/prison/drama/oh hell everyone who is old enough.

Yes it is in french, yes it has subtitles. Do not let that put you off.

The story is compelling, the direction sublime and the acting magnificent.

I predict big things from Tahar Rahim (Malik in the film) as his portrayal of a teen who learns what he has to become to survive is jaw droppingly astounding.

I just hope that America doesn't feel the need to do a remake in the English language. It's not needed or wanted. This is a classic.
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A mature masterpiece
5 January 2010
I am still in shock that Hollywood feels the need to remake films just because they are not in English. This film does not need a remake. It is a classic in it's own right. The acting is simply brilliant, considering the main protagonists are so young I would of expected that they would be a little wooden however all the actors in this film are exemplary. The direction is impeccable. The story amazing. I would suggest everyone who is old enough watches this film. In a world where Vampire films seem to be everywhere it is refreshing to see one stand above most that have ever been made. This film is in my opinion one of the best Vampire movies ever made. I would go as far as to say it is amongst the best movies ever made.
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Feast (2005)
Definitely worth watching
13 October 2008
This little gem has just been released straight to DVD in Britain which is a travesty. It deserved to be seen in a cinema. The film shows that horror and comedy do go hand in hand if done well and this film does it perfectly. From the great character bios some of the more gruesome deaths this film has its tongue firmly in its cheek. The cast are top notch with some of the best comedy moments coming from watching the surprise deaths. It breaks a lot of the horror rules with who survives and who doesn't. The gore and special effects are fantastic. The film itself is paced perfectly with very little explanation as to why or what exactly is happening. I love finding a film of this calibre. It shows that you don't need to remake a Asian film with a huge budget in order to make a good movie. Watch it and enjoy it!!!
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A Dark Masterpiece
5 August 2008
I am in a minority. I didn't like Jack Nicolson's Joker in Tim Burton's version of Batman. This will not make me popular. In fact I have had many arguments about this opinion. After watching Heath Ledger I am of the opinion that He was absolutely spot on with his take on role. It harks back to my favourite Batman stories, there has been talk about an Oscar nomination which to be honest, I think he should get and win. In my eyes there is only one true Joker and that is the one played by Heath. Christian Bale is Fantastic as Bruce Wayne and also pulls off the Batman which is something no other actor has managed. The support cast is phenomenal. There are no weak links in this film. This deserves to be one of the greatest films of our time. Christopher Nolan should be proud to have taken a dead franchise and completely resurrect it with two classic films. Both Batman Begins and The Dark Knight are classics. If he does not make any more then his legacy is secure. The Ultimate Batman against the Ultimate Joker. I was exhilarated upon leaving the cinema, something that I have not experienced in a long time.
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Rambo (2008)
Go and see this with no expectations and be blown away
5 February 2008
It's been a long time since I have been so surprised with a movie like I was with this. I expected it to be cheesy and full of sentiment like so many movies are now. It's not. It is brutal, violent and uncompromising but this is to show the horrors which are happening today.

The direction and acting on this film are great, not going to win an Oscar but believable performances with direction which shows talent.

This film is not for the squeamish but I recommend it wholeheartedly. It's good to see that First Blood (which in my opinion is a classic) has a worthy successor.
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Live Feed (2006)
Better than Hostel...I think not
12 June 2007
I watched the Unrated version of this film and realised about 30 minutes into it that I was never getting my time back. I persevered to the end hoping that the dialogue would improve, the martial arts would look realistic eventually, the special FX would actually look special. I was so wrong. I love Horror, I am a complete gore hound. I number some of the eighties splatter flicks amongst the greats of the film world. This however was not made in the eighties, if this film had come out in the early eighties the FX could be forgiven for looking so bad. It wasn't so it hasn't got that defence. The dialogue is terrible with so many bad lines I was wincing at the writing rather than squirming at torture. I don't like Hostel, never have, I thought it was over rated, over hyped and I felt nothing for the protagonists, however it shines as a beacon to greatness next to this garbage. The back of the cover for Live Feed promised a twist you would never see coming, I'm still waiting for the twist that was promised.
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Grindhouse (2007)
Pure Genius or is it?
5 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
After hearing everyone rave at how good Death Proof is and seeing a lot of good press imagine my surprise when I actually saw the film as part of the Grindhouse double bill. The trailers that are part of Grindhouse are fantastic, (I so need to see Nicolas Cage as Fu Manchu), In fact all of the trailers should be made into films as they look the bomb. Onto the main features. Planet Terror - Pure Genius, from the casting to the gore quota. Pure fun. This will no doubt be overshadowed by the fact Tarantino directed Death Proof and follows this gem of a film. This would be a shame as Robert Roderiguez should be heaped praise for this film. I love horror movies and few deliver thrills and spills like this one. Onto Death Proof - Hmmmmm, I will probably be going against everyone here but I was disappointed by this film. It started great, set up beautiful. It slows in the middle, a little too much for my taste, and towards the end I was actually shouting for Stuntman Mike rather than his victims. I thought the end a bit lame and to be honest really wanted it to end a lot differently. All in all, the film is a belter. Go and see it.
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