3 Reviews
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SHORT but SWEET and really SCARY !!!!
15 September 2023
This short film from the mind of Otto Baxter (the first by a person with Downs Syndrome)was excellent, set in Victorian Britain in a Gothic Style it gives other Gothic Horrors a good run for their money. A story of an unwanted child, and a evil man,Superbly played by the Brilliant Paul Kaye,really scary role Hope he gets the credit he deserves he stole the show. Low Budget,High on shocks and gore. It is a brilliant attempt by Otto & his team to bring his dark story to life, there a jumps,blood, shocks,screams, all the stuff a good BRIT horror movie should have. The message was understood. GREAT.
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A First and A First in So Many aspects
15 September 2023
I might be slightly bias in my rating as I have a daughter who has Downs Syndrome That said Otto's idea are brilliantly brought to screen by Pete&Bruce The story is a mash up of Otto's life as an adopted unwanted baby&the many horror films he has obviously watched&studied. Its short,scary,& will stand the test of time as a Gothic horror,Reminds me of so many movies in the gothic era. Its not about Downs Syndrome. Its a story of cruelty, evil, strength,courage, friendship and its funny too. A brilliant effort if you can watch the documentary coming out on SKY soon it puts everything into context.
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Under the Dome (2013–2015)
Under the Done,RENAME Under the dustbin lid
27 July 2015
I can't take it anymore,before the residents of Chester's Mill are released by the invisible force field that you can swim under....I need to be released from this utter hogwash of a show.Little did I know that as well as keeping the Scooby Doo mystery machine sleuths captives for TWO YES TWO SEASONS, it has created a bigger crime in keeping us locked up too....the promise that the 'falling stars' the madness that is the Eff ed up Junior, as well as those flipping butterflies...why butterflies for Gods sake. Suddenly after much sleuthing,and escape, and a plot with more twists than a curly surly...as Clark Gable so rightly say, with regards as to who lives who dies,who escapes,who walks around a tunnel all day 'I don't give a dam' I just want it to end NOW....ONLY.....BIG JIMS FA IAL EXPRESSIONS JEEP ME Going ,as well as the thought that some government might just nuke the dome....there's no way they're gonna starve is there as the never run out of food, mind you they don't drink,wash, get sick, electricity....channel 5 end it ...end it end it.......they even escaped at one point...and WENT BACK...as did us suckers....as did The Simpsons when they escaped their dome, but that was bearable .
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